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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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"Heh.  Well, I just got contacted by the Veil not too long ago with a little...Loose end.  Y'see, we've been hitting Grineer and Corpus warzones alike for resources, money, and heads.  We've been running them on an 'agent by agent' basis, and I'm due to receive my mark soon.  Feel up for a little anarchy?"

"Hell yeah.  What's the job?"

Edited by Yzjdriel
forgot to quote, my bad
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1 minute ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Hell yeah.  What's the job?"

"We go in, we kill everything that isn't a Tenno, we get as much as we can carry, we get the hell out.  Loud as it gets, but the pay's damn good if you can take the heat."

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2 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Loud, you say?"  Alex laughed and smacked a fist into her palm.  "This Banshee is SO ready."

"Very loud."  -Rhys chuckles-  "But yeah, if you're feeling up for a smash, kill, and grab, by my guest, Alex!"

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"Well, if you think she'll help, but...Hrm.  Mirage is usually the type I'd see in skirmishes or as a shock troop of sorts.  ...If I may inquire, what're you getting at here?"  -Rhys seems genuinely curious, the Lex Prime reappearing on his hip-

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YES!  "Then it'll be a real party!"  Alex smirked, waiting for it to dawn on him.  "We'll have a Banshee and a Mirage.  We'll have the music, the disco, and the death!"  She laughed outright, bordering on maniacally.  Whether the manic nature of her laughter was intentional was something that even she wasn't sure about.

Edited by Yzjdriel
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-Whatever Alex's intent was, Rhys either is too drunk to get it or just watches as it soars over his head.-  "Sound, lights, special effects...All we'd need is a cameraman and we'd have ourselves a war propaganda film ready to go.  Regardless, I haven't quite gotten the location just yet.  Gimme a few, and I ought to receive info."  -He smirks under the helmet, then chuckles, somewhat sinister-  "Ohhhh, this is gonna be FUN."

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5 hours ago, Megportal said:

Well, it is not easy to find people like reading nowadays, especially in a bar. Personally, I like fantasy, adventure and classics, most of time still classics. To be honest, I like the combination of Nyx with books. It makes me feel like they're meant to be together. (What a charming girl, Nekros thinks. “Besides, she likes to play pinball, really an unique Nyx”. He had a few titters)

The Nyx blushed slightly. 

"It's just that I grew up reading a lot... They were basically my best friends. I personally enjoy horror the most. Anything that gives me a thrill works for me. To be honest, I never thought a Nekros would be much of a reader. The stereotype is mostly just murder and necromancy. It's nice to see a change."

The Nyx heard a small sound from her watch, causing her to pull up a menu. 

 "Oh! My delivery's arrived. That's good. Anyway, do you do much other than reading?"

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3 hours ago, DaMadReaper said:

The Nyx blushed slightly. 

"It's just that I grew up reading a lot... They were basically my best friends. I personally enjoy horror the most. Anything that gives me a thrill works for me. To be honest, I never thought a Nekros would be much of a reader. The stereotype is mostly just murder and necromancy. It's nice to see a change."

The Nyx heard a small sound from her watch, causing her to pull up a menu. 

 "Oh! My delivery's arrived. That's good. Anyway, do you do much other than reading?"

Well, after my 3rd kindle dies out I gave up on those e-book thing. Thus, I haven't read for a while. For now I'm just doing my daily missions. Combating with the Sentients is a must thing to do every day, for the sake of Vengeful Revenant. Since Baro Ki'Teer haven't brought us Crimson Dervish, and I don't have such luck on transmuting them, it gives me the motivation and thrill to do so. Overall, this is what this Nekros does daily, being as a boring Teeno and trying to find something meaningful in his life. Wish I am not too much of a dull Tenno to you. Are you trying to rush to somewhere else? I would totally understand that, you'll just have to tell me please. Yet if you are still staying, I would like to ask what you want to order from the menu. It would be my pleasure to treat this meal (Nekros gave her a smile).

