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Pvp Rebalancing Ideas


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So before I begin (to avoid nooby flaming), let me re-iterate that the DE has declared that the PVP and PVE use separate sandboxes, so changes to one will not affect changes to the other.  These are just my ideas for making things more fun and less one-sided.  Feel free to come up with your own.


The first thing that needs to get rebalanced is knockdown.  Right now it's knockdown and you're finished.  Banshee is very broken with Sonic Boom, I can keep someone knockdown locked indefinitely.  It's like having my own personal win button. Also Fragor is ridiculously hard to beat, especially if you're facing a Frost in his bubble.  My ideas for rebalancing knockdown are:

1.  To make warframes more resilient, in that the fragor doesn't flat out knock you down unless it's a direct impact from the jump attack, perhaps staggering you instead.  

2.  Alternatively, you could make it so that if the fragor knockdown misses, the player using it has to recover more slowly, forcing him to either make sure he hits or face a powerful counterattack for failure.  (There would be a risk/reward type of mechanic)

3.  An alternative would be to buff the drop rate for Handspring, perhaps making it a reward from defense missions. 


Banshee needs some additional fixing.  

1.  Silence doesn't really do anything, an alternative ability would be much appreciated.  

2.  Her ultimate has 0 effect whatsoever, needs to be fixed.


Now onto Frost, which I don't believe he should be nerfed.  Instead, the following could be implemented to even out matches.

1.  The frost resistance mod should have more effect, and allow us to enter snow globe with minimal slowdown.  

2.  Also the Fire Rate mods should work better inside of snowglobe, to counteract its effects.

3.  The Puncture mods should be able to shoot through the globe, right now they don't seem to have any effect.

4.  Could also make it so that globe shatters after so many hits, possibly causing ice shards to hit everyone inside, making matches more tactical.


Excalibur is one of my favorites, but some people really don't love it when I Slash Dash spam them.  The following adjustment could be made.

1.  If Slash Dash misses, he could be temporarily dazed or have to recover from it, creating a reward/risk mechanic that could give the opponent an opportunity to counter.


Invisibility abilities need to be adjusted.

1.  They should be completely invisible.

2.  They should not show up on minimap.

3.  Firing a weapon could either break the invisibility or make you slightly visible.


Additionally, not all of the Ultimates seem to be doing any damage, or very little.  Something needs to be done about this.


So far I'm liking the other mechanics of the PVP.  The weapons are farely well balanced, granted some can kill you rather quickly, but they have to hit you first, and I've found ways to move around really quickly.  What needs to come out next would be a larger combat area, with obstacles and ways to wall run and evade enemy blows.  It would also be cool to have team on team matches, where combination moves and teamwork would add a whole new dynamic to PVP.


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Yup, in FAQ : Is there PvP in Warframe? (When will there be PvP? Your game is dead without PvP! I have an idea for PvP mode!)
There is no PvP mode in Warframe yet. Face-palm? Sure, but when we started building this game a year ago, we saw plenty of PvP and less PvE. Right we want to focus and do one thing well: PvE. That said we are investing in better leaderboards, clans goals, and other more 'meta' forms of competition right now.


They won't balance anything around PVP. Duels are not even PVP (as in competitive players vs players fighting), it's just a way for friends in a clan to have some fun and competitiveness. The duel rules are handled by the clan, so do something like "cannot use melee weapon" or "no crowdcontrol abilities", etc. to make it fair. Devs in livestream said numerous times that they won't be balancing anything around dueling.

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Yup, in FAQ : Is there PvP in Warframe? (When will there be PvP? Your game is dead without PvP! I have an idea for PvP mode!)

There is no PvP mode in Warframe yet. Face-palm? Sure, but when we started building this game a year ago, we saw plenty of PvP and less PvE. Right we want to focus and do one thing well: PvE. That said we are investing in better leaderboards, clans goals, and other more 'meta' forms of competition right now.


They won't balance anything around PVP. Duels are not even PVP (as in competitive players vs players fighting), it's just a way for friends in a clan to have some fun and competitiveness. The duel rules are handled by the clan, so do something like "cannot use melee weapon" or "no crowdcontrol abilities", etc. to make it fair. Devs in livestream said numerous times that they won't be balancing anything around dueling.


