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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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14 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Nonsense dearie." She says, shoving the adjusted dress up against you. "Every woman needs a good dress."

She clocks her tongue. 

"No no, the colors don't match just right..." She says and begins pulling dresses off the rack and compare them. 


Even though the madam seemed to disagree on the main point, she did sound adequate and sure she could be reasoned. Now, it was Laura's reaction that seemed out of place. Who would hide from sweet grandmas, dammit?

"Ma'am, please. We are army women. We do not normally attend parties, soirees, society dinners, and dates. In the group I belong to, we are not even allowed to take off uniforms and armour beyond recuperation time. As much as it hurts me to argue back your thoughtfulness, in our case, the products of your labour won't find the usage they deserve"

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

Even though the madam seemed to disagree on the main point, she did sound adequate and sure she could be reasoned. Now, it was Laura's reaction that seemed out of place. Who would hide from sweet grandmas, dammit?

"Ma'am, please. We are army women. We do not normally attend parties, soirees, society dinners, and dates. In the group I belong to, we are not even allowed to take off uniforms and armour beyond recuperation time. As much as it hurts me to argue back your thoughtfulness, in our case, the products of your labour won't find the usage they deserve"

The woman shakes her head.

"You're right. Something formal then." She says. "Something business-like, not for partying, but for fine wine and discussions on profit margins."

She selects several more formal dresses, the kind worn to meetings or high class gatherings.


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23 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The woman shakes her head.

"You're right. Something formal then." She says. "Something business-like, not for partying, but for fine wine and discussions on profit margins."

She selects several more formal dresses, the kind worn to meetings or high class gatherings.



Therese twitched and almost jammed at the sight of the fabric goods like the ones she had to wear back in the days before the old war. Her cheeks painted red, but still it was not enough to rid her of self-control.

"Please ma'am, we do not discuss profit margins over a bottle of exquisite wine..." her speech was interrupted by her inner voice saying not damn anymore! Yi-pay! "...we face threats, take down hostiles, and navigate the most hazardous environments. Our current outfits are perfectly suited for those purposes"

Edited by Teloch
dem wordiness
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5 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Therese twitched and almost jammed at the sight of the fabric goods like the ones she had to wear back in the days before the old war. Her cheeks painted red, but still it was not enough to rid her of self-control.

"Please ma'am, we do not discuss profit margins over a bottle of exquisite wine..." her speech was interrupted by her inner voice saying not damn anymore! Yi-pay! "...we face threats, take down hostiles, and navigate the most hostile environments. Our current outfits are perfectly suited for those purposes"

"Aahhh!" She says. "So something rugged. Something that makes a statement of independence. Something attractive yet practical."

She begins looking at a selection of robe-like dresses. Some feature plates of ceramic on the chest, and arm guards. Others seem designed to fit the aesthetic of certain warframes. 

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20 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Aahhh!" She says. "So something rugged. Something that makes a statement of independence. Something attractive yet practical."

She begins looking at a selection of robe-like dresses. Some feature plates of ceramic on the chest, and arm guards. Others seem designed to fit the aesthetic of certain warframes. 


She just mutely observed the woman stubbornly refuse to listen to her. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

Bloom carefully backpedalled like a crab to the last place where she saw Laura while the manic granny was digging in her chiffoniers. 

"... there are two roof windows and a lot of stuff that can be used as a distraction. Your thoughts?" she whispered to valkyr.

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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Thomas unclips and unscrews a flask and offers it to you.

The figure hooks it's fingers(?) into the slits and pulls backwards, the grey material stretching audibly as it pulls back. . . or is that murmuring?  The figure on the other side of this formless blot is a Chroma, battered, dirt caked, and with several stones(?) lodged in it's head, but still legible as a Chroma. It's eyes flicker with a dull orange glow like a fireplace.  

"Iz. . . Iz et  resyked, so. . . so very sick of reskye flooid."

The Chroma gropes feebly at one of the stones(?), dislodging it and revealing a bruised dent in it's hide.


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On 9. 12. 2016 at 1:24 PM, Rakawan said:

"What about.... darker themed parties." He says. "Like Halloween and maybe a celebration about the ancient ritual of slaughtering cows for steak?"

He seems very hesitant to ask.

Alice beamed "I would be delighet to! I always wanted to celebrate these days with more people! There's nothing too dark when it comes to this place~!"

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On 12/9/2016 at 6:38 PM, Unus said:

The figure hooks it's fingers(?) into the slits and pulls backwards, the grey material stretching audibly as it pulls back. . . or is that murmuring?  The figure on the other side of this formless blot is a Chroma, battered, dirt caked, and with several stones(?) lodged in it's head, but still legible as a Chroma. It's eyes flicker with a dull orange glow like a fireplace.  

