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[Warframe Concept] Nerrivik, the Sea Goddess of the North | QUEST


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Redrew the helmets. Still wasn't satisfied with the first or middle ones, so I drew a different one.



At the current moment, what could be done to improve the concept? I've brainstormed a few things, but I'm sure you guys can find things I've missed.

◇Stats. Stats are an essential part of Warframe concepts, especially figuring out what would be considered under/overpowered. At the moment, there's a general idea of what she may have, but nothing solid. 

◇Finalizing abilities. I'm still having trouble when it comes to abilities and what Qanagi may use, as there is such a diverse amount of abilities that it makes it hard to decide. However, I know that ability synergy is a must-have when it comes to deciding them.

◇Finalizing design. While I'm content with the current design, it may need to be tweaked. 

◇Finalizing lore and quests. I will have more ideas for quests eventually, as well as some alternates to the current ones we have. I'm not very satisfied with the current lore (it does its job, however compared to my other writing its incredibly subpar.) and the quest needs more work done, more specifically, art.

While finals may be over for me now, I will still be busy, and any artists willing to lend a hand are always welcome, whether it be a redesign of Qanagi, designs for the new enemies, or even designing weaponry or a sentinel that could go with her. As always, criticisms are as well unless it becomes drawn out like before.

Edited by MissMarifire
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8 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

In celebration of completing my finals, have Qanagi Prime. It was more or less just a for-funsies sort of thing.

Note how her arms are incredibly different.


Prime looks great might want some brighter yello but again really nice work.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)glider700 said:

Prime looks great might want some brighter yello but again really nice work.

It'd probably be a good idea, but as it was just for fun, I'll leave it be. May revisit it eventually when the concept is more fleshed out.

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3 hours ago, arch111 said:

The Quest was a fun read, I am wondering if you have any ideas to their looks?

Thank you! I've got a bit of an idea, yeah.

The Crimson Credits are basically steroid junkies, so it'd be safe to assume that they'd likely look like them, too. Perhaps the mooks could have a John Prodman look to them. Not sure what Erid Dul may look like, but she'd certainly be as beefy in terms of muscle mass.

As the MOA Constrictors consist entirely of robotics sans Ilan Uro, so perhaps they'd be modded to look intimidating? Uro himself, being a young prodigy, would be best as a small Corpus delinquent.

The Tenno Terminators are hard ones. Since they're Comba/Scambus, maybe their suits are colored and modded with the respective frame they take abilities from? (Think the executioners from Rathuum)

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I've been thinking about Qanagi's stats for quite a bit recently.

The thing is, is that I suck at stats. Really badly. I genuinely don't really know what I'm doing, honestly. However, that doesn't mean I tried anyway. I used Frost, Hydroid, Saryn, and Vauban as references.


@Level 0

@Level 30/MAX













Sprint Speed




1x arIowfJLe5xG3prEtBfK8b0WrMjlLBuz5ECAtZc8 1x -vlzOxjVvzei4jiKzQ5UJrpuMNrCyr4knUmU0mEE





Here's a chart from a little cheatsheet I made. Note how the chart has two columns: one for at level 0, or just out of Foundry, and one for level 30, the maximum level a Warframe can achieve. These stats are, of course, without the boosts of mods. Cells that do not have an adjacent Level 30 cell means that the stat does not change.

From what I can tell, health and shields are x3 the amount at level 30 than it is in level 0. Power is 1.5 the amount.

By the way, the main post has been cleaned up a bit and updated. Same goes to the document.

Edited by MissMarifire
Edited. A lot.
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Another thing to add, I have began to work on some visual aids for the concept. For one, a comic! This is for the lore, aka why you're chasing after a bunch of Corpus criminals. There's only one page that's currently available, and it is merely sketches. With this, a lot of things are bound to change and it is nowhere near done yet.

The dialogue, story, etc. of the comic is taken from the written lore. It is to be used as an alternative to the written lore.


Temporary visual aids have also been added to the lore, and may be used in the comic as well. Once the comic is complete, they will be replaced with stills from the comic, without dialogue.

