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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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Was just playing defense mission with some...not so bright person, i told him a few times to come back to the pod. then just stood on some boxes and watched infested destroy the pod and this guy asks me why i let them do that.  If you want to play defense missions solo and do your own thing then set it to private.  If you start a public game and you don't feel like doing the objective then why should someone else pick up your slack?

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Honestly, there is no reason to go all the way to the spawn points in Infested Defense maps, especially the one with the two choke points.  Just defend the two choke points and have your 2 pod defenders standing by at the pod side of the choke point to take care of anything that got through.


By the way, anyone who feels that camping spawn points is wasteful and rude, please add me to your friend list.

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After reading through the first three pages (sorry, I didn't want to read more) I'll give my say on the matter.


I do the things that OP said, but not with malicious intention. I want to reduce the load of enemies on the defender's side. I will go and handle at least 2 of the spawns as Saryn, or try to delay it as much as possible (in later waves) while my team gets the rest of the spawns, then we finish the ones I held back on my own. I've always seen it as a good way to progress because in early waves, the enemies are one shot by miasma, and it makes it so my teammates have less enemies to deal with. Though, if I'm playing Frost in Corpus, I defend. :)

I may try this "defender" role just to see how fast or efficient it is. It's not hard to collect everything in that 10 seconds between waves, but I do understand the missing exp. Anyway, not sure where I was going with this, just rambling stuff off the top of my head.



I kill enemies at the spawn points to help reduce the load of enemies attacking my teammates by a lot and to give room to fall back if all hell breaks loose. I don't do this to be selfish, I do it to try and keep the Cryopod from being overwhelmed.

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Some people are actually thinking we want them on top of the cryopod... ofc not, we understand you need a fallback... but go to the choke points. If anything happens to the cryopod and you are down at the spawn points, depending on the level and the frame do you actually believe you will have time to reach the pod if it starts losing life quickly?

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Some people are actually thinking we want them on top of the cryopod... ofc not, we understand you need a fallback... but go to the choke points. If anything happens to the cryopod and you are down at the spawn points, depending on the level and the frame do you actually believe you will have time to reach the pod if it starts losing life quickly?


But if you are near the pod.... why would it be in trouble?

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Lots of excuses for plain just wanting to get all the kills and feel like they are on a level higher than all of you when they look and the kill stats end of game.


I'm not that much better as I will tend to provoke these kind of selfish spawn camping players by sneaking up and ulting the mob before they do it themselves until they leave the session on an end wave before I get more kills than them.


Which is also why I solo defense now unless with clan members I trust will not kill compete.

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But if you are near the pod.... why would it be in trouble?


And if I die, then you will be in the spawn area like a noob and see the cryo die... or even if somebody lets the cryo die, you will be far far away...


Problem is people that go to the spawn points are so distracted they only realize S#&$ got serious when the Mission Failed appears, and then swears at the fact that x or y arent capable of holding down the pod, as if its not there obligation also.


Seems like you, perfectly sampled.

Edited by Hybridon
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And if I die, then you will be in the spawn area like a noob and see the cryo die... or even if somebody lets the cryo die, you will be far far away...


Problem is people that go to the spawn points are so distracted they only realize S#&$ got serious when the Mission Failed appears, and then swears at the fact that x or y arent capable of holding down the pod, as if its not there obligation also.


Seems like you, perfectly sampled.

Just an FYI... I have a sneaking suspicion that guy isn't big on teamwork. He's adamantly defending the behavior and is also doing the adventures of a one-man clan dojo.

Good luck.

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And if I die, then you will be in the spawn area like a noob and see the cryo die... or even if somebody lets the cryo die, you will be far far away...


Problem is people that go to the spawn points are so distracted they only realize S#&$ got serious when the Mission Failed appears, and then swears at the fact that x or y arent capable of holding down the pod, as if its not there obligation also.


Seems like you, perfectly sampled.


Well, dont be a noob and die and dont be a noob and not call for help.

You shouldn't be dying if people who are off are doing their job and killing things because they would occupy the attention of any enemy near their area. You should have an easy time.


Hell, yesterday i was in a defense mission where this happened. The dude that decided to stay with the pod was a Loki who DID NOT HAVE DECOY then he goes on to cry about  people leaving the pod.If you cant defend the pod, if you cant hold off mobs for a bit ...... dont stay near the pod. Let some one take the spot.





