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Super Indiscriminate Feedback Bonanza


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Energy Siphon is the only useful Artifact, the others are useless, maybe make them mods instead?


Normal melee attacks are borderline useless for many weapons because of their low damage.  Spamming charge attacks is far superior.


Maybe add charge attack combos? or just different animations for subsequent charge attacks?


Make parry useful, then add mods for parry like energy built when parrying to charging up melee damage while you parry.


Powers affected by resistances are kind of lame.


Powers that cost 25 energy and do little damage are kind of lame.


Steel Skin is useless on low armor frames and very useful on high armor frames.


Defense rewards probably need to be bound by wave rewards.  Wave 5 uncommons, Wave 10 tier 1 rares, wave 15 very rare stuff and maybe rare + uncommon\rare for each 5 waves after 20?


Earnable single colors from color packs as a rare reward?


Make melee jump attacks faster please.  Using a jump attack puts you almost into zero gravity mode with how slow you fall.


Make melee enemies attack faster, they move like they're in slow motion.  Faster more agile enemies in general would be a boon for this game.  I wanna see flameblades sprinting towards me and bounding off walls. S#&$ would be awesome.


Shotgunner and close range class enemies need to actually move up and get in your face, most of the time they sit on the other side of a room being useless.


Pattern skins? Like camouflage or Orokin filigree?  Rewardable from hard missions and the marketplace.


Are alerts always going to be a side way to make credits and a way to gate F2P players from obtaining new frames? (There was nothing random about Vaubans parts in alerts, not that I'm complaining, gating new stuff for F2P is pretty normal for F2P games)


Wallrunning feels way too uncontrollable to me, like you get glued to rails.  Its not as fluid as it is in games like GUNZ and Prototype.  Two games that I consider to have excellent multi axis movement controls.


If you don't want this game to be too melee centric then ranged weapons need more depth to them.  Perhaps give each weapon an alt fire?  Or each class of weapon like Burst Rifle, Assault Rifle, Heavy Pistol, Machine gun.  By alt fire I mean like all shots puncture for X seconds, Fire two shotgun bursts in one shot with a cooldown, Fire one big shot that consumes a lot of ammo.  I'm no wizard but something along those lines.  Could even make the alt fires mods you equip to each gun.


Instead of making Infested enemies stagger you when they hit you, can they just stack a slowing debuff on you instead that builds with each hit?  Infinitely less annoying and still punishes you for getting swarmed.


Slottable passive powers for each Warframe in case you don't want to use things like Pull and Bullet Attractor.  Some could be team oriented or buff your attacks (charged melee attacks cause enemies to magnetically crash into each other)


Experience should scale better for harder missions and enemies.  Right now you can sweep lower level stuff and level way faster than if you ran level 40-50 stuff.  Would cut down on the KISTE farming.


More mission types please, I realize this is a longshot and a hard request but this feedback is indiscriminate.


More tileset rooms and combinations.  Some areas lead to the same type of room no matter what level it is.  A bit more randomization and a few more room types would do wonders for the feelings of repetition.


Actual purple, blue and green please.  Mint and Dark Pink only go so far.


Make enemies more aggressive.  Make heavy enemies better at area denial.  A heavy gunner should be using their gun to suppress me, not only firing when they see me.  Heavies should be covering the approach of the normal troopers.


Thats about all that comes to mind so far.


Updated Thoughts


Enemies should use lockdown as a trap to try and trap you in a room with a group of dangerous enemies.


Dojo should have a room that lets you manage your inventory, change out warframes and use a galaxy map to accept missions.  There is little point besides a blueprint spawning factory to Dojos.  Hell, add emote animations for the Tenno to use.  We should be able to see hangers with our dropships, a room with the galaxy map hologram and maybe even an archive for lore.


Create super rare things that players can donate to dojos like statues, orokin drones, lore archives and other scenery and cool stuff like that.  Nothing you OMG MUST GRIND for, but would be happy to get every now and then.

Edited by Datareaper
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Why is nearly every mod/mod upgrade in existence a +__% of this number? Why can't there be attachments with more creative effects? The only mod currently in game that breaks this pattern that comes to mind is Thunderbolt, and even that is pretty darn underwhelming now.


