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The Story Behind Your Name


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ag-hssrak.gif Hss'Rak (how it's supposed to be spelled, :\)

Mine came from my favorite hero unit from a game called Kohan: Ahriman's gift. He's a member of a lizard folk race called the Slannari and he's the nemesis/corrupt counter to the Slannari's champion, Slyss'Stok. I liked him simply because at his full strength his special ability is no longer a small fireball, but a huge &#! fire breath attack that does a ridiculous amount of damage.

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Time to explain mine now. Zartaen was the first name I used in a MMORPG, so it somehow became the name for almost every game i play(ed).

By the way, originally i didn't even recognize that the Zar in Zartaen could be a word play with the russian Zar, but since then I "change" the name to ZarTaen whenever it is possible :P..

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I used to play a game that has a mode called Ghost Mode where one team would have any weapon and the other would only have melee weapons but they would be invisible. The only way to kill the ghosts was listening for a breath noise they made or obviously seeing them move but bunny hopping would make them able to move without being seen so it was mostly listening for the soldiers. I was awesome at it and Gh0st_Slay3r was born ;)

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I used to play a game that has a mode called Ghost Mode where one team would have any weapon and the other would only have melee weapons but they would be invisible. The only way to kill the ghosts was listening for a breath noise they made or obviously seeing them move but bunny hopping would make them able to move without being seen so it was mostly listening for the soldiers. I was awesome at it and Gh0st_Slay3r was born ;)

I guess I know which game you played there.

Crossfire, am I right?

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Not exactly a LoL reference.

The name is Light Eater in Latin, which was a name that I used on a roleplay I was acting in.
The name is supposed to portray a kid with a black hole in his belly that goes active when he gets mad, potentially eating the whole world he is in.

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i chose the name connek because conn was half of my real name and i kind of regret it because im starting to think i should have picked pheniox because the pheniox is my favorite mythical creature

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When i was about 4 i used to go on Cartoon Network's website a lot (Back when it was actually good) I started with the name Kickola (A cross between Cola and Kick) but i forgot my password so i made another account and tried to think of a name that sounded cool. I thought of my two favorite things EXPLOSIONS and animals. Boomdog didn't sound right but Boompig sounded PERFECT!!!!!! So i went with and forgot my password AGAIN! So i made  another account but this time added the XD at the end and i've stuck with it ever since.



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I speak Arabic and tend to player healers or support characters alot and Allajh is "treatment" or "healer" transliterated.


That and it's really funny to have people type in all caps to me "ALLAH ALAKBAR" going on six years due to the confusion.

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Not exactly a LoL reference.

The name is Light Eater in Latin, which was a name that I used on a roleplay I was acting in.

The name is supposed to portray a kid with a black hole in his belly that goes active when he gets mad, potentially eating the whole world he is in.

Kinda reminds me of Rumia (Touhou).

If you know her, you're going to win an Internet.

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Kinda reminds me of Rumia (Touhou).

If you know her, you're going to win an Internet.

Really? I have played T6 and I think Rumia was there, but I didn't see any eating...

Well, I haven't got past Patchouli to find out more from the game.

Do I win my pet Marisa and Crushed Ice Fairy Shake now?

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I've went through several name changes.

I'll explain the one I'm using now.

TheErebus is of course, the name of the character who I role-play/use in my short stories.

Erebus is the greek primordial god of Darkness, which is fitting to Erebus (Darkness frame).

The reason why it is TheErebus and not just Erebus is because someone else took the name Erebus.

And besides... there can only be one true Erebus.

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My IGN for a lot of things used to be ViolentSystem, So I Shortened it to VSair.


The "air" part? either because It is a pun on US Air, or it sounds like Corsair in my head. I haven't decided on the official story.

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Really? I have played T6 and I think Rumia was there, but I didn't see any eating...

Well, I haven't got past Patchouli to find out more from the game.

Do I win my pet Marisa and Crushed Ice Fairy Shake now?

Well, I don't really know why, but people often connect Rumia with a lot of eating.

Even a vocal arrange ended up to be about being hungry.


Maybe I misunderstand something though :P

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