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How to run Draco




Yes yes, I know many of you may disagree with the existence of Ceres Draco or simply dislike it, but in my opinion it is still the easiest way to obtain Affinity. This post is a guide to show you how to run this mission most effectively.


Speaking of Affinity, let me first explain how it works:

The Obvious-

Affinity (more easily identified as EXP) is what you obtain by killing enemies, completing objectives, or hacking consoles etc. (It is used to increase the levels on your gear)

What you want to know-

Affinity is channeled into your gear in this format:

Warframe: 25% of Affinity gained

Primary: 25% of Affinity gained

Secondary: 25% of Affinity gained

Melee: 25% of Affinity gained

How to make the most of this-

Knowing that all Affinity is distributed equally throughout your gear, you can equip limited amounts of items to maximize it forspecific items:


Warframe: 25%

Primary: 75%

What I did above was simply taking out the secondary and melee and BAM, you instantly get more affinity for the primary weapon. (You can do this with secondary or melee as well.)

Important Note:

You may be hyped right now knowing that you can level up weapons much faster by only equipping one item, but wait, there's a catch. You can only gain affinity for your weapons (no, Saryn doesn't count as a weapon in this case) if you use either a Primary, Secondary, or Melee to get the kills. If you decide to bring a cc frame like ember and demolish everything with her 4, no affinity will be sent to your other weapons.

What do I do now?

The best way to counter this downside is to bring one weapon that can actually kill enemies and another weapon solely for leveling purposes. (Unequip your sentinel or kubrow as well) In the end, what your loadout might look like is this:

Warframe (preferably a tanky frame like Inaros or Rhino for survivability): 25% affinity

Primary (your killing machine): 37.5% Affinity

*Skips Secondary

Melee (the thing you need to level up): 37.5% Affinity

--> (If you stay within 50 meters of your allies, any affinity they get from kills will go to you as well.)


Taking it up a notch

All the information I posted above is for aggressively upgrading a specific weapon and also for when you run Ceres Draco with a random squad. If you want to take this to the next step, follow the information below~

MLG Team Draco

If you are running Draco with a squad of friends or people you know/you can talk to, consider doing the mission this way:

  • At the begining of each wave, capture 3-4 towers to get a boost. After you see your interception percentage higher than the enemies, ignore 2 out of the 4 towers so it takes longer to complete and more enemies can spawn. I prefer to sustain only tower D and C because they are more centralized and any enemies killed are almost guaranteed to be within 50 meters.
  • As soon as you exit the elevator, you should notice two black(ish) boxes immediately to your right. Those boxes are your camping spot as the waves progress.

RJ Excal- Your Radial Javelin is the group's primary damage dealer. After you help capture a point, rush back to the black boxes and spam 3.

Frost- Your sole purpose is to protect your team from damage. After you help capture a point, rush back to the black boxes and keep your snow globe up.

EV Trinity- Your purpose, well, is to EV. After you capture a point, head back to the black boxes you found to the right of the elevator, stand on them, and spam 2.


I hope this guide helped you maximize your Draco experience as well as explained some of the mechanics relating to affinity.

Have a nice day!





Edited by iCoupe
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1 minute ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

kinda sad that you didn't address what I said... just commented negatively, again, about how i play my game.

may i suggest that how i play my game is none of your business?

All you said was ( to be negative to OP who was trying to be helpful to other players) i don't think he was being helpful telling because to sit on a box and leech already enough of that in this game, the fact that draco is still even here is one thing why not bring Egate back and let every afk on that or viver same thing as draco just corpus the fact that all these people need to rush to rank 21 to act good or somthing and say i formed my tonkor 6times and is still bad just make's me laugh also all the heavy draco players forgot people can look at the profiles, i see it everyday when i need a extra person for trials like rank 21 few days game time and hardly 100k kills its actually funny how bad people are now a days on a PvE game.

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how to run draco:

 1: Go to a cancer treatment centre.
2: Get the horrible cancer that is 'Draco' removed from your body
3: Get DE to stop rewarding OP farms and start rewarding multiple-mission play instead
4: Go play with cool people on cool missions

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Just now, DeadlyPeanutt said:

the number of men throughout history who claim to have honor and skill and have been abysmally stupid would boggle your mind (well, perhaps not... your imagination seems rather limited)

My god, do you have to take things too serious? 

Just now, DeadlyPeanutt said:

may i suggest that if you don't want to draco, don't.  but respect other players enough not to be negative towards them about how they play their game.  how other players choose to spend their time in their game is none of your business. 