Or for that matter, adding new mods in to take up more slots and mod points can't be the solution for everything. I heard that DE was going to "fix" blocking by adding in a mod to improve it. Why? Why can't you just improve blocking across the board rather than forcing players into equipping it to make this whole game mechanic not so useless?


How come game "strategy" always boils down to just shooting everything and hitting ults as often as possible, with some crowd control skills thrown in at higher levels? You're probably sick of being compared to ME3 multiplayer, but in that game each faction had a wide variety of units that actually worked with each other to cause players to form and play different strategies for different types of enemies. The most we've seen in this game is Grineer occasionally bunching up around shield carriers and shield ospreys flying toward the nearest Corpus.


Why are so many efforts taken to reduce player speed/remove mechanics that let us move more fluidly? The last livestream gave the impression that some of the devs were frustrated that the tiles they slaved over were just being largely ignored by "rushers". Why is this something that needs fixing? Some players just want to complete missions ASAP for whatever reason. Different playstyles, different goals in mind. Rather than forcing us to crawl at a snail's pace to smell the roses why can't you just put more incentives to explore in? Make the roses nicer, so to speak.


Is the lore really going to be left as is? AFAIK the most we have are the Lotus sound bytes in assassination missions, but these don't seem to fit together at all and are seemingly thrown together at random. E.g., Councilor Vay Hek. There's a galactic council? Is it made up of Grineer, Corpus, and Tenno despite all of us being at open war? "Our standing" on the council? You mean we have a presence in this system that goes beyond blowing the crap out of everything? Standing compared to whom? Somebody governs the galaxy?

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Second thoughts about ults and powers in general.

Enemies that are almost immune to them or high resistant should be their own class of enemies.  Give them blue shirts if you really want to.

But have them bust into a room with normal enemies and be all like "WERE IMMUNE TO TENNO POWERS AND VERY DANGEROUS RRAAAAGGHH" And the players collectively panic because the special immune to Tenno powers guys showed up and forced you to change your strategy.  Make them good at crowd control like stuns and knockdowns to prevent Tenno from abusing their powers.

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Energy Siphon is the only useful Artifact, the others are useless, maybe make them mods instead?

I like enemy radar too, or the damage +10% ones.


Normal melee attacks are borderline useless for many weapons because of their low damage.  Spamming charge attacks is far superior.

Problem is that pressure point needs a serious buff, plus charge attack ignores armor.


Maybe add charge attack combos? or just different animations for subsequent charge attacks?

Combo attacks in general would be good.


Make parry useful, then add mods for parry like energy built when parrying to charging up melee damage while you parry.

By parry ya mean block? Yea block needs work too.


Powers affected by resistances are kind of lame.

Been saying this for awhile, I think our special moves should ignore armor... right now the few that do are superior making other frames feel pointless.


Powers that cost 25 energy and do little damage are kind of lame.

MIIIIND COOOONTROL! Best 25 power there is :p give it a whirl.


Steel Skin is useless on low armor frames and very useful on high armor frames.

I agree, it should give flat armor bonuses, not percentage. DE has a tendancy to like @(*()$ you with percentages btw... 40% shield and vitality? Helmets that give 5% more shield at 5% health? Not really... any "buff" is based off your level 1 stats, where as the hit comes at your total. Its lame. They at least need to describe the effects better.


Defense rewards probably need to be bound by wave rewards.  Wave 5 uncommons, Wave 10 tier 1 rares, wave 15 very rare stuff and maybe rare + uncommon\rare for each 5 waves after 20?

They have that already sorta, its based off enemy level. If it was based off waves everyone would do defense on mercury since theyre the easiest. Id rather it be based off enemy level.


Earnable single colors from color packs as a rare reward?

Or just able to get color packs from alerts or something would be nice too.


Make melee jump attacks faster please.  Using a jump attack puts you almost into zero gravity mode with how slow you fall.

I dont like falling like a feather either.


Make melee enemies attack faster, they move like they're in slow motion.  Faster more agile enemies in general would be a boon for this game.  I wanna see flameblades sprinting towards me and bounding off walls. S#&$ would be awesome.

