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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Yes." Rip says. "And given the nature of his association with the Tenno I would like to reiterate that I barely know him."

"I know, but what other choice do we have? You're the only son we know off, and he clearly wasn't interested in you. Richard might know." she said "We can leave out that detail."

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10 hours ago, Rakawan said:


The Tenno howled and turned. Detecting something in his path he swung his fist.

Directly into the face of the bride-to-be who had arrived early to ask if Seven would bartend for the wedding reception.

Of course the fool had no way to know this; and two jabs, one throat punch, and one face to knee introduction later he had little way of knowing much else except that life was rather painful.

Ryoko turned from the downed Tenno and gently grasped Felicity's chin checking whether she was injured.

10 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

((pretty much that ^^))

Seeing the arrogant fool losing consciousness rapidly while cuddling dust, Baast turned her rear in his direction, lifted her tail and demonstratively began to bury him, like a pile of (yet) fresh excrements he is (or was...)

Teloch smirked at his pet  (damn, he loved this cat. Almost the whole elite division loved his cat. Seonah even snatched her for some raids) and told Damien via comms, "See the girl. I'll deal with the remnants"

After that, still blazing with roar, madurai flames, and with glowing lights, he turned backward to see the remaining atlases. He thunderously slammed his fists again, as if informing the poor bunch that it's not over yet (and possibly giving them the last chance to GTFO out of pure mercy, perhaps)

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49 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Well then I'd have less paperwork." Holly says. "And I wouldn't have to write you up for going above and beyond the call of duty."



Therese smiled... devilishly. This grin was on her face when she lifted up her "lousy" ship and began to sieve the engines of the "prick's" vessel from the deck machine guns. When the "rear" of the ship was utterly destroyed, she landed her scimitar down. They say that revenge best served cold. They were wrong...

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

Seeing the arrogant fool losing consciousness rapidly while cuddling dust, baast turned her rear in his direction, lifted her tail and demonstratively began to bury him, like a pile of (yet) fresh excrements he is (or was...)

Teloch smirked at his pet  (damn, he loved this cat. Almost the whole elite division loved his cat. Seonah even snatched her for some raids) and told to Damien via comms, "See the girl. I'll deal with the remnants"

After that, still blazing with roar, madurai flames, and with glowing lights, he turned backwards to see the remaining atlases. He thunderishly slammed his fists again, as if informing the poor buch that it's not over yet.

Just as you finish reducing the thugs to whimpering piles of metal and flesh several armored forms round the corner.

"Dex Officers!" One yells. "Everyone on the ground!"

They sweep forward with rifles drawn and gesture for everyone still standing to get down.

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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Just as you finish reducing the thugs to whimpering piles of metal and flesh several armored forms round the corner.

"Dex Officers!" One yells. "Everyone on the ground!"

They sweep forward with rifles drawn and gesture for everyone still standing to get down.


Teloch turned the flames down and relaxed his posture. Now, there was a lot of talking ahead. 

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Just now, Teloch said:

Therese smiled... devilishly. This grin was on her face when she lifted up her "lousy" ship and began to sieve the engines of the "prick's" vessel from the deck machine guns. When the "rear" of the ship was utterly destroyed, she landed her scimitar down. They say that revenge best served cold. They were wrong...

"Dex Officers!" Holly announced, knocking on the door. "Open up!"

No one responded. 

"Open the door or I will break it down!" She yelled.

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Teloch turned the flames down and relaxed his posture. Now, there was a lot of talking ahead. 

Unfortunately for those waiting to move on to other things a pair of Archons chose that moment to investigate the disturbance. What followed what the typical dispute common when two different branches of Law enforcement arrived at the same scene.

The Dex turned to study the newcomers, rifles still raised, and were met by the rifles of the Archons.

"STAND DOWN!" The Dex leader bellow.

"YOU STAND DOWN!" The Archon replied.












Both looked at eachother awkwardly for a second.

"Well carry on." The Archon said.

"Thank you Phil." The Dex said. "How's the wife?"

"Oh she's doing much better." The Archon says. "Doc gave her some pills for..."

One of the Atlas clad Tenno inched towards a pistol, drawing the attention of both.





The poor sap ended up arching his back, raising his arms to a 45 degree angle, and plastering the rest of his body to the ground as if trying to squeeze under a door.


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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:



Teloch contacted Therese over comms

"Are you alright there?"

"Splendid, sir," she said, "Extracting the logs and footages of the event"

"Clever girl" he replied and thought that the combat footage from his visors would probably become a viral hit in the net should it be enriched with a lively audio track

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6 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"May I speak with him?" The Adjuticant asks. 

