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[Quest] Chained Memories


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"You may know who you are but deep inside you have forgotten your most important ally, Tenno. Seek them out, fix the bond that was once lost."


Quest: Chained Memories

Warriors of old, forgotten with time. Pass their trial and unlock the secret you once knew.

Players are able to unlock Chained Memories once they have gained access to at least 3 Primed Warframes. Initiating the quest will prompt Lotus that it is time to learn more to seek out Cephalon Simaris in a relay to access their memories. Once there, they will be able to access a new area via Simulacrum, the Trial Room.

Once inside the Trial Room, the player will be prompted to pick either from Excalibur, Volt, Mag, Loki, Ember, Frost, Ash, Trinity, Nyx, Saryn, Rhino or Nova to perform their Trial. Each Warframe will have a unique setup and condition for the player to test and can only be performed once upon succession. Failing the trial will lock your memories for that warframe for 24 hours before you can attempt it once more.

Succeeding in a Warframe's Trial will unlock an alternate 4th Ability for the respective Warframe, allowing players to switch it from their Arsenal Tab -> Warframe -> Abilities (Where you view the numbers of your Warframe's Abilities).


Excalibur's Trial The Sword Alone

The player will be equipped with a random Rank 30 Sword, Nikana, Heavy Blade or Machete Weapon from their arsenal. They will be spawn in a small bridge where level 1 Infested will start charging towards the player, scaling as the player progresses through the bridge, up to level 50 Infested. Upon reaching the end of the bridge, the player will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Excalibur and Excalibur Prime.

Excalibur's Memory - Origin Blade

Excalibur manifests 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 blades of light that automatically seeks out nearby enemies, inflicting 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 Slash and Puncture Damage to enemy units struck. Performing melee combos will prompt all blades of light to position themselves around Excalibur, mimicking his movements and dealing damage to enemy units nearby. Drains 10 energy per second as long as it is active. 



Volt's Trial Last Lightning

The player will be equipped with a Hobbled Dragon Key (regardless if they have it or not) and will spawn in a wide open space. Upon moving out the starting circle, a timer will appear counting down from 30 seconds. Players are to seek out another circle (visible via yellow ring in a distance) before the timer runs out. Once the timer reaches 0, bolts of lightning will struck the player, failing the test if they do not reach a circle in time. Players are to repeat this 3 times and upon completion, unlocks an alternative 4th ability for Volt and Volt Prime.

Volt's Memory - Bolt Prominence

Volt charges a ball of lightning before throwing it out in a straight path. The ball moves slowly and passes through enemy units, dealing 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 Electricity damage to those in contact. Those initially struck by the ball becomes charged for 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 seconds, causing enemy units struck by Shock or in contact with his Speed or Electric Shield to receive half of Bolt Prominence's damage and refund 30 Energy back to Volt.



Mag's Trial - Filling the Will

The player's energy will be capped at 50 Energy and will spawn in a large room leading to a maze. Players are simply required to find the exit of the maze with exactly 50 Energy. Inside, there will be level 1 Energy Leech and Parasitic Eximus enemies that will not attack the player and can only be found in the dead ends of the maze. Additionally, there is exactly 4 Energy Orbs randomly scattered within the maze, restoring the player back to 50 Energy upon pickup. Upon completion will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Mag and Mag Prime.

Mag's Memory - Fraction Orb

Mag conjures a magnetic orb that causes enemy units nearby to receive 800 / 1000 / 1250 / 1500 Magnetic damage. If an enemy unit dies from the magnetic orb, their body will be contorted and primed with the same magnetic force as the original, launching them 6 meters away from the orb and causing them to deal 400 / 500 / 625 / 750 Magnetic damage to enemy units around them. Initial orb lasts for 10 / 12 / 16 / 20 seconds with all other body orbs lasting for half the duration.



