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Overpowered players


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On 6/15/2016 at 2:40 AM, Fuzzy-Bunny said:

I've seen a lot of threads and people commenting about overpowered enemies and their broken scaling, but it almost feels like everyone is just ignoring the pink elephant in the room. Overpowered and cheesy enemies are merely a symptom of another problem.

That problem is that player weapons and powers are way overpowered. Not only is there power creep with each new weapons released, the biggest problem IMO is the weapon modding system. It allows for things like 100x damage increase with the right mods and that's just from weapon mods. Factor in warframe damage boosting abilities and it's easily 1000x damage increase. The result is trivialization of all non endless missions which forces experienced players to either stroll around the map for half an hour so enemies can actually damage them or play sortie and try to out cheese those broken enemies.

The solution would be to fix the modding system so that it actually serves the player play style and is actually skill indexed and not merely flat damage booster.

  • Mods like seration need to go. They add nothing to the game other than being resource sinks.
  • Multishot mods also need to use extra ammo. There is no reason not to equip them now and they basically cheat the ingame ammo system.
  • Elemental damage mods should convert existing damage to their element. Something like converting 40% of stock damage to their element while adding 20% bonus (max rank). This would also have the side effect of making the physical damage type mods viable.
  • Add skill indexed mods. These mods would replace mods like serration. They would work by awarding advanced use of game mechanics and force players to actually improve their skills instead of just bullet hosing enemies until they die.
  • Rework crits. What are crits? Why would there be a % chance of doing more damage? Aren't crits supposed to be extra damage from hitting enemy vitals? Crits would be fine in MMO's with no first person aim, but warframe has that as well as body part damage multipliers. In the end crits serve no purpose other than another flat layer of damage and rewarding headshots.

The other problem are warframe powers. A lot of warframe powers completely disable or outright kill our enemies and for this reason they are supposed to be limited by energy. Powers are supposed to be used sparingly to enhance our play style and get out of tough situations. Unfortunately DE essentially broke their own energy system and now spamming powers has become the norm. It's actually entirely possible to get through non-endless missions without ever using weapons and still do your fair share of damage. Skill spamming also forces DE to give us cheesy enemies to counter our cheese and that's how we got nullifiers, bursas, eximuses,...

So how could DE fix the energy system?

  • Nerf efficiency mods. Reducing the cost of skills to 1/4 is the biggest reason why skills are so spammable. What's worse is that this comes with little to no drawbacks which can be countered by duration mods. Efficiency mods are currently the norm since they basically remove the limit on casting. I suggest giving streamline and fleeting expertise more drawbacks and let them do exactly as their names imply. Force the player to decide between a weaker (streamlined) spammable build or more powerful builds.
  • Nerf energy vampire. Energy vampire was OP before but with the recent rework of awarding the remaining energy on kill it has become broken. EV should be reverted back to it's original form.
  • Rework Trinity. Not only does trinity outperform any other support frame in healing and damage resistance, she can also serve as an infinite energy generator at the same time. And as if that wasn't enough she can also face tank pretty much anything.
  • Limit the restores. Limit restores on each revive so the players can't just spam them or give them a cooldown.

So what would the effects of implementing these changes be? For starters the star map would become interesting again. Player skill would actually become a bigger factor which would add more room for growth and increase replayability. Ammo economy and energy management would become important again. Players could choose between modding for physical or elemental damage. DE could remove or nerf cheesy enemies since they would no longer be necessary. Endgame content could be rebalanced so enemies are no longer bullet sponge demigods that players currently don't bother killing if not necessary.


I would appreciate any feedback so don't hold back.

Edit: People seem to think that I'm advocating nerfing warframe and weapon damage without addressing the enemy stats, but that couldn't be further from the truth.  What I want is to keep the players engaged and challenged. Camping and spamming skills or cheesing your way through with copious CC and damage resistance is neither fun or engaging. Same goes for enemies with their nullifiers and debuffing auras. So I'm saying both should be rebalanced so players and enemies don't have to keep trying to out cheese each other.

Edit 2: Removing serration and lowering bonuses from elemental mods would only serve to remove insane mod damage scaling. Flat damage mods would be replaced by conditional mods that would only provide their boost by fulfilling their conditions.