The Chroma massages it's head for a few moments before it turns around and sits down.

"Crime wel obeh if et menz naw mar poopsecle toim."

Carefully, it loosens the straps on the canister and lets it slide onto the floor with a quiet bong. Carefully, it slowly unscrews the top like a thermos. With a hiss of steam and equalizing pressure, a form curled up in a fetal position is unveiled that is equipped with a complicated upper-body harness. Casually, the Chroma yanks it off, revealing the bare and scar-tissue laden body of an Operator. The Chroma grabs it's own head with one hand and encloses the Operator's, which begins to shake slightly.

"Wak up bux bohy, we mad et jast like I sed."

Gradually, the glazed over eyes of the Operator begin to focus as some manner of translucent whispyness traverses from the Chroma's palm. It's mouth moves as if in quiet conversation before reality seems to come crashing down on it like I pile of stone.

"CRIME! Where are we?!

The Operator holds it's hands under it's armpits and shivers considerably.

"This isn't Orcus Glacier. . . is this. . . a CELL?

Panic seems to engulf the Operator like a dry torch to flame.

"What did you do?! Why. . . How. . . " 

The Chroma gives the Operator a flick on the nose and begins carefully pulling up the tattered synthetic material of the Zarimon suit over it's arms and chest.

"Expleen lateer, tawk naw, to speekor."

The Operator looks dumbfounded at the frame before turning to look out of the cell.

"He. . . hello?"

The lack of confidence is palpable in the Operator's voice.


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12 hours ago, Unus said:

The Chroma massages it's head for a few moments before it turns around and sits down.

"Crime wel obeh if et menz naw mar poopsecle toim."

Carefully, it loosens the straps on the canister and lets it slide onto the floor with a quiet bong. Carefully, it slowly unscrews the top like a thermos. With a hiss of steam and equalizing pressure, a form curled up in a fetal position is unveiled that is equipped with a complicated upper-body harness. Casually, the Chroma yanks it off, revealing the bare and scar-tissue laden body of an Operator. The Chroma grabs it's own head with one hand and encloses the Operator's, which begins to shake slightly.

"Wak up bux bohy, we mad et jast like I sed."

Gradually, the glazed over eyes of the Operator begin to focus as some manner of translucent whispyness traverses from the Chroma's palm. It's mouth moves as if in quiet conversation before reality seems to come crashing down on it like I pile of stone.

"CRIME! Where are we?!

The Operator holds it's hands under it's armpits and shivers considerably.

"This isn't Orcus Glacier. . . is this. . . a CELL?

Panic seems to engulf the Operator like a dry torch to flame.

"What did you do?! Why. . . How. . . " 

The Chroma gives the Operator a flick on the nose and begins carefully pulling up the tattered synthetic material of the Zarimon suit over it's arms and chest.

"Expleen lateer, tawk naw, to speekor."

The Operator looks dumbfounded at the frame before turning to look out of the cell.

"He. . . hello?"

The lack of confidence is palpable in the Operator's voice.


"Are you Hund?" The Adjuticant asks walking over.

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14 hours ago, Teloch said:

Teloch contacted Therese over comms

"Are you alright there?"

"Splendid, sir," she said, "Extracting the logs and footages of the event"

"Clever girl" he replied and thought that the combat footage from his visors would probably become a viral hit in the net should it be enriched with a lively audio track

Holly wrestles another noble to the ground, the others getting the idea and putting their hands behind their heads.

She cuffs them, then nods to Therese. 

"Secure." She says. "How is the Warlord?"


The Dex help you and the others to their feet.

"Pity." Alan says. "I was hoping to throw someone through a wall."

"Food's ready." Seven calls from inside the bar. "And please don't. I rather like these walls."


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15 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

"I know, but what other choice do we have? You're the only son we know off, and he clearly wasn't interested in you. Richard might know." she said "We can leave out that detail."

"He said Sons." Rip says. "Maybe he wants both at the same time?"

He sighs.

"Alright." He says. "We contact Richard. But we keep this part a secret."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Holly wrestles another noble to the ground, the others getting the idea and putting their hands behind their heads.

She cuffs them, then nods to Therese. 

"Secure." She says. "How is the Warlord?"


Therese just finished compiling the whole set of shreds of evidence, starting from the first transmission and ending with the actual brawl footage from the eyes of the most brutal participant. 

