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The Story Behind Your Name


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It's an alias I used for my character in Phantasy Star Online, back on Dreamcast, in winter 2000. Since I felt a PSO vibe with Warframe, I figured I'd ''recreate my HUcast here'', even if it turns out that just ONE Warframe reminds me of him (Excalibur). Still, many elements (the sentinels remind me of mags, the new Jungle tileset reminds me of Forest 1) contribute to make me feel like this Warframe game could be a distant cousin ''and some form of true spiritual sequel'' to the original PSO, well, with a different twist, gameplay-wise.

But YEAH, the name itself comes from the sword I got for my 17th birthday, the BWS-1 katana manufactured by the Ontario Knife company. BWS doesn't stand for Black Water Society (as some thought, during my PSO days) but for Black Wind Sword. the '-1' is just to refer to the model. The BWS-2 is a wakizashi.

I figured I was just like that sword: blunt and ''mass-produced'' like any other (swords or human beings); nothing special but functional; far from traditional and remarkable, but sturdy and practical; Dark on the outside, silver on the inside... yeah I know I put too much melodramatic thoughts into this back then...

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When I was younger I liked the name Khan, out of Ghengis Khan, but Khan was always taken in games, didn't really even mean a name (I think it means 'king'?) and it always lead to Star Trek references.


VKhaun was the result of some strangely rationalized spoofing and letter adding for naming alts on the MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot, but it looked good and it's funny to hear people on the mic try to pronounce it, so I just started using that name all the time.

Edited by VKhaun
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I love revel I am always on the move. I always think. I always act. I pretty much always breath. I always outrun. I always outsmart. I always prepare for the worst. I always stay vigilant. I always know the enemy. I always know my ally. I am always a bit everything.


I love messing around and have fun but then time requires I go serious. Gaz: "oh you can't be serious" I am @(*()$ SERIOUS! *as loads a grenade launcher on Gaz's face. Damn. 72 comes from rotation amount what is 720 actually but I always spread lead like a man on rampage and revel.

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Tritium, Got it from the periodic table and I found it was interesting watching the Mindcrack guys (Nebris) play through Feed the Beast (Mindcraft modpack). If thats taken, I usually use Rubbix since I was fascinated by Rubik Cubes for a little while. I use RubbixCube as my youtube. Then as my final resort, if all those names are taken. I use UnratedTv, I had this name since InfDev of Minecraft. Stuck with it ever since (Still use it for Minecraft), I also use it for Origin, Steam.


That basically sums it all up. Except the other 7 Usernames I had back in Minecraft Classic.

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