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[Warframe Concept] Nerrivik, the Sea Goddess of the North | QUEST


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7 hours ago, Nortano said:

Frost may be known for his radial and support abilities for defense. Even his offenses are used to ward off enemies from a specific area in most cases. Maybe Qanagi can be a tank/support frame. Like the Exalted Blade or Valkyr's claws, Qanagi's Wrath of the Frozen Sea could be a continual crowd control ability. I would suggest devastating radial effects for throwing her ice Harpoon. She also seems to have plenty of Armor, so she can devastate larger threats to her comrades. I say that each throw cost a meaningful portion of energy (also effected by efficiency mods). Thank you for providing a design with such depth, MissMarifire.

So an ability similar to that of Exaulted Blade/Hysteria whereas she spawns harpoons that can be lobbed at enemies, and throwing each harpoon costs energy?

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8 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

So an ability similar to that of Exaulted Blade/Hysteria whereas she spawns harpoons that can be lobbed at enemies, and throwing each harpoon costs energy?

Yes -- the Harpoon could be used a melee weapon with the range of a large Bo staff and a status chance to freeze or slow several enemies. When aimed, the Harpoon could be thrown for a radial damage or buff effect. There could also be a mod where every time she summons another Harpoon after being thrown, there is an ice detonation. Warframe deserves a "Queen Kong" sort of frame... I believe you made it. 

Edited by Nortano
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On 5/27/2016 at 9:23 AM, Nortano said:

Yes -- the Harpoon could be used a melee weapon with the range of a large Bo staff and a status chance to freeze or slow several enemies. When aimed, the Harpoon could be thrown for a radial damage or buff effect. There could also be a mod where every time she summons another Harpoon after being thrown, there is an ice detonation. Warframe deserves a "Queen Kong" sort of frame... I believe you made it. 

It sounds similar to that of the second version of Wrath of the Sea Goddess/Cold Fit:


(ALTERNATE) WRATH OF THE SEA GODDESS/COLD FIT: Qanagi unequips her weaponry and forms a large harpoon which can be lobbed at enemies or used as a melee weapon (weapon is toggleable, and can be reverted when used again or the harpoon is lobbed at enemies)

Nonetheless, I'll add it into the current abilities that may be used for her.


I have checked back on the responses for the poll. Two more additional responses were made. As of now, 3/5 chose Ability 2 and 2/5 chose Ability 3. ICY GRIP and ENDURANCE OF THE NORTH have been favored over GODDESS'S BLESSING.

Additionally, the two responses had more suggestions:


Warmth's movement reduction sounds a bit harsh in conjunction with her .8 movespeed. In addition, Glacial Imprisonment doesn't make sense in that outer enemies attack the inner ones, unless they are trying to free them or the like.

WARMTH's speed reduction is to encourage other players to stay nearby the ability's radius. GLACIAL IMPRISONMENT is meant to have the enemies attempt to free them, that was a poor decision on my part to mention this.


It would be nice to know if an ability is a one time cast (like fireball), duration based (Vauban's Vortex), or an energy drain ability (Ember's world on fire)

Most of the abilities can easily be assumed to be one of the three. I have edited the choices respectively, nonetheless.

As always, there are options to suggest your own abilities/passives in the poll as well.

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It has been almost a week since the poll has been up for abilities. Another response has been received, totaling to six responses.

Out of these responses:

50% chose Ability Set 2:


BLIZZARD - Qanagi summons a small blizzard to follow her around, preventing foes from detecting nearby Tenno while dealing damage to or slowing enemies. Duration-based.

FLEETING ESCAPE - In a rush of adrenaline, Qanagi flops onto the floor and slides away, knocking down and dealing damage to enemies while sliding. While sliding, she is unable to attack or use abilities. Drains energy.

WARMTH - Qanagi releases steam, healing herself and allies (as well as a temporary immunity to freezing on ice tilesets) while drastically decreasing movement speed. Drains energy.