"Iz. . . Iz et  resyked, so. . . so very sick of reskye flooid."

The Chroma gropes feebly at one of the stones(?), dislodging it and revealing a bruised dent in it's hide.


"Fresh from the springs." Thomas says. "May I ask your name, traveler?"

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On 12/10/2016 at 7:36 AM, Denny2669 said:

Alice beamed "I would be delighet to! I always wanted to celebrate these days with more people! There's nothing too dark when it comes to this place~!"

He hands you some cryptic details and the group finishes the hamburgers. Slowly it begins to grow later and people disperse, several personally making sure they paid their bills. The others simply leave the right amount of credits by their tab and walk out.

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On 12/9/2016 at 3:36 PM, Teloch said:

She just mutely observed the woman stubbornly refuse to listen to her. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

Bloom carefully backpedalled like a crab to the last place where she saw Laura while the manic granny was digging in her chiffoniers. 

"... there are two roof windows and a lot of stuff that can be used as a distraction. Your thoughts?" she whispered to valkyr.

Laura is oviously biting back a snide remark.

"There's a little dog." She says. "She stuffs it into a dress, poor thing, and it wiggles free every few minutes. I say we 'help' the poor fellow. She'll be forced to chase it around and we can get out."

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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Laura is oviously biting back a snide remark.

"There's a little dog." She says. "She stuffs it into a dress, poor thing, and it wiggles free every few minutes. I say we 'help' the poor fellow. She'll be forced to chase it around and we can get out."


Each additional minute spent in this shop brought up more and more surrealism.

"She puts a pooch in a dress?..." she inquired via whisper "what's wrong with these people?!"

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Just now, Teloch said:

Each additional minute spent in this shop brought up more and more surrealism.

"She puts a pooch in a dress?..." she inquired via whisper "what's wrong with these people?!"

"Hey!" Laura hisses. "If you don't remember I'm one of 'these people'. That woman, however, is nuts."

There is a whimpering and scuffling sound coming from the next rack of dresses.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Hey!" Laura hisses. "If you don't remember I'm one of 'these people'. That woman, however, is nuts."

There is a whimpering and scuffling sound coming from the next rack of dresses.


"Uh. Beg your pardon" she muttered and crawled to the strange sound source, trying to shake the noisy animal from the cloth.

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Uh. Beg your pardon" she muttered and crawled to the strange sound source, trying to shake the noisy animal from the cloth.

There is a small kubrow pup trying desperately to free itself from a frilly pink lace dress. 

You can hear sounds as the woman moves around the shop.

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On 09.12.2016 at 3:49 PM, Rakawan said:

"There is definite favoritism." He says. "Many of those who visit prefer Madurai. They find it the most useful in the field. Those who live on the village prefer Vazarin, for its focus on healing. The clan leaders like Darrin prefer Zenurik, for its focus on logistics. Unairu is often chosen by those who deem themselves Guardians. Naramon is the smallest group, limited to those who still value stealth."

He looks around.

"There are few Tenno who truly study the ways to understand them." He says. "Our most dedicated students are actually the initiates and human colonists seeking guidance. While they cannot use the void powers, they still draw inspiration from the approach each way advocates."

An initiate with strange shackles on his arms and legs walks past. Two Palantine Rhinos walk behind him.


He shook his head. "Predictable. Everyone wants to throw fireballs and shoot lazers but only a handful understand or suspects about the price and dangers of the Madurai path. That statement is even true to some of our operatives, who think that paths utility has no backsides. Sometimes, it makes me want to literally preach about the difficulties, responsibilities, and requirements of the Madurai" 

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

He shook his head. "Predictable. Everyone wants to throw fireballs and shoot lazers but only a handful understand or suspects about the price and dangers of the Madurai path. That statement is even true to some of our operatives, who think that paths utility has no backsides. Sometimes, it makes me want to literally preach about the difficulties, responsibilities, and requirements of the Madurai" 

"Why don't you?" Tak asks. "If one of you recruits was going to use Heavy Caliber rounds in a sniper rifle wouldn't you, or another officer, warn them about the loss of accuracy."

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28 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

He hands you some cryptic details and the group finishes the hamburgers. Slowly it begins to grow later and people disperse, several personally making sure they paid their bills. The others simply leave the right amount of credits by their tab and walk out.

Alice wrapped one arm around Rip, holding and reading the details with the other. "This is going to be SO bloodgurglingly awesome!"

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1 minute ago, Denny2669 said:

Alice wrapped one arm around Rip, holding and reading the details with the other. "This is going to be SO bloodgurglingly awesome!"

Rip nods, and stands with ou as the last patrons pay and head out.