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Mod examples:

  • Head hunter (Rifle) ( 30% bonus damage on head shot or 50% bonus damage on head shot but -20% on body shots) drain 9, rarity: rare
  • Strafer (Rifle)(40% bonus damage while airborne) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Group killer (exclusive to launchers/ignis)(10% damage boost for every enemy caught in the blast, -20% base damage) drain 9, rarity :rare
  • Speed killer ( guns receive a kill counter with a 3 sec cooldown)(every foe slain increases weapon damage for 5% and is capped at 100%) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Wall turret (Rifle)( 50% bonus damage while wall latching) drain 7, rarity : rare
  • Perfectionist (Rifle)( 40% damage bonus, on miss receive -20% damage for 5s) (hitting dead bodies or over penetrations doesn't count as missing) drain 9, rarity :rare
  • Marksman (rifle/bow) (grants bonus damage depending on the shooting range) drain 9, rarity: rare
  • One shot kill (rifle/bow/launcher) (+50% damage on the first hit, -30% damage on consecutive hits) drain 9, rarity: rare
  • Vital strike (Rifle) (at max rank doubles body part difference multipliers (good and bad)) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Speed Demon (Rifle) (grants bonus damage based on your movement speed) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Enduring destruction (Rifle) (grants up to 50% bonus damage the longer you keep firing, caps after 3 seconds) drain 9, rarity: rare
  • Point blank (shot gun) (grant bonus damage the closer you fire at the enemy up to 50%) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Emergency holster (pistol) (converts all damage to finisher damage for 3 seconds after unholstering) drain 9, rarity: rare
  • One man army (melee) (Grants up to 90% bonus damage based on the number of surrounding enemies in a 10 m radius ) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Revenge block (melee) (Parried damage is absorbed and can be unleashed with a channeling attack) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Raising hate (melee) (each consecutive strike on a single enemy raises melee damage by 15%) drain 9, rarity : rare
  • Self destructing rage (melee) (channeling uses health instead of energy) drain 9, rarity: rare
  • Opportunist (melee) (+30% bonus damage for every status afflicting the enemy) drain 9, rarity: rare

These are just a few examples. I'm sure DE could come up with many more.



i strongly disagree with this thread, we for no reason need to get weaker. OP enemy's is what makes this game fun and a challenge. if you nerf the good stuff you nerf the fun. there is no need to complain about fighting some thing; that cant complain about you being OP (infested, corpus, and grinner). there all just computer generated enemy's. 

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13 minutes ago, Akemi-2ro said:

i strongly disagree with this thread, we for no reason need to get weaker. OP enemy's is what makes this game fun and a challenge. if you nerf the good stuff you nerf the fun. there is no need to complain about fighting some thing; that cant complain about you being OP (infested, corpus, and grinner). there all just computer generated enemy's. 

You just contradicted yourself. You claim OP enemies are what keep the game challenging and then claim that NPCs can't complain about players being OP. Warframe being PvE game doesn't mean it doesn't need balance.

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8 minutes ago, Fuzzy-Bunny said:

You just contradicted yourself. You claim OP enemies are what keep the game challenging and then claim that NPCs can't complain about players being OP. Warframe being PvE game doesn't mean it doesn't need balance.

but what are you using as a reason for why the game needs to be balanced? i have fun as it is. the meaning of a game is to have fun in it. i don't see how balance has anything to do with it

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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12 minutes ago, Akemi-2ro said:

Look plain and clear there is 0 reasons to "Balance" the game, it's fine as is. if you cant stand the game dont play it. there are plenty of us who are ok with the game and will back DE no matter what they do. ik i will

i love DE for making the game as it is , these changes asked for by OP would make me opt out until its reverted. powers are a fundamentally important part of my everyday gameplay converting damage and not adding any is not fun and offers no form of progression. the imposed situation mods he asks for would exactly as the OP said "force" players into opting into that form of gameplay or Quitting. i am not one who enjoys my vested interests being taken away and would more then definitely stay gone if these changes were made and stayed

i am ok with the game as it is and i agree with everything until "no matter what". iv payed for every single prime accessories released from the point i started other then the very first one available to me due to being new and not knowing what it was. i don't want to see my time, effort, knowledge, money, experience to all be wasted due to a twisted idea such as that intended in the OP  

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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2 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

the devs indeed intended to give the player the Sense of being OP. players who put in as much time as me and other Deserve to be Over Powered. more planets are coming all of them now are , wait for it ? LOW LVL ! its like swimming in a kiddy pool while waiting for the ocean to be open. the challenge exists for me and other players. in short if u don't feel as if you "earned" your power then you probably didn't. i got strong from farmin , iv done draco 3 times total and one was to clear the node!.  i farmed my fusion mats in survivals and my lvls on sechura my weapons on Oceanum. i earned what i can do, have you?