First of all, i'm dracoing myself. I'm not against it. I just don't let myself get carried by an RJ and EV.  And i honestly can't care less how YOU do draco. I just said "Real men don't leech". Now don't you try arguing with me that leeching is alright, no it isn't. It's shameless and egoistic. Of course unless your mates agreed to carry you. Then again it's still lazy but none of my business. But leeching or afking sucks.


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10 minutes ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

wow, that's really hard to read... typing lessons would be helpful

1. leeching is not farming 

2. you said typing lesson's legit make's no sense 

Lmfao < which means i am laughing at you.

you forma weapons as you all claim < people saying they put 5-6 forma on everything while playing draco when in reality they don't just leeching mastery fodder right.

yet still suck at the game outside of leeching on draco Snm < Which mean's you suck on a PvE game can't get much worse than that to be honest.

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3 minutes ago, Firefly0037 said:

Let's not forget that the person who deals the most damage in the squad will get the least percentage of xp of all the pilots in the squad.  To compensate for that, you can either try and coordinate and rotate the highest damage output for all players, or take turns each round or each mission.  People who leech know about this and do absolutely nothing in mission for the squad, so yeah it's exploitable, but let's not go that route, eh?

good point ^  when i level up a few weapons as a rhino/buff, i try to take a turn as RJ to farm a little focus and help the team. 

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1 minute ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

good point ^  when i level up a few weapons as a rhino/buff, i try to take a turn as RJ to farm a little focus and help the team. 

it's always fun bringing a saryn p, then everyone else is like, a loki or some support that does no damage and has no syndicate procs on them.  God bless you, sir, for not being a leech <3

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Just now, DeadlyPeanutt said:

how interesting that you contend that i 'suck' at playing WF without knowing me or having ANY experience with how i play.

is this how you treat people normally? make rude and negative judgements about them without knowing them?

perhaps some therapy might be helpful... 

btw, most people i've seen in draco are leveling up perfectly usable weapons through multiple formas...  please don't allow your silly misconceptions to encourage you to label all other players negatively. oh, sorry, we just covered that.  too late :)

I'd recommend not encouraging these conversations even further by responding to those people.  I've gotten warning points for that, and have seen threads locked by mods.    (not calling you out specifically, but this convo is a good example)

Also.... welcome to the warframe community.  We make exaggerated assumptions based off of only one word you say.  How may we judge you today?

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2 minutes ago, Firefly0037 said:

It's a way for people to get from mr0 - 21 in less than a month, and that's a smack in the face to those of us who have put in a few thousand hours in the game to get to that point.  Sure it's a fantastic way to level, but I think if it was rank locked at about mr12 (same as syndicate primaries), then it would have more value to be there.

So there are ppl that race to MR21. So? Not being disrespectful but since when ppl cared about others MR? There's nothing we can do about that. I'm MR18 & I'm not even racing to the highest MR available. It shouldnt be a smack to the face who put in more hours to get to the highest MR.

Ppl who put in more hours should feel like they accomplish a task for not only playing the game for MR. Be happy that you have more hours in the game & not because someone caught up to your MR with less time. Because either way. Both parties are here to stay because you both care so much about MR. I'm still not understanding the hate.

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The sucking part wasn't just aimed at you, was the people who sit on draco for everything they have and have no experience outside of it and fail at everything which is bad since its pve and need no skill what so ever

Edited by Kano
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39 minutes ago, Kano said:

Lmfao you forma weapons as you all claim yet still suck at the game outside of leeching on draco Snm.

You severely misunderstand Draco.  In my experience mostly experienced players quickly levelling weapons after a forma, precisely in order to have fun with them as soon as possible in the content they normally do and enjoy (usually Void).  We all know how to play the game and we all enjoy playing the game.  We could all do Draco "normally" (i.e. randomly).  It's just that we like the fast levelling for a weapon after its umpteenth forma.  Experienced Draco players in fact dislike n00b leeches, I for one refuse to play with them and leave as soon as it's clear that's the scenario.

Everyone understands paying your dues and smelling the roses, but when you're an experienced player, levelling a weapon after your 5th forma the normal way is just a bit tedious.  DE well know that vets would simply leave the game if there weren't an outlet like Draco for that type of thing, I think that's the only reason they've been wary of touching it. 

What they should do instead is make it more attractive to level a weapon/frame after a forma via normal play.  Really, what DE need to do to kill Draco is to add something like increasing returns for affinity gain on an already-levelled weapon.

IOW, level to 30, normal rate; 1st forma level to 30 slightly faster xp gain, 2nd forma level to 30 slightly faster still, etc., etc.  That would make it more attractive to run back through the planets with newer players.  If a vet could get a fair bit faster xp gain for their 3rd-forma-ed weapon than the newbie playing alongside them is getting, that would make it more attractive to use that older content.

