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[Weapon Suggestion] The Tonfas


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I love the game's melee weapons so far but the tonfas are not here. Why? Tonfas are easy to do. These weapons are great. I'll even give you a picture to show you what tonfas could look like in the game: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs47/i/2009/216/1/a/Hibari__s_Tonfa_by_koga04.jpg


Here is a video: (sorry for it being long and in bad quality)


Edit: I realized that the last video wasn't good cause he barely used the tonfas. I have another right here:

Edited by Kaito_Kaiju
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tonfa = nightstick yes, but that, as far as I'm aware, is a rather recent change, before WWII in the UK we still used truncheons... which are kinda like small baseball bats, and I think we continued to used them til the mid 50s or so.

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  • 1 year later...

I love the game's melee weapons so far but the tonfas are not here. Why? Tonfas are easy to do. These weapons are great. I'll even give you a picture to show you what tonfas could look like in the game: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs47/i/2009/216/1/a/Hibari__s_Tonfa_by_koga04.jpg


Here is a video: (sorry for it being long and in bad quality)


Edit: I realized that the last video wasn't good cause he barely used the tonfas. I have another right here:

You do Realize that Tonfas was the second place winner of the Melee weapon contest right? they were concepted by Datareaper and are said to be coming in U14.5



Edited by Senketsu_
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