Just an FYI... I have a sneaking suspicion that guy isn't big on teamwork. He's adamantly defending the behavior and is also doing the adventures of a one-man clan dojo.

Good luck.


1. Building a dojo alone was to show proof how easy it is to gather the mats. I would have joined any clan asap but the crying was too strong.


2. I still dont get how KILLING the mobs as far away from the pod as possible is NOT teamwork.


Complaining over the XP is one thing but saying that killing things on a defense mission is not teamwork is plain silliness.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Well, dont be a noob and die and dont be a noob and not call for help.

You shouldn't be dying if people who are off are doing their job and killing things because they would occupy the attention of any enemy near their area. You should have an easy time.


Hell, yesterday i was in a defense mission where this happened. The dude that decided to stay with the pod was a Loki who DID NOT HAVE DECOY then he goes on to cry about  people leaving the pod.If you cant defend the pod, if you cant hold off mobs for a bit ...... dont stay near the pod. Let some one take the spot.


Right, and you couldnt take the spot right?


Ive saved enough &#! from dudes like you that go away from the pod and then when they die you just see the same messages. SAVE MEEE, HELP, and so on.


The thing is you only think about yourself, the whole point is if its defend the cryopod, then its everybodys duty, not only one person.


As i said above, you dont need to sit ON TOP of the cryo, unless you are a Frost.


2 man on choke points, 2 man on the edge of the bridge to cover up, being able to kill anything that zooms past, or to ressurect somebody that goes down.


You also keep resources close up for everyone, and have a bigger mobility to change roles when needed.


Its a co-op, not a Im gona kill everybody screw the pod save if by yourself.


Just go Solo then, but I have a feeling you arent capable of it :)

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I'll again restate what I said on page 8. It is up to knowing your limitations as well as communication. Constant mobility is a great thing and going off and taking away a bit of the pressure for those who are holding down the fort is also key however staying in between the pod and the choke point I find is best if you are not a huge defender like a frost for example. That way you can make sure you are close enough to give some xp to others if they are also semi mobile, you can have some fall back room but also be part of the front lines as long as you don't go super rambo style and keep dying. If you do manage to get downed which happens to everyone sometimes no matter the location so  then you may be able to be ressed since you are closer and if you die then don't make a big deal about it and get back to helping your team asap. After so long it is always necessary to regroup. Knowing your potential is key and that can make you be one of those "heroes" up to a point. After that you can and probably will be only a burden. If you can get your team to understand your plans and you theirs then that is what makes anything possible. If someone is doing something you find hurtful to your objective ask nicely and don't go apeS#&$ on them since they may have no problem conforming to your request at all and I find at least 90% ofthe time if I ask politely and even briefly explain myself in under say ten words those players will say "okay np".


I don't do TLDR because you are here to debate something and if you neglect reading all aspects then you are just ignorant. However if I did I'd say:


There is no right or wrong way and the only problem people here have is with others who are inconsiderate or lacking in skill. Not the ones who run and kill away from you unless you make it clear to them at the start that you really would like to stay close for xp and drops and they ignore you. Otherwise If you have a solid team or talk to each other then any type of playstyle can work. Granted pugs always have a random outcome.

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1-Right, and you couldnt take the spot right?


2-Ive saved enough &#! from dudes like you that go away from the pod and then when they die you just see the same messages. SAVE MEEE, HELP, and so on.


3-The thing is you only think about yourself, the whole point is if its defend the cryopod, then its everybodys duty, not only one person.


As i said above, you dont need to sit ON TOP of the cryo, unless you are a Frost.


4-2 man on choke points, 2 man on the edge of the bridge to cover up, being able to kill anything that zooms past, or to ressurect somebody that goes down.


5-You also keep resources close up for everyone, and have a bigger mobility to change roles when needed.


6-Its a co-op, not a Im gona kill everybody screw the pod save if by yourself.


7-Just go Solo then, but I have a feeling you arent capable of it :)


1. i could have, i take the spot and sit there and dont get XP as many times as i go out, i mentioned this here before. But when there are two people there and the other isnt moving im going off. Tell me you dont have decoy before the fact not after.


2. You dont know how i play so you dont know what kind of dude i am.  If i go off and i am in trouble i run back because..... that's the strategy there.....hold the line as long as you can before moving back.


