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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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On 28.07.2016 at 8:03 PM, Denny2669 said:

His answer didn't seem to surprise Melody, but she seemed glad to hear it. But a light and quickly supressed blush appeared when he asked his question. She shuffled a bit in her position on the couch, legs not crossed anymore and hands resting on her tummy.

"I usualy like to sing about things that have a deeper meaning, something the listener would have to wrap his mind around, and when he realizes it, it'll be like experiencing the song for the first time again. Although what I usualy end up singing are song of old, of which the authors are long forgotten. Most of them are written in different languages, and some even lack properly undestandable words. But in the end, my theme of choice would mostly depend on the everall mood of the audience or my own."

She knew his question had most likely something to do with the audition of the new stage, so she carefully paid attention if his gaze ever pointed at the lonely microphone standing in the middle of it. But it was her turn to ask now, better do so before he asks for a performance "Would you care to tell me about your friends? Your agreements and disagreements, and such."


"Someone is being slightly dodgy, eh? Well, that's not a crime and I'm not a prosecutor" He commented her answer.

"Friends? Well, that's a bit complicated topic. You see, I'm one of those people who are not that good at understanding how others perceive them, so my social sphere is composed of numerous acquaintances and a handful of those whom I consider nearly as a family. You've seen them here this evening: a jolly, pinball-punching Oberon and a Saryn with a bit aggressive attitude. We met during the old war; served in the same platoon. The times were rough, and we all sticked together, realizing that there will be no one to cover or to help us except ourselves. When we started to wake up, these two were nearby for some reason, while the other members of our group were missing. Even in this circumstances, we continue to hold up to what remained from our platoon. By now, we act almost like a single entity, perfectly aware of each other's downsides, thoughts, methods of tasks solving, traits and else. Ceforus is a thoughtful lad. He keeps an eye on our condition, always tries to be as assistive as he can, defuses complicated situations, lifts morale when needed. Although, he's a bit too soft. He is one of those who take everything closely to their heart, and so often suffer from this realm's cruelty. Seonah can look like an alpha-femme or a she-wolf, but she's damnably resourceful and - if someone manages to gains her trust - loyal. She's a walking dynamo of energy, and her pep-talk (and sometimes punches) would set to motion even the most downed and passive slob. Being a strong person has its own downsides, though, and her demeanor makes it difficult to make new friends.  Also, she can be a bit too proud or even arrogant from time to time, but in general she's a fair person. And as for me... I guess you should ask others about that, or trust your own impression"

"Perhaps it is not such a good question for a date, but I really must know how combative you are. In particular, I'm curious about how often do you stick to the "canonical" image of a tenno as a warrior, or otherwise - how much civil you are trying to be"

Edited by Teloch
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17 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

Once the fight was finally done and Angst was victorious, Luv switched channels back to the Lunaro tournament. The conclusion of that fight actually made her feel bad, Angst was mostly right... and now she's feeling sorry for an Acolyte, yep, she's going crazy. Good thing she recorded it, and already uploaded it to spacenet. She's gonna get so many views...
When the two fighters appeared at the bar again, she turned on her stool to face the Valkyr "Hey there, awesome duel, you completely wrecked him!" she sighed "And... sorry, for... y'know... hunting your kind for loot..."


While the hostess diverted her attention the less regaled Rhino snatched her half-empty cup with popcorn and started to swallow the remnants of the corn. 

"Oi lass, if this is the sort of a boozer you told me earlier, it seems to be low on mots... You know what I'm blathering about, right?" He said to Luv

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On 8/1/2016 at 2:08 PM, Denny2669 said:

Once the fight was finally done and Angst was victorious, Luv switched channels back to the Lunaro tournament. The conclusion of that fight actually made her feel bad, Angst was mostly right... and now she's feeling sorry for an Acolyte, yep, she's going crazy. Good thing she recorded it, and already uploaded it to spacenet. She's gonna get so many views...
When the two fighters appeared at the bar again, she turned on her stool to face the Valkyr "Hey there, awesome duel, you completely wrecked him!" she sighed "And... sorry, for... y'know... hunting your kind for loot..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Angst sneers at Luv. But then she flips around to Rhys.

On 8/1/2016 at 1:45 PM, Sintag said:

-Rhys nods.- "Sure sure, why not." -He does set it up, though.  Vauban, Prisma Gorgon, Lex Prime, and a Ceramic Dagger.- "There.  Spectre ought to send me any data it can steal."

