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Missing Resorces


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I built a SINGLE Trinity prime helmet yesterday, but it glitched and wouldn't build right away, at the time I had 3,218 oxium. Now the problem is my foundry says I built over a dosen of them, I can only collect one, and a sizable chunk of my resources are gone. I now have 412 oxium....

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Just came here to report the same thing, along with a few similar issues which might be related to the problem.

I'm playing on PS4, and I've been alot of connection issues lately, especially immediately after logging in... I have to click ten times to reacquire my extractors and redeploy them on a planet, for example, as the game doesn't seem to register that I'm trying to interact with them. I also often get booted back to title screen, and overall operations seems very slugging, with connection issues and long delays to creating and deleting sessions when I go to navigation, for example. When I opened my enemy codex recently, it was totally emtpy. Thankfully, I went to check on my profile to ensure my scan numbers were still recorded in my account and when I came back to my codex, my scans were restored somehow, but it seems the game has real trouble syncing with your servers or something, creating unresponsive delays in numerous situations.

But alas, the real kicker is the foundry problem. I tried cooking a few things to today (Dual Toxocyst, Staticor and a Forma) and each time I clicked, nothing would happen... Then I backed off the foundry and when I got back , I noticed the building had started... But then I realized that the game had charged me the ressources numerous times for a single item... For example, I had 20 Fieldrons before starting construction on my Staticor, and now I have zero, even though Staticor only costs 10 Fieldron, and I consumed at least two formas on said Staticor too... Likewise, I had about 1 Million credits, only to drop down to 600K after building three items only... Probably because I clicked at least 4 times before my forma started to build...

So, if you could please hotfix this issue and ideally, refund me the missing ressource and credits,  it would be greatly appreciated. I dunno if you need a support ticket request for a ressource refund, but I wanted to let you know about the issue ASAP, before more people fall victim to this bug.

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