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Suggestions For Alert Gameplay And Upcoming Mission Overhauls (Needs Devs Attention!)


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Outside the gameplay, the game becomes rich very rapidly with new mods, frames to customization, dojo and so on. But what's happening during the mission (where you shoot at, where you run and when, when do you dodge or use an ability) is still very blank and repetitive, you'd be very happy to find enjoyable moments after updates have settled down. This very strongly depends on enemy variety, their AI but this thread is just for mission objectives.

I know this huge text is freaky, there's short TL;DR in each section.

----( 1 ) ----- Multiple objectives in missions ------
Mission flow that depends on whether you fail or succeed something in them, ETC.

Now there's a nice touch when lotus gives a bonus objective sometimes, but that simply annoys all of those countless rushers. What would be interesting is for example a rescue mission in which you suddenly get locked in because you were too slow and it turns into a short defense mission until lotus manages to hack it. Or a timed infested extermination mission which you failed to do in time and now you have to destroy the ship completely because infection got out of control. Basically the more skillful you are, the faster and shorter missions become.

----( 2 ) ------ Alerts ------
Currently they're copies of regular missions with a reward at the end that has nothing to do with what you've done on the mission.

Alert descriptions look very exciting, they make solar system look active and natural, like besides players there's a lot of things going between Lotus and other factions. But once you jump in, it matches many other missions across the solar system, and you just run and gun trough it and it eventually feels like a way to take away another few minutes of your time before you can claim your free potato. In other words, everybody rushes them.

You should be able to actually see the artifact you're going for, pick it up and fight for it and defend it in the actual mission. You should be able to see the actual reason why warframes are called there, because currently it's: Do something, you did it, ok now you can leave and here's a blueprint.. Maybe it's in a middle of fight between infested and grineer, and that's why you have to exterminate everything so you make sure infection doesn't spread and so on...

----( 3 ) ----- Raiding ships, farming resources. ------
I think I'd be nice to have farming (raiding ships for artifacts, resources, mods) a bit more separated from the rest of the gameplay, rather than have 100% of it occur in the same missions we've all done hundreds of time.

Don't get me wrong, mods and resources shall drop from enemies at all times, but why not have raid missions or some kind of new type of missions which will be focused on resource looting like braking containers for mods in void, while putting player in a risky situation.
Confused? Imagine this: you start a mission by infiltrating an enemy storage/mining ship, you have to avoid guards, cameras and take what you find (resources, credits), but all the time there is a risk of being spotted, in that case alarm goes off and huge forces come your way forcing you to either escape to maybe even switch to a defense mission in which you defend your loot.

Balance it out so players would be interested in all ways of farming. Idea is that risk should pay off, and farming without risk pays off less but is more reliable and in the end there would be multiple and enjoyable ways to farm something.

----( 4 ) ----- Breaching trough defenses in raid, assassination, capture, rescue and so on. ------
There are some places and tiles which are defended more... or are supposed to be. Some missions should have segments with much tighter defense forces, preventing players from rushing.

Sentries, cameras, lasers and elite enemies should be guarding it so simply shooting you way trough would be hard Don't make them randomly spawn and run towards you, except infested. Currently there is an increase in forces, but they're just given a regular ai and you have to shoot your way trough. When you do the objective (after capture or a raid for example), enemies could maybe lay traps.

----( 5 ) ------ Bosses -------
I'd really love if bosses were much more challenging, less bullet sponge like and more reliable on their drops.

It's a multiplayer game but killing the same characters thousands of times in quick rushes ruins the lore. Every boss should have their own unique area, it would represent them, it would be fitted for their fight style and maybe used to defeat it.
Also the more smartly placed walls and obstacles the better. Running through a plain corridor flooded with with enemies is rarely fitting and fun, mostly it's breaking the game theme.(CORPUS SHIPS NEED A REFRESH) Recently released tiles and tilesets on the other hand are really neat and I am happy with those.

----( 6 ) -------- Speed running ---------
More missions that are actually meant to be rushed.

Could be related to escaping in capture, raid missions like I've mentioned before. Maybe forcing players to do missions such as spy in a limited time. Sure we have a random events which start the timer and you have to get out before it reaches zero, but it's very little compared to what can be achieved with such mechanics.

For example: spy mission, you're tasked to hack into something, but before that you'd have to cut down the power supply (sabotage), and do the mission in a extreme efficiency and speed in a completely dark environment before enemies figure what's going on or ship blows up. Staying stealthy, maybe completely ignoring enemies. (tenno could see in the dark maybe, or a mod for that?). Another example would be not just a timer that would make you fail, but an actual exploding ship or hazards everywhere, a flood flowing behind you.

