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Gremlyn~{The Saboteur}

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During WW2 gremlins were blamed as the cause to many failures and issues seen on planes, tanks, equipment  ..ect ,

this warframe is based on the mischievous tendency ,Gremlins are a type of faye,

supposedly they are small, and hard to see and are prone to malfunction technology , with this in mind i tried to reflect the powers based on their mythology in that sense 

The Gremlyn Warframe is very mischievous, She likes to play tricks on her foes, causing mayhem with technology, she is very handy companion or solo frame 

any input or help in balancing stats /powers is much appreciated 

Name: Gremlyn 

Gender: Female 

Role : Saboteur 

Drop: Sabotage mission rewards

Changes log:


Altered all abilities  and general cleanup to update concept to standard frames

Lore:by kr1sPYDonuts


Do you know what power is? Many see it as the expert use of skill, a show or raw strength, or the crackle and burn of munitions. Many also see it as the harnessing of the arcane, the supernatural, and the divine in order for on to play God. I am a Dax Soldier, simple in my craft, I thought I was powerful, until that dreadful day. It was on that day my squadron was sent to quell a rebelling fought by degraded workers. Once on our landing craft, we learned we'd be accompanied by one ofthem. It was trickster fey, forever clinging to its lost shadows. After landed on the planet's surface, we approached an old mining complex that had been long abandoned. When we entered the complex, my squad noticed that the devil tailing our shadows was now lost in the darkness. We made it to a dilapidated refining platform, after searching the room, we quickly came under enemy fire.Our skirmish had lasted minutes, but it felt as if hours had past. As the fighting stopped, I surveyed my surroundings, only three of my squad members survived. The room began filling with troops again and we were surrounded on all sides. My troops and I stood, cherishing these last few moments we thought had, until an explosion erupted in between the workers. They all turned to look and saw and as they did more explosions went off in the crowd. I watched as the little fey gracefully danced between the enemies, destroying their weapons and breaking their skulls in a single prolonged and fluent motion. After the rebellion was quelled, it vanished once again. I learned from that thing on that day, that true strength i not your strength, but rather how you utilize the strength that were given to you.  




100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)


150.0 (450.0 at rank 30)




150.0 (225.0 at rank 30)

Powers: icons art By scharkie133

photo OU3MGeE_zpsfgeovy9o.jpg


1: Mischief  : range, efficiency, duration


photo 4_zpstswrxcqp.png

Showing her mischievous side, Gremlyn has her fair share of fun and tricks to play 

Power mechanics

  • Line of sight
  • small aoe
  • spam-able /rapid cast
  • single hand cast

Effects differ depending on target type (bows , arrows, thrown weapons are not affected) 

  • Enemies using Projectile weapons: cause the weapons safety to fail, and make the firearm explodes dealing damage equal to the weapons damage output  
  • Enemies using laser/plasma weapons: causes them to malfunction and deal damage and elemental damage based on weapons innate element type and damage output
  • Machine/robotics Units: causes the unit to be disabled for 15 seconds and have a shock proc on reactivation
  • Melee units(infested units also) : Causes an initial knockdown , that places a radiation proc on all targets


2: Glamour -duration, efficiency, strength 


photo 3_zpsfftvhha4.png

Glamour is Gremlyns natural ability to hide in plain site

when active Gremlyn is cloaked to blend in with her surroundings

Power Mechanics

  • cloaking ability is relative to power strength with a cap at a 90% camouflage rate and a base 50%
  • silent weapon gain a stealth finisher damage (primary,secondary, melee)
  • alarming or non silent weapons can allow her to be detected but will not deactivate glamour
  • if stationary while in glamour she will bur from site, and will not be detected by enemies even with the base 50%
  • duration is 15  to 35 seconds based on mods
  • sprint speed is increased, based on power strength | max speed buff is 2.0 
  • sprinting does not break her of glamour, but her footsteps can be heard and alert enemies which will cause them to look about
  • camera / door scanner / trip lasers detection is based on camouflage rate ( max 90% chance to not be detected)


3:Trickery -strength, range, efficiency, duration 


photo 2_zpsbsvigov3.png

Gremlyn loves to play havoc with technology

Power mechanics

  • cast is affected by line of site , and has a 20 meter range initially
  •  targets 1 object at a time
  • 15 second duration

Power variations:

  • Control panels: reduces the difficulty of the hack puzzle (dependent on power strength) 90% max (bursas hack included) 
  • Death orbs: will cause them to attack enemies of gremlyn and amp up their damage
  • Scanners:  will cause them to activate on enemy units and place door lasers that activate on enemies
  • Ramparts: causes them to shooting wildly all over and explode,  enemies near will be damaged 
  • Blunts: causes them to explode dealing Blast damage = to remaining HP when detonated 
  • MOA or OSPREY type : cause them to be be disabled for a fixed 15 second duration with a radiation proc on reactivation
  • Doors:
  1. (locked two person doors can become unlocked)
  2. casting on unlocked doors causes them to shut on enemies and prevent them from passing and allow allies/squad-mates to pass through normally (like automatic doors) 