"He had a good reason to vent out some stress," she said "Thank you once again, officer. If you don't mind, deliver this set of evidence to Melanie. I'm absolutely sure it would be of interest to her"

She then added "And do not hesitate to contact me should you find it necessary for official matters or if you would like some company"

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"And this?" Kira asked.

Sam squinted.

"Plutonion dart frog." She says. "Hibernates in freezing temperatures, gorges itself during the brief spring on the spawning insects. Sprays a toxic...."

"Wrong." She says. "Corrosive most, not toxic gas."

"What is the difference?" She asks.

"A gas is an inhalation risk and can be nullified by switching to internal air supplies." Kira says. "A mist will coat your frame and eat away at it. That causes damage that will reduce effectiveness and slow down the party."

Sam had been directed to speak with Kira after handing her deference note to Enrique. The Wraiths had been oddly understanding. Then again there was little to say. She did not posssess the personality, and knew what would happen if she said anything about what she had seen in her brief time with them.

The Rangers where farm  ore acoomodating. Then again, in their line of work, secrets and underequioped recruits got people killed. 

"A first century dart dragon can still kill a thirtieth century marine." Kira had told her. "There is a reason the Grineer have not retaken earth, and a reason we are sending Tenno to scout the third continent."

She had woken at the first rays of sunshine and had spent several hours learning about the deadliest animals in the system.

Two hours until the WTC expeditionary force landed and she would help pitch the idea of scouting and settling the third continent. Which meant she would help scout. Which meant knowing whether the right red frog that would inevitably fall on someone's shoulder was poisonous, venemous, or just mimicking a species that was one of the former.



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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Therese just finished compiling the whole set of shreds of evidence, starting from the first transmission and ending with the actual brawl footage from the eyes of the most brutal participant. 

"He had a good reason to vent out some stress," she said "Thank you once again, officer. If you don't mind, deliver this set of evidence to Melanie. I'm absolutely sure it would be of interest to her"

She then added "And do not hesitate to contact me should you find it necessary for official matters or if you would like some company"

She sends the data along a secure channel and soon enough Dex soldiers come to escort the rest of the nobles to cells where they can "cool down."

The Rhino from before is also led out, only to stop when the other approaches.

"Rorik." The latter says. 


"Release him." Rorik says. "Grab your things and pack up. We're leaving."


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18 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Dex help you and the others to their feet.

"Pity." Alan says. "I was hoping to throw someone through a wall."

"Food's ready." Seven calls from inside the bar. "And please don't. I rather like these walls."


Baast darted to the bar first. Teloch clapped Alan and said "Not even close to the Fridge but still was nice to recall the old times... You move too smooth for a grandpa you're trying to pose as". Before entering the bar, he spoke to one of the archons, "Please, if you manage to stabilize this bipedal piece of rubbish, inform him that from now on he will be accessed as a hostile by all of our fleets and troops in the neutral territories" 

Once he made it back to the bar seat, he asked for a towel to clean out all the blood from his frame. 

"Sorry for causing a scene. Regrettably, that seemed inevitable"

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7 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Baast darted to the bar first. Teloch clapped Alan and said "Not even close to the Fridge but still was nice to recall the old times... You move too smooth for a grandpa you're trying to pose as". Before entering the bar, he spoke to one of the archons, "Please, if you manage to stabilize this bipedal piece of rubbish, inform him that from now on he will be accessed as a hostile by all of our fleets and troops in the neutral territories" 

Once he made it back to the bar seat, he asked for a towel to clean out all the blood from his frame. 

"Sorry for causing a scene. Regrettably, that seemed inevitable"

"Regrettably." Seven says. "But we have a new photo for the wall."

He gestures to an image of you charging into the crowd of Atlas'. 

It is titled "best brawler."

Ulf's picture is not to it titled, "Best Drinker."

He hands you a stack of towels. 

The Dex take the thugs and boss away to cells to "cool down."

They have to carry the boss.

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Regrettably." Seven says. "But we have a new photo for the wall."

He gestures to an image of you charging into the crowd of Atlas'. 

It is titled "best brawler."

Ulf's picture is not to it titled, "Best Drinker."

He hands you a stack of towels. 

The Dex take the thugs and boss away to cells to "cool down."

They have to carry the boss.


After wiping himself from the blood that once belonged to a bunch of atlases, he dimly drilled the "best drinker" picture with his gaze. Then, he opened his bort HUD and contacted Ceforus. The person on the display looked to the side and noticed Alan and Damien. 

