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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Simon has locked down all ships in orbit." Dixon says. "So he'll be stuck on the surface. We have scanners, but not planetwide scanners. The Arbiter may have a few ideas, if we were to talk to him. Or that Lord fellow."


"Good, its highly likely hes stuck near this place, he must gone somewhere else, I've only been to this part of the planet, feels like a relay part of it, what other parts are on this place?, infact I never bothered to check if its ice,sand,water or earth.."

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9 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed reads it and begins to decipher it, he clears his throat* "What I can gather, with the Intel I got from Matrix as well, I can peace these together, along with the Info I got from Ceda from that memorize thing too, so *he clears this throat once more and exhales*

"The Ship detected a unknown segment get installed onto the ship, along with unknown remote access, sadly Matrix  was't onboard,otherwise he would've kown excaly, Who and when and how" *He looks to the other intel* "Matrix sent me the CCTV videos, showing "Legion" getting off his ship and then disappearing right at this moment here *He points to the screen, he connected to* <The Screen shows,Legion walking off his ship and then what appears to be useing smoke shadow> "From there, my ship detected that spike and segment"

*He sighs* "After a few mins, you can see when I come in with Sam and the others, and then Boom.." *He looks* "Now if we slow down the time here and clamp it frame by frame, we can see what type of bomb he used, or try and guess" *He does so* <The frame slows down, and then goes frame by frame, it shows that the explosion goes from fiery to blue, it seems a mix of Blast & Magnetic type of bomb>

*He sighs* "So we see, do we have any scanners or devices that can see past cloak fields?" 

"The footage match some variants of Corpus explosives." Ceda noted.

5 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He looks to Ceda* "What do you mean?" *He truns to Luna* "I feel you, He was a good friend back then, only to see him go mad, like the Stalker, worries me, do you think hes...one of them?..."  

"I hope not.. but the way he moved in a shadow worries me." She said.

Ceda looked at Zaeed but ignored his question, obviously she weren't going to give any details on the "mind-process".

4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Simon has locked down all ships in orbit." Dixon says. "So he'll be stuck on the surface. We have scanners, but not planetwide scanners. The Arbiter may have a few ideas, if we were to talk to him. Or that Lord fellow."


"I can scan the planet, and since I still have access to your satelites It may only take a few minutes." She said.

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Melanie breathes a sigh of relief.

"Ciper Team, status?" She asks.

"Data secure, will decrypt and share." Their leader says. "Thank you for your assistance."

"Thank you for the information." Melanie says. "Alpha Team load the prototype onto the cargo shuttle and return home."

She hits a switch and earth comes into view.

"Bravo Team, status?" She asks.

"Approaching Colony now." A woman says. "Orders?"

"The Grineer are targeting a human colony." Melanie says. "Rendezvous with the Rangers and get those people to safety. Expect standard extermination troops."

She switches to another channel.

"Colony 317, this is the UHC. We heard you could use a hand." Melanie says. "Seraphs are inbound to provide medical aid and evacuation to allied facilities."

"Understood." A voice says. "We'll hold out as long as we can."




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5 minutes ago, Luthim said:

"The footage match some variants of Corpus explosives." Ceda noted.

"I hope not.. but the way he moved in a shadow worries me." She said.


*Sighs* "Why does Irony want to kill me?" *He looks over to Luna* "Excaly, I kown his frame can do such, but it looked modified, more black and smoker, then the normal, and it only lasts for a few seconds, this really worries me, do you think these rumors are true *He says, looking up at Marix* 

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12 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"You are one of Fell's friends, aren't you?"

"Friends?" He asks. "I had a friend once. Nice fellow. Had to buy stabilizers though, pricey. And the cleaning. How does a computer get fleas?"

"You'll have to excuse him." A voice says. "His imprint is... distorted."

A Nekros stands behind you. His aura seems... different.

He is clad in robes similar to those of the Grandmaster, but far less ornate.

Edited by Rakawan
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2 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Sighs* "Why does Irony want to kill me?" *He looks over to Luna* "Excaly, I kown his frame can do such, but it looked modified, more black and smoker, then the normal, and it only lasts for a few seconds, this really worries me, do you think these rumors are true *He says, looking up at Marix* 

"I strongly think that it may have a connection, tho my qeastion is, if this where to be true, how did he get into contact with them?, Why did they agree and how did they not kill him on sight, its not just like a fan-club, they are monsters , killers, we do not kowm if they are even Tenno" *He Looks over, saying Firmly* 

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8 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Friends?" He asks. "I had a friend once. Nice fellow. Had to buy stabilizers though, pricey. And the cleaning. How does a computer get fleas?"