This is why I put the disclaimer at the top.  They specifically stated during a livestream that they made PVP and PVE separate so that they can adjust the mechanics in one without changing the mechanics in the other.  There isn't a doubt in my mind that they will look at PVP some more. Right now their team size is still rather small, so the focus on polishing PVE is perfectly understandable.  They will be rebalancing PVP at some point in time, and I've created this thread for that reason, because they like to look at feedback from the players, and because their first iteration needs a little bit of polishing.

Edited by DAwGi
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Considering abilities like Link or Bastille are literally just instant win in PVP, I'm rather surprised at the skills you pointed out as an issue.


Also, they've still implied more or less this is bottom of the barrel for their priority right now, if they address it at all.

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This game doesn't have a pvp (you can barely call it that) that matters right now.  It's like if D3 balanced their game around duels.  There isn't a ranking or rating system so it doesnt matter.  Idk why people are acting like it does.

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Considering abilities like Link or Bastille are literally just instant win in PVP, I'm rather surprised at the skills you pointed out as an issue.


Also, they've still implied more or less this is bottom of the barrel for their priority right now, if they address it at all.


My clan mates haven't been using those abilities, so I haven't gotten to witness their affect, but I'll look into it.  I know that it is low priority, but that doesn't mean it can't be discussed.


This game doesn't have a pvp (you can barely call it that) that matters right now.  It's like if D3 balanced their game around duels.  There isn't a ranking or rating system so it doesnt matter.  Idk why people are acting like it does.


I don't understand all of this hate for PVP in this game.  PVP is a lot of fun.  It's not for everyone, and if you don't like it, then why post in this thread?  Just enjoy the PVE aspect of the game then and leave the PVP aspect for the people who enjoy the PVP aspect.  Also I must re-iterate the disclaimer (again) in that the DE has made it perfectly clear that balancing PVP will not affect the PVE.

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I don't understand all of this hate for PVP in this game.  PVP is a lot of fun.  It's not for everyone, and if you don't like it, then why post in this thread?  Just enjoy the PVE aspect of the game then and leave the PVP aspect for the people who enjoy the PVP aspect.  Also I must re-iterate the disclaimer (again) in that the DE has made it perfectly clear that balancing PVP will not affect the PVE.

The reason that people are complaining?

You take a lot of the team off of PVE to balance PVP/Develop PVP and then the PVE stuff isn't done quickly or as well because they have their resources elsewhere.

Most people would rather see them focus all resources on PVE and not think about PVP so that they can get a good/great PVE game instead of a game with crap PVP and crap PVE.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I don't understand all of this hate for PVP in this game.  PVP is a lot of fun.  It's not for everyone, and if you don't like it, then why post in this thread?  Just enjoy the PVE aspect of the game then and leave the PVP aspect for the people who enjoy the PVP aspect.  Also I must re-iterate the disclaimer (again) in that the DE has made it perfectly clear that balancing PVP will not affect the PVE.


It's not the "hate for PVP", it's the fact that this is a PVE game period and some of you are asking and asking and asking for PVP content or PVP balancing when it is (1) not even in the game (dueling is NOT PVP) and (2) the game is in beta and needs so much work already to polish it's content that you should not even thinkg about PVP content/balancing before months if not more than a year... Devs, never said they would balance PVP and PVE separately (if yes, then plz post the link to the exact time they are saying it), they only repeated that the game is ALL about PVE and dueling is just a way for players to be competitive between each other.

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It's not the "hate for PVP", it's the fact that this is a PVE game period and some of you are asking and asking and asking for PVP content or PVP balancing when it is (1) not even in the game (dueling is NOT PVP) and (2) the game is in beta and needs so much work already to polish it's content that you should not even thinkg about PVP content/balancing before months if not more than a year... Devs, never said they would balance PVP and PVE separately (if yes, then plz post the link to the exact time they are saying it), they only repeated that the game is ALL about PVE and dueling is just a way for players to be competitive between each other.

They talk about dueling at 12 minutes in.  They are actively talking about enhancing the Dueling.  The exact terms they used were "In a separate sandbox".  Now will this end the debate or are we going to continue to focus on it?
I also agree that they should focus on PVE in the short term.  That doesn't mean they won't add additional personnel, which they've already stated that they are doing.  I've given them a fair chunk of money for the PVE without any PVP expectations, but it would certainly keep me playing this game for much longer.
And it certainly doesn't mean that we can't talk about how it can be improved.  So would people please keep the hate in other threads and bring your ideas to the idea threads?
Edited by DAwGi
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