"While you read that I'll lock up." He says, slipping free and pecking you on the cheek. "Marie!"

He looks around.

"Marie!" He says again. "Where are you?"

He sighs in relief as he spots her sleeping on a booth. 

The details explain that the party is a celebration of steak, and other meat products. Hamburgers are on the menu, as well as a cake. The cake must be "shaped like a steak and filled with tasty red jelly that oozes when it's cut."

There is an order for hanging "entrails", notes beside that clarify that some sort of jelly covered jerky would be preferred. However it is crossed out and the words next to it say things like "will drip all over people" and "no, flies."

Other ideas are suggested and crossed out.

"Live cow for demonstration." Wtih the comment "Darn it carl, there will be children here."

As you read more the door jingles. 

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Why don't you?" Tak asks. "If one of you recruits was going to use Heavy Caliber rounds in a sniper rifle wouldn't you, or another officer, warn them about the loss of accuracy."


"I do share my knowledge with those who seek for it and most of all with my student. Bloom has an innate understanding of the ways of force, although, her predominant aspects are different from those of mine: she is like a persistent gale when I am more of a rising storm. Still, she is a capable one and I hope that one day she will continue the succession and adopt a student of her own. But back to the point - the problem is that the numbers of those who seek for skills and knowledge are too great compared to those who can provide them, and even greater compared to those who have time to share them. I would definitely teach more if the burden on my shoulders was lighter"

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7 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"I do share my knowledge with those who seek for it and most of all with my student. Bloom has an innate understanding of the ways of force, although, her predominant aspects are different from those of mine: she is like a persistent gale when I am more of a rising storm. Still, she is a capable one and I hope that one day she will continue the succession and adopt a student of her own. But back to the point - the problem is that the numbers of those who seek for skills and knowledge are too great compared to those who can provide them, and even greater compared to those who have time to share them. I would definitely teach more if the burden on my shoulders was lighter"

"Too many students and too few masters." Alan says. "Well if you ever feel like teaching a lesson...."

He gestures to the Monastary, then looks at the shackled lad.

"Tony." He says. "How are you feeling?"

"Mind. Hurts." Tony says. "I. Am. Not. As. Free. As. I. Thought. I.Was."

"Tony was the one who attacked Major Bloom." Tak says. "He was under the influence of mental programming. Our psycher disabled it, but she has yet to remove it."

"I. Was. Not. Myself." Tony says, kneeling. "But. If. You. Want, Vengeance. I. Will. Not. Stop. You. Blood demands blood."

Edited by Rakawan
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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Too many students and too few masters." Alan says. "Well if you ever feel like teaching a lesson...."

He gestures to the Monastary, then looks at the shackled lad.

"Tony." He says. "How are you feeling?"

"Mind. Hurts." Tony says. "I. Am. Not. As. Free. As. I. Thought. I.Was."

"Tony was the one who attacked Major Bloom." Tak says. "He was under the influence of mental programming. Our psycher disabled it, but she has yet to remove it."

"I. Was. Not. Myself." Tony says, kneeling. "But. If. You. Want, Vengeance. I. Will. Not. Stop. You. Blood demands blood."


"Hush whelp," Teloch snapped, "you allowed others to lead you astray, you gave up the control over yourself and tossed away the responsibility for your deeds. Hiding from it in death will be a luxury I will not grant you with. Your will master your inner tensions, find a purpose, and bear the liability for your actions. This will be your atonement"

He then turn to Tak

"I think I may give a lecture on the path I walketh for those who are eager to listen"

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In a hospital, a Grineer slept. It was not ordinary Grineer, the implants, armor, and weapons that had been removed from her testified to that. 

Two figures stood beside her bed. 

A warframe, clad in green and black. And a young man. The pun man looked almost a child, and almost an adult. It was his eyes that tipped the balance, towards maturity. They held secrets. 

The clone stirred, waking.

"Nina." The youth said. 

The clone grunted.

"Nina you must wake up."

"But I'm having the most wonderful dream." The clone said. 

"You cannot love your whole life in dreams." The youth said. "I know you how tempting it is, trust me, but sooner or later you must wake up."

He set something on he table next to her.

"These keys are for a small cabin one the outskirts of town." He said. "It has a small garden out back, and a large yard. Plenty of room for dancing."

"How did you?" She started to ask, her mind still muddled from the drugs.

"Now wake up, child." The youth said. "Wake up and greet the Dawn."

Nina bolted upright. Her mind raced. There was something... something....

She noticed the keys on the table. No one was with her.

No one stopped her as she walked out of the hospital, her feet following some path they seemed to know well. 

The hut was as she had dreamed it was. There was a garden out back. 

And plenty of room for dancing.

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