"You'll have to excuse him." A voice says. "His imprint is... distorted."

A Nekros stands behind you. His aura seems... different.

He is clad in robes similar to those of the Grandmaster, but far less ornate.

Cyria turns to the Nekros, the aura felt familair, but not in a good way. 


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Just now, kyrozon said:

Cyria turns to the Nekros, the aura felt familair, but not in a good way. 


"Every shade here is created from a void imprint." The Nekros says. "I'm afraid he's not all there. Are you a friend of his? Perhaps you'd like to see some of his art?"

"You seek the one called Fell." A voice says in your mind. "I can help you... I think.... follow me..."

The voice seems strained, as if communicating in this manner is difficult for it.

The Nekros, who appears to be a younger Tenno, walks towards a door.

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

A man in a long black trenchoat, wearing an gold necklace with an archaic symbol walks up to the shop. He move his hand in a strange pattern before knocking on the door.

The Mirage turned around, seeing that somebody was knocking on her steakhouses' door, despite the 'close' sign being fairly visible. She guessed he was there for some other reason, so she floated over "Over here~"

1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"The rooms are fully outfitted for luxury stays." Mira says, unfazed. "So yes. The windows can also turn opaque if you wish for privacy. Each room has a lesser Cephalon that oversees its functions."

"Well that's neat" Luv commented.
"Then what are we waiting for?" said Icarus, walking over to the Inn.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Every shade here is created from a void imprint." The Nekros says. "I'm afraid he's not all there. Are you a friend of his? Perhaps you'd like to see some of his art?"

"You seek the one called Fell." A voice says in your mind. "I can help you... I think.... follow me..."

The voice seems strained, as if communicating in this manner is difficult for it.

The Nekros, who appears to be a younger Tenno, walks towards a door.

"A void imprint?" Cyria asks looking at the Rhino. "We aren't friends just had a question to him."

She was startled by the voice in her mind, even more so since it wasn't as smooth of a link as with a Nyx.

Looking after the Nekros walk to the door she followed close behind, looking around if someone was following them.

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1 minute ago, Denny2669 said:

The Mirage turned around, seeing that somebody was knocking on her steakhouses' door, despite the 'close' sign being fairly visible. She guessed he was there for some other reason, so she floated over "Over here~"

"Well that's neat" Luv commented.
"Then what are we waiting for?" said Icarus, walking over to the Inn.

The counter is staffed by a young man who looks terribly bored.

"Welcome to the Sleeping Giant." He says. "Phenix's only luxury hotel for discerning..."

He looks at you and then down at a his desk.

"Tenno." He says, the words sounding rehearsed. "How can I help you?"

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5 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

The Mirage turned around, seeing that somebody was knocking on her steakhouses' door, despite the 'close' sign being fairly visible. She guessed he was there for some other reason, so she floated over "Over here~"

"So it's you." He says. "How... amusing."

He tilts his head as if listening and then nods.

"There I was... meditating" He says. "When I sensed a most insidious darkness fall over this world. That wouldn't have anything to do with you, now would it?"

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9 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"A void imprint?" Cyria asks looking at the Rhino. "We aren't friends just had a question to him."

She was startled by the voice in her mind, even more so since it wasn't as smooth of a link as with a Nyx.

Looking after the Nekros walk to the door she followed close behind, looking around if someone was following them.

The Nekros leads you to a room filled with childish paintings.

As you enter her shuts the door. You feel a shiver run through the air and the walls glow with eldtritch power. The Nekros shimmers is replaced with a young tenno who stands before you, clad in the same robes.

"I am Aerith." He says. "Neophyte of this Monastery, and apprentice to Tak, Grandmaster of the Oro-keepers."

He pauses, as if waiting for something, his hands clenched. Nothing happens and he relaxes.

"At least the barrier works." He mutters.

He turns back to you.

"You know the one named Fell?" He asks. "Can you help me find him?"

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Nekros leads you to a room filled with childish paintings.

As you enter her shuts the door. You feel a shiver run through the air and the walls glow with eldtritch power. The Nekros shimmers is replaced with a young tenno who stands before you, clad in the same robes.

"I am Aerith." He says. "Neophyte of this Monastery, and apprentice to Tak, Grandmaster of the Oro-keepers."