 4: Mayhem - efficiency , range (v4)


photo 1_zpshiqdpnr8.png

Gremlyn's signature power ( mainly CC but rewards DOT with large AOE and damage )

Power Mechanics

  • fixed damage multiplier of .75 |  (damage counter x (1+.75)
  • (Holding down action button) drains energy and shields to apply a multipler number  to the damage counter based on shield energy consumed 
  • drain of shield is capped at 350 per single charge
  •  user can charge this power via duration of action button held time, so any time action is is released it stops energy and shield drain and leaves counter at last charge rate
  • quick tap of action button releases a Blast/Radiation AOE damage base on damage calculated with a 100% chance of status proc
  • only 3 stacks of MAYHEM can be placed on Gremlyn at a time
  • Range of Mayhem is multiplied by the stack counter (range x(1 / 2 /or 3) )


Current Design 

gremlyn redrafted by DrkMako

Side Pose 



Original design




ALT Helms:


trickster_helm_by_drkmako-dai5qwl.jpgmedusa helm by DrkMako


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
fix broken links
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24 minutes ago, Popstupid said:

It's actually good but does the third ability have any effect on infested and grineer maps since it seems geared towards corpus?

not sure , i could make so ramparts self destruct as well as the blunts to deflate or explode ? maybe just cause radiation/blast?  on infested ? and isnt there control modules on grineer ships and on infested missions?  


37 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

Her 1 seems really strong for a 1st ability. 


34 minutes ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

true...but the rest of his kit is just ok in comparison. 

i was trying to make her scale into endgame ,  with those higher armor /hp enemies it wont do much more then cc with a chunk of damage , maybe bombards? 

any thoughts to balance? maybe make it affect enemies based on health ? 

41 minutes ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

Looks like Loki has a sister lol

lol xD that could be a fun team 

Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

not sure , i could make so ramparts self destruct as well as the blunts to deflate or explode ? maybe just cause radiation on infested ? 


i was trying to make her scale into endgame ,  with those higher armor /hp enemies it wont do much more then cc with a chunk of damage , maybe bombards? 

any thoughts to balance? maybe make it affect enemies based on health ? 

lol xD that could be a fun team 


Just wondering but did you receive my message?

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I quite like the concept, though the art isn't quite what I expected. I don't know what I expected, but not that. It's not bad, but it doesn't convey "trickster" to me. More like a woodland sprite IMO. It's mostly the head with the horn and "hair" looking stuff like there is supposed to be a defined conventional "face" area, which frames don't really have. The legs are also odd for me because of the leaf-like wrappings. Overall, her theme (based on abilities) says "techy trickster", but her art doesn't say the same thing. 

1 is strong utility. I don't think it should fully disarm the enemies, though. Maybe jam their guns for a minute, but disarming a whole crowd is no small advantage.

2 seems like a fun stealth ability. Should it also hide from cameras or door scanners? 

3, as stated above, is kinda situational. That's not a problem by itself, but it would become borderline useless on a tileset without any of that or any of the stuff you later listed (blunts, ramparts). I'd suggest adopting 1's ability to temporarily shut down proxies, so things like Infested MOAs and Ospreys stop working. Also, the ability to shut and lock individual doors would be sweet, if that's not out of her scope. 

Her 4 is a bit strange to me. For such a squishy frame, why would she completely get rid of her shield? Even with Glamour on and maxed out at 90% camo, it would be hard getting to places to activate the explosion, and then not die in the ensuing hail of bullets with no shield. 

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1 minute ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

I quite like the concept, though the art isn't quite what I expected. I don't know what I expected, but not that. It's not bad, but it doesn't convey "trickster" to me. More like a woodland sprite IMO. It's mostly the head with the horn and "hair" looking stuff like there is supposed to be a defined conventional "face" area, which frames don't really have. The legs are also odd for me because of the leaf-like wrappings. Overall, her theme (based on abilities) says "techy trickster", but her art doesn't say the same thing. 

1 is strong utility. I don't think it should fully disarm the enemies, though. Maybe jam their guns for a minute, but disarming a whole crowd is no small advantage.

2 seems like a fun stealth ability. Should it also hide from cameras or door scanners? 

3, as stated above, is kinda situational. That's not a problem by itself, but it would become borderline useless on a tileset without any of that or any of the stuff you later listed (blunts, ramparts). I'd suggest adopting 1's ability to temporarily shut down proxies, so things like Infested MOAs and Ospreys stop working. Also, the ability to shut and lock individual doors would be sweet, if that's not out of her scope. 

Her 4 is a bit strange to me. For such a squishy frame, why would she completely get rid of her shield? Even with Glamour on and maxed out at 90% camo, it would be hard getting to places to activate the explosion, and then not die in the ensuing hail of bullets with no shield. 


1: i like the suggestions on 1, would i make it so it either blinds or jams weapon? either that or limit the ability aoe to be small to affect a small group ? 

2: that sounds logical , should I also make it so detection on those is based on the glamours power strength ? 

