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Survival Mode!


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survival mode ideas:

every 100 mob kills

mob levels go higher and spawn rate goes higher...

per 50 kills.. 

default spawn at 20, per 50 kills it adds 5 more mobs to the initial spawn. Maxing at 100 mobs per spawn, not the spawn rates like on the defense missions where 10 spawns on the other side, and 15 on the other.. its a full spawn attack..

map ideas:

the map is something like on the Grineer defense in Gaia, a huge dome-like arena or something like that


map has 4 tunnels where the mob spawns.. large area to run around...

oh yeah, no platforms or any elevated areas for people to afk/hide on...

drop rates on blue orbs and red orbs are low as hell...


Edited by iBread
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Are you complete idiots or what? How the hell will Loki loose a survival with his freaking invisibility. Trinity heal/immortality. 

Or even with waves it would end up with oneshot bullS#&$. 

No ty... I am fine with Defense... 

It's optional, like it's optional to play Spy, Capture, Sabotage, and Raid. Not many play them but they are there for those who want to. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU. If you don't like offer constructive criticism or play defense forever. 

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I dunno. It all seems like even more of a Left4Dead ripoff than it is already.


Not a bad idea, but it's just too much of a blatant copy and it's been done quite well already in other games. That's supposedly the reason DE uses for not adding any pvp modes to WF "other games already have pvp, so if you want pvp then just go play those other games".

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I dunno. It all seems like even more of a Left4Dead ripoff than it is already.


Not a bad idea, but it's just too much of a blatant copy and it's been done quite well already in other games. That's supposedly the reason DE uses for not adding any pvp modes to WF "other games already have pvp, so if you want pvp then just go play those other games".


You said it was "done well" in other games... I bet DE could make a better survival game mode if they wanted to. Btw, name one cooperative survival game that has Warframes.

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No one likes to babysit a pod, its just lame in design. I admit the killing mobs is fun but i hate to worry about protecting the pod. This topic has been brought up many times, AND YET Scott dismissed it in the last livestream, WE WANT SURVIVAL MODE. I want to fend for myself, and i want a different challenge, babysitting gets old fast. Just plz DE for the love of god implement survival mode. It wouldn't be so hard keep same codes and everything just change the enemies objective from attacking straight for pod to attacking the player straight. It would be hell of fun being chased around by Corpus, Grineer and Infested. NO MORE BABYSITTING >.<  you can keep the two game modes, but this game needs more types of gameplay to survive.


or even more hardcore last man standing. you start out in a small room no crates or anything no way to get to a higher platform, once you kill lets say 50 he drops a key to open the doors. Once you get outside they rush at you from every angle, ships constantly drop ammo boxes and orbs.(kinda like jackal) The catch is once a player is downed he cannot be revived by team mates or be revived by using free revives until the each 5 waves are over, if you want it harder make it no revives at all. This is the ultimate survival of the fittest. you tell me that wouldn't be fun? 


or Contagion : infested type mission. Everyone is infected through a Bio hazard breach. Everyone constantly losses hp and shields.Rejuvenation and  Physique are nulled. What you have to do is every enemy you kill gives you 2 hp and yes its equally distributed to the whole team, no matter who gets the kill. This makes it fast paced. Once your hp reaches 0 you guys fail. Also Trinity doesn't fully heal you as you keep getting drained. or maybe something to balance it out. This would be for more hardcore players, and really fast paced. more like a another branch of survival mode.



i wrote this in gameplay feedback but i think that sub forums gets no love at all.




Last man standing: Some will say this is a great idea. I'll say it's a great idea if you play with friends. If you play online, let's be honest, we know what'll happen.


Player dies -> Player cannot revive -> Player sits there waiting for the rest of the team to get to the 5th wave -> Player gets bored as hell -> Player disconnects.


Contagion: The question is, does this follow the idea of normal defence with enemies that get harder over time?  If so, no matter how good you are, how awesome your frame and weapons are, you will fail. Who likes a mission type that you will ultimately fail after varying amounts of time? It'd be a pointless time sink without a goal.



I do agree on the idea of a survival mode but it needs a solid design.

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I dunno. It all seems like even more of a Left4Dead ripoff than it is already.


Not a bad idea, but it's just too much of a blatant copy and it's been done quite well already in other games. That's supposedly the reason DE uses for not adding any pvp modes to WF "other games already have pvp, so if you want pvp then just go play those other games".


Other games have done escort missions, defense missions, extermination missions, etc. so I'm not seeing your point.

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I dunno. It all seems like even more of a Left4Dead ripoff than it is already.


Not a bad idea, but it's just too much of a blatant copy and it's been done quite well already in other games. That's supposedly the reason DE uses for not adding any pvp modes to WF "other games already have pvp, so if you want pvp then just go play those other games".

Every game copies from every other game. Even steve said on E3 it was a mixture of Phantasy Star and Left4Dead. This is all original like other posts said what other game has warframes? They can add their own flare to it, this is just an idea for them to hopefully work on.

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Nothing about survival mode seems Tenno like, even defense missions are pushing it for me since all we ever do is defend cryopods instead of a building/entrance/fortress and even then the tactics developed for reaching high levels on defense missions are pretty cheese (imo of course).


