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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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I think this topic was made for the exact reasons you just described. I honestly don't care and you can play however you want. I don't condone it but whatever lol. These people here are just confusing people like you with other people similar to myself who stay away from the group at times yet still help out the team as much as possible. You can do your thing, we can do ours and the OP can Pod hump :P It's an online game ffs

For as much as I hate how it would get abused... players like the one you mentioned are the reason I can't fully argue against a kick feature.

It is refreshing when players come right out and name and shame themselves... but unfortunately very few people actually read the forums.

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For as much as I hate how it would get abused... players like the one you mentioned are the reason I can't fully argue against a kick feature.

It is refreshing when players come right out and name and shame themselves... but unfortunately very few people actually read the forums.



I agree. It might get abused but I could see it being useful if incorporated correctly. Such as a focused host migration of the sorts.

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Basically when you go kill stuff down the corridors, far away, how do you suppose people will collect mats on the 15 sec if the mats disappear quickly?



They dont disappear that quickly.

And i know this because i run Thief's Wit and it's extremely annoying when people dont pick up mats and i have those yellow dots all over the place and i cant tell which is a drop i didnt pick up and which is an old mat that some one needs to picked up.  I mark things to get those dots off my map!



I never said dont kill and dont let anything past, what I said is dont go down to the spawn points like a #$&(% lol


I usually play close to the pod on positions where I have a full map view, except down the corridors, and Ill be defending the pod along with garnering most kills, but I always am close to the pod. The biggest problem is you talk here that you dont need to be to the pod if theres somebody there... thats exactly whats being criticized, people think yay, theres a babysitter, so lets have all the fun running around in the wild and they will take care of it.


That's how you perceive what i said which is nothing close to that.

The tactic is the to start thinning out the herd from the farthest point so by the time they are closer to the pod it can be done with ease. And there should ALWAYS be some one looking at the pod no matter what to keep people away from the pod. So the person that stays near the pod is the person that makes sure the pod doesnt get touched. The pod should NEVER be touched.


Ive seen in fact people on the spawn points, nothing comes out, mobs swarm on the other side, they jump off to the other side, and then a whole lot of mobs come from the spawn point abandoned. Thing is all I said is you DONT need to be on it, for gods @(*()$ sake, just be close enough so that if by any chance the pod needs help, you are available, so that not only you save the pod, but also a fallen member.


seen people doesnt mean everyone does it. Dont lump stuff together.


The biggest issue when I play online is people that rush around killing deep in the corridors dont mark anything, dont give a S#&$ about the pod, and when the pods dying along with the team, they wont save the pod or there fellow Tenno, they just screw it all up trying to get more kills.


All youre posts till now only suggest me youre that kind of a player, not a tactical one, and yes somebody that prefers to jump into the spawn points, and screws up for those after XP, mats, etc.


You are lumping the worst player, as you describe in this quote, with anyone that come close to doing similar to that person then acting like anyone that argues any point close to that skewed perspective must be that exact same player.


Needless to say.... that is extremely erroneous.

The one thing i typed more in this game than anything else is "Mark stuff."

Two simple words that everyone understands.

I've mentioned here a couple of times that i dont care about XP and i will sit on the pod doing nothing, etc, etc.

I'm making a dojo alone.... you do really think that i dont go around looking for mat drops in between breaks?

There is enough stuff in this thread to show that super sucky player you are comparing people to is not me.

Now, if all of that get's ignored and you continue to believe what you believe ... fine, but not everyone that does some thing does it the same exact way.

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For as much as I hate how it would get abused... players like the one you mentioned are the reason I can't fully argue against a kick feature.

It is refreshing when players come right out and name and shame themselves... but unfortunately very few people actually read the forums.


The simplest solution is a /ban kind of feature imo. Didnt like playing with somebody, add him to a ban/ignore list and he wont be able to join when you are hosting, or you wont be directed to his game when he hosts.


You should be able to include a motive, and that should show up somehow to him, like receive a message saying player X blocked you because of this: S#&$head player.


That would be the best for me, Id avoid all the morons ive played with.


@Mak, as it seems we are all discussing over the wrong point then, you arent that guy that sits down the spawn point without helping, and Im not a babysitter on top of the pod, so lets just end it here, if you agree.


We both have our points, nad at some points they dont exclude each other, and rather compliment each other, so lets see if the real $&*^heads then start playing co-op and not screw up.

