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Guides of the Lotus?


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After months I´ve been wondering where this Guides are hiding?

It can go weeks before you encounter one in Europe Region. As player who logs on from 1400 to 2100 CET and almost entirely weekends and spend a lot of time on Region chat in between missions. I´ve yet to see any Guide around. Eventually one pops up.

I´ve few times switched to NAE region and you have some helpful and some with true extensive knowledge to the game. I switch back and ask myself? Why do I keep answering (with some other too) the wast amount of questions made by other players I guess they´re new. But for how long time can I keep answering questions? I know they´re players like myself. No. I haven´t Applied for Guide as I don´t consider myself Lotus worthy. But I can´t seem to let questions unanswered.

But can NeXT time DE start a recruitment of Guides at least do a follow up of those allready in game.

Short said. I don´t consider the Guides on Region Europe to be worthy the title given right now. Sorry to sound harse and grumpy. We need newer ones and ppl dedicated to the game and willing to help.

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I guess, there just not too many around. The idea is, I believe, not that the guides are the only ones to answer questions. For many, the forum just does fine. The idea is to have a reliable source of information in-game. In the forum, if you wait a bit, someone will comment on a post, that's just wrong and you'll usually have more than one answer for each question, making it easy to spot the correct one. In-game, you can be lucky if anyone answers at all. And then you have to hope, that the answer is accurate.

If you encounter a guide, you should be relatively sure, that someone will answer you AND that the answer most likely will be correct. Of course, as you pointed out, that only works, if there's actually someone around. According to wiki, there are around 50 active guides for PC and even less for the consoles (distributed over all time zones!). Don't know, if DE is gonna increase their number significantly any time soon.

Bottom line, I don't think, that reflects bad on the title, as you mentioned, but more on the implementation / their total number. I don't think, the old ones need to be replaced or that they are not "dedicated" or "willing" enough. They are just too few.

But hey, it's still good to see players willing to help newcomers! Even without a fancy Lotus-badge ;)

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There are a little over thirty guides on PS4. 

Half of them are assigned to the North America/Canada/United Kingdom regions, with the remaining GotL assigned to other countries around the world. 

It's not uncommon to see zero GotL online at times. 






Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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Well, if we're honest about this, both of us can say that Europe Region is dead. For this reason you see me mostly switching to Europe only when things tend to get out of hand. Also, when guiding I tend to answer to pm and not throw it in the chat. (Most guides use this method btw)

Also remember that the GoTL are volunteers and they guide when they can.

Rest assured that your help is very much appreciated, trust me. The same goes for one of the most active player on the Europe Region server; Fin... And all other guides out there! Sadly, not everyone can have the title GoTL, but everyone can help! 

Keep an eye out for when the next recruitment opens ;)

Edited by (PS4)AngelShur
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Id say Most new players have no idea what a gotl is.

90% of the time a guild member time is answering why, there writing is a different color.

Also most new players have no idea what they are. Its faster to just ask in region chat. Than to ask if a gotl is about. Or go relay hopping.

Unless you have a informed player, who know the names of the gotl. Then seeks them out.  I imagine there not in a great demand.

If your in Europe theres always one guy you can bet who will be there to help. If you've been in Europe region you probably know who it is.



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13 minutes ago, Kn0xxPT said:

I think the problem with the Guides is that Warframe gets too many changes in such a close timeline, that makes time consuming to update everything in 1 week or 2 week basis.


Do you mean in terms of keeping up with all the changes in warframe all the time?

Interestingly, most questions aren't about new stuff every week, it's recurring general questions, and when there are new changes, it's easy enough to say "I don't know yet" if someone legitimately doesn't know, or to find out pretty quick.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Avulsed76 said:


Just a thought, there might be Junior Guides lurking that you don't see. not all guides have special coloring on their names, and the senior guides are able to turn off their coloring. these are two possibilities as to why they might not be seen.

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