GLACIAL IMPRISONMENT - Qanagi sends a group of enemies in a radius to their death by freezing them in place, and enemies in a larger radius surrounding the frozen enemies attack the enemies in the center circle in an attempt to free them. Single-cast.

33.3% chose Ability Set 3:


IMPALE - Qanagi bombards enemies with ice spears from above, doing damage in a targeted radius. Single-cast.

FROZEN STEP / ICE PATH - Qanagi targets an area and covers it with a sheet of ice where enemies (and potentially fellow Tenno) can slip and fall in when within the radius. Single-cast.

FLEETING ESCAPE - In a rush of adrenaline, Qanagi flops onto the floor and slides away, knocking down and dealing damage to enemies while sliding. While sliding, she is unable to attack or use abilities. Drains energy.

ADLIVUN: Qanagi calls upon the creatures of the deep to maim nearby enemies and heal nearby allies. These specters will last until their health is depleted, which is scaled from power strength. 

16.7% chose Ability Set 4/ @Akakavaku 's set:


1: Cold Snap- Qanagi summons an ice sheet to coat the ground around her, causing all nearby enemies on the ground to slip and take Impact damage. If they are already on the ground, they will be frozen there for some time and take Finisher damage. 

2: Floe Skid- Qanagi gives up her slow running pace for a rapid belly-slide, powered by a summoned trail of melting ice. She cannot use weapons or other abilities, but she can knock down and damage enemies by ramming them. She can "jump" to clear obstacles, but if she is obstructed for a few moments the ability automatically ends. 

3: Blessed Storm: Qanagi calls a large blizzard to follow her, weakening enemy armor, reducing enemy sight and hearing ability, and gradually granting an "overhealth" to allies, like Iron Skin but without proc immunity.

4: Call of the Deep: Qanagi discards her shields, allowing her enemies to attack freely. For every percentage of health she loses, a Deep Dog is summoned from her body. These raging ice beasts move quickly despite hardly having hind limbs, tirelessly devouring enemies in their huge jaws. When they die, they give a portion of health to nearby allies besides Qanagi.

Out of the responses for passives:

50% chose @Akakavaku's Icy Grip


ICY GRIP:  Qanagi cannot lose her weapon and will always be able to finish every action she starts (for example, reloading, a melee strike, interacting with an object), regardless of procs suffered.

33.3% chose Endurance of the North


ENDURANCE OF THE NORTH: Qanagi is immune to ice damage, and will not take cold damage on any Ice tilesets.

16.7% chose Goddess's Blessing


GODDESS'S BLESSING: Qanagi shares any buffs and effects she receives to nearby players. The strength of the shared buff is affected by how far the other players are from Qanagi, ranging from 12.5% (player distance is > 10m or something) to 50% strength (clipping into or next to Qanagi).

Note that while Ability Set 2 and Icy Grip may be the most chosen by voters, it will not be the final ability set. I will be factoring other abilties, passives, and playstyles to determine what her final ability set will be, however these two will be a base for what I will decide on using in the future. The poll will now be closed.

Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll, I am greatly appreciative.

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The abilities have been chosen:

IMPALE - Within a small, targeted radius, Nerrivik bombards enemies from above with icicles, dealing immense puncture damage.

ICE TRAP - Nerrivik lays a trap in a targeted area, trapping and freezing enemies who go near it in place, also dealing frost damage.

WARMTH - Nerrivik releases steam, slowly healing herself and allies, while also giving a small armor buff. This is a toggleable ability, draining energy while used.

ADLIVUN - Nerrivik calls upon the creatures of the deep to bring her aid, which swim around a large radius, targetting and attacking enemies to inflict cold and impact damage. The amount creatures spawned as well as creature health is affected by power strength, and the ability lasts until their health depletes.


