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Wan't To Forma Saryn, Unsure What Polarity To Pick.



So Saryn is my favorite warframe so far. I want to forma it and make it even better than it already is.


My Saryn's load-out is as follows:


Saryn hemlock helmet - Yes


Ability mods - All maxed


Streamline - level 3


Stretch - level 3


Flow - level 3 (love miasma :3)


Redirection - level 7 (620 shields)


Vitality - level 6 (826 health)


Steel fiber - level 5



So I ask you, the great Warframe community, which polarity slot would be best? And if you have any ideas on how to make it better in terms of mods (such as replacing steel fiber or something, idk), please feel free to tell me :D








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I find steel fiber to be less then stellar considering it only works on health (not shields).


In fact with a high redirection alone you'd be fine, with a sentinel shield revive I've never needed high vitality.


Toxic / Disruptor ancients is not a problem unless you get really careless, but a low level vitality might be a decent backup on high level infested defenses.


With that out of the way, you've already got 3/5 mods for caster build, might as well go all the way. The other 2 you're not equipping being focus and continuity.


Keep only 1-2 abilities on you, miasma always, and molt situational (infested defense: jump and leave a molt at the top of your jump close to pod, wait and melee/miasma the pile up.)


You'll have 8 slots to play with, 5 for miasma caster build, 1 redirect, 2 preference (I take sprint speed + low vitality). I also recommend forma-ing an ability slot into V, as I cannot envision ever equipping 4 abilities at the same time.


It's an aggressive build, but you shouldn't really get close to dying unless you get careless on very high infested defense waves.


Of course, for low level content you don't need a 5/5 caster miasma (overkill), but then again on low level content do you really need to optimize or even try?

Edited by finalgenesis
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Saryns only really worthwhile ability is miasma.  Find a way to fit continuity and focus on her :|


-Venom is amazing if you play solo ( Suddenly the spread works ! OMG IS A MIRACLE !)


-Contagion scales with you melee weapon mod (base damage and critical damage) and focus (108% true damage for you melee)


-Moult is moult.


-Miasma is miasma.


I play saryn full caster and is a beast


-MAXED focus, Streamline and contuinity ( Those 3 boost all you skills)

-Rest in life/shield/mana

-MAx skills


And tada.

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@op, drop steel fiber, and vitality, then max flow and stretch, you can use continuity or rush but need focus, but definitely drop those 2 mods. This game isn't uber difficult so you don't need to be a tank, and since steel fiber doesn't give a huge benefit to saryn unless maxed its most definitely useless. Your looking at a 5-7% drop in damage dealt, not all that much, and even at max it only averages ~15% damage reduction.

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Personally, I don't think its right if you don't have all ability mods on, but that is just me. I do infact use all of Saryn's abilities from time to time. And I think I might put a V slot in for focus and replace steel fiber.

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-Venom is amazing if you play solo ( Suddenly the spread works ! OMG IS A MIRACLE !)


-Contagion scales with you melee weapon mod (base damage and critical damage) and focus (108% true damage for you melee)


-Moult is moult.


-Miasma is miasma.


I play saryn full caster and is a beast


-MAXED focus, Streamline and contuinity ( Those 3 boost all you skills)

-Rest in life/shield/mana

-MAx skills


And tada.

There isn't a single situation that requires the use of an ability that miasma can't handle infinitely better than any of saryn's other abilities.

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wow seanyboys what a nice build you got there

but it need 5 forma

and for those who cant afford that much forma

i would recommend swap redirection and steel fiber for focus and continuity

saryn already got high base health, and high level vitality is enough as long you not charge those high level toxic ancient head on

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There isn't a single situation that requires the use of an ability that miasma can't handle infinitely better than any of saryn's other abilities.


i can say that for all the frames too (exept nyx) unless you want to waste 100 energy to kill 4-3 enemies and with venom (pretty much a mini-miasma) you can do the same thing.

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i can say that for all the frames too (exept nyx) unless you want to waste 100 energy to kill 4-3 enemies and with venom (pretty much a mini-miasma) you can do the same thing.