"But the existence of this man's good looks is good enough of an apology." She throws a metal ball out the door and a copy of her fully armored self appears outside, before walking away. 

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37 minutes ago, jjpdn said:

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Angst sneers at Luv. But then she flips around to Rhys.

"But the existence of this man's good looks is good enough of an apology." She throws a metal ball out the door and a copy of her fully armored self appears outside, before walking away. 

-Rhys blushes.- "I-well all right."

-The left arm generates another grenade, this one loaded with Specter data.  Rhys lobs it at the entrance, wherein a clone lands in.  A set of parameters are programmed in, and before ten seconds have passed, it's long gone, doing parkour at such a high speed most Lokis would flinch, directly to the Liset.-


"And there we have it." -He turns back to Angst.- "So, eating the eye candy, are we?"

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((Y'know what? Zog it. I haven't RPed since the setup died, I have characters that could do with some interaction that isn't within my own head and a list of humorous scenarios.
*casually drips in via tear in reality* Let's do this. LEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY! JENNNKIIIINS!))

"This is an utterly abysmal idea."
"Oh come on, bro, It can't be all bad!"
"So sayeth ye who lives off this sheisse."

Two Tenno walked in, with body language betraying the complete polarization of their attitude towards the situation. A slack-shouldered grey/black/white Ash...Prime? shuffled in grumbling behind a Zephyr in bright red, orange and white livery and a Cizero helmet, standing tall and theoretically beaming with a radiance that could cause Vay Hek to throw the Lotus at her instead*.

"Lyse, I don't even have compatable hardware. I'm a freaking cybernetic organism! I have no need for these feeble emotions you call 'love!'"
"Then explain why you keep beating up everyone who I try to bring home?"
"Familial bonds and romantic interest are two entirely different concepts and you know it!"
The Zephyr rolled her eyes. "Just humour me, will you? I don't want you to be forever known as 'Umbra, Edgelord of the Edgepocalypse!"
Umbra huffed. "Well some of us like having negative misconceptions based around us. Because, I don't know, THEY HELP WITH THE JOB! I am LITERALLY a DESIGNATED! ASSASSIN! Being an Edgy McEgderson and stabbing people in the back is kinda in the job description!"
Lysandra stopped and faced her brother. Umbra could feel the smarmy smirk hiding behind that...actually, it wasn't that thin, but it was still a helmet. "Geisha's. They didn't dress like edgelords, and a fair few ninja disguised themselves as geisha. 'Edgelord' isn't in the job description. 'Blending in with the environment' is a job requirement. Don't try to pull your stubborn little child impression on me. It wasn't charming when you actually WERE a child, and it certainly isn't now. Now, go sit in a booth and mingle with the singles."
A holographic glare appeared in front of the Ash's visor. "I hate you. So much." Umbra scanned the room for an area that was populated, but only just enough so he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Deciding that the couch was acceptable, seeing how two people were already using it and seemed to be having a conversation, he teleported over silently. Meanwhile, Lysandra decided the bar was acceptable and hailed over the barkeep.
"Yo! Barkeep! Hit me up with a shot of the strongest swill you have!"


*Which for several reasons would be a bad idea for everyone involved
**And just for the utter hell of it, I am going to pull a Pratchett every now and then and add footnotes to my posts. Because in all honesty, the little tidbits of information he included were often just as funny as the entire book they occupied.

Edited by Ghost333
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Hades looked up. He had fallen asleep earlier and wasn't exactly sure why he was still here. He noticed the newcomers and smiled at first. The Zephyr seemed like a girl he wouldn't instantly be terrified of. then he noticed the Ash. He wasn't too keen of that, as could be noted by his rapid attempt at leaving. Said attempt failed as he was whacked back inside by someone wielding a Fragor Prime, however, so he just sat back down as far away from the Ash as possible and sulked.

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On Tuesday, August 02, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Teloch said:

"Perhaps it is not such a good question for a date, but I really must know how combative you are. In particular, I'm curious about how often do you stick to the "canonical" image of a tenno as a warrior, or otherwise - how much civil you are trying to be"

"There's no denying a Tennos nature. We have our abilities for the sole purpose of battle, we just happen to find other uses for them from time to time. I am a warrior, all Tenno are, but at heart I do prefer calm and safety than a dangerous battlefield. I prefer the company of allies on missions, and mostly accept only assingments that require my attention. If there is an excavation for artifacts of old, I have no problem holding the line. As for the way I engage danger, I flank around and keep my distance, undetected if possible. I like to make sure not a single gunshot is heard" 

"I hope that answer is to your liking, others often wish I'd take a more active role in this war than trying to reclaim what was already lost, but if I won't, who will? But enough about me, I like getting to know you better Teloch." she smiled at him, crossing her legs again. She was about to talk when the Ash near them (Umbra) screamed in anger, interrupting her train of thought ((The post from Ghost below this one)).