Loki's Trial - A Trickter's Felony

The player will spawn in a tight room where the only way is up, creating more space as they ascend. Players are only tasked to simply ascend where there will be a floating platform on top. But as the player starts ascending, the makeshift pillars they walk will start to descend. Additionally, there will be a fixed line (visible as lasers beneath the player) as the player makes their ascend, trailing the player roughly 10 meters beneath them and touching these lasers will fail the player. Upon completion will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Loki and Loki Prime.

Loki's Memory - Essence Shuffle

Loki switches essence with an enemy unit, transferring Loki's remaining health and shield percentage to the targeted enemy while transferring the target's current health and shield percentage to Loki. If the target is an eximus unit or an ancient, Loki steals their aura for 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 seconds.



Ember's Trial - The Sin of Fire

The player will spawn in an open space filled with level 1 enemies that will not move nor attack the player. The player will be under a special buff that will proc Heat effect to enemy units in contact. The player is tasked to reach the exit without killing or setting more than 5 enemies in fire. Upon completion, the player unlocks an alternative 4th ability for Ember and Ember Prime.

Ember's Memory - Meteor

Ember starts charging up, gaining 10% sprint speed and 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 base Heat damage per second as she gathers heat around herself. Upon contact with an enemy or falling from at least 10 meters height, she deals 400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 Heat damage in a 8 meter radius around her impact. Constantly drains 12 energy each second active.



Frost's Trial - The Cold Cares

The player will spawn in an open space with thick fog and a heater beside them. The player is tasked to reach the exit with a shield value of 50% and above. There will be multiple heater randomly scattered around the trial and being away from a heater for more than 10 seconds will apply a Cold proc to the player and will decay their shield by 10%. Note that shield regeneration will not apply normally, only being near a heater will restore a small percentage of their shield per second. Upon completion will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Frost and Frost Prime.

Frost's Memory - Blizzard

Frost summons a storm that constantly follows him, leaving trails of ice that applies Cold Proc to enemies following. Nearby enemy units constantly receive 400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 Cold damage when near Frost and will freeze for 3 seconds if they receive at least 3 damage instances from Blizzard. Additionally, Frost restores 3% of his shield percentage each time an enemy is shattered while frozen.



Ash's Trial - Shadow of Light

The player will spawn in a maze with patrolling level 1 enemies, scaling as the player progresses. The player will be under constant invisibility. The player is tasked to kill at least 20 enemies via stealth attack but by doing so removes the player from invisibility for 6 seconds before returning back to invisibility. Being spotted by an enemy will immediately fail the player but if they succeed in this trial, they will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Ash and Ash Prime.

Ash's Memory - Assassin's Instinct

Ash activates his instinct, granting him the ability to see enemies through walls and floor in a 15 / 17 / 20 / 25 meter radius. Enemies seen by Assassin's Instinct can be targeted and affected by Ash's Shuriken and Teleport and will have 0 Energy Cost while active. In addition, performing parkour (Wall Latch, Roll, Handspring, etc) will briefly grant invisibility and 100% Critical Rate and Damage to Ash for 5 seconds. Constantly drains 20 energy while active.



Trinity's Trial - Mender's Dilemma

The player will spawn in a large room where there will be 6 specters in downed state with a 30 second countdown. The player will simply need to revive these specters (maximum of 3) while enduring the onslaught of incoming enemies ranging from Grineer to Corrupted that will try their best to pull you or knock you away from these specters. Upon successfully reviving the required amount of specters will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Trinity and Trinity Prime.

Trinity's Memory - Divinity

Trinity roots herself to the ground, preventing her own movement while increasing her armor by 100% / 110% / 125% / 150% for the duration and a 8 meter aura around her. Allied units within her aura cannot enter downed state nor die and instead all damage received by her allies within radius are converted to health for Trinity. Overhealing Trinity will grant nearby allies bonus damage at a ratio of 1% per 400 damage. Constantly drains 15 energy while active.