Edited by Aure7
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For capture missions they need to make the capture target scale with level and make him far tougher. I remember the first time I did a capture mission, I ended up chasing the target through like 4 rooms before I dropped him. It would make it more interesting if he had to be chased through rooms of enemies and the enemy AI actually worked to protect him.


Edit: Adding to the above, once the target starts fleeing, an alarm should go off and swarms of enemies should start converging on us with smart use of lockdowns (no locking the capture target in a room with a bunch of space ninjas).

Edited by Dantal
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I would love to see this stuff become true. Wish we could directly ask DE's to take a look at some forum posts (as some are missed sadly)


I would imagine the more activity on a thread the more likely DE is to look at it.

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Ok i've written another category. About how lame current time limited missions are, I hope most of you will agree that currently rushing is just taking as much resources as you can or killing boss quickly to save time. We need missions more dedicated to this, people like rushing.

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I really want the devs to see this, made some edits (again) and bumping this thread hoping to get attention. Please post something if you feel this should get attention

Edited by Aure7
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just hope tht devs dont make things hard on us noobs. When I first started, I died every time on Mer-F******-cury.

have you been playing solo? Or maybe you are very new to shooters?

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  • 1 month later...

I like these ideas; they're sound and make sense. This game has so much more potential but it's really limited by its repetitive nature. I particularly like your idea of specific boss areas/environments.


I can picture Phorid, in a large chasm; walls and floors covered with the infested tendrils -seemingly grabbing at the Tenno - they draw in closer, each step more unnerving than the last. At the lowest point of this chasm, the Tenno breach the precipice that obscured their vision, they stare down into the gaping maw, the eerie darkness swells. Their lights browse and caress the looming darkness away from an object. As the lights pass over it, the object stirs and shutters. Weapons drawn, the Tenno anticipate whats next as the object begins to quiver and shake, more violently with each passing second when suddenly, the movement stops. Silence envelopes the Tenno, anticipation stirs and coalesces as they gaze into the maw. Then, from within the object, they see eyes open. The object -now visible to the Tenno as a sort of pod or nest -stirs once more; slightly. Then silence again, but only for a moment. The sounds of hammers being cocked, and swords being drawn fills the air. The sound settles, and suddenly, from within the pod there emanates a screech. A claw punctures the membrane of the pod as the screech incapacitates the Tenno. With blurred vision, the Tenno gaze unto the pod as it bursts open violently; spewing alien matter about the room. The ground thuds, shakes the Tenno. As the dust settles, the Tenno stare into the eyes of an infested beast, unlike anything they've encountered before. The Tenno take aim, the beast charges as it shrieks its name with what little humanity it has left -Phorid. As the beast charges, light returns to the chasm, the walls are covered with smaller, similar pods. They begin to twitch as the Tenno engage Phorid.


I have an ideal vision for boss fights in this game, something resembling that of WoW. Something that would require teamwork and coordination to defeat, something that, dare I say it, might take multiple attempts to get down the fight. I would love to see Phorid in a room/area depicted above. When he screeches, not only does it stun the Tenno, but it would awaken infested dwelling in their pods -a call to arms if you will -to break out an help their master combat the intruders. There are of course many other things that could be added to any boss fight to improve it, but as each boss gets it own unique character model (as they should), they seem to be drawn more out of their immediate environment. They were once generic Grineer, Corpus, or Infested models -with rehashed colors -posing as a boss simply because of a label. Vor, Kril, Phorid, and soon Golem will each have their own unique models within the same repetitive area(s). Jackal for example, is the only boss with a specific and unique area to fight in. While the fight itself is droll and repetitive, the idea behind it is clear -bosses need to stand out. Not just visually, but environmentally. How many games does one need to play before they start to realize a boss room when they see one? Not many. It's something that dates back to the original Mario games. I hope, by the release of the PS4; which I assume will coincide with Warframe being officially released out of Beta, we will have these unique and hopefully dynamic environments in which to not just fight a boss, but to also experience it as well.


P.S. - DE, If you need someone to write Lore; hit me up :)

Edited by Eulo
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I like these ideas; they're sound and make sense. This game has so much more potential but it's really limited by its repetitive nature. I particularly like your idea of specific boss areas/environments.