3: the  door shut thing could be very fun (but make it so team mates can still go through or we have ..a troll xD 

im not sure what proxies i should list under the shut down ability ?  to make her more balanced with all enemy types 

4: i like the idea of consuming shields, but again im not sure what else to set it up on this mechanic, i could make her burn energy and shields similar to valkyr , any suggestion on the mechanic ?


when initially made her, she didnt receive much feedback on V1 

so i went back to the drawing board

i looked through old ww2 pinups on planes and then gremlins in the mythology , they were humanish in many ways  , even checked out a old book on faye. gremlin actually covered a range of faye that called themselves that , though a few lived in forest and such so i tried to think how they blended in with that , thus the leafy metal edge armor 

color scheme kinda came from the old loony toons gremlin lol


the no face concept is actually present in a few frames, such as atlas, nova (some colored markings) , and even Excalibur to an extent  . i could add in markings maybe , but not sure what at this time . the "hair"  is more styled to be like saryns primes tendrils , i was thinking of making her parts farmed from infested

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Just now, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

ya its just trying to balance her out that seems to be the hard part 

Balancing is the longest part. I just generally have the wiki open on half of my screen and the concept page on the other so I can look back and forth for relatively good balancing.  

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

1: i like the suggestions on 1, would i make it so it either blinds or jams weapon? either that or limit the ability aoe to be small to affect a small group ?

Blinds generally open up for finishers, which is kind of powerful and it doesn't make sense to root them in place because their gun breaks. I think a gun jam would be better. The AoE effect could be added, or even be an ability augment. Just my opinion, anyways. 

4 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

that sounds logical , should I also make it so detection on those is based on the glamours power strength ? 

I would think so. Otherwise it might as well be direct invisibility.

4 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

3: the  door shut thing could be very fun (but make it so team mates can still go through or we have ..a troll xD 

im not sure what proxies i should list under the shut down ability ?  to make her more balanced with all enemy types 

I hadn't even thought about the trolls. Dang. I like your suggestion, though, making it allies-only. The proxies could be limited to the Infested "machines" (MOAs and Ospreys) and also the basic Corpus proxies (the Shield Ospreys and basic small MOAs). Keeps it simple without shutting down real threats like Bursas.

7 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

4: i like the idea of consuming shields, but again im not sure what else to set it up on this mechanic, i could make her burn energy and shields similar to valkyr , any suggestion on the mechanic ?

It's not a bad idea by any means. I meant that she'd have to expose herself to potentially heavy damage to have a chance to use the ability effectively. If it does drain shields, it needs to be really powerful to compensate her dancing around death. If it did a 100% radiation and blast proc chance then it would much better. If you want a suggestion from me, I'd say her drain required for max power should be stopped at 350 shields. That would leave some shield (100 base) for survivability, but also give it a max damage cap to keep someone from getting huge overshield and continuously draining for more power. Also, "storing" the ability like Inaros can store his Scarab Armor so she can walk around with it primed for use. 

18 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

the no face concept is actually present in a few frames, such as atlas, nova (some colored markings) , and even Excalibur to an extent  . i could add in markings maybe , but not sure what at this time . the "hair"  is more styled to be like saryns primes tendrils , i was thinking of making her parts farmed from infested

Yeah, you're right now that I think of it. I guess it was the hair that threw me off the most.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Awsome Ethan927 said:

Balancing is the longest part. I just generally have the wiki open on half of my screen and the concept page on the other so I can look back and forth for relatively good balancing.  

i do the same sometimes

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1 hour ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

Blinds generally open up for finishers, which is kind of powerful and it doesn't make sense to root them in place because their gun breaks. I think a gun jam would be better. The AoE effect could be added, or even be an ability augment. Just my opinion, anyways. 

I would think so. Otherwise it might as well be direct invisibility.

I hadn't even thought about the trolls. Dang. I like your suggestion, though, making it allies-only. The proxies could be limited to the Infested "machines" (MOAs and Ospreys) and also the basic Corpus proxies (the Shield Ospreys and basic small MOAs). Keeps it simple without shutting down real threats like Bursas.

It's not a bad idea by any means. I meant that she'd have to expose herself to potentially heavy damage to have a chance to use the ability effectively. If it does drain shields, it needs to be really powerful to compensate her dancing around death. If it did a 100% radiation and blast proc chance then it would much better. If you want a suggestion from me, I'd say her drain required for max power should be stopped at 350 shields. That would leave some shield (100 base) for survivability, but also give it a max damage cap to keep someone from getting huge overshield and continuously draining for more power. Also, "storing" the ability like Inaros can store his Scarab Armor so she can walk around with it primed for use. 

Yeah, you're right now that I think of it. I guess it was the hair that threw me off the most.

loving the suggestions 

and on the fourth i was picturing it like how equinox /stores. equinox day stores damage in on day form, thus why she is a nuker warframe. so i dont see anything wrong with limiting it to 350 per drain, but it should maybe be stackable, so you keep draining 350 whenever you want and unleash a wider AOE range not necessarily damage? 

1 hour ago, (XB1)Awsome Ethan927 said:

Balancing is the longest part. I just generally have the wiki open on half of my screen and the concept page on the other so I can look back and forth for relatively good balancing.  


1 hour ago, tennorod said:

i do the same sometimes

yea i think ill start doing that 

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