It looks like you can't differentiate being powerful and being OP either. If the DEVs intended for players to be OP there wouldn't be insane enemy scaling. All enemies would have 1 HP and would put Imperial starship academy to shame with their pathetic accuracy. But no, DEVs gave us different enemies that can actually challenge us somewhat if they are ever allowed to shoot and aren't oneshot by players.

2 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

this just makes me see the type of Force you would like to shove down our throats. when did the devs say that the game was built for Vet players to Not be able to easily solo?weather you like it or not your form of force wont be applied by saying things like "like it or not this is how it is " cuz your wrong. the current game system is evident of that

Nice red herring. I never said Vets shouldn't be able to solo, I said that Warframe was build around Co-op and public matchmaking so they have to make it viable.

2 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

You are in NO MEANS being forced to use multishot. and with its removal you may see the changes your looking for are not needed. YOUR system isnt freedom , this system made by DE is. unless you find another who honestly thinks your system could possibly add ANY form of "freedom " then id have to call to ask what do you consider freedom? and i saw the jk in this post" expand the options and play-styles available" LMAO how???? by killing all our old options? cant make skills cost less without a bigger stepdown cant get actual damage increase at all in your system, damages never change just i get an effect if i hit some FORCED requirement. options don't seem wider with your plans, unless u can tell me those options and playstyles while also noting the number you would destroy with these changes then maybe this could be credible( but its not)

Now you're just embarrassing yourself. The only weapon that I'm not FORCED to use multishot is Synoid simulor, everything else benefits from multishot with ZERO downside. You have yet to provide any sort of proof of how the current modding system actually provides modding freedom. How about you prove me wrong and do a sortie with weapons equipped with no core mods and use your "freedom" to the fullest to show me how effective you will be.

As for what I consider freedom? Modding "freedom" is being able to choose multiple different modding builds that can cater to different playstyles and can all be effective if used correctly. Freedom doesn't mean throwing any random mods on and expecting them to be just as effective.

2 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

no. i don't get it , players that play for long times (3000+hours) should be able to have ridicules resources build up. rewards and RNG have been so much less of a problem here then in any other game iv Every played. grind keeps players like you who strait up said " the only reason to spend that many hours is for completion" or something like that, here on and playing. i don't want rare or nice things easily id rather be able to make it to 60 waves. conclave point system is a jk and so is mastery rank until BOTH are reworked. with that last idea ppl would stay low lvls letting thair OP friends grind out the resources for them making a new wave of lazy player

Grind is a term for dull unrewarding repetitive gameplay. Pressing a button for 20 min just to get a resource/drop is grinding. Mowing down enemies with no resistance until you reach 40+ min is grinding. Blazing through the level and basically trying get to extraction without giving a second thought to enemies is grinding.

Intrinsically rewarding gameplay isn't grinding, it's FUN. Grinding is the antithesis of fun. Wouldn't you rather play 30 waves defense and be challenged the entire time rather than having to wait 40 waves first?

1 hour ago, bilun001 said:

nerf again *sigh*

another comment without substance again *sigh*

45 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

but what are you using as a reason for why the game needs to be balanced? i have fun as it is. the meaning of a game is to have fun in it. i don't see how balance has anything to do with it

Wasn't that obvious in the OP?

  • Broken energy economy
  • broken ammo economy
  • Stationary tile clearing ability spamming
  • ridiculous weapon mod damage multipliers for 0 player skill
  • absurd player damage in general (think back to first conclave and how almost every match ended in one shot kills)
  • absurd immersion breaking enemies

and so on...

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i love how you completely skipped over the "multishot and damage mods being removed and reworked eventually" comment i made witch knocks out enough of that retort on its own.

due to the fact that the Energy availability is in fact intentional , ammo is still an issue unless you use your freedom to overcome it with resources work time and effort or mods

ability spam will always exist untill skills are removed or energy gain is removed and your stuck with that 1 bar for a whole mission ( and then goodbye warframe).