He pauses, as if waiting for something, his hands clenched. Nothing happens and he relaxes.

"At least the barrier works." He mutters.

He turns back to you.

"You know the one named Fell?" He asks. "Can you help me find him?"

Cyria looks at the childish paintings. 

"So Tak is the name of that Grandmaster, good to know."

"Honestly I have no idea where he is, I was hoping you would have been able to help me figure that out."

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1 minute ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Looks to Luna* "So, if your able to do this, you think we will able to find him?" *Marix says* "Also, Dixon, what are your thoughts about this?"

"Hmmm." Dixon says. "Sorry I was just daydreaming about when we find Legion."

His fingers twitched and drift towards his Lacera.

"If you have access." He says. "They've probably changed the codes by now. Melanie wouldn't leave the network open that long."

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1 minute ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria looks at the childish paintings. 

"So Tak is the name of that Grandmaster, good to know."

"Honestly I have no idea where he is, I was hoping you would have been able to help me figure that out."

"People don't use it often." He says. "In fact I'd recommend you not use it at all. He did something... somehow. He can sense when people talk about him. Some old Barrow-Keeper magic. I can block it... I think... but I don't know how he does it."

He looks at you.

"You friend." He says. "Did he ever mention the Barrow-keepers, or void magics?"


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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Hmmm." Dixon says. "Sorry I was just daydreaming about when we find Legion."

His fingers twitched and drift towards his Lacera.

"If you have access." He says. "They've probably changed the codes by now. Melanie wouldn't leave the network open that long."

"That Lacera of yours will break, if you keep playing with it" *He Says, and chuckles* "Tho, I wonder, what are your plans, when we get him?"

Edited by -Platinum-
Really Goggle?, Spell Checking me?
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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"People don't use it often." He says. "In fact I'd recommend you not use it at all. He did something... somehow. He can sense when people talk about him. Some old Barrow-Keeper magic. I can block it... I think... but I don't know how he does it."

He looks at you.

"You friend." He says. "Did he ever mention the Barrow-keepers, or void magics?"

"He never told me anything about that. The meeting we had here was rather short and not really on the friendly side."

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49 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Fell looks at the shelfs with the various potions. "So what kind of mixtures do you make?"

"A bit of this and a bit of that." She says. "Mostly just things for fun. Flesh-eating viruses, cures for obscure diseases. The Shadow never let us have any hobbies, so I'm having fun just making things."

She lifts a bottle of pink liquid.

"I even made a perfume." She says. "Or a knockout gas... not sure which... It might even be both."


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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"A bit of this and a bit of that." She says. "Mostly just things for fun. Flesh-eating viruses, cures for obscure diseases. The Shadow never let us have any hobbies, so I'm having fun just making things."

She lifts a bottle of pink liquid.

"I even made a perfume." She says. "Or a knockout gas... not sure which... It might even be both."

"Maybe you could try figure out cures for diseases that appear more often? Maybe it could be something to get us a better reputation."

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15 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"He never told me anything about that. The meeting we had here was rather short and not really on the friendly side."

"Of course not." The Neophyte says. "I was right!"

He opens a book and flips it to a page. The book resembles an old Grimoire.

"I believe that your friend has fallen in with a Barrow-keeper." He says. "An Tenno pracitioner of Void Magic."

He ignores your reaction to the term magic.

"Before the void, magic was the stuff of legends." He says. "Void MAgic, however is both real and applicable, if rarely studied. To date there are only two organizations who can actually utilize it."

He turns a page.

"The Oro-Keepers, to which the Grandmaster and I belong." He says. "And the Barrow-Keepers, to which Fell's 'friend' must belong."

He pores over the book more.

"The translation is difficult." He says. "The Oro-keepers are mentioned only recently, but the symbols used are identical to those seen earlier in the text."

He looks up.

"Both groups had a variety of powers they could use beyond the scope of normal Tenno." He says. "While these are mentioned sparingly 'walking unseen' is used a lot. However the word for unseen also means unnoticed, or acting without visible effect. Perhaps some advanced form of cloaking?"

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4 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Maybe you could try figure out cures for diseases that appear more often? Maybe it could be something to get us a better reputation."

"A better reputation?" Pestilence asks. "Maybe in a thousand years. But you're right."

She bows.

"I will redirect my research to that end, Fell." She says. "If that is your wish."

She turns and leans over the table, quickly getting lost in her work.

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