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Bounty Hunter Mechanic Idea


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This idea was inspired from the stalker, which goes after the player once he/she has slain a boss. 


Basically, this mechanic would function on some kind of notoriety system. The more missions you successfully complete, the higher level they are, and the higher difficultly level they are, the more notoriety you gain.


Once you reach a certain notoriety level, bounty hunters would be contracted by the various factions to take you out. The higher your notoriety level, the more frequent these encounters would become. Perhaps higher notoriety could unlock more challenging and rewarding bounty hunter encounters. Each hunter, like the stalker, could have a weapon set to drop and would offer an extra bit of challenge and reward to a mission. Notoriety would decrease slightly when a mission is failed or decrease by at least a level when a bounty hunter kills you.




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I like the idea.


Maybe, to make things easier, instead of creating new completely new characters just create set of four enemies from the Grineer and Corpus factions.   Given them noticeable different color pallet so they look similar to each other but different from the rest of the enemies that may be on the mission. The team would consist of a mixture of both factions, and spawn in teams of 2 to 4. Depending on the number of players in the mission.

Edited by Vitalidad
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really like this idea.. also just a side thought it could also be based of your mastery rank.. make it more important than just rank 7 weapon.. :) anyway great idea

That could actually work into a effective challenge balancing system. More hardened and experienced players would get some difficult encounters while newer ones would get toned down ones. Those boss speed runs may be slowed down a bit when a enraged mechanical murder machine has you in it's scope. =P

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You mean like faction specific mini bosses that invade your mission? Could be fun. Not sure how imperative it is compared to other things, but sounds like a fun idea +1


Well, basically yes. Also, purely for fun. To Spice things up. I'll refer to them as the "elite squad"


As to how it will be implemented, they could interrupt an on-going mission. Changing the current objective. (Just as Lotus already does >:[ ) At which point, the objective will be to either eliminated all of them* or move to extraction.This will give the players the option to choose to accept the challenge or GTHeck Out** and leave only with what they have acquired in that mission.(sans bonus perhaps) To increase the challenge, after defeating the elite squad, the Tenno will be order to finish the prior object if it was a Raid, Sabotage, Exterminate, or Capture mission. For the rest of the mission, upon killing all of the elite squad the Tenno would proceed to extraction. This elite squad would not appear on assassination or void missions


Regarding what would trigger their appearance, it can be when the player reached the halfway mark or obtained a new Mastery Rank. Think of it as a little reward for his or her hard work. :P

This is justified by the notoriety that a Tenno would earn with his/her increased Mastery of the Tenno arts of combat.(or w/e else sounds better like art of killing, or being a badass)  First appearance will be with successfully reaching rank 3 or 4 mastery. It depends on how skilled the elite squad would be.


In my opinion, such a set of min-bosses gives the devs a chance to implement strategy focused combat. By creating the squad with that in mind, there could be 2, 3, or more/less ways in which the player will proceed to destroy the elite squad. There could be a healer focused enemy, a physical, a runner, an annoying one, etc. Depending on the set, there would be an order to which to kill them off so that the Tenno have the upper hand. Really, I'm just throwing ideas out here... at midnigth local time.



*referring to the elite squad as previously described in earlier post.

**Of course, the "elite" squad will begin to chase the Tenno from their random spawn point. Which will be near the "room" with the majority of players. So if they want to get to evac, they better hustle. 

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So once we "intercept" these bounty hunters our notoriety will go down or do we have to rip posters off the walls?

I think your notoriety should go up after you defeat a bounty hunter. What bounty contractor in the right mind would think of someone as less of a threat after they take out the bounty hunter that was sent after them? The bounty contractor would send more capable bounty hunters in greater frequency after a target has proved to be more powerful than expected.

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So once we "intercept" these bounty hunters our notoriety will go down or do we have to rip posters off the walls?



I think your notoriety should go up after you defeat a bounty hunter. What bounty contractor in the right mind would think of someone as less of a threat after they take out the bounty hunter that was sent after them? The bounty contractor would send more capable bounty hunters in greater frequency after a target has proved to be more powerful than expected.


Neither. At least not based on how I said what will trigger the event.


I said that as a tenno's mastery rank increases, so will his/her notoriety. So the higher the Mastery, the higher the notoriety, the more challenging the enemy. The difficult would come with the fact that, in order to gain mastery points, we need to level new weapons/frames. Which means that the event will be triggered meanwhile the player was leveling at least one weapon. So, there is the chance that the elite squad would show up while I have a lvl1 weapon and/or frame. 

That scenario is likely at the half-way mark of Mastery progress. On the other case, once the player succeed in the Mastery trial, he/she should expect to encounter the elite squad. 

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  • 1 month later...

Was thinking of the same thing the other day. This would be a sweet feature, and would break up the pace of missions. The Stalker is perfect for newer players but once you have maxed gear he is just a minor hinderance. We need something for us badass space ninjas.


I like the idea of gaining bounty with each faction the more missions you do, netting various amounts depending on difficulty. As this bounty increases they send out bounty hunters, initially just 1, but as you gain more bounty they become tougher and more turn up. Even to the point of sending a small army if you are that much of a badass. If they kill you, your bounty is reset and you start from scratch again.


You could have 2 leaderboards for this as well, highest current bounty and all time highest bounty achieved.


Maybe you could even earn badges or special camo or emblem if you gain certain levels of bounty, indicating what you've done on behalf of the Lotus, and more importantly for bragging rights.


I used to love it when the stalker turned up, because you S#&$ your pants when you where low level. I really miss that feeling now that I have maxed stuff. This would work a treat to get those 'oh S#&$' moments back, and would work for all levels.

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Was thinking of the same thing the other day. This would be a sweet feature, and would break up the pace of missions. The Stalker is perfect for newer players but once you have maxed gear he is just a minor hinderance. We need something for us badass space ninjas.


I like the idea of gaining bounty with each faction the more missions you do, netting various amounts depending on difficulty. As this bounty increases they send out bounty hunters, initially just 1, but as you gain more bounty they become tougher and more turn up. Even to the point of sending a small army if you are that much of a badass. If they kill you, your bounty is reset and you start from scratch again.


You could have 2 leaderboards for this as well, highest current bounty and all time highest bounty achieved.


Maybe you could even earn badges or special camo or emblem if you gain certain levels of bounty, indicating what you've done on behalf of the Lotus, and more importantly for bragging rights.


I used to love it when the stalker turned up, because you S#&$ your pants when you where low level. I really miss that feeling now that I have maxed stuff. This would work a treat to get those 'oh S#&$' moments back, and would work for all levels.

Me gusta.

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The only problem I see with this is Notoriety levels increasing to the point that these become to common it's more of a nuisance than anything. Perhaps once you defeat one of these Hunters the level could decrease significantly?  That way it's more of a challenge and drive to increase the level to keep getting the hunters, instead of just getting it high up and then keeping it high up.

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