On Wednesday, August 03, 2016 at 8:46 AM, Ghost333 said:

"Yo! Barkeep! Hit me up with a shot of the strongest swill you have!"

((Oh my gosh, you joined? Awesome! I can already tell how great (and ridiculous) this is about to get :D. By the way, you can control the waiter Ospreys, and they can bring you whatever drink you can imagine, and they have strong stuff.))


Edited by Denny2669
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8 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

((Oh my gosh, you joined? Awesome! I can already tell how great (and ridiculous) this is about to get :D. By the way, you can control the waiter Ospreys, and they can bring you whatever drink you can imagine, and they have strong stuff.))

((Firstly: NYEH HEH HEH HEH! Jesus christ dude, pressure already?))
((Secondly: You evil bastard. How DARE you give me access to the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster!))

One of the Ospreys glided over to Lysandra, taking her off guard slightly. She was more used to MOA bartenders.
"How's it goin, fam?" She said with a smile. "Hit me up with the strongest thing you have."
The Osprey beeped an affirmative and flew around the bar, picking up several different bottles, some of which had skulls and one of them had a radioactivity warning label on it. It poured careful measures of each drink into a cocktail shaker before adding a slice of lemon to the mix, causing the stainless steel canister to start glowing dimly. At the same time, Lysandra began wondering if asking a robot for the 'strongest thing you have' was the smartest idea.
After about a minute of mixing (and a small explosion blasting the cocktail shaker cap across the bar and hitting Umbra in the head with enough force to knock him over), the Osprey poured the drink into a dainty martini glass and added three of those little umbrellas and another slice of lemon and slid it down to Lysandra.
"Erm...what is in this thing?" She asked nervously as the drink itself radiated an aura of malice. The osprey beeped enigmatically and flew off, no doubt to serve another patron. "Well...here's to nothing." The Zephyr removed her helmet* and took a tentative sip of the drink.
What followed next was the feeling of being punched in the gut, face, arms, legs and twice in the groin** in addition to an immediate sensation of impending doom. On the plus side, the auditory hallucinations were playing death metal, so that was nice. But she could do without the feeling of the floor trying to eat her, thank you very much and good day sir.

Umbra righted himself up and looked around the bar. "OKAY! WHOSE THE WISE-GUY WITH THE GOD DAMN SPUD GUN!?" He shouted, nursing the slowly-healing dent in his face. 

*For the sake of saving space, the depiction of Lysandra's face shall be described here: She has tanned skin, a vicious car going down her left cheek, dull green eyes and black hair that ends at her shoulder.
**Which, considering Lysandra's *ahem* anatomy, is twice as worse.

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7 minutes ago, Ghost333 said:

((Firstly: NYEH HEH HEH HEH! Jesus christ dude, pressure already?))
((Secondly: You evil bastard. How DARE you give me access to the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster!))

One of the Ospreys glided over to Lysandra, taking her off guard slightly. She was more used to MOA bartenders.
"How's it goin, fam?" She said with a smile. "Hit me up with the strongest thing you have."
The Osprey beeped an affirmative and flew around the bar, picking up several different bottles, some of which had skulls and one of them had a radioactivity warning label on it. It poured careful measures of each drink into a cocktail shaker before adding a slice of lemon to the mix, causing the stainless steel canister to start glowing dimly. At the same time, Lysandra began wondering if asking a robot for the 'strongest thing you have' was the smartest idea.
After about a minute of mixing (and a small explosion blasting the cocktail shaker cap across the bar and hitting Umbra in the head with enough force to knock him over), the Osprey poured the drink into a dainty martini glass and added three of those little umbrellas and another slice of lemon and slid it down to Lysandra.
"Erm...what is in this thing?" She asked nervously as the drink itself radiated an aura of malice. The osprey beeped enigmatically and flew off, no doubt to serve another patron. "Well...here's to nothing." The Zephyr removed her helmet* and took a tentative sip of the drink.
What followed next was the feeling of being punched in the gut, face, arms, legs and twice in the groin** in addition to an immediate sensation of impending doom. On the plus side, the auditory hallucinations were playing death metal, so that was nice. But she could do without the feeling of the floor trying to eat her, thank you very much and good day sir.