"skill" is subjective , what you consider skill and what i do are very different, i follow "the application of knowledge or expertise. skills don't have to be as black and white as running and hiding and taking many shots to kill enemies , your ignoring playstyles , what if i want to make a tank who's differences cant be touched even in high end? am i not aloud to progress to a point i rightfully deserve for working to that point? what if i want a game where i can come prepared with my resources actually being useful Every mission in the form of gears such as pads. no efficiency and low energy restores = goodbye stealth gameplay without a WHOLE enemy AI rework.

this game was NEVER meant to be pvp that was added as far as i know as a result of players repeatedly asking for it. that example is no longer valid .

as for the enemies we will never agree, they are fine just ramp up dat lvl

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17 minutes ago, Fuzzy-Bunny said:

Intrinsically rewarding gameplay isn't grinding, it's FUN. Grinding is the antithesis of fun. Wouldn't you rather play 30 waves defense and be challenged the entire time rather than having to wait 40 waves first?


we can keep our damage and efficiency and not do any of your changes , simply Ramp up enemy lvl to startng 50-60 enemies then i could be challenged most the way through a mission.

why cant we get challenge and me still not lose all my work and power. as a post said before we can all get what we want but you cant "force" your ideals or gameplay methods on to anybody. your rework would kill more playstyle then create, im afraid bro go back to the drawing board or as another post said take a break. this game may not be for you as much as i hate to say it

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

ability spam will always exist until skillls are removed or energy gain is removed and your stuck with that 1 bar for a whole mission ( and then goodbye warframe).


"energy gain is removed and your stuck with that 1 bar for a whole mission" that would work well for a nightmare mission. but it's not that bad Without it you cant really keep things like snow globe up. or effigy, or mend and maim, pace and provke, prism, sandstorm, ETC. Going they would be more of a one time use thing and that would be a little less fun. consider how bad it would be to only be a ability only once and never again. people would quit fast lol 


6 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

we can keep our damage and efficiency and not do any of your changes , simply Ramp up enemy lvl to startng 50-60 enemies then i could be challenged most the way through a mission.

why cant we get challenge and me still not lose all my work and power. as a post said before we can all get what we want but you cant "force" your ideals or gameplay methods on to anybody. your rework would kill more playstyle then create, im afraid bro go back to the drawing board or as another post said take a break. this game may not be for you as much as i hate to say it

i agree

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3 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

i love how you completely skipped over the "multishot and damage mods being removed and reworked eventually" comment i made witch knocks out enough of that retort on its own.

DE backed out of actually making multishot use ammo and I won't believe for a second that they actually plan on removing damage mods as long as they actually keep releasing new primed damage mods.

3 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

due to the fact that the Energy availability is in fact intentional , ammo is still an issue unless you use your freedom to overcome it with resources work time and effort or mods.

If energy abundance was intentional, there wouldn't be an energy economy. There wouldn't be tier dependent energy costs either. Ammo is not an issue when you're oneshoting enemies. The only way to run out of ammo then is to miss...a lot.

3 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

ability spam will always exist until skills are removed or energy gain is removed and your stuck with that 1 bar for a whole mission ( and then goodbye warframe).

You and your exaggerating again. I never suggested energy removal, hell I didn't even suggest removal of fleeting expertise. What I suggested was the end to infinite energy and bigger downsides to currently OP efficiency mods.

3 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

"skill" is subjective , what you consider skill and what i do are very different, i follow "the application of knowledge or expertise. skills don't have to be as black and white as running and hiding and taking many shots to kill enemies , your ignoring playstyles , what if i want to make a tank who's differences cant be touched even in high end? am i not aloud to progress to a point i rightfully deserve for working to that point? what if i want a game where i can come prepared with my resources actually being useful Every mission in the form of gears such as pads. no efficiency and low energy restores = goodbye stealth gameplay without a WHOLE enemy AI rework.