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I'm loving this concept; ice is such a great element for CC-combos, and I like that this is leaning towards a Debuffer playstyle. I also really like that her body is so different from the other female 'Frames--like, DE has done a good job of making the current female Warframes visually distinct from each other, but aside from Saryn, they've all got a very similar lithe, gymnast-y body-style that's getting boring. 

My favorite abilities so far are:

  1. Impale (alternate)--I think it should have a guaranteed Cold/Slow proc to go with the Debuffer style
    • You could have an augment mod for this that tweaks the targetting priority so it focuses on enemies that haven't been afflicted with Cold, and buffs the duration of the proc
  2. Winter's Curse
  3. Cold Snap
  4. Blessed Storm--I don't know if I like this one better as a channeled ability or a single cast. Maybe it could be that a short press single casts the ability in a radius around the cast point, causing the weakness and overhealth effects, while a long press toggles the channeled version that stays with her, causing the blind and silence debuffs?
  5. I like the Goddess Blessing Passive, but maybe add that debuffs don't last as long on Qanagi so it's not useless on solo runs?

On the other hand, I also like the idea of Qanagi using a Summoner playstyle--Nekros and Atlas's minions have been kind of disappointing to me, and I love the idea of minion armies. Power set:

  1. Impale (alternate again)--maybe make it look kind of like a Drahk with flippers for that pinniped style?
  2. Adlivun: Rather than a channeled/timed ability, maybe have this work like Atlas's Tumblers with an amount of health that scales off of power strength?
  3. Call of the Deep
  4. Wrath of the Sea Goddess--I like the alternate the best, just 'cause it evokes images of Cid from the Final Fantasy series to me and I honestly just love spears/harpoons and feel like modern games don't give them enough love. But the first version with the Staticor style blasts probably makes more thematic sense? But make it so that an enemy killed by this ability spawns a minion(s) about as powerful as a Maggot that latches onto other enemies, slowing them down and making them weak to Cold damage (opening them up to more damage from this ability)
  5. Icy Grip

I had a lot more of an opinion on this than I thought I did.

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22 hours ago, Wolfesbrain said:

I'm loving this concept; ice is such a great element for CC-combos, and I like that this is leaning towards a Debuffer playstyle. I also really like that her body is so different from the other female 'Frames--like, DE has done a good job of making the current female Warframes visually distinct from each other, but aside from Saryn, they've all got a very similar lithe, gymnast-y body-style that's getting boring. 

My favorite abilities so far are:

  1. Impale (alternate)--I think it should have a guaranteed Cold/Slow proc to go with the Debuffer style
    • You could have an augment mod for this that tweaks the targetting priority so it focuses on enemies that haven't been afflicted with Cold, and buffs the duration of the proc
  2. Winter's Curse
  3. Cold Snap
  4. Blessed Storm--I don't know if I like this one better as a channeled ability or a single cast. Maybe it could be that a short press single casts the ability in a radius around the cast point, causing the weakness and overhealth effects, while a long press toggles the channeled version that stays with her, causing the blind and silence debuffs?
  5. I like the Goddess Blessing Passive, but maybe add that debuffs don't last as long on Qanagi so it's not useless on solo runs?

On the other hand, I also like the idea of Qanagi using a Summoner playstyle--Nekros and Atlas's minions have been kind of disappointing to me, and I love the idea of minion armies. Power set:

  1. Impale (alternate again)--maybe make it look kind of like a Drahk with flippers for that pinniped style?
  2. Adlivun: Rather than a channeled/timed ability, maybe have this work like Atlas's Tumblers with an amount of health that scales off of power strength?
  3. Call of the Deep
  4. Wrath of the Sea Goddess--I like the alternate the best, just 'cause it evokes images of Cid from the Final Fantasy series to me and I honestly just love spears/harpoons and feel like modern games don't give them enough love. But the first version with the Staticor style blasts probably makes more thematic sense? But make it so that an enemy killed by this ability spawns a minion(s) about as powerful as a Maggot that latches onto other enemies, slowing them down and making them weak to Cold damage (opening them up to more damage from this ability)
  5. Icy Grip

I had a lot more of an opinion on this than I thought I did.

Thank you! 