Umbra righted himself up and looked around the bar. "OKAY! WHOSE THE WISE-GUY WITH THE GOD DAMN SPUD GUN!?" He shouted, nursing the slowly-healing dent in his face. 

*For the sake of saving space, the depiction of Lysandra's face shall be described here: She has tanned skin, a vicious car going down her left cheek, dull green eyes and black hair that ends at her shoulder.
**Which, considering Lysandra's *ahem* anatomy, is twice as worse.

Upon noticing the... Strange... Cocktail and the pissed-off Ash, Hades decided that his only course of action was to use a strange combination of sprinting, Bullet Jumping and Slash Dash to GTFO. Whatever it was that he actually used to try and escape, it didn't work. Instead, he got Fragor Prime'd into the nearest wall inside the actual bar, where he stayed in a state somewhere between KO and an instinctive urge to get his cowardly behind as many solar systems away as possible.

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On Tuesday, August 02, 2016 at 3:37 PM, Teloch said:

While the hostess diverted her attention the less regaled Rhino snatched her half-empty cup with popcorn and started to swallow the remnants of the corn. 

"Oi lass, if this is the sort of a boozer you told me earlier, it seems to be low on mots... You know what I'm blathering about, right?" He said to Luv

The hostess didn't mind him snatching the popcorn, the tension was over anyway.
"Yeah, yeah exactly! Yeah... um, no actually, I have no idea what you mean..."

((Finished the previous post.))

11 hours ago, Ghost333 said:

((Firstly: NYEH HEH HEH HEH! Jesus christ dude, pressure already?))
((Secondly: You evil bastard. How DARE you give me access to the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster!))
 "Well...here's to nothing." The Zephyr removed her helmet* and took a tentative sip of the drink.
What followed next was the feeling of being punched in the gut, face, arms, legs and twice in the groin** in addition to an immediate sensation of impending doom. On the plus side, the auditory hallucinations were playing death metal, so that was nice. But she could do without the feeling of the floor trying to eat her, thank you very much and good day sir.

*For the sake of saving space, the depiction of Lysandra's face shall be described here: She has tanned skin, a vicious car going down her left cheek, dull green eyes and black hair that ends at her shoulder.
**Which, considering Lysandra's *ahem* anatomy, is twice as worse.

Luv caught sight of the Zephyr, noticing the glowing drink as she rolled her eyes. She sighed "That's the third time this month already... Hey, you alright there?"
She ingored the screaming man, but if she didn't, she'd most like recognize him as the one who caused the incident...

11 hours ago, KuraioNokami said:

Upon noticing the... Strange... Cocktail and the pissed-off Ash, Hades decided that his only course of action was to use a strange combination of sprinting, Bullet Jumping and Slash Dash to GTFO. Whatever it was that he actually used to try and escape, it didn't work. Instead, he got Fragor Prime'd into the nearest wall inside the actual bar, where he stayed in a state somewhere between KO and an instinctive urge to get his cowardly behind as many solar systems away as possible.

((Could you explain this? I have a hard time understanding and imagining what you just posted... and remember, the Ospreys are keeping a close eye on any sign of violence inside the bar.))

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1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

The hostess didn't mind him snatching the popcorn, the tension was over anyway.
"Yeah, yeah exactly! Yeah... um, no actually, I have no idea what you mean..."

((Finished the previous post.))

Luv caught sight of the Zephyr, noticing the glowing drink as she rolled her eyes. She sighed "That's the third time this month already... Hey, you alright there?"
She ingored the screaming man, but if she didn't, she'd most like recognize him as the one who caused the incident...

((Could you explain this? I have a hard time understanding and imagining what you just posted... and remember, the Ospreys are keeping a close eye on any sign of violence inside the bar.))

((He used every option possible to run away, only to get whacked back inside by a guy with a Fragor Prime who is outside the bar. he's now barely concious and whatever conciousness he has left is panicking.))

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11 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

((He used every option possible to run away, only to get whacked back inside by a guy with a Fragor Prime who is outside the bar. he's now barely concious and whatever conciousness he has left is panicking.))

((Well, since that guy is outside the bar, the Ospreys can't stop him... GG))

A waiter Osprey approached the confused Excalibur, splashing some cold water at his face to get him back to his senses. The hostess, as usual, didn't notice what happened to him.

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Just now, Denny2669 said:

((Well, since that guy is outside the bar, the Ospreys can't stop him... GG))

A waiter Osprey approached the confused Excalibur, splashing some cold water at his face to get him back to his senses. The hostess, as usual, didn't notice what happened to him.

