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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Tak shrugs.

"Power invites challenge." He says. "I find warning people makes me feel less bad when someone turns out to be foolish enough to pick a fight with ghosts."

He leads you into the Monastery through several hallways and into a wide room. Several Golden Tenno sit at tables or stand talking to eachother.


"And those are the dead brought back to life, I suppose? Just like the void specters dwelling the modern Moon?"

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Just now, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak paused and slowly stood up, visibly shaking as he forced the warframe up.

"The grineer offer me more than the Lotus ever promised... Her empty promises which were lies...!"

He gripped a pipe off the floor and swung it at Darrins head.

The Warframe crumples, collapsing in on itself as if hollow.

"You do realize I'm not an idiot." Darrin says. "As for the Grineer... You are stronger than them. Why should you serve someone weaker? There are plenty of Tenno who do not follow the Lotus either. Who make their own way."

His voice seems to come from everywhere. You suddenly realize that the weapons from the frame are missing. 

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Just now, Teloch said:

"And those are the dead brought back to life, I suppose? Just like the void specters dwelling the modern Moon?"

"Yes." Tak says. "Or rather imprints. The dead cannot truly be brought back to life. But they can be copied. Preserved."

He gestures to the group.

"This is what we do." He says. "Or a part of it."

He leads you to another room where an Oro-shade is sitting before several robed humans. You can hear him teaching, talking about the strength of mountains.

"This is the other part." He says. "Teaching. Passing along knowledge so it is not lost."

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko follows you in. 

"See I saw you were doing experiments on fluffles." He says. "How many have you eliminated?"

Lord nodded. "We haven't "eliminated" any yet, but multiple are in our captivity. I'm not exactly sure what the scientists plan to do with them, but we'll see." He gestures to the room. 

The room was large, twice as large as each hallway they'd passed through before, and was set up similarly to an operating theater. Lord and Ryoko found themselves behind a reinforced glass wall, looking down on a massive operating table. It was surrounded by robotic arms, each bearing multiple sensory devices. On multiple smaller tables around the large one, there were some... less than delicate tools of dissection. Around the walls were small research stations. A large projection of a Cephalon, taking the appearance of a hexagon surrounded by multiple triangles, was looking down from the ceiling. A mechanical voice rang out from multiple speakers, "Commence operational test 056.". The robotic arms swiveled, testing their degrees of freedom, as the sensors on the ends rotated and swapped.

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3 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

Lord nodded. "We haven't "eliminated" any yet, but multiple are in our captivity. I'm not exactly sure what the scientists plan to do with them, but we'll see." He gestures to the room. 

The room was large, twice as large as each hallway they'd passed through before, and was set up similarly to an operating theater. Lord and Ryoko found themselves behind a reinforced glass wall, looking down on a massive operating table. It was surrounded by robotic arms, each bearing multiple sensory devices. On multiple smaller tables around the large one, there were some... less than delicate tools of dissection. Around the walls were small research stations. A large projection of a Cephalon, taking the appearance of a hexagon surrounded by multiple triangles, was looking down from the ceiling. A mechanical voice rang out from multiple speakers, "Commence operational test 056.". The robotic arms swiveled, testing their degrees of freedom, as the sensors on the ends rotated and swapped.

"Impressive." Ryoko says.

He notices the Cephalon and his voice trails off.

"Is that an Orokin Cephalon?" He asks quietly. "Or did you make it yourself?"

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Yes." Tak says. "Or rather imprints. The dead cannot truly be brought back to life. But they can be copied. Preserved."

He gestures to the group.

"This is what we do." He says. "Or a part of it."

He leads you to another room where an Oro-shade is sitting before several robed humans. You can hear him teaching, talking about the strength of mountains.

"This is the other part." He says. "Teaching. Passing along knowledge so it is not lost."


"Seems like an optimized decision. Can't judge the ethical side of using the sub-living, sentient imprints, but that sure helps to preserve knowledge" 

She looked at the digi-ghost leading the lecture on Unairu basics. 

"If you use the void traces of essences to compile their imprints, what is the potentially oldest "age" of a deceased since the moment of their perish that permits this method?"

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Impressive." Ryoko says.

He notices the Cephalon and his voice trails off.

"Is that an Orokin Cephalon?" He asks quietly. "Or did you make it yourself?"