A short-cast/long-cast for Blessed Storm could work well over just a channeled or single-cast ability. However, did you mean the weakness/health effects to be exclusive only to the short-cast, while blind and silence debuffs for the long-cast? Perhaps a vice versa, as the channeled version that stays with her wouldn't make much sense to have the enemies that are very nearby to have blind/silence debuffs.

I did actually notice how Goddess's Blessing is basically useless in solo runs, since it revolves around allies. Having a cut debuff duration would work well.

I don't really understand your idea for the Impale in your second ability set, as neither involve spawns. That is, unless you meant the "turret" itself.

Visually, here's what both of the versions of Impale look like:


Nonetheless, the pinniped Drahk idea is a good one for the spawns for Adlivun. Having their duration depend upon their health that scales on power strength would work too.

Wrath of the Sea Goddess is a fun one. Believe it or not, it isn't based on anything gaming-related (I've never played Final Fantasy aside from Tactics Advanced, which is just a spinoff. Sorry :/ ) rather the art of harpoon hunting, which is one of the many tools Inuit hunters used to catch and kill their targets. This, in turn, makes the harpoon version more thematically appropriate than the Staticor-esque weapon. Having maggot-like creatures spawn from killed enemies is an interesting idea, but I'm not really sure about whether or not it'd be good for the ability.

Edited by MissMarifire
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I've formulated a bit of an idea for two weapon and an (alternate) sentinel, based on the psychopomps of Sedna: Anguta and Pinga. 


Anguta is the father/widower of Sedna, depending on source mythology, and also one of Sedna's psychopomps. who punished souls who perused "taboo" desires, or committed "earthly sins".

As a weapon: Anguta is a pair of ice elemental hatchets. With innate ice damage and high slash damage, it is a weapon to fear and respect.


Pinga is the second psychopomp of Sedna, who is also one of the Inuit goddesses of medicine. 

As a weapon: Pinga is an unorthodox secondary weapon which not only inflicts damage on enemies, but heals targeted allies as well.

As a sentinel: Pinga is a support sentinel, releasing an AoE field that heals both ally health and shields for a short period of time if the user or nearby allies are <50% of their maximum health.

Alternatively, I have two other unnamed melee weapons: A cable-back bow and (if need be) a harpoon.

Also, a sneak peek at the progress of the first bit of the comic:


Edited by MissMarifire
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Do you want to build a snowman?

No seriously I really like your idea and my advice to help differentiate her from frost is to focus less on ice and more on snow.

My idea for an ability is called snowball and put simply sedna will roll a snowball on the ground like a bowling ball and as it rolls it will get bigger it will bounce off anything it hits and also deal cold damage to enemies the snowball can be denoated by recasting the ability causing a blizzard like explosion that gains bonus damage and range depending on how big the snowball was when it detonated. 

Keep up the great work.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)SwagSmasha said:

Do you want to build a snowman?

No seriously I really like your idea and my advice to help differentiate her from frost is to focus less on ice and more on snow.

My idea for an ability is called snowball and put simply sedna will roll a snowball on the ground like a bowling ball and as it rolls it will get bigger it will bounce off anything it hits and also deal cold damage to enemies the snowball can be denoated by recasting the ability causing a blizzard like explosion that gains bonus damage and range depending on how big the snowball was when it detonated. 

Keep up the great work.

Thank you!

The snowball idea could work, as it (snowframe) was in with some of the initial ideas, however now it would seem odd as snow powers don't exactly fit Qanagi/Sedna aside from the source material's location.

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On 5/22/2016 at 5:49 PM, MissMarifire said:

Thank you! 

A short-cast/long-cast for Blessed Storm could work well over just a channeled or single-cast ability. However, did you mean the weakness/health effects to be exclusive only to the short-cast, while blind and silence debuffs for the long-cast? Perhaps a vice versa, as the channeled version that stays with her wouldn't make much sense to have the enemies that are very nearby to have blind/silence debuffs.

I did actually notice how Goddess's Blessing is basically useless in solo runs, since it revolves around allies. Having a cut debuff duration would work well.

I don't really understand your idea for the Impale in your second ability set, as neither involve spawns. That is, unless you meant the "turret" itself.