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I am not a pod humper.  I did not say kill on top of the cryo.  I said "near". and I said "bring it back to us just a bit".  Hope that clears things up for those who either did not read my post or got confused.   Killing on top of the cryo in later waves is a bad thing actually.  

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Without PVP, this is as much as I could do to grief. Sometimes I just play for the tears.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.

warframe is to bad for this. you don't even see names over players heads in warframes. i don't even remember peoplez i played last game.

public games are full of retards. maybe you just have to much competition.. and yeah... most people don't really care. they don't lose against you. so they have no feelings like "they suck". they keep all their crap. not like in eve online. 

well. overall you lose your time in defense missions. its better to take data and don't let group finish the mission.

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Not sure if this has already been suggested and I'm too tired to read through 11 pages of discussion at the moment, sorry, but I just had this random idea that will not solve every problem there is but it'd be nice to have , or atleast in my opinion.


XP should get shared no matter how far away you are from each other (Only in endless defense ofcourse)I don't really mind mods and resources not being shared as I can always check most of the map between waves for items but the one thing that I can't get is the xp for weapons, swords , warframes etc.


I myself don't really mind if one player goes 500M one way and the others go 1000m the other way while I'm guarding the pod but I don't really like how I get a very low amount of xp for doing so and that could be fixed by making the xp gain just go over the whole map. Again it won't solve every problem there is but it should help a bit , right ?

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Here's what I'd like to see:


1) Kick System- A vote is cast and majority determines if the kick is successful. Being kicked will migrate you to another

host- it will not cause you to fail the mission. You can't kick a party member if the quest objective is completed. Defense

missions are an exception to this rule. This is a practical rule because it will stop griefing when it comes to other mission

types after completion.


2) Tag/Blacklist system- Tag would be much more suprerior, but a blacklist would be excellent for filtering bad players out

so you won't be forced to quit mid-mission or enact a kick.


3) Early Extraction- This allows players to leave when they want to and eliminates forced completion for slower players. I

would say the only exception to this is a hostage escort mission- but any other mission type that is completed may allow

players to extract when they wish, since most rushers will refuse to come back and assist anyways. This creates balance.


As of right now, the online play options favor more malicious players than it does those who work hard. Doesn't matter

if it's defense, raid, or elimination. There needs to be checks to these types of players so they can't take advantage of

others. All in all, I don't care so much about serving justice to their childish actions, but a means to avoid them entirely

without abandoning online play. I do plenty of missions with friends, but with a little work, we can even make it possible

for players to enjoy random groups as well.


It's somewhat disheartening, though. Cruel players don't realize the amount of frustration they create on the game. I

don't want to see a report system (since they have been known to be abused), but if there are measures to stop them

from continuing to hassle others, it will be an equalizer to their immaturity.

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I don't mind people doing that. I just collect them modules and resources and stay where the biggest wave is. I sit sometimes close to the spawn points too, i don't know. it's just cool slicing and dicing all those poor infested with my Ether Daggers all by myself but then again i don't mind sitting at the cryo and other people being close to spawn points, they are actually making me just sit around eating or watching something and when the wave is cleared, just go get them Modules!

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Here's what I'd like to see:


1) Kick System- A vote is cast and majority determines if the kick is successful. Being kicked will migrate you to another

host- it will not cause you to fail the mission. You can't kick a party member if the quest objective is completed. Defense

missions are an exception to this rule. This is a practical rule because it will stop griefing when it comes to other mission

types after completion.


2) Tag/Blacklist system- Tag would be much more suprerior, but a blacklist would be excellent for filtering bad players out

so you won't be forced to quit mid-mission or enact a kick.


3) Early Extraction- This allows players to leave when they want to and eliminates forced completion for slower players. I

would say the only exception to this is a hostage escort mission- but any other mission type that is completed may allow

players to extract when they wish, since most rushers will refuse to come back and assist anyways. This creates balance.


As of right now, the online play options favor more malicious players than it does those who work hard. Doesn't matter

if it's defense, raid, or elimination. There needs to be checks to these types of players so they can't take advantage of

others. All in all, I don't care so much about serving justice to their childish actions, but a means to avoid them entirely

without abandoning online play. I do plenty of missions with friends, but with a little work, we can even make it possible

for players to enjoy random groups as well.


It's somewhat disheartening, though. Cruel players don't realize the amount of frustration they create on the game. I

don't want to see a report system (since they have been known to be abused), but if there are measures to stop them

from continuing to hassle others, it will be an equalizer to their immaturity.