Slow motion enemies happens more with laggy hosts.


Shotgunner and close range class enemies need to actually move up and get in your face, most of the time they sit on the other side of a room being useless.

Its cuz they nerfed the shotgun range but didnt fix AI


Pattern skins? Like camouflage or Orokin filigree?  Rewardable from hard missions and the marketplace.

They have the bridges already in place for it, just no alternate skins, and no customization options other than colors... :(


Are alerts always going to be a side way to make credits and a way to gate F2P players from obtaining new frames? (There was nothing random about Vaubans parts in alerts, not that I'm complaining, gating new stuff for F2P is pretty normal for F2P games)

Dont know, they mentioned adding resources to alerts... maybe. Here's a link to a community managers post asking for feed back. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/64305-operation-cornucopia-add-resource-alerts-parallel-to-alerts/


Wallrunning feels way too uncontrollable to me, like you get glued to rails.  Its not as fluid as it is in games like GUNZ and Prototype.  Two games that I consider to have excellent multi axis movement controls.

Controls in general need to be sharper really.


If you don't want this game to be too melee centric then ranged weapons need more depth to them.  Perhaps give each weapon an alt fire?  Or each class of weapon like Burst Rifle, Assault Rifle, Heavy Pistol, Machine gun.  By alt fire I mean like all shots puncture for X seconds, Fire two shotgun bursts in one shot with a cooldown, Fire one big shot that consumes a lot of ammo.  I'm no wizard but something along those lines.  Could even make the alt fires mods you equip to each gun.

That would probably require another button for alt fire unless they implemented it in combo attacks so you could melee and shoot someone simultaneously, which would be badass.


Instead of making Infested enemies stagger you when they hit you, can they just stack a slowing debuff on you instead that builds with each hit?  Infinitely less annoying and still punishes you for getting swarmed.

Only certain weapons stagger.


Slottable passive powers for each Warframe in case you don't want to use things like Pull and Bullet Attractor.  Some could be team oriented or buff your attacks (charged melee attacks cause enemies to magnetically crash into each other)

Ive suggested "global" powers that all warframes could use a few times now.


Experience should scale better for harder missions and enemies.  Right now you can sweep lower level stuff and level way faster than if you ran level 40-50 stuff.  Would cut down on the KISTE farming.

It should, and they said they were looking into it, dunno when.


More mission types please, I realize this is a longshot and a hard request but this feedback is indiscriminate.

Think this comes up a lot, you might be interested in my suggestion for stalker missions...  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/64360-stalker-suggestions-inspired-by-the-new-ps4-trailer/


More tileset rooms and combinations.  Some areas lead to the same type of room no matter what level it is.  A bit more randomization and a few more room types would do wonders for the feelings of repetition.

Heres another thread the community manager started. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/64306-operation-cornucopia-storage-rooms-for-existing-tilesets/


Make enemies more aggressive.  Make heavy enemies better at area denial.  A heavy gunner should be using their gun to suppress me, not only firing when they see me.  Heavies should be covering the approach of the normal troopers.

Lots of people have suggested better AI and more skill needed to make the game more difficult.

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I agree with everything.

And about Steel FIber, how about readjusting the values and making it additive instead of a percentage?  That way it would be useful on high and low armor frames (additive instead of a percentage would fix alot of things in this game too, like CRIT RATES).

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I agree with everything.

And about Steel FIber, how about readjusting the values and making it additive instead of a percentage?  That way it would be useful on high and low armor frames (additive instead of a percentage would fix alot of things in this game too, like CRIT RATES).

Especially crit rates. So do you want your gun to have a +5-10% chance to crit doing 50-100% more damage? Or do you want all of your bullets to do 50-100% more damage and still have chance for crits? Crits in this game are a joke. Its why the grakata blows so hard. A gun based off an inferior gameplay element is going to be inferior. Even at 50% chance for crits I probably wouldnt use it...

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unmog, your post is horrible to sort though. Try using more than one quote next time you want to address each point so it's readable.

Slow motion enemies happens more with laggy hosts.