In relation of the thread, a couple problems have come to my attention and have been changed:

  • Her name. I've found that many seem to think that Qanagi is an awful name, even though it alludes to usage on the field and refrains from referring to the source material. It has been changed to Nerrivik.
  • The convoluted mess of the thread. It appears that, as I am fond of the little details, it adversely affects the concept, which disengages some readers. For the sake of the readers, the lore and quest have been removed. Lore will be rewritten, and Nerrivik will be found in Clan Research. Weapon and sentinel ideas have been scrapped, and the comic will no longer be worked on.

Note that, while these changes have been done, the original concept in the Google Doc has been left completely untouched for reference, in the case elements should be brought back.

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Bumping this with a couple little announcements:

Nerrivik is getting a lore rewrite, however I have hit a dead end as to what could be her backstory. I would love some suggestions as to what to do.

With the creation of the Quanta Aufeis skin, we get a small bit of knowledge on another kind of people living on Europa: Ice Pirates. We don't know much about them aside from that they most likely existed after the downfall of the Orokin because the skin mentions conflict between the Ice Pirates and the Corpus caravans, their weaponry dons a teal camouflage, and most likely no longer exist during the events of Warframe because of their absence on Europa.  However, aside from what the Aufeis skin says, there's nothing else on the Ice Pirates, so it would be hard to base Nerrivik's lore on them. Perhaps we may see more out of them in the future.

She is also going to get some alternate designs, which is coming soon. No sneak peeks or anything, sorry. 

I'm also contemplating whether or not to re-add the quest. 

Edited by MissMarifire
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I've been looking back on this concept. While I thought it was an okay concept, it seems to have really died down. I have great faith in this concept, and I must ask: 

What can be done to improve this concept in the future?

Nerrivik/Qanagi will probably be getting the same treatment The Tenno Cantina is about to get very soon: The concept will be put to rest for a few months in favor of a new concept, and afterwards will be revived as Concept 2.0. 

Was her design too adventurous, and do I need to change it to be more "fitting" with the Warframe universe? Or perhaps the preceding quest was a bit much, and I should water it down to being merely a Clan Tech Warframe? Is there a different approach that needs to be taken with abilities? Or, should I shift the entire design, theme, and role to a new perspective? I'm not sure, honestly. It would be good to know.

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I'll try to get my comments in before you move on (on both major concept topics), but I still can't make any promises as to when. Apologies for the delay.

Upvoted but haven't had time to comment on this.


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Just now, Rhekemi said:

I'll try to get my comments in before you move on (on both major concept topics), but I still can't make any promises as to when. Apologies for the delay.

Upvoted but haven't had time to comment on this.


That is alright. I will still be reading and replying on either of the concept's new posts, however I won't be adding anything new into either of the threads until the recreated Nerrivik/Qanagi/The Tenno Cantina 2.0 is written. That's not to say I won't be copying and revising the Google Docs, however, as that's where I keep all the information of the concept on from the very beginning.

One thing I will mention, though: The Tenno Cantina is going to be much, much different from what it was before. I don't have enough written up for it to be posted yet, however, I will hint that it will instead be called Maroo's Bazaar and Lounge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am bringing this back to the front page so more can see it.

What you have done here is blend Frost and Hydroid into a new warframe. With a different visual design as a bonus! I am liking what you have done, the Ice Pirates is a nice touch, that little Lore had me very intrigued back when, but DE as with many things, have not followed up on it.

I am wondering though, since this is (almost) a female Frost, do you envision the ground freezing up when she uses the powers? And like Hydroid, creating Void Ice where the animals come from?

Allso, I might have missed this, but should not she have a Passive or Augment to give boons to companions like Kubros and Kavats? Would allso be cool to influence enemy animals, maby "steal" them even? On the subject, skins for both weapons and companions in winter-patterns would be a cool thing to be included or added.


You have my continued support, it´s so refreshing to see something outside the [ ] :)

Edited by arch111
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1 hour ago, arch111 said:

I am bringing this back to the front page so more can see it.

What you have done here is blend Frost and Hydroid into a new warframe. With a different visual design as a bonus! I am liking what you have done, the Ice Pirates is a nice touch, that little Lore had me very intrigued back when, but DE as with many things, have not followed up on it.