Some form of 1 and 2 would be good.  I don't see 3 ever happening, but who knows.

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Alright, simply put, there are players, like myself, that dont give a S#&$ about you or anyone but ourselves. I will not mark mods, mats etc. I will not revive you for the lols, and I will not give a S#&$ whether or not you get exp.


lol, what a badass. Sure wish I was a badass like you. 


In general I don't see why people with a need to grief would use warframe as a griefing vehicle. Sure, camp the spawn, make some mods and resources drop that I might not reach in time. How awful. You'd have more "fun" with Eve, DayZ, something like that. You know - you can hurt/kill other players directly. 


At least you don't try to rationalise it like some of the others. 


The OP didn't say he wanted people to sit right on the pod - which makes about 60% of the replies on this thread moot. 




I can't help feeling they should just put in a mechanic that makes the spawns come from a part of the map that doesn't have a fool camping it. Or just straight up spread 'em out. 

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It's actually the most efficient strategy.

A Saryn can litterally almost single handedly end a wave within 10 seconds. Why would you not do it ? The faster the wave goes, the fewer opportunities there is for everyone to take damage. What about Toxic Ancients ? Are you supposed to let them near the pod ?

All you have to do is stand where there's a half dozen containers at the beginning of the game, wait a bit, two seperate spawns will come to you and die, just like that. Waiting for them to come to the pod will take significantly longer.

As long as it's only one person doing it, and a Saryn, then it's perfectly fine.

What's annoying is when Rhinos go in there and try to melee everything. Not helping. Or an Excalibur spamming Slash Dash. Or when they go deep into the left hall. Beyond stupid.

As long as you don't go past the stairs in the central room then you're in range.

And again, it's significantly more effective because if you're there you have access to three seperate spawns, which means you kill a ridiculous amount, which means more mods.


This.  Also,  to people playing high level defense for XP:  you're doing it wrong.  Stop whining and go play some mobile defense.

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To be honest, i didn't know there was a range to shard xp. But im a bit new to everything, ive played this game for a while, but knowing this information is not that easy.


It's not like i see "oh warframe, lets see if the xp is shared."

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This.  Also, if you're playing high level defense for XP, you're doing it wrong.  Stop whining and go play some mobile defense.

I disagree.  I did wave 50 xini with my clan and with our strat after wave 20 ish you really couldnt melee with toxics being held at the choke points with bastille.  I brought a low level orthos and got like 12 levels on it.

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I disagree.  I did wave 50 xini with my clan and with our strat after wave 20 ish you really couldnt melee with toxics being held at the choke points with bastille.  I brought a low level orthos and got like 12 levels on it.

And how much time did that take?  Endless defense has lower spawn rates and wastes on a count down timer in between waves.  I got 6 levels on a new orthos in a single kiste run which undoubtedly took significantly less time than a 50 wave xini run. 


I'm not sure why you're trying to argue this point.  It's a well known fact that mobile defense is the most efficient way to level.

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And how much time did that take?  Endless defense has lower spawn rates and wastes on a count down timer in between waves.  I got 6 levels on a new orthos in a single kiste run which undoubtedly took significantly less time than a 50 wave xini run. 


I'm not sure why you're trying to argue this point.  It's a well known fact that mobile defense is the most efficient way to level.

You said I was doing it wrong.  Im not.

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You said I was doing it wrong.  Im not.

If you were playing high level defense specifically to level that orthos, yes, you were.  Did you even read the post you were responding to?

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Yes I read it.  Going to wave 25ish, for xp and mods is how I level after I forma a frame or weapon..  Ive done kappa and half the time people do the same thing there.  They take off and go do their own thing.  I have forma'd countless times on more than 9 frames and I find ED to be on par with mobile defense.  Kappa is better if you get a group that sticks together, but I dont seem to get these groups.  This is my opinion of course.  You accused me of whining and doing "it" wrong.  I disagree.  

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If you go into the long 3-spawn hall in Xini and kill things, you're a bad player and a jerk.

You don't need to know about EXP range for that, it's simple enough to realize the drops you're making aren't in plain sight.

There's no upside from it, you're simply forcing everyone else to run that far for loot that should have dropped much closer toward the pod.

If you do this, please improve, thank you.


I thought it was just annoying to be shot in the back with it due to the flash and sound

If it does actual damage..... /grin

Thunderbolt does friendly-fire damage only to the user, no one else.

There isn't anything that can damage your allies that directly.

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