"It's one programmed by the Guild. Functionally, it's almost a match for the old Orokin cephalons. Cephalon Stendrata, would you mind?". A few of the projected triangles separate from the main projection and fly into the room with Ryoko and Lord, forming a smaller hexagon. "Not at all." The projection seems to look Ryoko over.

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14 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You see a few files about budgets, and a few emails to civlians about "rent" payments for housing.

*She opens up the files and emails and grabs a modified  it seems to be outfitted with Control Modules that replace the insides, and has 3 connections instead of 2, the handle is missing. The base seems to be made out of Fieldron* (( Bacily a glorified Control Mod, mixed with the Cipher Prongs)).

*She plugs it into the computer and begins to attempt to download the whole*

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Just now, Teloch said:

"Seems like an optimized decision. Can't judge the ethical side of using the sub-living, sentient imprints, but that sure helps to preserve knowledge" 

She looked at the digi-ghost leading the lecture on Unairu basics. 

"If you use the void traces of essences to compile their imprints, what is the potentially oldest "age" of a deceased since the moment of their perish that permits this method?"

"These are merely AI copies of the memories and imprints upon the frame." He says. "Whatever sentience they possess is aware of this existence, and while we cannot ask if they want to start this 'life' they are free to leave if they wish."

"As long as we have their frame we can make an imprint." He says. "Over time some void echoes must be... decrypted, filled in. Time corrupts the memories, so we need people who knew them to give input, to puzzle things out. I'd have to see the individual to know."

He looks at you.

"As Tenno this service is extended to your clan as well." He says. "You have only to call us and we will come and preserve your fallen."


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5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She opens up the files and emails and grabs a modified  it seems to be outfitted with Control Modules that replace the insides, and has 3 connections instead of 2, the handle is missing. The base seems to be made out of Fieldron* (( Bacily a glorified Control Mod, mixed with the Cipher Prongs)).

*She plugs it into the computer and begins to attempt to download the whole*

The download proceeds without incident until...

You see 37 of 35 files downloaded. It appears to be drawing from a hidden file, or perhaps a linked server. Alarms begin blaring and the computer sends a burst of electricity into the cipher, before shutting down.

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20 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Warframe crumples, collapsing in on itself as if hollow.

"You do realize I'm not an idiot." Darrin says. "As for the Grineer... You are stronger than them. Why should you serve someone weaker? There are plenty of Tenno who do not follow the Lotus either. Who make their own way."

His voice seems to come from everywhere. You suddenly realize that the weapons from the frame are missing. 

Ko-Rovak stayed quiet and held the pipe in his fist. He scrambled for one of his gremlins and held it in his other hand as he hid behind a large storage container. He checked the magazine and aimed the gun at the corner out of where he hid.

"And just be a freelancer, taking any job for money? I was like that once..."

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6 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

"It's one programmed by the Guild. Functionally, it's almost a match for the old Orokin cephalons. Cephalon Stendrata, would you mind?". A few of the projected triangles separate from the main projection and fly into the room with Ryoko and Lord, forming a smaller hexagon. "Not at all." The projection seems to look Ryoko over.

There is a hum and a Cephalon rises from Ryoko's warframe to look at Stendrata.

"I am C.A.L.C. Combat Logistics and Analysis Cephalon." It says. "I am pleased to meet another Cephalon."

His form is similar to that of Ordis, but the cubes appear to actually orbit a central cube.


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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The download proceeds without incident until...

You see 37 of 35 files downloaded. It appears to be drawing from a hidden file, or perhaps a linked server. Alarms begin blaring and the computer sends a burst of electricity into the cipher, before shutting down.

"What the He_*As she was holding the Cipher in her hand (( and considering its made of metal)), she is stuck with the burst of electricity!, She crys out* UGHGHHH!..*she yanks the cipher out, as she drops to her keezs*

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

There is a hum and a Cephalon rises from Ryoko's warframe to look at Stendrata.

"I am C.A.L.C. Combat Logistics and Analysis Cephalon." It says. "I am pleased to meet another Cephalon."

His form is similar to that of Ordis, but the cubes appear to actually orbit a central cube.


Stendrata's individual triangles rippled. "The pleasure is mine." It says. Lord turned to Ryoko. "We should leave those two to themselves. Any experiments in particular you'd like to visit?"

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4 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak stayed quiet and held the pipe in his fist. He scrambled for one of his gremlins and held it in his other hand as he hid behind a large storage container. He checked the magazine and aimed the gun at the corner out of where he hid.