I am wondering though, since this is (almost) a female Frost, do you envision the ground freezing up when she uses the powers? And like Hydroid, creating Void Ice where the animals come from?

Allso, I might have missed this, but should not she have a Passive or Augment to give boons to companions like Kubros and Kavats? Would allso be cool to influence enemy animals, maby "steal" them even? On the subject, skins for both weapons and companions in winter-patterns would be a cool thing to be included or added.


You have my continued support, it´s so refreshing to see something outside the [ ] :)

Support from you is always appreciated, Arch111.

Those would be interesting ideas for passives, having them buffing allying Kubrows/Kavats, Perhaps something that would allow a "clone" of your allying Kubrows/Kavats? Or, maybe the idea of influencing enemy animals by turning them against their allies. However, this being said, the latter would probably only be able to affect the Grineer, as they seem to be the only ones who actually have animals fighting alongside them.

1 hour ago, TheTagHD said:

No passive ?

Passives haven't been decided yet. Here's a few that were from the previous concept:


GODDESS'S BLESSING: Nerrivik shares any buffs and effects she receives to nearby players. The strength of the shared buff is affected by how far the other players are from Nerrivik, ranging from 12.5% (player distance is > 10m or something) to 50% strength (clipping into or next to Nerrivik).

ICY GRIP: Nerrivik cannot lose her weapon and will always be able to finish every action she starts (for example, reloading, a melee strike, interacting with an object), regardless of procs suffered. 

The ideas mentioned above could count as well.

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2 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

Support from you is always appreciated, Arch111.

Those would be interesting ideas for passives, having them buffing allying Kubrows/Kavats, Perhaps something that would allow a "clone" of your allying Kubrows/Kavats? Or, maybe the idea of influencing enemy animals by turning them against their allies. However, this being said, the latter would probably only be able to affect the Grineer, as they seem to be the only ones who actually have animals fighting alongside them.

Passives haven't been decided yet. Here's a few that were from the previous concept:

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GODDESS'S BLESSING: Nerrivik shares any buffs and effects she receives to nearby players. The strength of the shared buff is affected by how far the other players are from Nerrivik, ranging from 12.5% (player distance is > 10m or something) to 50% strength (clipping into or next to Nerrivik).

ICY GRIP: Nerrivik cannot lose her weapon and will always be able to finish every action she starts (for example, reloading, a melee strike, interacting with an object), regardless of procs suffered. 

The ideas mentioned above could count as well.

I would choose icy grip

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On 6/22/2016 at 10:17 PM, tennorod said:

I would choose icy grip

On 6/23/2016 at 1:41 AM, arch111 said:

Icy grip is really useful,  like knockdown resistance. Those poor sad Drahk masters.

I have seen that ICY GRIP has been a popular choice as a passive. An understandable choice, due to it's useful asset of negating knockdown entirely when an animation is toggled.

Wonder what ideas could be raveled for, say, lore, or perhaps an alternate way of acquisition? While foundry crafting isn't the most spectacular, many frames would probably fit there as opposed to a separate quest. Dunno if Nerrivik would be one of those.

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Thank you to Tumblr user zilvnyan for this lovely artwork of Nerrivik:


I have also been thinking about whether or not to change the name of the Warframe once again, what with her in-progress lore revolving around space pirates, it wouldn't be the wisest idea to take the name of a real goddess that is worshipped.

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1 hour ago, MissMarifire said:

Thank you to Tumblr user zilvnyan for this lovely artwork of Nerrivik:


I have also been thinking about whether or not to change the name of the Warframe once again, what with her in-progress lore revolving around space pirates, it wouldn't be the wisest idea to take the name of a real goddess that is worshipped.

Woa! That's a great look!  

And yeah, maby a name change, but what? 

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Just now, arch111 said:

Woa! That's a great look!  

And yeah, maby a name change, but what? 