Visually, here's what both of the versions of Impale look like:


Nonetheless, the pinniped Drahk idea is a good one for the spawns for Adlivun. Having their duration depend upon their health that scales on power strength would work too.

Wrath of the Sea Goddess is a fun one. Believe it or not, it isn't based on anything gaming-related (I've never played Final Fantasy aside from Tactics Advanced, which is just a spinoff. Sorry :/ ) rather the art of harpoon hunting, which is one of the many tools Inuit hunters used to catch and kill their targets. This, in turn, makes the harpoon version more thematically appropriate than the Staticor-esque weapon. Having maggot-like creatures spawn from killed enemies is an interesting idea, but I'm not really sure about whether or not it'd be good for the ability.

to much fun to be had with this 

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8 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

to much fun to be had with this 

The Grineer say to poke Alad V with their stick, now, we say, we poke them with ours!


No updates today. Been busied making fairy gardens for my mother's birthday. cue titania

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Actually, I do have an update. A rather small one, but one nonetheless. Here's the current state of the WIP page. Note that I haven't actually touched the document since last night, as again, I was busied working on some gifts for my mother's birthday.


I'm going to be tweaking it a bit more, adding parts that aren't in (most prominent, whatever vehicle they're in), and afterwards I'll be adding the dialogue.

Another thing: Because I have a bit more time now what with being out of school for the summer, I have been contemplating on whether or not you guys would be interested in seeing a 3D model of Qanagi in the future, whether it is made by myself or by another artist. Most likely, I'd see the latter happening in order to ensure that a new page of the comic is released at the end of every week (aiming for Friday) and that the comic would be finished before the beginning of the next school year.

The reason I began to work on a comic is because generally more people are interested in a story that is presented visually over just through text. When it comes to concepts, people really do judge books by their cover, and while it is a shame, it is at the same time a very effective way to capture the attention of many. By creating a comic on the lore for Qanagi, I hope to make more people invested in the concept.

So, overall, nothing to write home about, but it's still progress. I hope that eventually we'll be able to make more progress on developing Qanagi in terms of in the core rather than the fluff that adds to it:

  1. Finally determining the four abilities Qanagi will use 
  2. Fixing up and preparing stats for both Qanagi and her Abilities (She herself has stats, could be tweaked depending on what abilties are used)
  3. Preparing stats and designs for the enemies, minibosses that lead up to Aper Ora, and the weaponry the other two bosses will be dropping.
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I have tackled the first target: Determining abilities. 
I have put together three ability sets and, along with Akavakaku's set, I've put them in a Google Form. I would greatly appreciate any and all to vote on which sets they'd like to see out of Qanagi (plus an added question for passives). Both questions have an option to formulate your own set, and you may suggest abilities that aren't listed in the main post.

In the meantime, I will keep working on designs for enemies. Nothing at the moment, but there will be in the near future!

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I've checked back on the responses for the poll. There's only been three responses so far, so again, I'll keep it up for a few weeks.

Looking at the current responses: 2/3 prefer Set 2 while 1/3 prefers Set 3. Passives are split in thirds. One voter commented about the usage of Fleeting Escape in one of the sets.

The problem with this is this: Qanagi is limited to her .8 movespeed, which is slow, and Warmth further makes her slow by cutting her movement speed (I'm partial between by 1/2 or 1/4, but this will be figured out eventually). Because of this, she is unable to make a quick escape from enemies like most Warframes are able to, and needs some form of escape utility. This is where Fleeting Escape comes in.

I don't really see Fleeting Escape as a requirement in terms of what needs to be one of her abilities and what doesn't, but what with her poor movement speed, it's very useful to have.

Edited by MissMarifire
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Frost may be known for his radial and support abilities for defense. Even his offenses are used to ward off enemies from a specific area in most cases. Maybe Qanagi can be a tank/support frame. Like the Exalted Blade or Valkyr's claws, Qanagi's Wrath of the Frozen Sea could be a continual crowd control ability. I would suggest devastating radial effects for throwing her ice Harpoon. She also seems to have plenty of Armor, so she can devastate larger threats to her comrades. I say that each throw cost a meaningful portion of energy (also effected by efficiency mods). Thank you for providing a design with such depth, MissMarifire.

Edited by Nortano
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