Loki (invisibility, decoy, switch teleport) excalibur (slash dash, radial javelin, radial blind), rhino(iron skin, rhino charge) , trinity (link, energy vampire), vauban (bounce,tesla, volt (electric shield, sprint) and frost (snow globe) all have abilities that are viable other than their 4.  Saryn's other abilties are all made completely pointless by miasma because of the huge range and high damage it can deal.  Where other frame's abilities have extra utility that makes up for the lack of damage Saryn's other abilities either lack that utility completely (venom and contagion) or don't provide enough to be worthwhile since a Miasma can just wipe the board anyways (moult).


With maxed streamline it costs 77.  If you have an energy siphon you can always quickly get yourself enough energy to (3 orbs) to put off another miasma.  4 enemies can easily be handled with weapons too and don't really require the use of an ability.

Edited by Aggh
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Loki (invisibility, decoy, switch teleport) excalibur (slash dash, radial javelin, radial blind), rhino(iron skin, rhino charge) , trinity (link, energy vampire), vauban (bounce,tesla, volt (electric shield, sprint) and frost (snow globe) all have abilities that are viable other than their 4.  Saryn's other abilties are all made completely pointless by miasma because of the huge range and high damage it can deal.  Where other frame's abilities have extra utility that makes up for the lack of damage Saryn's other abilities either lack that utility completely (venom and contagion) or don't provide enough to be worthwhile since a Miasma can just wipe the board anyways (moult).


With maxed streamline it costs 77.  If you have an energy siphon you can always quickly get yourself enough energy to (3 orbs) to put off another miasma.  4 enemies can easily be handled with weapons too and don't really require the use of an ability.


i have maxed streamline and flow with energy siphon and after 3 miasmas you are going to get mana-hungry unless you get lucky with the orbs and in defence pretty much you are going to waste a lot of energy in moult, also venom is crappy cuz is bugged online (no spread) but can be stacked to the infinite  and contagion is good as you melee wep can be.

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i have maxed streamline and flow with energy siphon and after 3 miasmas you are going to get mana-hungry unless you get lucky with the orbs and in defence pretty much you are going to waste a lot of energy in moult, also venom is crappy cuz is bugged online (no spread) but can be stacked to the infinite  and contagion is good as you melee wep can be.

3 Miasmas are enough to kill half a level, and in defense missions you're always swimming in orbs.

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Your first Forma on Saryn? The V slot is pretty much a no-brainer to get the most out of Miasma with Focus. Focus also boosts Venom and Contagion so it's a triple win.


This guy has it right here. Give yourself a V slot for Focus and max that puppy out.

+1 just look the picture inside focus mod ;)

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There isn't a single situation that requires the use of an ability that miasma can't handle infinitely better than any of saryn's other abilities.


If she only has 25 energy, then obviously she can't use Miasma. ;)  But I do love Miasma.  I slapped almost maxed out Stretch and Damage mods on the frame and it absolutely destroyed everything.  The best Ultimate in the game in my opinion.

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i have maxed streamline and flow with energy siphon and after 3 miasmas you are going to get mana-hungry unless you get lucky with the orbs and in defence pretty much you are going to waste a lot of energy in moult, also venom is crappy cuz is bugged online (no spread) but can be stacked to the infinite  and contagion is good as you melee wep can be.


It's hard not to get lucky with orbs when you're killing a dozen or so mobs with each miasma.  You only need it or any other ability when there are too many enemies to deal with quickly using your weapons.  The problem is that they gave Saryn a powerful aoe that deals lots of damage quickly over a wide area,  but didn't give her other abilities anything that measures up to it. 


Contagion doesn't add enough damage to matter, and why bother when you can press 4 and kill everything and more in the press of a button? 


Moult can be used to gather mobs in a smaller area, but Miasma's AOE is so large you don't need to. 


Venom is a buggy joke and even when it works  you could have just killed everything with your weapons faster instead of wasting time casting it and shooting the spores.

Edited by Aggh
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My current layout is

Redirection 10

Quick Rest 7

Flow 8

Reach 8

Decoy 6

Miasma 13

Streamline 8

and Rush 10.


This layout has good survivability, high energy pools for maximum ultimate spam and speed.

Edited by Caliocerion
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