That's the problem; I don't really have many ideas as to what sort of name Nerrivik should use instead. There was Qanagi, but the name was canned because people disliked it for being "terrible".

I'll keep looking, going to see if I can't find a different name for her. Suggestions are always welcome if you have any, though!

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I have no problem with either name, but would prefer you kept the name of the mythology she's named after.

It's no different than Loki in that regard.

There is more room for 'frames based on the lore of Native North and South American peoples, as well of that of other Indigenous peoples, such as Alaska in Nerrivik's case.

From my research, it is more likely to offend if you do one of the following things:

-Mix cultures or misattribute cultural points

-Take real people and appropriate their culture, characteristics, way of life, as a fantasy. (Basically turning real people into fantasy creatures.)

You have done neither of these, and if memory serves, you have mentioned that you know better (and why).

The only hitch I can see is if they might feel it holds a great cultural, spiritual/religious significance and wouldn't want it represented in the game.

I personally think it's fine as long as it's in a good light, and it seems that way.

For those reading this and making assumptions as you read, spare me a rant in SJWs and political correctness, or a debate.


I see no reason for the alternate, thinner look on the front page. You lose a great deal of character with such a redesign.

The fan art exudes her originality and character in a way it couldn't if the alternate look was her default.

But the alternative look is, of course, your choice and I'll respect it.

Her abilities are a good, grounded start.

Icy Grip seems like the best suggested passive so far.

Impale feels somewhat vanilla, and like Ice Wave flipped to come from above. I didn't much like the spears version either.

I don't have an idea yet, but mainly I just think they can be more unique (while still dealing the high puncture damage). Just needs a little something extra.

I like Ice Trap and Warmth, though I still feel Ice Trap (as does Impale) needs a unique Cold Queen flavor to offset it from the Cold King.

No suggestions at this time, sorry.

Not sure two about affecting kubrows and kavats; Oberon now has that wildlife passive.

Sticking with only calling forth deep sea creatures, I'd suggest going wild with the kinds of damage types they can inflict (outside of cold and impact) while picking a standard set of minions (each of a different type), then have the ability create x1 extra minion of that type based on mods, or as the Adlivun is leveled up.

Impact damage can stay from direct blows/hits.

Could add slash damage from direct bites, drags throws resulting in ragdolls  (space shark minions for example)

Viral or toxin damage from poisonous creatures (such as space ? minions)

Magnetic damage from electricity + Nerrivik's innate cold damage (electric space eels), or use base lectricity to stun targets.

Minions of different damage types could prioritize enemies that are susceptible to said damage the way kubrows so with specific targets.

With regards to the Europa pirates, that's definitely a cool, modern angle. However, there is no reason Nerrivik can't be both: old and new world goddess.

Orokin creates her based on mythology, same as they have other 'frames.

Then her parts, her ghost, are said to haunt and protect Europa. Maybe some residual energy actually manifests as her Adlivun and the creatures attack those who disturb her resting place.

The Ice Pirates, as people do, adopt her legend (a mix of original goddess and warframe) as their protector, creating symbols and defenses on and around her during their battles with the Corpus.

Bring offerings to appease her minions.

Perhaps her parts got their through the new Void system we'll soon get. Unsure if you'd have to prime them in the event that you go with that.

So, the Corpus, having survived the battles and the Ice Pirates, later remember the tales and pass them on.

Later, perhaps evidence of Nerrivik's parts, leads to her resurrection as a warframe.

There is also room for her to physically roam Europa as a haunted 'frame, controlled or not controlled. (Maybe controlled by the psyche of various operators/Tenno who were not safeguarded on the moon and met more mysterious/darker fates. But that is fudging the lore quite a bit.)

This is one of the most unique female warframe's I've seen in some time.

Good job so far, and best of luck moving forward.

Edit: Seems I critted the wrong set of powers. Hmm.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Going to sort of cut your post into thirds, for organization purposes.

12 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I have no problem with either name, but would prefer you kept the name of the mythology she's named after.