"And just be a freelancer, taking any job for money? I was like that once..."

"What is it you want?" Darrin asks. "Truly want? What did the Grineer offer, that you think other Tenno can't?"

His voice seems to be coming from the frame now, thought it remains crumpled.

"Do you think the Grineer cared?" He asks. "Why don't you read their reports. Ever wonder why you where so weak?"

A list of data begins scrolling across the screens.

"Subject 001 has remained in a sedated state during blood donations." He says. "Transference appears to limit outside influence. The Kweens have ordered him sent to some colony for a purge. However I am eager to see what secrets his blood holds."

"Subject 001 has provided enough samples to convince the Kweens to allow me my research. Imagine, a whole race of Tenno clones under our command."

"The Void energy powering Subject 001 does not appear to be transferrable thorugh transfusions. It is possible a clone might possess the same powers, and an imprint."

The rest catalogue continual experiments on the blood type and clones status. The last one is the most recent.

"Subject 001 has been sent to the Tenno homeworld to sabotage the Rebels. While I do not believe he will utterly fail, I hope at least some fragments of the frame are recoverable. While I lament the loss of such a valuable tool, the clones we gain from creating the imprint should prove more than capable of serving the empire. Subject 001 has been prepared for the creation of the imprint. Breakdown of it's form should take about one hour. I am somewhat eager to see if the Subject 001 is as strong as the frame he directs. Perhaps watching him dissolve will provide the troops with some amusement.

Silence falls.



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10 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"What the He_*As she was holding the Cipher in her hand (( and considering its made of metal)), she is stuck with the burst of electricity!, She crys out* UGHGHHH!..*she yanks the cipher out, as she drops to her keezs*

Hemet, noticing the alarms, picks you up and places you on back of one of the Drahks. He walks out with you.

As you start down the hallway a few Crewman walk towards you. 

"I told ya ye should not have had so many drinks before hunting." He says. "Hacking Perrin doors never works."

The elites check the room, look at eachother, and then walk past you.

Hemet waits till they leave then whispers to you.

"Did you get something?" He asks. "Anything?"

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11 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

Stendrata's individual triangles rippled. "The pleasure is mine." It says. Lord turned to Ryoko. "We should leave those two to themselves. Any experiments in particular you'd like to visit?"

"Surprise me." He says. "I am glad C.A.L.C is getting a chance to talk to other Cephalons. I suspect he was getting lonely."

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

An aide appears on screen.

"Tenno." He says. "May I help you?"

Luna recomposed herself, as the explosions she had heard nearby had made her uneasy.

"Appologies, but I need to speak with the chancellor. My Cephalon have a few ways to aid in the search of the reported fugitive, but we need access to the main grid."

She looks hastily to the side -on another screen- and speaks to Ceda. "Run some calculations on where those missiles came from, and prepare the ship for take-off." "I'll see to it." Ceda responded while Luna turned back to the screen with the aide.

"Quicker would no doubt be better." She said while looking around, more than a little concerned about the whole situation.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"What is it you want?" Darrin asks. "Truly want? What did the Grineer offer, that you think other Tenno can't?"

His voice seems to be coming from the frame now, thought it remains crumpled.

"Do you think the Grineer cared?" He asks. "Why don't you read their reports. Ever wonder why you where so weak?"

A list of data begins scrolling across the screens.

"Subject 001 has remained in a sedated state during blood donations." He says. "Transference appears to limit outside influence. The Kweens have ordered him sent to some colony for a purge. However I am eager to see what secrets his blood holds."

"Subject 001 has provided enough samples to convince the Kweens to allow me my research. Imagine, a whole race of Tenno clones under our command."

"The Void energy powering Subject 001 does not appear to be transferrable thorugh transfusions. It is possible a clone might possess the same powers, and an imprint."

The rest catalogue continual experiments on the blood type and clones status. The last one is the most recent.

"Subject 001 has been sent to the Tenno homeworld to sabotage the Rebels. While I do not believe he will utterly fail, I hope at least some fragments of the frame are recoverable. While I lament the loss of such a valuable tool, the clones we gain from creating the imprint should prove more than capable of serving the empire. Subject 001 has been prepared for the creation of the imprint. Breakdown of it's form should take about one hour. I am somewhat eager to see if the Subject 001 is as strong as the frame he directs. Perhaps watching him dissolve will provide the troops with some amusement.

