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Loki Powers Feedback


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Used to be my go-to move on Loki, but it has gotten a lot weaker. The power feels more like a decoy than it did before whatever patch nerfed it or buffed the a.i, I'm guessing. It used to distracted nearly all the enemies on the map and let me just spam my bullets to win. The only problems with decoy are that it blocks your own bullets when an enemy is too close to it and it drops to the ground when you try to place it on the wall. It's suppose to be a hologram! You should be able to place it anywhere and it shouldn't block your bullets. Other than that, Decoy is a very effective tool for taking melee(mostly) and bullet(not so much) focus off of you and your teammates, especially when you want to kill a specific target like a lvl.55 Heavy Grineer or lvl.55 Ancients sometimes found on Pluto maps.... Worth the 25 energy. 5/5


It's perfect. You can use it for survivability or to assassinate all your enemies. I love the 100% crit chance with melee weapons when it is active. Makes me to actually use my melee instead of gunning since the power does have a decently short duration. Stacking crit damage on melee weapons will make this ability OP especially against low armor enemies and with the high values that the mods tend to have, but I heard that the formula for mods will not be multiplicative in the future. Worth the 50 energy. 5/5

Switch Teleport

Not worth the 75 energy currently. It is useful for getting to certain places on the map by combining it with Decoy, but not worth the 100 energy. Useful for escaping? Not at all, I can use invisibility instead, and it costs less energy and is more useful in the long run. You can save a teammate... and screw yourself over. Want to toss an enemy into a pit? Currently not even viable as a tactic(possible but not viable). I have suggestions for Switch Teleport, but I'm going to explain them after Radial Disarm. Not Worth the 75 energy. 2.5/5 for the fun factor and utility.

Radial Disarm

One of the most useful abilities that you can have for a team fight. The aoe is actually very decent and the ability can save you and your team, but... let's face it... unless DE introduces a monster house event that you can't cheese with puncture and upgraded weapons, you will never NEED it. For 100 energy, I deem Radial Disarm one of the most if not the most lackluster and unnecessary ability in the game. I can use Decoy and Invisibility together for only 75 energy and provide more utility for my team. Decoy and invisible staggering enemies(bosses) with my melee? Much more useful and interesting than creating a bunch of melee mobs to shoot down. Radial Disarm also does not work on bosses anymore (at least not the Earth boss with his Hek). This was a good idea and stopped players from cheesing the Grineer bosses. Not worth the 100 energy. 2/5 for the animation is quite nice

Imho, Loki never needed an ultimate ability. He's a trickster. His ace in the hole shouldn't be any one ability. It should be a combination of his abilities to screw over his enemies. Decoy and Invisibility are perfect. Switch Teleport.. it is nearly there. Heck, Switch Teleport could very well be his fourth move after a little tweaking...

Here are my suggestions.. not forcing anything out ;). Switch Teleport should have be a target ability AND a non-target ability.

When using Switch Teleport without a target, Loki would teleport a certain distance comparable to early ranks of Slash Dash in the direction you are looking at and cause a rush of air in his previous location to stagger/stun but not damage nearby enemies. So if you are looking 45 degrees up, Loki would teleport some 10-15 meters in that direction and fall down to the ground and roll to break his fall B), while the enemies which were surrounding him would get staggered/stunned and confused status.

When using Switch Teleport on a target, Loki would simply switch places with that target... BUT, Loki also places a hologram on that target(could be an aura like trinity's 1 and 2 or loki's invisibility) for 3-5 seconds that cause enemies to attack and damage the target and get confused status after it wears off. (btw. confused status for example is when a grineer says huh? and looks around after you normally switch teleport). 50-75 energy?

Edit: Switch Teleport should not be able to be used on teammates, bugged doors are bugged doors, they will get fixed. Tanking should be done properly also. I don't see a reason why you should ever switch with a teammate in co-op, but feel free to disagree and comment.

Loki's radial disarm could be changed to a straight debuff or ultility. My favorite right now is keeping the radius of the ability but emptying nearby enemies' clips causing them to be confused and delayed and forcing them to reload, while you refill a set amount of ammo for your team. Perhaps 40 - 80 ammo for the current gun selected. 50 energy?

The only debuffs I could think of are a disrupt like the one the Ancient Disrupter has or a armor weaken. Although they would be incredibly useful abilities (especially armor weaken), they don't really fit Loki's role as a trickster warframe. Radial disarm also does not truly fit in Loki's kit, imo. I think of Mag sticking weapons to the ceiling when I think of Radial disarm.

I have about 65 hours of play, 90% of which is with Loki. I've only used Radial Disarm in my early days with an upgrade Loki and on bosses, usually Van Hek. I'm sure many players disagree with me, but I still hope you like the post and thanks for reading it.

Edited by Stygi
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what? >.> radial disarm is a life saver. When i come across a large group of corpus on pluto radial disarm renders all of them useless including the robots xD And decoy is still very effective you just have to be smart when placing it. You cant be standing in front of a group of enemies throw it and expect them all to not shoot at u, go behind cover throw a decoy out then sneak around to other side of enemy, most the time they will focus on decoy why u suprise them with a barrage of bullets. As for switch teleport, its really good as well. You can either switch positions with your players to save their lives, pull enemies away from your players, use it to get to other side of bridges or up on top of them, etc.. it is a very usefull skill the way it is now. And invisibility says it all in its name xD Loki's skills arnt easy to master and understand how and when the best situations are to use them but once you do his skills start to show as being extremely effective against all enemies. I dont think anything needs to be changed with loki

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Everything you stated is true, but Radial disarm is not necessary against a bunch of lowbie mobs. A good team will never need Radial Disarm, the only exception may be Pluto, but Corpus have such low armor and are so weak to electricity that Radial Disarm would very well be useless there. Especially for 100 energy. Also I don't think you want to use 75 energy to pull an enemy. I mean.. with slash dash, rhino charge, speed, etc... there's not a lot of situations where you would need to save a teammate from a single enemy. And sacrificing yourself to save a teammate from a horde isn't very smart... there are other ways to do it. Lastly 100 energy to get on a bridge is really weird... since enemies will spot you easily anyway.

Edited by Stygi
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If I can make a new Ultimate suggestion for loki it would be to transform ennemies into hologram of loki. This way they just start to shoot each other and it creat confusion among them :D

ikr, that's would be so funny, but bizarre as a power.

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