Edited by Megportal
confused the words...
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On 25.04.2016 at 5:10 PM, Yzjdriel said:



After finishing his "coaching" speech, Cef's order arrived. He took a sip and then another one. While tasting the wine, he seemingly forgot about the fact he wasn't alone sitting at the table. After a few moments of beverage degustation, he refocused on his date, however, the Valkyr just sat there silently, perhaps deeply in thoughts. One, two, three minutes passed, but there was no response from her. Cef grew curious of was it something that he did wrong (and so managed to embarrass her), or was she experiencing an apoplexy attack... Breath ratio within a norm, pupils are not expanded, the skin tone is healthy, free of any haematomas and other interior bleeding signs... "Are you alright?" he asked, but there was no answer to his inquiry. He took a look around, noticing that there was nothing eery or strange happening within the hall; then he looked at himself, noticing that there was nothing strange about him either (at least from his point of view). His confidence began to flush down with each second his date remained tranquil and unresponsive. Within less than a minute, he came to a conclusion that she's politely hinting him to f##k off in a very delicate, almost naturally subtle way. "Um... Good luck with whatever decision you may carry out. Take care out there" he said quietly before starting off with a half-empty glass of wine and his head hung down. He stopped near the bar counter, drank the remaining contents of his glass via single gulp, and left the empty container on the counter. Not feeling very sprightly and confident, he slowly paced to one the soft couches that were situated not far from the bar desk, in one of the room corners. He sat down and sighed a bit hopelessly, "Good move there, Don Juan," he mocked himself and decided to bury in spacenet browsing, emailing, and music listening. For some strange reason (not really), he found Mozart's "Lacrimosa" very fitting his mood at the moment: so splendidly piteous and mercilessly miserable. 

Edited by Teloch
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On 4/26/2016 at 5:00 AM, IllumiMahdi said:

She blushed, "People have been spreading rumours, mainly the females... They've said bad things about me, and slowly my already low reputation worsened." She looked down, almost tearing up. "Even... even my parents believe the rumours..."

((Just so you don't forget, I replied ))

On 4/26/2016 at 6:48 AM, Denny2669 said:

"Rumors can be a pain in the @$$, I have to agree, but what's to fear if they have no proof? Just prove them wrong, or break their teeth. Trust me, being the son of the greatest corpus scientist isn't exactly fun, when you're standing in the shadow of your siblings, rumors flow like daily credits. My dad thinks I'm a failure, but does that make be sad? Nah, just prove em wrong, or forget about them... or break their teeth" the osprey arrived with the drinks.


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On 4/26/2016 at 0:48 PM, Denny2669 said:

"Rumors can be a pain in the @$$, I have to agree, but what's to fear if they have no proof? Just prove them wrong, or break their teeth. Trust me, being the son of the greatest corpus scientist isn't exactly fun, when you're standing in the shadow of your siblings, rumors flow like daily credits. My dad thinks I'm a failure, but does that make be sad? Nah, just prove em wrong, or forget about them... or break their teeth" the osprey arrived with the drinks.

"It's hard to brush off..." she says, grabbing her tea.

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1 minute ago, IllumiMahdi said:

She blushes slightly, sipping her tea once again. She looks up at him. "What are you... doing?"

The Corpus removes hi helmet, revealing a pretty young face with the usual corpus tatoos and a short, slick hair cut. His silver eyes looking at her, then at his glass. He put the helmet on the table and took a sip "I don't usualy take this thing off, feels like second skin to me. But it would be impolite to hide my face, wouldn't it?"

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3 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

He took a sip from his martiny, almost sinchronized with her. He though of something to say "So, um, nice place, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's lovely here. All of the interesting discussions, doesn't it make this place lively?" she smiles.

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1 minute ago, IllumiMahdi said:

"Yes, it's lovely here. All of the interesting discussions, doesn't it make this place lively?" she smiles.

"Exactly, it's not like those bussiness centers where Corpus just yammer on about proffit... this place really is lovely. Just like you" he smiled.

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