You consider picking a right loadout and skill synergy to be what should pass for skill. Not a basic requirement, but skill... It's totally not something the players can just check on the internet...oh wait. Your playstyle suggestion is also broken. No, you can't have a tank that can't be touched in high end! What's the point in enemies doing damage if they can't hurt you? What will you suggest next? You want to make a build that will be perma-invisible? Or a build that has infinite energy? Yeah, that's totally not broken. It's just a "different" playstyle.

So yeah, if you can only face tank enemy fire and can't dodge or use cover or your mobility and CC you won't be able to progress after a point.

As for pads, what's the point in having health, ammo and energy at all if you can restore them for the entire team at a press of a button? But they're so limited right? After all, you can only take 200 per type and they're so expensive. Who can possibly afford to spend 50 polymers, 300 nano spores and 900 credits for "only" 400 energy?

As for "goodbye stealth", are you actually complaining that people won't be perma invisible for the whole mission and will actually have to sneak? Oh, the horror.

3 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

this game was NEVER meant to be pvp that was added as far as i know as a result of players repeatedly asking for it. that example is no longer valid .

as for the enemies we will never agree, they are fine just ramp up dat lvl

I was just making a point how some of our weapons and abilities deal enough damage to kill all but the tankiest frames several times over in one shot. How can we expect for our mass produced/cloned enemies to last against our damage if warframes themselves can't take a hit?

3 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

we can keep our damage and efficiency and not do any of your changes , simply Ramp up enemy lvl to starting 50-60 enemies then i could be challenged most the way through a mission.

Ramping up levels doesn't balance the game, it just forces cheese spam and unforgiving gameplay.

3 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

why cant we get challenge and me still not lose all my work and power. as a post said before we can all get what we want but you cant "force" your ideals or gameplay methods on to anybody. your rework would kill more playstyle then create, im afraid bro go back to the drawing board or as another post said take a break. this game may not be for you as much as i hate to say it

How would you lose your work? Straight damage mods could be exchanged for conditional damage mods. Multishot would be tough for many, but you'd still get more damage, just that you could no longer cheat the ingame ammo system. My suggestion would kill cheesing playstyles because they are ruining the game. The changes suggested would require players to actually play the game instead of pressing 4 really hard.

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i think this discussion has reached it's end, you have your ideas but they would really set the game back and anger a lot of people. Consider the game as is or don't play. that's all i can help you with, no one is going to want to sacrifice there damage; for a game that dose not require balanced play. 

  • the enemy's are computer generated
  • we are real players
  • we fight the computer generated enemy's with our weapons and they fight back. some time they win some times not.
  • we work hard to make our self's stronger so we can face stronger enemy's

but the thing that makes it great is the challenge, whats the point if you cant have a challenge. make the game "balanced" and it's no longer a challenge; in my opinion. everyone would just be running missions and getting stuff super easy and there is no fun in that. 

  • grinding (for most) is fun
  • ranking a new frame is fun
  • get new weapons to test out
  • and grinding those high lvl's to make you feel like a awesome player; who can survive in those missions is fun

(i cant speak for everyone however)

DE has made many changes, but this one is just not going to work i'm sorry. just give it up and accept the game

Edited by Akemi-2ro
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13 minutes ago, Akemi-2ro said:

i think this discussion has reached it's end, you have your ideas but they would really set the game back and anger a lot of people. Consider the game as is or don't play. that's all i can help you with, no one is going to want to sacrifice there damage; for a game that dose not require balanced play. 

Or you can just leave the thread since you have no constructive suggestions or criticism and lack basic logical comprehension.

  • the enemy's are computer generated
  • we are real players
  • we fight the computer generated enemy's with our weapons and they fight back. some time they win some times not.
  • we work hard to make our self's stronger so we can face stronger enemy's

but the thing that makes it great is the challenge, whats the point if you cant have a challenge. make the game "balanced" and it's no longer a challenge; in my opinion. everyone would just be running missions and getting stuff super easy and there is no fun in that. 

Like I said, a lack of logic comprehension. A "balanced" game is challenging, that's the whole point. Warframe is not challenging atm. You either breeze through enemies or you get bogged down by eximuses and nullies and have to cheese spam to prevent being oneshot. The whole point of my OP was to introduce actual challenge instead of exercise in frustration and patience.

  • grinding (for most) is fun

As I said, intrinsically rewarding gameplay is fun in itself even if it's repetitive. Grinding is the non fun counterpart.