Hopefully the new Star Map system will address this somewhat.


Edited by Omnimorph
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You fail by being bad and you don't need guns for the raid anyway's just to kill hek at the end which takes like 0.1 second, its like people moan about sorties being to hard when clearly they need to be harder meant to be high level content yet all these people complain with all gun's having forma on make's no sense

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1 minute ago, Kano said:

You fail by being bad and you don't need guns for the raid anyway's just to kill hek at the end which takes like 0.1 second, its like people moan about sorties being to hard when clearly they need to be harder meant to be high level content yet all these people complain with all gun's having forma on make's no sense

You mustn't mix up your audience.  I love Sorties and have no problem with them on my 3 or 4 forma frames or 4 or 5 forma weapons.  IMHO sorties are sitting perfectly in the sweet spot for challenge vs. relaxation vs. reward.  They're hard enough even with amped-up gear that you can't sleepwalk through them, but amped-up gear makes them doable without failure - so long as you're not sleepwalking.

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1 minute ago, Omnimorph said:

You severely misunderstand Draco.  In my experience mostly experienced players quickly levelling weapons after a forma, precisely in order to have fun with them as soon as possible in the content they normally do and enjoy (usually Void).  We all know how to play the game and we all enjoy playing the game.  We could all do Draco "normally" (i.e. randomly).  It's just that we like the fast levelling for a weapon after its umpteenth forma.  Experienced Draco players in fact dislike n00b leeches, I for one refuse to play with them.

Everyone understands paying your dues and smelling the roses, but when you're an experienced player, levelling a weapon after your 5th forma the normal way is just a bit tedious.  DE well know that vets would simply leave the game if there weren't an outlet like Draco for that type of thing, I think that's the only reason they've been wary of touching it. 

What they should do instead is make it more attractive to level a weapon/frame after a forma via normal play.  Really, what DE need to do to kill Draco is to add something like increasing returns for affinity gain on an already-levelled weapon.

IOW, level to 30, normal rate; 1st forma level to 30 slightly faster xp gain, 2nd forma level to 30 slightly faster still, etc., etc.  That would make it more attractive to run back through the planets with newer players.  If a vet could get a fair bit faster xp gain for their 3rd-forma-ed weapon than the newbie playing alongside them is getting, that would make it more attractive to use that older content.

Hopefully the new Star Map system will address this somewhat.


I will be honest with you i am not going read all that, joining a squad and standing on the box watching 3 people afk well i mean the trinity does some work but most are bad anyway's because don't have max mods or even range mods on so don't really bring much to the team.

Also you guys can go leech on draco feel free not telling anyone to stop or quit i just think being afk and leeching on any game is sad that's just me i guess.

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Just now, Omnimorph said:

You mustn't mix up your audience.  I love Sorties and have no problem with them on my 3 or 4 forma frames or 4 or 5 forma weapons.  IMHO sorties are sitting perfectly in the sweet spot for challenge vs. relaxation vs. reward.  They're hard enough even with amped-up gear that you can't sleepwalk through them, but amped-up gear makes them doable without failure - so long as you're not sleepwalking.

The sorties are well to easy and do need to be a little bit harder, its just dumb how easy the missions can be for such high content.

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2 minutes ago, Kano said:

I will be honest with you i am not going read all that, joining a squad and standing on the box watching 3 people afk well i mean the trinity does some work but most are bad anyway's because don't have max mods or even range mods on so don't really bring much to the team.

Also you guys can go leech on draco feel free not telling anyone to stop or quit i just think being afk and leeching on any game is sad that's just me i guess.

Only one player at most can leech properly - any decent team, in order to reap the benefits of actually quickly levelling the weapon HAS to have at least 3 people with the requisite Corrupted mods and know what they're doing (although as you say, EV Trin has the most actual work to do, targeting mobs can be quite tricky and stressful at times,when they're disappearing so quickly).

Otherwise, Draco as a "thing" is more or less a waste of time, you might as well do the mission normally.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Just now, Firefly0037 said:

the reason why this community lacks constructive criticism and sticks to arrogant and overly opinionated arguments ^^

Or maybe because it's 2am and if i did read it it wouldn't change my mind what so ever on how i look on people being afk and leeching.

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Just now, Kano said:

Or maybe because it's 2am and if i did read it it wouldn't change my mind what so ever on how i look on people being afk and leeching.

so if you can't contribute well and be a little open-minded for listening and decent conversation, then don't join in at all.  