Silence falls.



Halfway through reading, Ko-Rovak fires at the screens on the ships, destroying them and disrupting the reports.

He stood out of the cover and emptied the magazine of the gremlin onto the crumpled warframe, littering it with nails

"Lies!!! The queens themselves have seen me fight! What good is a clone?!"

He walked over and reloaded the gremlin, pointing it in the air and watching for Darrin. Although he was still shaking, his rage let him move the suit.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Hemet, noticing the alarms, picks you up and places you on back of one of the Drahks. He walks out with you.

As you start down the hallway a few Crewman walk towards you. 

"I told ya ye should not have had so many drinks before hunting." He says. "Hacking Perrin doors never works."

The elites check the room, look at eachother, and then walk past you.

Hemet waits till they leave then whispers to you.

"Did you get something?" He asks. "Anything?"

*She smiles and nods, she seems to have plugged a backdoor access into the computer as well, that is very highly likely to have downloaded everything, including the new files, her other acted as a decoy, she nods* "Yes..even better.."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Surprise me." He says. "I am glad C.A.L.C is getting a chance to talk to other Cephalons. I suspect he was getting lonely."

Lord nodded. "Indeed. Stendrata isn't a very old Cephalon though, it was just programmed about three weeks ago. Most of its intelligence comes from integration into the Guild's information network." Lord walked out of the room, leading the way to a room in one of the first hallways. A digital tag hanging next to the door simply reads "Fluffle" and the name of a researcher.

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1 minute ago, Luthim said:

Luna recomposed herself, as the explosions she had heard nearby had made her uneasy.

"Appologies, but I need to speak with the chancellor. My Cephalon have a few ways to aid in the search of the reported fugitive, but we need access to the main grid."

She looks hastily to the side -on another screen- and speaks to Ceda. "Run some calculations on where those missiles came from, and prepare the ship for take-off." "I'll see to it." Ceda responded while Luna turned back to the screen with the aide.

"Quicker would no doubt be better." She said while looking around, more than a little concerned about the whole situation.

"I'm afraid I cannot grant access to the grid." The aid says. "The Chancellor is busy. If you wish to hunt you..."

The communication cuts out and you see the Chancellor running towards you. An Archon with blade marks on his armor is running after her.

"Tenno." She says. "We need to leave, now."

She turns and fires at the Archon.

He raises his rifle and fires. The shots bounce of her shield and her beam catches him in the chest.

He falls to the ground.

Melanie hurries to stand by you.

"We need to leave." She says. "He had people among my guard, my aides."


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4 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

Halfway through reading, Ko-Rovak fires at the screens on the ships, destroying them and disrupting the reports.

He stood out of the cover and emptied the magazine of the gremlin onto the crumpled warframe, littering it with nails

"Lies!!! The queens themselves have seen me fight! What good is a clone?!"

He walked over and reloaded the gremlin, pointing it in the air and watching for Darrin. Although he was still shaking, his rage let him move the suit.

More screens appear, projected by something...

"I do not lie." Darrin says. "One clone, not much. But the Grineer have little use for only one. They like having many, and unfortunately you are only one to them."

The frame vanishes in a flash of golden light. 

You see the door unlock.

"Why don't you see what your 'friend' had in his hand." He says. "Go on. I'll stay here."

If you check you see that the Captain was holding a strange device. An investigation shows an emp coupled with a poison gas emitter. No doubt intended to disable you.

"This is why I ordered the resistance to find you." Darrin says. "Have you ever wondered why they just happened to be there when you woke?"

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11 minutes ago, LordOfTheEnd14 said:

Lord nodded. "Indeed. Stendrata isn't a very old Cephalon though, it was just programmed about three weeks ago. Most of its intelligence comes from integration into the Guild's information network." Lord walked out of the room, leading the way to a room in one of the first hallways. A digital tag hanging next to the door simply reads "Fluffle" and the name of a researcher.

"C.A.L.C is about two years old now." He says. "It's been about a year since he developed empathy."

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13 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She smiles and nods, she seems to have plugged a backdoor access into the computer as well, that is very highly likely to have downloaded everything, including the new files, her other acted as a decoy, she nods* "Yes..even better.."

Hemet claps you on the back.

"I knew you'd be helpful." He says. "Perhaps I can swing 75-25."

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