3. The point of the defense mission is keeping the mobs AWAY from the pod so can you explain to me again how keeping the mobs AWAY from the pod is not the whole point? There are no rules, as far as i've seen, that state how far you must be from the pod when keeping mobs away from the pod.


4. that's your strategy? Cool. Mention that during the mission instead of hoping people can read your mind.


5. there's enough of a break to run around and pick stuff up, dont be lazy.


6. why do you care if some one kills everything in a defense mission? It seems like you are the one that is kill happy and are mad that you are not the one killing everything.


7. dont expect people to read your mind.

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Add everything he just said to my points. He nailed it.


I would also like to say it is most likely that everyone here who is advocating for running away from the pod are probably the same level headed people who know when to back up and defend and stop doing their own thing when it gets harder. I highly doubt any logical player would continue to stay off on their own when they know their team needs them or if its too much for them to handle so don't assume us heroes stay heroes for too many waves. After so many they go from heroes to zeros ( as in dead and useless to the team). I doubt the ones who lose the missions for us all would bother reading or commenting on anything here since they don't read chat/ communicate with the team in the first place.

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1. i could have, i take the spot and sit there and dont get XP as many times as i go out, i mentioned this here before. But when there are two people there and the other isnt moving im going off. Tell me you dont have decoy before the fact not after.


2. You dont know how i play so you dont know what kind of dude i am.  If i go off and i am in trouble i run back because..... that's the strategy there.....hold the line as long as you can before moving back.


3. The point of the defense mission is keeping the mobs AWAY from the pod so can you explain to me again how keeping the mobs AWAY from the pod is not the whole point? There are no rules, as far as i've seen, that state how far you must be from the pod when keeping mobs away from the pod.


4. that's your strategy? Cool. Mention that during the mission instead of hoping people can read your mind.


5. there's enough of a break to run around and pick stuff up, dont be lazy.


6. why do you care if some one kills everything in a defense mission? It seems like you are the one that is kill happy and are mad that you are not the one killing everything.


7. dont expect people to read your mind.

All fine and dandy.

Have yet to have a defense run fail when everyone was within sight of the pod short of very high wave stuff where the pod dies if something breathes on it.

99.5% of the time when I see matches fail it's because people ran off to "keep everything away from the pod" because people went on a mad dash to get the mats before they disappeared and something slipped past and everyone was too far away to get back in time.

Justify it all you want, the rate of failure is many times over higher when people leave the pod; especially in PUGs.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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Rant inc.


I love infested defense.  So much so I have almost 80k infested killed out of 120k.  It is all I do.  I run with clan mates whenever I can.  I play early hours of the morning and alot of my clan is offline.  So, I have to pug alot.  All this to say, if you have the desire to try to clear the map of all infested in one swipe, do it near the cryo so your group can share in the xp. I get sick of players going so deep into the hall that they are practically on the spawn points.  Have some respect for your fellow player and bring it back to us just a little bit please.  I think alot of players either dont know there is shared xp, or dont realise there is a range to it.  I wish this was made available to the player base via tutorial or an in game guide or something.  Am I alone on this or is everyone oblivious to shared xp?  /end rant


Ps. Mark mods and blue mats.

Pss. <3

I played this game for HUNDREDS of hours. And I didn't know the shared xp has a range. Welp. That's just great.

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All fine and dandy.

Have yet to have a defense run fail when everyone was within sight of the pod short of very high wave stuff where the pod dies if something breathes on it.

99.5% of the time when I see matches fail it's because people ran off to "keep everything away from the pod" because people went on a mad dash to get the mats before they disappeared and something slipped past and everyone was too far away to get back in time.

Justify it all you want, the rate of failure is many times over higher when people leave the pod; especially in PUGs.


So it's the fault of the people that went to get mats.....

Why didn't they wait during the 15 second break?


That's sort of a weird trip to blame the dudes that defended far from the pod.

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Basically when you go kill stuff down the corridors, far away, how do you suppose people will collect mats on the 15 sec if the mats disappear quickly?