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Just now, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

After all you said. Don't you think something about MR needs to be changed & not Draco?

oh for sure, and DE was talking about that at PAX if you haven't watched the stream; but in the meantime, the player base is also responsible for the value of MR and their attitudes about how it works.  And it doesn't seem that the latter is going to change anything.  

I'm not saying Draco specifically needs to be changed extensively, but it needs to be tweaked to preserve the progression of the game.

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11 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

You severely misunderstand Draco.  In my experience mostly experienced players quickly levelling weapons after a forma, precisely in order to have fun with them as soon as possible in the content they normally do and enjoy (usually Void).  We all know how to play the game and we all enjoy playing the game.  We could all do Draco "normally" (i.e. randomly).  It's just that we like the fast levelling for a weapon after its umpteenth forma.  Experienced Draco players in fact dislike n00b leeches, I for one refuse to play with them and leave as soon as it's clear that's the scenario.

Everyone understands paying your dues and smelling the roses, but when you're an experienced player, levelling a weapon after your 5th forma the normal way is just a bit tedious.  DE well know that vets would simply leave the game if there weren't an outlet like Draco for that type of thing, I think that's the only reason they've been wary of touching it. 

What they should do instead is make it more attractive to level a weapon/frame after a forma via normal play.  Really, what DE need to do to kill Draco is to add something like increasing returns for affinity gain on an already-levelled weapon.

IOW, level to 30, normal rate; 1st forma level to 30 slightly faster xp gain, 2nd forma level to 30 slightly faster still, etc., etc.  That would make it more attractive to run back through the planets with newer players.  If a vet could get a fair bit faster xp gain for their 3rd-forma-ed weapon than the newbie playing alongside them is getting, that would make it more attractive to use that older content.

Hopefully the new Star Map system will address this somewhat.


See. This guy here. This guy gets it. +1

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4 minutes ago, Firefly0037 said:

so if you can't contribute well and be a little open-minded for listening and decent conversation, then don't join in at all.  

Went back to read it all just to make you feel better about yourself, but doesn't change my mind i have done every weapon in the game and didn't need draco i message people from recruiting (the ones who post CP leech here) all the time asking them why they need to leech in draco and the most reply i get is because you can't level up anywhere else, its a game to be played not leech everything then quit once you have everything.

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Just now, Kano said:

Went back to read it all just to make you feel better about yourself, but doesn't change my mind i have done every weapon in the game and didn't need draco i message people from recruiting (the ones who post CP leech here) all the time asking them why they need to leech in draco and the most reply i get is because you can't level up anywhere else, its a game to be played not leech everything then quit once you have everything.

Absolutely agreed.  Unfortunately, lazy community peeps find easy exploits, so I'm not sure how much even tweaking draco will fix that.

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Just now, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Also guys, what your forgetting about. Even if Draco was takened away (For reasons unknown)

There. Will. Always. Be. Next. Best. Way. To. Level.

Then y'all will be back here complaining about that.

well I mean... we gotta have SOMETHING to complain about D:

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12 minutes ago, DxAdder said:

People use Draco do know how to "Play the game" but want to play it with frames and weapons that are at there maximum potential.

People that play Draco :

Don't post on the forms for frames to be nerfed.

Don't post on the forms about how hard a Sortie/Alert/ Mission is

Don't whine about certain mobs being to hard.

Draco players is play the gain and welcome the challenges. Why ? because we have the frames and weapons to own what ever come are way.

So don't be jealous and go play the game your way.


2 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Preach! +1

Do you guys actually realize that i'm FOR draco instead of AGAINST it? I'm getting pissed against my leg for simple misunderstandings. I simply said i dislike LEECHERS. As in, you go pub draco, and have 2 guys with full lvl 0 equip and picknicking on the ground all days. I simply attended DeadlyPeanutt cuz he was being aggressive to me in a way to feel "oh so pretty" because he is metafarming. Thing is, i'm NOT against people using any meta farm tactic. Only leechers! God. Could you stop putting me into the wrong bandwagon now please? It's getting embarassing.

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Just now, IceColdHawk said:


Do you guys actually realize that i'm FOR draco instead of AGAINST it? I'm getting pissed against my leg for simple misunderstandings. I simply said i dislike LEECHERS. As in, you go pub draco, and have 2 guys with full lvl 0 equip and picknicking on the ground all days. I simply attended DeadlyPeanutt cuz he was being aggressive to me in a way to feel "oh so pretty" because he is metafarming. Thing is, i'm NOT against people using any meta farm tactic. Only leechers! God. Could you stop putting me into the wrong bandwagon now please? It's getting embarassing.

pshhh the real meta is #LesionMasterrace, even for draco, so as long as everyone brings that we're good... ;)

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