I can picture Phorid, in a large chasm; walls and floors covered with the infested tendrils -seemingly grabbing at the Tenno - they draw in closer, each step more unnerving than the last. At the lowest point of this chasm, the Tenno breach the precipice that obscured their vision, they stare down into the gaping maw, the eerie darkness swells. Their lights browse and caress the looming darkness away from an object. As the lights pass over it, the object stirs and shutters. Weapons drawn, the Tenno anticipate whats next as the object begins to quiver and shake, more violently with each passing second when suddenly, the movement stops. Silence envelopes the Tenno, anticipation stirs and coalesces as they gaze into the maw. Then, from within the object, they see eyes open. The object -now visible to the Tenno as a sort of pod or nest -stirs once more; slightly. Then silence again, but only for a moment. The sounds of hammers being cocked, and swords being drawn fills the air. The sound settles, and suddenly, from within the pod there emanates a screech. A claw punctures the membrane of the pod as the screech incapacitates the Tenno. With blurred vision, the Tenno gaze unto the pod as it bursts open violently; spewing alien matter about the room. The ground thuds, shakes the Tenno. As the dust settles, the Tenno stare into the eyes of an infested beast, unlike anything they've encountered before. The Tenno take aim, the beast charges as it shrieks its name with what little humanity it has left -Phorid. As the beast charges, light returns to the chasm, the walls are covered with smaller, similar pods. They begin to twitch as the Tenno engage Phorid.


I have an ideal vision for boss fights in this game, something resembling that of WoW. Something that would require teamwork and coordination to defeat, something that, dare I say it, might take multiple attempts to get down the fight. I would love to see Phorid in a room/area depicted above. When he screeches, not only does it stun the Tenno, but it would awaken infested dwelling in their pods -a call to arms if you will -to break out an help their master combat the intruders. There are of course many other things that could be added to any boss fight to improve it, but as each boss gets it own unique character model (as they should), they seem to be drawn more out of their immediate environment. They were once generic Grineer, Corpus, or Infested models -with rehashed colors -posing as a boss simply because of a label. Vor, Kril, Phorid, and soon Golem will each have their own unique models within the same repetitive area(s). Hyena for example, is the only boss with a specific and unique area to fight in. While the fight itself is droll and repetitive, the idea behind it is clear -bosses need to stand out. Not just visually, but environmentally. How many games does one need to play before they start to realize a boss room when they see one? Not many. It's something that dates back to the original Mario games. I hope, by the release of the PS4; which I assume will coincide with Warframe being officially released out of Beta, we will have these unique and hopefully dynamic environments in which to not just fight a boss, but to also experience it as well.


P.S. - DE, If you need someone to write Lore; hit me up :)

Finally another person hungry for interesting visuals, and woah that was unexpected and amazing :D Btw Hyena does not have unique area, it's just a small version of jackal currently, and you probably meant jackal and his arena with 4 pillows and containers falling.

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Finally another person hungry for interesting visuals, and woah that was unexpected and amazing :D Btw Hyena does not have unique area, it's just a small version of jackal currently, and you probably meant jackal and his arena with 4 pillows and containers falling.

Thanks! Ya I did mean Jackal, always get the two mixed up lol

Edited by Eulo
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For capture missions they need to make the capture target scale with level and make him far tougher. I remember the first time I did a capture mission, I ended up chasing the target through like 4 rooms before I dropped him. It would make it more interesting if he had to be chased through rooms of enemies and the enemy AI actually worked to protect him.


Edit: Adding to the above, once the target starts fleeing, an alarm should go off and swarms of enemies should start converging on us with smart use of lockdowns (no locking the capture target in a room with a bunch of space ninjas).


Speaking of this, DE did something about it in the recent event and there has been cases where scouts escaped. Not sure what happens to regular capture.


I would imagine the more activity on a thread the more likely DE is to look at it.

I'd wish lol. De thinks that I am an idiot or this thread is just very unlucky at getting attention.

Edited by Aure7
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Huh.  I like EVERYTHING you said.  More can be done than just these things, but it's a big step in the right direction.  Having some missions to combat rushers while others to make rushing the optimal strategy and stronger, less spongy bosses are my favorites.  I'm really hoping DE sees this (I know you guys check on these things, but if you could actually post to let us know you're there, it'd be much appreciated).

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Huh.  I like EVERYTHING you said.  More can be done than just these things, but it's a big step in the right direction.  Having some missions to combat rushers while others to make rushing the optimal strategy and stronger, less spongy bosses are my favorites.  I'm really hoping DE sees this (I know you guys check on these things, but if you could actually post to let us know you're there, it'd be much appreciated).

Well there's no limit how more can be done as long as they gather all the smart ideas and put the in the game. These at least do not require that much new content so that's why I haven't gone too far.

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