((He's only there to whack my OC's back in if I feel I'm being too hasty.))

Hades jumped and looked at the Osprey. "Thanks, buddy. could I get a glass of even colder water?"

The osprey brought over said glass.

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On 03.08.2016 at 8:15 PM, Denny2669 said:

she smiled at him, crossing her legs again. She was about to talk when the Ash near them (Umbra) screamed in anger, interrupting her train of thought ((The post from Ghost below this one)).


Teloch could (temporarily) tolerate annoying elements, but irritating his current date was way too outrageous to ignore. After asking for Melodie's pardon, he leaned over the side of the couch he was sitting on to face the noisy b@stard.

"Hey there, pal," he spoke in forcedly polite manner, obviously trying to restrain the aggression, "I'll give you a free heads-up: you are in the dating bar right now. You know - the sort of places where people enjoy in a casual atmosphere something that you would probably never see: the opposite gender representatives company. And unless you want to end up being trampled by all the patrons you are disturbing right now and get your b@lls twisted off by the hostess, you will go there and solve your own sodding problems like a man you should've become by now. And do it quietly"

After saying that, he turned back to his date.

"Asholes..." he paused and shook his head. "If you want to get to know me better, then fire your questions away. I have a stash of answers crying to be put out"

3 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

The hostess didn't mind him snatching the popcorn, the tension was over anyway.
"Yeah, yeah exactly! Yeah... um, no actually, I have no idea what you mean..."



"Women, galls, birds, chicks, girls, sunshines, bloody daisies" He exclaimed, providing the translation to that weird "mot" word. "Just like this one daring birdy" he pointed at the Zephyr who was arguably conscious but obviously convulsing periodically at the bar table. "Now look here, missy, this may prove useful when you'll have to deal with drunkards" he addressed Luv while groping for Lysandra's lymph nodes below and behind her jowl. She would probably feel uncomfortable now if only she was absolutely sober. He continued to tickle the nodes, extinguishing her alcoholic haze with a help of her own neural cells. "You should at least have a snack when drinking nuclear fuel," he spoke to her when she began to show signs of consciousness, 

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1 minute ago, KuraioNokami said:

Harmony giggled. "You're scared of Sentients? Really?"

Aurum stammered "I mean how could someone not, look at those things I keep ripping and cutting pieces off and they just put them back on, I have dumped more ammunition into them than the Corpus could afford, and yet they just keep bloody coming, those things are terrible."

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2 minutes ago, AurumandArgentum said:

Aurum stammered "I mean how could someone not, look at those things I keep ripping and cutting pieces off and they just put them back on, I have dumped more ammunition into them than the Corpus could afford, and yet they just keep bloody coming, those things are terrible."

Harmony giggled. "Cute. They're easy to deal with, you know. But you don't know how, and that's cute."

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((Roll for perception! It's an 18!))
Umbra scanned the room, looking for anyone even remotely guilty. He didn't see anyone out of place, but he did find the projectile on the floor not to far from him. A Martini shaker lid. He raised a metaphorical* eyebrow and turned his attention to the bar. He noticed a martini shaker missing a lid, a glowing cocktail with no less than three umbrellas and a slice of lemon (and even from this distance his Geiger counter was registering danger) and his sister lying on the ground looking like she was either hit by a truck made out of multiple sacks of bricks or having a bad acid trip.
"God damnit, Lyse." He sighed, returning to his seat. He should help, but he knew his sister was tough enough to survive the infamous Cloning Vat Cure Cocktail**. If anything, she'd probably start hitting on the Excalibur who had been sent flying in through the door.


Groggily, Lysandra stood up and sat back down, somehow near the tables. How she got there from the bar, she wasn't sure, but she certainly wasn't going to complain about being further from that cocktail...whatever it was.
As her vision corrected itself, she noticed an Excalibur sitting across from her. Oh wellshe thought to herself, it is speed dating after all
"Heya there hot stuff! Come here often?" Brilliant, Lyse, can't even start off with a proper pickup line.

*Due to circumstances beyond his control, Umbra is 100% inorganic compounds. He literally doesn't have a face anymore. Just an upper helmet and mandibles that hide really sharp needles
**So named for its ability to remove at the very least some of the impurities that a freshly grown Grineer can get from the vats. Not 100% effective, and 98% anecdotal, but in most cases 100% guaranteed to knock anyone who isn't a cybernetic war machine on their arse and into Wednesday next year

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