  • ranking a new frame is fun
  • get new weapons to test out

That's great, but it has nothing to do with this thread.

  • and grinding those high lvl's to make you feel like a bad &#! who can survive in those missions is fun

So it's an ego thing. You do realize that enemy AI doesn't change with scaling. AT. ALL. The only difference in low damage frames vs low damage enemies compared to high damage frames vs high damage enemies is the fact that the latter requires players to cheese spam to prevent enemies from firing for fear of being shot to death in a few or a single hit.

Edited by Fuzzy-Bunny
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9 minutes ago, Fuzzy-Bunny said:

Or you can just leave the thread since you have no constructive suggestions or criticism and lack basic logical comprehension.

i'm sorry i'm not going any where

just drop this topic i think it's clear that your idea wont workout

End of decision 

Edited by Akemi-2ro
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Um....Warframe?.....The vast majority of what's stated in original post have been core tenets of Warframe dang near since inception. Getting rid of and/or changing all of that would make the game... NOT Warframe.

Not gonna lie, I got a chuckle out of this post.


ADDITIONALLY, hahah, the original poster seems to be spending more time forum-ing than playing, practically thread police overe here. Also funny. That is all. haha

Edited by MadMav737
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19 minutes ago, Akemi-2ro said:

i'm sorry i'm not going any where

just drop this topic i think it's clear that your idea wont workout

End of decision 

Lol. You fail to provide any counter arguments and decide to close the thread.

10 minutes ago, Arrendee said:

If the game doesn't feel challenging enough, easy fix, take out the mods from your weapons and Warframe.. Problem solved..

Gimping yourself to "balance" the game? That's genius! So if you want a cake walk and feel OP just stick on your best mods on your most OP weps and go to mercury. Problem solved...

10 minutes ago, MadMav737 said:

Um....Warframe?.....The vast majority of what's stated in original post have been core tenets of Warframe dang near since inception. Getting rid of and/or changing all of that would make the game... NOT Warframe.

Not gonna lie, I got a chuckle out of this post.

I also got a chuckle at a lack of substance in your post. What are these core tenets that I'm suggesting to get rid off?

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I agree with OP but sadly anything like this will never happen simply because the community is too accustomed to how the game currently plays out. It would cause too great of an uproar if changes like this were made, so the only option left for DE is to either add more BS mechanics like nullifiers or keep the game as braindead easy for veteran players.

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19 minutes ago, Fuzzy-Bunny said:

Gimping yourself to "balance" the game? That's genius! So if you want a cake walk and feel OP just stick on your best mods on your most OP weps and go to mercury. Problem solved...

It sounds like you are getting mad.. You have how many hours in game? And you expect them to change how much of the game to appease your need to feel challenged? Feeling challenged in a game that you have spent so many hours in, is completely on you.. Expecting them to nerf any part of the game to appease you sense of entitlement is childish.. You have a good day and try to relax a little bit.

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6 minutes ago, tischkanteVS said:

No. As Steve said somewhere in the latest 5 Devstreams: We are #*!"§ Ninjas - We are supposed to be Op!

I love mowing down Hordes of Enemies.


Oh? So why are there sorties with 500k+ EHP bombards then? Aren't you supposed to mow them down by the hundreds? And why do they oneshot you? It must be because you're so OP...


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Just now, Fuzzy-Bunny said:

Oh? So why are there sorties with 500k+ EHP bombards then? Aren't you supposed to mow them down by the hundreds? And why do they oneshot you? It must be because you're so OP...


Give me some constructive Criticism instead of time wasteing sarcasm.

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1 minute ago, tischkanteVS said:

Give me some constructive Criticism instead of time wasteing sarcasm.

I feel like you fatally misunderstand the internet.

This thread is massive and toxic to respectable discussion.  If you want honest answers I would highly suggest starting a new thread that is about your very specific point.  Maybe you'll have better luck.  Either way, I can't understand how this thread has gone on so long without being locked my moderators.

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1 minute ago, HarrodTasker said:

I feel like you fatally misunderstand the internet.

This thread is massive and toxic to respectable discussion.  If you want honest answers I would highly suggest starting a new thread that is about your very specific point.  Maybe you'll have better luck.  Either way, I can't understand how this thread has gone on so long without being locked my moderators.

same can we not get one in here please?

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