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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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Alright, I'm going to try and throw my hat into the ring here and describe some actual arguments with defense heroes in general.


First off, let's open our perspective a bit. If you are a great player and do this, you have to consider those that aren't- and they

are many. Keeping everyone together is almost a form of baby-sitting and allows the team to stay safer, more protected, and

within reach should something bad happen. I can't describe how many times I've seen someone rush off in the distance to be

instantly downed, while I'm the only intelligent person at the pod in a globe. I can't abandon post or else the mission is over.

Hope they brought enough revives with them. Oh, seems they didn't. However, even skilled players make mistakes once in a

while- and sometimes it's out of their control. If you happen to have a lag spike (due to DE fixing servers) or if you suddenly are overwhelmed IRL, finding a place of safety is sometimes more difficult when its away from others. In most cases, you can

usually stay near the group and not worry about this. Likewise, if you are a great player and something just so happens to

catch you off guard, it'll be easier to raise you near the pod instead of running out to hunt you down. Simple enough.


Next, scattered drops. The mod drop issue is, well, non-existent; worst example of the argument I've seen. However, energy

and sometimes ammo can be strained. Sometimes it only takes just 10 or 8 more energy to do that one ultimate that can save

everyone. It's much more difficult to keep track of where they all are if everyone is rushing away on their own. If it's kept near

the pod, not only is it MORE convenient to locate ammo and energy, it's much faster to acquire (less legwork/searching). Keep

the party stocked, never feel starved. The breaks in between waves DO help, but sometimes within a wave, having ammo and

energy nearby is a great booster and saver for those hordes that are knocking everyone down.


Lastly, EXP. Not everyone is maxed out to do defense. Even on a level 30 frame, one might be trying to simultaneously trying to

level up a weapon or two and rely on their specials+melee to carry them. It happens. Does this mean they're doing the right

thing? Doesn't matter, it happens whether we (or you) want it to or not. To be honest, being a hero in defense can sometimes

really crush the amount of EXP they are getting, especially if they are trying their best to protect the pod. Whether or not what

they are doing matters to you, it matters to them. If you are hogging EXP, they will eventually LEAVE, regardless of the xp

efficiency they are getting. You say, not my problem, but with a tiny bit of effort, you could have had another ally. And if you're

past wave 5, you just cut down the overall running time you have.


Ultimately, I cannot force anyone to play as they do, I don't want to change how people play the way they want to. It's a game,

have fun. However, I'm merely describing the problems people have with "heroes" in defense missions. To many, it's going to
seem trivial, but to them, it is the difference between staying and leaving. It's just that simple. 

Edited by Rogkun
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You forgot about Mats decaying Rogkun.

This creates a whole different, more encompassing, problem. Kick functions will be abused, without doubt.

Naturally, as does the current system that allows griefing without any way to counter it but abandon and no tools to try to sort out matches causes rifts between rushers / explorers and people who want to stick together and those who want to break apart.

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There is a 10 second interval between waves for a reason. Use it to collect mods/mats.

Mats dropped near the beginning of the wave will often decay before then, especially clan mats.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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You forgot about Mats decaying Rogkun.


Naturally, as does the current system that allows griefing without any way to counter it but abandon and no tools to try to sort out matches causes rifts between rushers / explorers and people who want to stick together and those who want to break apart.

A kick function is much more detrimental when abused than the current system. I can already see some guy getting kicked from a run because he picked up a rare mod that the host wanted and is jealous about.

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A kick function is much more detrimental when abused than the current system. I can already see some guy getting kicked from a run because he picked up a rare mod that the host wanted and is jealous about.

As compared to how you can troll people now, especially as a host?

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Just because someone can abuse the current system does not mean that it should be made easier and less punishing for them to do so.

well it's clear we need some better tools to manage matches. There are going to be constant threads about conflicting playstyles and people being annoyed by other people's behaviors. The only other alternative is to just ignore it and leave it like it is.

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well it's clear we need some better tools to manage matches. There are going to be constant threads about conflicting playstyles and people being annoyed by other people's behaviors. The only other alternative is to just ignore it and leave it like it is.

Being able to block people should be enough to fix the problem. Alternatively DE could implement a system where players vote at the end of a match on whether or not they want to group with another player again.

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I agree on this so much. I'm sick and tired of having to say "Please stay close to pod" every freaking time. Especially when you reach wave 5 or 10, and there are mods ALL over the map so you can't get to all of them before the wave set ends.


I stop defending after 7. When the pod starts to lose health they run back or if they do not run back you can let the mission fail and they lose everything.

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The thing I find annoying is everyone running to that one spawn junction and leave the pod alone, meaning I'm normally stuck dealing with infested from the other 3 or so spawns that run at the pod and no one else is there to even notice it's being overrun. =/


Also, people that don't mark mods annoy me. =P

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Just had an A****** tell me to "stop crying" when i asked the team to stay near the pod. 


Also had 2 A******s try to troll us by clicking continue on wave 5 but then switch to claim at the last second.


It's a god damned co-op game.. why don't people play it like it is.  We're all on the same @(*()$ team. 

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Lets see... as a choke point killer can I turn around and gib something that makes it to the pod? Yup.

As a door way killer can I turn around and gib something that makes it to the pod? Nope.

I don't personally watch the pod get killed, but if someone wants to rush off and farm kills and ignore the team goal to defend the pod then why should I? Obviously, that's the kind of match they were looking for, try to spam as many kills in before the match is over as possible... When in Rome.

That's your fault then. I can't say I've had that problem, especially if I'm using dual zorens.
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