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Dual pistols for endgame?



Hello fellow WF players


Just wondering what you think the best pistols for endgame are. (dual only please!)

I like the feeling of dual pistols, more fun than something like a lex prime.


I'd prefer something with high status chance so I can spam Viral proc (I main saryn), but high crit is good too.



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10 answers to this question

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AkMagnus and Aksomati are pretty good (both Crit weapons), as are the Dex Furis and Twin Grakatas. AkStiletto Prime will likely be top-tier once they are released.

1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Twin kohmak may also be the top tier.

hoping this is true, I only found the single Kohmak to be mediocre at best.

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1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

The Akmagnus are pretty good. They are semi auto Dual Pistols that have good crit and status (both 20%) do decent damage and look pretty badass. I can't wait for an akmagnus prime.


Aight I'll try em out. I dropped the magnus for lex prime but two of them, that sounds cool. 

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Aksomati and twin grakatas.
Twin kohmak may also be the top tier.
Akstiletto prime may become aksomati replacement once they are released

Damnit I had those a while ago.

Got rid of them bc thought they were bad lmao

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

AkMagnus and Aksomati are pretty good (both Crit weapons), as are the Dex Furis and Twin Grakatas. AkStiletto Prime will likely be top-tier once they are released.


Using the Dex furis rn.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:

Secura Dual Cestras are probably not endgame good but they are pretty darn good.  They proc radiation and I've got 4 forma in mine.

Twin grakatas are fun too.

That's heresy.

Viral proc or nah :P

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Telos Akbolto.  Truth synergizes amazingly well with Saryn, they have decent status, Rad/Toxin/Puncture setup has good spread against all armor, and they look swag as $%^&.


Slight tangent - seems like your OP is suggesting you use viral on your guns on Saryn, which is kinda redundant.


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