Nyx's Trial - Battle Within

The player will start in a closed dome room and a 3 second countdown will begin. Upon reaching 0, pillars will start to rise from the ground acting as covers as specters will start to spawn and engage the player. These specters has the same setup as your currently equipped warframe. There will be a minute timer where you need to either survive until the timer reaches 0 or kill all specters (8 specters in total). Upon successfully completing the trial will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Nyx and Nyx Prime.

Nyx's Memory - Spectral Projection

Randomly manifests one of your Loadouts as a specter for the mission, complete with weapons. The specter's health is directly linked to Nyx's Energy and will directly deplete her energy if the specter takes damage and also the stats used by the specter's abilities are taken from Nyx herself. Lasts for 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 seconds. The specter created through Spectral Projection will always be the same upon future usage on the same mission. 



Saryn's Trial - A Spore's Dream

The player will spawn in an earth tile-set. An enemy charger will spawn nearby and will always track down the player and on this charger is a single spore. There will be other infested chargers spawning within the area and the goal is to guide a spored charger near the extraction point. The spore will definitely kill the charger overtime so players will be required to kill the spored charger to infect others before moving on. Upon successfully completing the trial, the player unlocks an alternative 4th ability for Saryn and Saryn Prime.

Saryn's Memory - Deadly Bloom

Creates a deadly flower in the targeted point with 600 / 800 / 1200 / 1500 Health for 10 / 14 / 16 / 20 seconds. Enemies within 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 meters constantly take 300 / 400 / 600 / 800 Corrosive damage each second. Enemies affected by Spore and dies from the flower will spawn another Deadly Bloom from their corpse with the remaining duration of the original flower. Additionally, amplifies Toxin and Viral damage taken by enemies when near the flower by 20%.



Rhino's Trial - Breakthrough

The player will spawn in a closed narrow hallway with indefinite number of enemies already spawned. The player is simply tasked to pass through and reach the end regardless of methods. Upon completion will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Rhino and Rhino Prime.

Rhino's Memory - Rampage

Rhino enters an animal-like state that empowers his abilities and causes him to knockdown enemies within 5 / 7 / 9 / 12 meters whenever he takes damage equal to 10% of his maximum health. Lasts for 10 / 12 / 16 / 20 seconds. 

• Rhino Charge and will inflict twice the base damage if Rhino strikes a wall or object at the end of his dash and will briefly stun enemies for 4 seconds.

• Damage received while Iron Skin is active will heat up Rhino, granting him 1% Power Strength per 2% Iron Skin Health lost. If Iron Skin's Health is below 50%, melee attacks done by or against Rhino has a chance to inflict Heat proc.

• Roar will now inflict panic to enemy units within 10 meters, reducing their armor by 10%.



Nova's Trial - Unstable Variation

The player will spawn in a large room where there will be enemies primed by positive and negative Molecular Prime, slowing down and speeding up enemies within the room. The player is tasked to kill 80% of the enemies through the chain explosion from Molecular Prime. The player has 3 tries before they can fail the trial. If successful, the player will unlock an alternative 4th ability for Nova and Nova Prime.

Nova's Memory - Spatial Collapse

Nova creates an unstable space in a 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 meters around her with antimatter for 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 seconds. Enemies within the unstable space are slowed down by 20% while Nova and her allies gain 20% movement speed. Upon re-activation or at the end of the duration, enemies within the unstable space are knocked away from the space while enemy units outside and within 3 meters near the antimatter wall are forcefully dragged to the center of the space, enemies affected receive 300 / 600 / 800 / 1200 damage

Edited by Harowing
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4 minutes ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

This seems like a great idea, but my caveat is sometimes the first time getting a prime is a chore in itself, wether weapon or frame, so three prime frames may be asking for a lot when this is your reward, a different 4th ability for some frames.

That may be the case but it does generate something to look forward to for players whose trying to get themselves some Prime Warframes.

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