I never said dont kill and dont let anything past, what I said is dont go down to the spawn points like a #&#036;&amp;(% lol


I usually play close to the pod on positions where I have a full map view, except down the corridors, and Ill be defending the pod along with garnering most kills, but I always am close to the pod. The biggest problem is you talk here that you dont need to be to the pod if theres somebody there... thats exactly whats being criticized, people think yay, theres a babysitter, so lets have all the fun running around in the wild and they will take care of it.


Ive seen in fact people on the spawn points, nothing comes out, mobs swarm on the other side, they jump off to the other side, and then a whole lot of mobs come from the spawn point abandoned. Thing is all I said is you DONT need to be on it, for gods @(*()&#036; sake, just be close enough so that if by any chance the pod needs help, you are available, so that not only you save the pod, but also a fallen member.


The biggest issue when I play online is people that rush around killing deep in the corridors dont mark anything, dont give a S#&amp;&#036; about the pod, and when the pods dying along with the team, they wont save the pod or there fellow Tenno, they just screw it all up trying to get more kills.


All youre posts till now only suggest me youre that kind of a player, not a tactical one, and yes somebody that prefers to jump into the spawn points, and screws up for those after XP, mats, etc.

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So it's the fault of the people that went to get mats.....

Why didn't they wait during the 15 second break?


That's sort of a weird trip to blame the dudes that defended far from the pod.

Why didn't they wait?

Hmm. Because, idk... mats have a limited duration that rarely encompasses the time it takes to run a wave? Shocking to you I know, because obviously you're the type to run off from the pod.

And yeah, I could see how it's strange to be mad at people who fight on the other side of the map as compared to 20ish m from the pod (you know, still AWAY from the pod) for cheating you out of drops. I mean what, it's like a 10-15 second mad dash instead of a 5 second jump or two that still leaves you able to shoot at stuff at the pod, no big deal.

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If you're seriously trying to wave grind defense missions, I doubt you'll be using weapons and warframes below level 30. If you're wave grinding for levels, then you're obviously the hero out in the boonies getting that exp.


I see no problem with this. That's why you need at least one guy who doesnt care or is max level to babysit the cryopod.

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If you're seriously trying to wave grind defense missions, I doubt you'll be using weapons and warframes below level 30. If you're wave grinding for levels, then you're obviously the hero out in the boonies getting that exp.


I see no problem with this. That's why you need at least one guy who doesnt care or is max level to babysit the cryopod.

People who play games to semi-afk a lot are few and far between.

If I wanted to AFK lots I would play EVE

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If you're seriously trying to wave grind defense missions, I doubt you'll be using weapons and warframes below level 30. If you're wave grinding for levels, then you're obviously the hero out in the boonies getting that exp.


I see no problem with this. That's why you need at least one guy who doesnt care or is max level to babysit the cryopod.


Actually if you are wave grinding for levels it doesn't matter how far from the pod you are you will get xp.

What it comes down to is jeopardizing the mission becasue:

Everyone else has to run further for drops.

If you go down they have to run further to pick you up.

If they don't pick you up then they are one person short against mobs that are getting stronger.

After wave 5 they cant get a replacement for mr dumb butt who rage quits because nobody came to pick him up.

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Alright, simply put, there are players, like myself, that dont give a S#&$ about you or anyone but ourselves. I will not mark mods, mats etc. I will not revive you for the lols, and I will not give a S#&$ whether or not you get exp.

Which is cool and all... but it begs the question of why you're playing in online mode in a co-op game.

Simply put, you're exactly the kind of person that people don't want around.

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Alright, simply put, there are players, like myself, that dont give a S#&$ about you or anyone but ourselves. I will not mark mods, mats etc. I will not revive you for the lols, and I will not give a S#&$ whether or not you get exp.


I think this topic was made for the exact reasons you just described. I honestly don't care and you can play however you want. I don't condone it but whatever lol. These people here are just confusing people like you with other people similar to myself who stay away from the group at times yet still help out the team as much as possible. You can do your thing, we can do ours and the OP can Pod hump :P It's an online game ffs

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Alright, simply put, there are players, like myself, that dont give a S#&$ about you or anyone but ourselves. I will not mark mods, mats etc. I will not revive you for the lols, and I will not give a S#&$ whether or not you get exp.



Some would say players that expect better should play private games. That is not right its the ones that do not want to be team players who should be forced to play away from everyone else shunned to the nether regions of private games with only others like themselves for company. The rest of us need to start reporting all of these people as non-cooperative teammates.

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