It's no different than Loki in that regard.

There is more room for 'frames based on the lore of Native North and South American peoples, as well of that of other Indigenous peoples, such as Alaska in Nerrivik's case.

From my research, it is more likely to offend if you do one of the following things:

-Mix cultures or misattribute cultural points

-Take real people and appropriate their culture, characteristics, way of life, as a fantasy. (Basically turning real people into fantasy creatures.)

You have done neither of these, and if memory serves, you have mentioned that you know better (and why).

The only hitch I can see is if they might feel it holds a great cultural, spiritual/religious significance and wouldn't want it represented in the game.

I personally think it's fine as long as it's in a good light, and it seems that way.

For those reading this and making assumptions as you read, spare me a rant in SJWs and political correctness, or a debate.


I see no reason for the alternate, thinner look on the front page. You lose a great deal of character with such a redesign.

The fan art exudes her originality and character in a way it couldn't if the alternate look was her default.

But the alternative look is, of course, your choice and I'll respect it.

Thank you. I tried my best to stay faithful to the original source, as well as avoiding those two things you mentioned. For example, someone earlier in the thread mentioned something about dropping her current look for a "female abominable snowman"; I chose to ignore this suggestion because such legends come from Tibet, which is from an entire different hemisphere, and instead went for something more similar to Inuit clothing, as many dieties in the several sorts of Inuit lore that are generally "human-like" don't wear anything too far off from your average Inuit.

In retrospect, I'm not fond of the alternate design, and I'll most likely be doing more in the future. However, as the original design has definitely grown on me and, as you mentioned before, has a lot more character to it than the alternate, I will be keeping it.


Her abilities are a good, grounded start.

Icy Grip seems like the best suggested passive so far.

Impale feels somewhat vanilla, and like Ice Wave flipped to come from above. I didn't much like the spears version either.

I don't have an idea yet, but mainly I just think they can be more unique (while still dealing the high puncture damage). Just needs a little something extra.

I like Ice Trap and Warmth, though I still feel Ice Trap (as does Impale) needs a unique Cold Queen flavor to offset it from the Cold King.

No suggestions at this time, sorry.

Not sure two about affecting kubrows and kavats; Oberon now has that wildlife passive.

Sticking with only calling forth deep sea creatures, I'd suggest going wild with the kinds of damage types they can inflict (outside of cold and impact) while picking a standard set of minions (each of a different type), then have the ability create x1 extra minion of that type based on mods, or as the Adlivun is leveled up.

Impact damage can stay from direct blows/hits.

Could add slash damage from direct bites, drags throws resulting in ragdolls  (space shark minions for example)

Viral or toxin damage from poisonous creatures (such as space ? minions)

Magnetic damage from electricity + Nerrivik's innate cold damage (electric space eels), or use base electricity to stun targets.

Minions of different damage types could prioritize enemies that are susceptible to said damage the way kubrows so with specific targets.

Edit: Seems I critted the wrong set of powers. Hmm.

It's alright if you critiqued the wrong set of abilities, most of the old ones are quite similar to the new ones. For instance, Impale is almost the same as, well, Impale, and Ice Trap is Ensnare. Wrath of the Sea Goddess has been shortened to simply "Wrath".

I'm most likely going to be using Icy Grip, unless an even better passive is suggested.

Ensnare/Impale does need a bit of a "Cold Queen" touch, yeah. I'm sure I'll figure something out for this after I go to bed.

Perhaps the kinds of "minions" spawned could be affected by certain settings in the arsenal? Maybe in terms of certain combinations of mods. Would be very complicated, but interesting.


With regards to the Europa pirates, that's definitely a cool, modern angle. However, there is no reason Nerrivik can't be both: old and new world goddess.

Orokin creates her based on mythology, same as they have other 'frames.

Then her parts, her ghost, are said to haunt and protect Europa. Maybe some residual energy actually manifests as her Adlivun and the creatures attack those who disturb her resting place.