"Heeey, guys! Why do you always hang around without me?!" he inquired half-seriously and half-jokingly, "Lookin' good Alan" he added but was interrupted by Teloch, who brought up the hud so the interlocutor could see the photo depicting Solberg utterly neglecting the charter.

"Listen here, Lyr. This is the first and the last time I cover up your first student. He has issues with discipline and if I see something like this ever again, I will have to react accordingly, or, perhaps, let Kali handle this issue"

Ceforus looked slightly disappointed but not that angry. "Are you that strict with Bloom?" he asked

"She never gave me a reason to chastise her," he answered in his laconic way, "Good luck, fresh meat mentor

Siger closed the transmission as shamelessly as he opened it and then sat down, sniffing to the meal.

"Kids these days". He tried a piece of meat pie and then another one. Judging by his face and by how the signs of slight irritation left it, he was satisfied.


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12 minutes ago, Teloch said:

After wiping himself from the blood that once belonged to a bunch of atlases, he dimly drilled the "best drinker" picture with his gaze. Then, he opened his bort HUD and contacted Ceforus. The person on the display looked to the side and noticed Alan and Damien. 

"Heeey, guys! Why do you always hang around without me?!" he inquired half-seriously and half-jokingly, "Lookin' good Alan" he added but was interrupted by Teloch, who brought up the hud so the interlocutor could see the photo depicting Solberg utterly neglecting the charter.

"Listen here, Lyr. This is the first and the last time I cover up your first student. He has issues with discipline and if I see something like this ever again, I will have to react accordingly, or, perhaps, let Kali handle this issue"

Ceforus looked slightly disappointed but not that angry. "Are you that strict with Bloom?" he asked

"She never gave me a reason to chastise her," he answered in his laconic way, "Good luck, fresh meat mentor

Siger closed the transmission as shamelessly as he opened it and then sat down, sniffing to the meal.

"Kids these days". He tried a piece of meat pie and then another one. Judging by his face and by how the signs of slight irritation left it, he was satisfied.


Alan focuses on his bacon. Tak finishes his oatmeal.

"Say Grandmaster." Alan says. "What would you do if one of your neophytes got plastered?"

Tak sets his bowl down.

"Transfer him to the Crypt until he sobered up." He says. 

He turns to Teloch.

"Speaking of such." He says. "You expressed some dismay at the loss of the Worm and her knowledge. That is no longer an issue. The Elder Kween is now in our possession and I have delegated resources to her containment and interrogation."

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"Are you Hund?" The Adjuticant asks walking over.

  The look of relief on the Operator's face upon seeing you is obvious.

"Yes! Yes, that would be what I'm called."

The room darkens a bit as the Chroma zips the Zarimon suit back up again, covering the disturbing auburn glow that seems to emanate from it's torso.

"You have no idea how much of a relief it is to see someone like you again."

"I woodent bee saw shure."

The Chroma says from behind the Operator, arms crossed.

"Tat won furoz as gut!"

It motions towards the cell across from theirs, currently filled with the dull sound of church-bells and a pack of angry wolves.

"Is that true?"

The Operator looks concerned.


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2 minutes ago, Unus said:

  The look of relief on the Operator's face upon seeing you is obvious.

"Yes! Yes, that would be what I'm called."

The room darkens a bit as the Chroma zips the Zarimon suit back up again, covering the disturbing auburn glow that seems to emanate from it's torso.

"You have no idea how much of a relief it is to see someone like you again."

"I woodent bee saw shure."

The Chroma says from behind the Operator, arms crossed.

"Tat won furoz as gut!"

It motions towards the cell across from theirs, currently filled with the dull sound of church-bells and a pack of angry wolves.

"Is that true?"

The Operator looks concerned.


"I had no idea what was in the bag, and little idea what you/he where saying." Thomas says. "So I decided to freeze you both until I could figure things out."

He hands you a mug of hot chocolate.

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Alan focuses on his bacon. Tak finishes his oatmeal.

"Say Grandmaster." Alan says. "What would you do if one of your neophytes got plastered?"

Tak sets his bowl down.

"Transfer him to the Crypt until he sobered up." He says. 

He turns to Teloch.

"Speaking of such." He says. "You expressed some dismay at the loss of the Worm and her knowledge. That is no longer an issue. The Elder Kween is now in our possession and I have delegated resources to her containment and interrogation."


He chomps the meat eagerly. He surely likes it. Baast chomps her piece of proteins as early as her master. 

"Orokin DNA lock and the methods of its breaching" He answered straight.

"The knowledge may be good, but knowledge with physiology samples would have been better"

He continued to devour the pie.

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