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Dark split sword- Better idea for the stances (I'm sure someone would have already though bout this)


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Currently the dark split sword is having only ONE stnce slot like every other melee .. BUT,.. it uses 2 different stances to become two different melee types completely...


My idea was... since this melee is a game changer.. why not make 2 stance slots for the melee which can use both heavy blade and the dual melee stances.. hmmmm?

Well wouldnt it be more fun if we could change the melee style right in the middle of a sword fight and create some variations using heavy blade and dual melee stance combos making a new combo chain ..?

It could be done but I dont know how hard or easy it wud be now to make this change.. but im putting my idea out there

The melee could use 2 stance slots.. and make it compulsory to use 2 stances.. and to trigger the switch between stances we can use the trigger button which we use to make the penta projectile or castanas projectile explode right?..

Whatever button or key we use to make the penta or castana's projectile to explode we can use that same key or button for triggering a switch between the 2 stances if there was 2 slots for this one particular melee..


Well thats my idea but im guessing others would rather have a new stance but that would take longer cos of making all the combo animations and all.. rather use the 2 current stance types and introduce 2 slots and be able to switch between heavy blade or dual melee right in the middle of a sword fight.. (hmm more forma and polarizing to be done but totally worth it i think)...


hope this could be the case and a DE could do this wouldnt clash with anyone else fun either whoever want it to be dual melee can use that whoever want heavy blade can use that and majority would want both the stance used simultaneously can use that..

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I'm 100% with you here. I don't understand why this weapon can only be in one form at a time.

At the very least, to keep with the one-stance-per-weapon, choosing a heavy blade vs a twin sword stance only makes that form of the weapon it's primary/favored form; You start the mission with that form and while you are using that form you can take advantage of the stance.
For example, I prefer twin swords to heavy blades, so I would equip my Dark Sword with my twin blade stance. The weapon will, by default, be in the chosen form of dual swords. However, if the situation calls for a heavy blade weapon, I'd be able to switch to the heavy blade form of the Dark Sword, but I can't take advantage of a heavy blade stance's combos.

I don't know the default control scheme while wielding melee, but why can't the Alt-fire key/mouse button switch between the Sword's forms?

The Dark Sword's gimmick is nearly pointless if the Tenno can't change its form mid-mission. At the very most, this weapon only saves us a weapon slot that would otherwise house another dual sword/heavy blade weapon.

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5 hours ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Because programing and because balance.

I don't claim to know anything about the programming behind it, but didn't they already make an effort to balance the weapon types by giving them separate stats?

I agree with OP though, that this would be a sweet idea, and I would like to see them incorporate a stance mod for each form and then a transitional animation of some sort while swapping between the two. It could be bound to either the charge or the alt fire which isn't currently used for melee. The idea of a weapon that can take two different forms depending how it is modded is pretty cool, but I think it would be much cooler and more versatile if there was a way to swap them on the fly.

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Using Akt fire to switch stances would be nice.

We already have frames and guns that switch modes mid-mission (I.e Equinox and Stradavar) having a melee that dies the same would make adaptation its own play style.

Currently anyone who owns more than one weapon can switch between them after a mission.

Changing should be bound to the sky fire key, and should have a short animation and pause. Something like twisting the blades apart of together.

Like the Stradavar this is an interesting concept. It just needs some tweaks to make it more along the lines of what Warframe does.

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