The Ice Pirates, as people do, adopt her legend (a mix of original goddess and warframe) as their protector, creating symbols and defenses on and around her during their battles with the Corpus.

Bring offerings to appease her minions.

Perhaps her parts got their through the new Void system we'll soon get. Unsure if you'd have to prime them in the event that you go with that.

So, the Corpus, having survived the battles and the Ice Pirates, later remember the tales and pass them on.

Later, perhaps evidence of Nerrivik's parts, leads to her resurrection as a warframe.

There is also room for her to physically roam Europa as a haunted 'frame, controlled or not controlled. (Maybe controlled by the psyche of various operators/Tenno who were not safeguarded on the moon and met more mysterious/darker fates. But that is fudging the lore quite a bit.)

This is one of the most unique female warframe's I've seen in some time.

Good job so far, and best of luck moving forward.

10 hours ago, arch111 said:

Really like alot of the points Rhekemi brought up. Keep working on the Lore, why not invent some while you're at it? It's not like DE is giving out tons of it.

I actually really dig that idea! I'll try my hand at (really quickly) expanding what you proposed, mostly on the Ice Pirates adopting the legend (also incorporating arch111's idea of inventing lore):

In order to harness the newly-discovered powers of the Tenno, the Orokin created Warframes, linking them via transference. Among these Warframes is the eponymous Warframe in the concept. It could be likely that Nerrivik was a very early experimental frame frame, and to the Orokin, they believed that the somatic link between the several Tenno and Nerriviks was 'defective', as neither the Tenno nor Warframes responded during transference. To prevent what the Orokin believed would potentially be the worst from happening, the Warframes were abandoned and torn apart, the many pieces and parts hidden away under the glaciers of Europa.

However, it did not take long for the indigenous Ice Pirates to find these vaults. With the pieces they found, and from what they learned from the vaults, they adopted Nerrivik as one within their pantheon as their goddess of hunt of their sub-zero seas. The Ice Pirates hunted many a fauna that swam within the icy waters, and because the scarcity of food sources within Europa, she became an essential patron, given offerings in return to bless the Ice Pirates with plentiful food and supplies. For a rare few, they believed to have come across ghosts of what they believed was Nerrivik herself nearby these vaults, the relic of the somatic link between the old Tenno and Warframes, which would raise specters of the native creatures to steer them away. As such, these vaults were left be, being treated as sacred places, leaving the forever awoken ghosts to rest.

Even during the fall of the Orokin, the Ice Pirates remained unscathed, and for several centuries they lived in peace and harmony, holding up a fine trade between themselves, and eventually with new inventions, to those of neighboring planets. This golden age didn't last long, however, with the rise of the Corpus. Seeking for Orokin treasures and goods to take and sell, the caravans waged war between themselves and the Ice Pirates. With Nerrivik on their side, they believed, they would be able to stand against the Corpus. However, after the majority of the Ice Pirates were indoctrinated into Corpus or driven off into the harsher ends of Europa, the Corpus dominated the icy moon. Survivors of the wars waged between the caravans and Ice Pirates were able to pass their stories down for generations to come, depicting the Ice Pirates as primal savages (despite having almost equal technology to be a fierce foe against the caravans), and many of their pantheon, including Nerrivik, as horrific, disgusting beasts. They paid no heed to the warnings of the remaining Ice Pirates and delved themselves into the closed-off Orokin vaults, pillaging and taking parts of the Nerrivik to sell for generous amounts of credits. These actions were not without consequence, however. The defilement of the sacred vaults angered the spirits, and would often raise specters to haunt the many settlements that sprawled against their frozen turf. Thus, many settlements were abandoned for "safety reasons".


I like the idea of random "spirits" roam around Europa that attack both Corpus and Tenno, and they could be scanned to start the "quest" for Nerrivik, similar to Natah.

Sorry if the reply is a bit weird, it's late for me and I mostly was interested in the suggestions for lore, heh. I'll expand more about abilities later.

Edited by MissMarifire
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