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Endgame Content


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well im kinda dissapointed in most endgame content. i saw it usually include things like this:

-permanent CC (like mirage disco ball)

-permanent stealth (naramon, loki something like this)

-unlimited energy (EV trinity)

-brainless killing of everything in sight usually not including more then pressing 1 button (maxed out op mods)

and thats a shame if u ask me, the gameplay of warframe can provide a lot of action but through overpowered stuff it gets turned down to boredom.


what i had in mind was a "survival nightmare hardcore" mission like this:
no stealth
cc immue

start enemy lvl 60

every 2 min enemy lvl increases by 1 (after 20min lv 70, 40min lv 80, 60min lv90, 80min lv100)

max enemy lvl 100

(no 1hitting you, not increase armor till you cant dmg them anymore but you need more shots to kill them and they do more dmg)

no flooding you with endless monsters that at some point you just stand before 100000 enemys that just overrun you. (but still slowly increase normal monster count)

instead we use the bosses from the game:

something like after 5minutes 1 boss from game spawns every 5min
after 20mins 2 bosses spawn every 5min

after 40mins 3 bosses spawn every 5min

after 60mins 4 bosses spawn every 5min

after 80mins 5 bosses spawn every 5min

so after one and a half hour in there you would fight many normal lv100 enemys + vor and tyl regor, hyena pack robo dogs running after you, raptor flying above, stalker jumping arround etc. 

you cant go stealth, you cant perma cc.
dodge, use tactics, coordinate with team members, making good usage of diffrent skills, do the boss mechanics while trying to survive. make use of maxed out best modded frames & weapons. permanent pure action.

for 2 hours surviving there you can get like the rarest mods or something special nice whatever.

so if someone would survive there for 3 hours, it would mean something, it would mean they are skilled players, perfect dodging, perfect aiming, perfect teamplay.
not like now where it just means they are the most bored players, spamming one button for over 3 hours.

(weeeee a disco ball, weeeee a disco ball, weeeee a disco ball, "3 hours later:" weeee a disco ball, weeee a disco ball X_x)


everything bout this should be easy to implent in the game because it just uses things that already exist in the game.

(like the bosses. the game mode, cc imunity etc)

and it would leave the rest of the game just like it is, just offers players that want challaging hard action a place to get it.


this is no finished concept in any way, just a suggestion and some ideas that crossed my mind. feel free to leave any thoughts & idea´s.


(edit: removed everything about scaling since its going a way i didnt want to, i wanted to suggest something that just uses things already in game, so its fast and easy to implent, while scaling is a process that consumes alot of time and testing and i dont think we see that in near future)








Edited by .Zato.
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Currently, player skill is trivialized 2 things:  player super CC and enemy damage scaling that ends up in "one-shotting" players

It is crucial to note that, without capping enemy damage, eventually players run into gameplay that is basically "if they see me, i die if they aren't CCed". I think DE needs to cap enemy damage and adjust warframe defensive stats accordingly.    this way, the "one-shot" phenomena that trivializes player gameplay choice is eliminated, and a context for scaling can be established.  Once this context is established, then DE can adjust warframe CC and player power levels.

infinite enemy hp and armor scalings are definitely STRONG, but do not trivialize player choice as much as absurd enemy damage scaling, which does so completely.


TL;DR  to address the issue of player skill and balance:


- Skill factor and player choice is trivialized by overwhelming player CC, acting as survivability, WHICH HAS BECOME NECESSARY to combat super high enemy damage scaling.                              

 - Extreme easy CC also trivializes player skill factors. (who needs skill when you can lock down a map with a press of a button)



- Cap enemy damage to establish context for rebalancing of warframe CC ( which can be seen as survivability in order to combat ludicrous enemy damage scaling)

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I think that if enemy scaling is fixed, and affinity scaling is fixed, Draco wouldn't exist. This new star chart doesn't seem like it's going to remove Draco, just move the XP focus rep cheese farm to somewhere else.

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