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My thoughts on the Rathuum.


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   So I was wandering the forums and I noticed a lot of people complaining either about the new event as a whole, or about the nerf to the executioners. I just wanted to say to DE that this event is quite fun and I'm very happy that the arenas are going to be sticking around. Before the balancing hotfix I did have some complaints that I was going to make a post about, but DE's support beat me to it and fixed them (the biggest one was about the rollers during the Kela boss fight). So, I guess like the post I made when the Second Dream came out, there may be loud people complaining, but there are a great deal of people that actually enjoy the game and are busy playing it. I do have to add that I may be a little bit biased because my FPS gaming started with Unreal Tournament 2004, and this is the most UT'04 that Warframe has ever felt (looking out the window in the Grineer galleon gives me major nostalgia for Hyperblast Redux). But even putting that aside, this is a fun fast paced game mode that I think deserves keeping an eye on (and perhaps expanding in the future).

   A side note I would like to point out about DE and Warframe as a whole: When Rathuum first shipped the drones with the deathrays were broken and overpowered. I don't know about the other executioners because probably 80% of my deaths were from coming around a corner and getting killed the drones before I could react. When DE saw this they fixed it. They could have just as easily taken the weekend off after pushing a major update, but instead they interacted with the community via several forum posts letting us know they were working on it and then they fixed it. There aren't many gaming companies out there that will consistently do that. With previous updates DE has stayed up until 8 am fixing the update instead of just putting it off until the next day and making us wait. I guess what I'm getting at is that I am very thankful for the work that is put into Warframe, and I really appreciate all the overtime that DE does.

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It's not that fun anymore, the fight used to last longer and such....now you can just tank through everything sweat-less.....Like, they nerfed the Executioners a bit....not really a bit....TOO AGGRESSIVELY. Do you know how easy it is to one-shot them now, without the use of Tigris or Tonkor, hell I can even kill Gorth at around level 60 with a bit more than half a clip of Azima.....It's seriously disappointing now....

Of course, some nerfs here and there to the Executioners are quite reasonable actually, like the death carabus, and tweaks to make the shotguns wielded by Reth and Nok not be scatter sniper rifles....

But their health, their armor, their capabilities to survive gunshots from overpowered tenno weapons.....DE nerfed them HARD! Even one of the warframe staffs said so.

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This event is good & fun, stepping out of the usual is great, though some days later, yes, it may be grind feeling when I want to farm all 10 event mods.

My 1st run was hard, because was killed easily and my weapon didn't do so good damage on the executionners.
My 2nd run was super easy, as learning from the previous run, made a public player rhino with corrosive aura, redirection, vigor, vitality, steel fiber, 175% power efficiency and 190% power strenght and brought vaykor hek with primed mods, puncture 120% and radiation damage. Always used iron skin, when was low on hp, retreated to pick up energy and make iron skin again, so not even died once in many runs.

After these there are 4 problems I met with:

1.The Kala Boss mission is bad with unknown players, as they don't know what to do with the flashing circles on the ground and the revolving shield protected green lights on the walls, and if you tell them kindly and please, they don't care and don't do correctly, that's why 10 minutes pass and they still killing the rollers on the ground level bellow Kela Stage. That's why, Kela Boss fight is recommoneded as solo or with friends, clan, experienced players.

2. Kala drops me too many times the same mod, I fear I must kill it about 40-50 times to have all mods, and it's mass grind

3. Rathum endless fight is bugged for me, made it till 70 points after I died, and it didn't ended, waited lot, nothing, had to abort.

4. At endless fight, my vay hek becomes bad when the executioners reach around level 200, that's why better to swap the radiation damage with corrosive on hek, will try this variant to reach the 100 points.

Bests, T.


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   One complaint I forgot to mention (and I don't think DE can do anything about this one) is that people often take stupid spam builds to these missions. I like to take a loadout that isn't a gimmick and try to actually gain kills, but I often get my kills taken by an Ash Prime mashing 4 on some random enemy on the far side of the map or a Mirage spamming Synoid Simulor blackholes into my target. Again, not much DE can do about that one.


2 hours ago, Elvis276 said:

It's not that fun anymore, the fight used to last longer and such....now you can just tank through everything sweat-less.....Like, they nerfed the Executioners a bit....not really a bit....TOO AGGRESSIVELY. Do you know how easy it is to one-shot them now, without the use of Tigris or Tonkor, hell I can even kill Gorth at around level 60 with a bit more than half a clip of Azima.....It's seriously disappointing now....

Of course, some nerfs here and there to the Executioners are quite reasonable actually, like the death carabus, and tweaks to make the shotguns wielded by Reth and Nok not be scatter sniper rifles....

But their health, their armor, their capabilities to survive gunshots from overpowered tenno weapons.....DE nerfed them HARD! Even one of the warframe staffs said so.

   I do agree that they are a little too squishy now, but this is much better than what it was at the beginning of the event. I could see bringing their health values (not their armor, because armor scaling just gets stupid in this game) up a bit. Part of my problem was that before the nerf I couldn't really tell if they were too tanky as I had to either spam or die (it felt a bit like having to choose between a Redeemer or an Enforcer while standing in the middle of an instagib match).

   Perhaps DE should make a "hardcore" arena mode that is more similar to the original state of the event. But I like the Rathuum 3 for fun, other than the fact that half of my kills are stolen by spam.

1 hour ago, Kletse said:

I just can't stand it. People here want to see alot of stuff nerfed, but when there's an event that's a bit of a challenge, alot of people find it too hard. And now it's super easy.

   I am perfectly fine with an event being challenging. But running around a corner and instantly being one-shotted with absolutely no chance to counter the attack (unless you have something like Hysteria or maybe Iron Skin) is not a skill based challenge, it's based on luck. And the one thing I think everyone can agree on is that the one thing Warframe doesn't need is more RNG. But if you want to have the enemies have some sort of tell before they kill you (for example the melee guy teleporting in) and give those attacks high damage I am perfectly fine with it. But don't make me run around the map getting enough energy to use abilities only to lose it all because there happened to be a drone that I can barely even see around the corner.


35 minutes ago, T1t4n_43 said:

1.The Kala Boss mission is bad with unknown players, as they don't know what to do with the flashing circles on the ground and the revolving shield protected green lights on the walls, and if you tell them kindly and please, they don't care and don't do correctly, that's why 10 minutes pass and they still killing the rollers on the ground level bellow Kela Stage. That's why, Kela Boss fight is recommoneded as solo or with friends, clan, experienced players.

2. Kala drops me too many times the same mod, I fear I must kill it about 40-50 times to have all mods, and it's mass grind

3. Rathum endless fight is bugged for me, made it till 70 points after I died, and it didn't ended, waited lot, nothing, had to abort.

4. At endless fight, my vay hek becomes bad when the executioners reach around level 200, that's why better to swap the radiation damage with corrosive on hek, will try this variant to reach the 100 points.

Bests, T.


   1. I haven't had too much trouble with people not knowing what to do during the Kela boss fight other than sometimes they hang out in the orbital explosions. That doesn't mean those people aren't out there, so I would guess this is a problem. But that's going to be a problem anytime a new puzzle boss is added.

   2. This is a continuing problem in all of Warframe. I wish it were set up differently, but because it is a problem with Warframe on the whole, I don't really hold it against this event specifically.

   3. I have also encountered this problem, which is why my record is currently only 34.

   4. I will keep this in mind when working on my build for the endless mission.

Edited by Yargami
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