I mean how much of an accomplishment is it to say "I spammed my ult and spent literal days leveling my gear and got to wave X on planet Y, so stfu nub"?  Mechanics are pretty much non-existent and as a ninja-inspired space marine guy I'd like good stealth play way before I get another flavor of "Endless waves". 


The new enemies are a step in the right direction, especially for Grineer, via a mixture of Rollerballs, Heavies, and Scorpions able to lock you down if you aren't careful.


Again, I'd like to see good stealth gameplay with HUGE XP bonuses for finishing the entire stage without getting caught, or one that scales with the % of the stage you were able to complete without getting scene (get to objective invisible but failed to make it to extraction without being seen).

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Would rather see more tactical strategic gameplay modes added instead of than yet another mindless stream of enemy A running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy B running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy C running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+B running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+C running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+B+C running straight at you and so on forever until you die.


That type of brainless blasting would take the game in the exact opposite direction that most players want to see the Warframe go in the future.


At the very least a further refinement of the existing Defense mode would be far preferable to just slapping together a generic survival mission-type. There is a lot of room to build upon what we have already and make it better instead of introducing dead-end gameplay elements that quickly get old with repeated play.

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Nothing about survival mode seems Tenno like, even defense missions are pushing it for me since all we ever do is defend cryopods instead of a building/entrance/fortress and even then the tactics developed for reaching high levels on defense missions are pretty cheese (imo of course).


I mean how much of an accomplishment is it to say "I spammed my ult and spent literal days leveling my gear and got to wave X on planet Y, so stfu nub"?  Mechanics are pretty much non-existent and as a ninja-inspired space marine guy I'd like good stealth play way before I get another flavor of "Endless waves". 


The new enemies are a step in the right direction, especially for Grineer, via a mixture of Rollerballs, Heavies, and Scorpions able to lock you down if you aren't careful.


Again, I'd like to see good stealth gameplay with HUGE XP bonuses for finishing the entire stage without getting caught, or one that scales with the % of the stage you were able to complete without getting scene (get to objective invisible but failed to make it to extraction without being seen).

Tenno like? There't not even a story behind them yet. How would anyone know what they are like. For all you can know they are Mercenaries hired by lotus to kill stuff and capture.  Only lore we have is that short E3 promo video, even that is vague.

Edited by W4RM4CHIN3
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Also, making the survival mode a last man standing would be glorious...

imagine dying at a righteous battle..

I bet lotus would wet her pantaloons when she knows you survived a 50k mob last man standing...

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Would rather see more tactical strategic gameplay modes added instead of than yet another mindless stream of enemy A running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy B running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy C running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+B running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+C running straight at you then a mindless stream of enemy A+B+C running straight at you and so on forever until you die.


That type of brainless blasting would take the game in the exact opposite direction that most players want to see the Warframe go in the future.


At the very least a further refinement of the existing Defense mode would be far preferable to just slapping together a generic survival mission-type. There is a lot of room to build upon what we have already and make it better instead of introducing dead-end gameplay elements that quickly get old with repeated play.


There's nothing wrong with new game modes imo. It would also be an option for the player and not something forced to do. Tweaks to defense missions can only do so much. It's still the same old song and dance in the end. For versatility in a cooperative game, you gotta have different game modes. I think Warframe has the ability to go in many more directions and I'm sure DE will make the most logical decisions on what the new modes would be. Even if it is survival coop, it could be amazing... it may even change your outlook on survival coop entirely. Many other games have survival coop and they do quite well in numbers... and they don't have the awesomeness of Warframe in them. So I say DE should at least look into more game modes no matter what.

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There's nothing wrong with new game modes imo. It would also be an option for the player and not something forced to do. Tweaks to defense missions can only do so much. It's still the same old song and dance in the end. For versatility in a cooperative game, you gotta have different game modes. I think Warframe has the ability to go in many more directions and I'm sure DE will make the most logical decisions on what the new modes would be. Even if it is survival coop, it could be amazing... it may even change your outlook on survival coop entirely. Many other games have survival coop and they do quite well in numbers... and they don't have the awesomeness of Warframe in them. So I say DE should at least look into more game modes no matter what.

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Yep, talked with people about that kind of gameplay while playing defence - the main idea is having just a road in front of the players, who are supposed to fire in that general direction, basically Left 4 Dead.

COULD be fun, however without a special made level for it and some additional details and mechanics it would get boring pretty quickly. I like the idea of having an ultimate objective, for example a tower - with the mentioned keys/doors - goes into the direction of Zelda, the beginning of "Sword Art Online" (manga or anime) could give a very nice example of having a tower with levels - each level has countless mobs, which must be cleared in order to get to a boss room. If you kill that boss you can get to the next stage - the higher you get the harder it becomes. The issue about that whole thing is, that it would need a LOT of effort/resources in order to be able to provide different and strong bosses ~ including the environment and all that stages. Unrealistic, regarding the fact that DE needs a long time just to fix Golem - maybe the new partnership with Sony would boost them enough in order to make it possible? Probably not, would be great though.

Your "Contagion" idea sounds interesting, not sure if the game and characters are agile and quick enough for that sort of gameplay - however Survival as a topic on its own is really awesome.

PS : Giving players more than one objective to defend, or even switching those, could at least create some sort of change - would rather go with Survival though!


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