Lag has nothing to do with how slow and telegraphed the melee focused enemies are not counting chargers.


Only certain weapons stagger.

This wasn't about weapons it was about how terrible infested enemies are with their near stunlocking melee attacks. They're always guaranteed to trip you if they hit.
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Sorry, it was the easiest way to reply to sheer size of it :p


This wasn't about weapons it was about how terrible infested enemies are with their near stunlocking melee attacks. They're always guaranteed to trip you if they hit.

Ah I misread... I thought he said how if you hit infected they stagger. Yea those chargers can F*** you up with that stunlock, throw in a disruptor ancient and you can be in a real problem real fast. I figure though its not that bad... considering how easy they are to dispatch with most melee weapons. I always thought it was the risk of going toe to toe with them, but yea, effect use of blocking and dodging should help, though Im not sure if blocking stops you from being staggered/stunned or not.

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More thoughts on endless defense and rewards.

Wave 5 should not give anything rare.  I'm sorry but thats just silly.  Its easy to get to wave 5 and anyone can solo it, even pluto.

Wave 5-10 should be uncommon mods like fusion core, serration, useful stuff like that.  15 and 20, and beyond should be where the rares start popping up.  Thats legit hard to get to and doesn't take an extreme amount of time to get to.

Now if you want to go past 20 and into 25, 30 and beyond?  Start giving out stuff like artifacts, "rare" warframe blueprints and maybe even some tailored for high level defense rewards.

I know we all like getting stuff easily, but its not exactly fair at all.

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Don't make mastery rank deny you the use of your good weapons.

To get tenno points you need to level weapons, thus that means that if you use your good forma'd, potato'd frame/weapons that you're losing out on tenno points because you can't level those anymore.

Thus if you want to increase your mastery rank to try out the higher level weapons (I mean who doesn't want to blow their face off with the ogris?) that means you have to ditch the weapons you like and worked on and level S#&$ like the burston and sicarus, awful, awful weapons that I'd rather never use.

Why not make it so you can still get tenno points from level 30 weapons? Just have it set so it requires the level 30 amount to level up, and it'd only give tenno points, no additional mod slots. That way you can still increase your mastery rank AND not have to make and go through all the weapons, when only a few of each type are any good/fun to use.

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Wave 5-10 should be uncommon mods like fusion cores

Regardless if I disagree with what you said about wave 5 rewards, I wanted to make a gripe myself. Those fusion cores you get from defense wave rewards are totally broken, they dont seem to have the bars on the side, theyre all black and not white and seem to fill less than a standard level 3 common fusion core I pick up normally. If theyre going to include fusion cores into the tables, they need to make sure theyre not bugged.

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Regardless if I disagree with what you said about wave 5 rewards, I wanted to make a gripe myself. Those fusion cores you get from defense wave rewards are totally broken, they dont seem to have the bars on the side, theyre all black and not white and seem to fill less than a standard level 3 common fusion core I pick up normally. If theyre going to include fusion cores into the tables, they need to make sure theyre not bugged.

yeah, the current fusion core defense rewards are all lvl 0 and basically useless as a result

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Energy Siphon is the only useful Artifact, the others are useless, maybe make them mods instead?

Aside from that, simply because I don't need more useless stuff that takes up mod slots (handspring, warm coat, etc.), yes to everything. This game needs passives, badly. Making the frame abilities passives would be a great start so you don't have to waste 4 slots to actually play the warframe you're playing instead of just a different playermodel.

Edited by Psyked
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You can't just turn Platinum only purchases like color packs into freely obtainable items this long after they've been platinum only everyone who ever bought one would feel like an idiot.

But if you really want to go that route then fine but add timers to them like after 24 hours it disappears or something that's more fair for consumers.

Edited by ZWarhammer
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Doesn't have to be easy to obtain but would be a nice reward for difficult missions and defense waves.  Besides I don't feel like an idiot every time a helmet blueprint alert pops up for a helmet I paid money for.  Thats just how the game goes, you spend money to get something now instead of later.

Grinding a color palette one color at a time doing defense isn't exactly something feasible, but would be nice to occasionally get as a mid tier reward.

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