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Weeping wounds or Jagged edge



On my Nikana Prime I have

Blood Rush

Body Count

Pressure Point

3 elemental mods depending on the type of enemy i am fighting

and finally a weeping wounds. Now I just noticed that i have a jagged edge. So i'm wondering if I should swap out the weeping wounds with the jagged edge. Or is the status stack better.


Thanks in advance

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To give you a direct answer, if we're just stacking elemental damage mods I would say Jagged Edge for more damage. No need for procs if you can make them dead.

Your build only lists six mods though, what is #7? What kind/level of enemies are we fighting?

Nikana Prime is a weapon I would build more towards crit with Organ Shatter and Berserker.

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Just now, VKhaun said:

To give you a direct answer, if we're just stacking elemental damage mods I would say Jagged Edge for more damage. No need for procs if you can make them dead.

Your build only lists six mods though, what is #7? What kind/level of enemies are we fighting?

Nikana Prime is a weapon I would build more towards crit with Organ Shatter and Berserker.

Oh yeah you're right. My other one is True steel.

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Just now, DaYoutubeViper said:

Oh yeah you're right. My other one is True steel.

If you're going Blood Rush + True Steel your highest damage mod per swing is definitely going to be Organ Shatter. It won't take much before every hit is at least a yellow number. Crit damage bonuses apply to "base damage" like Pressure Point, so it will also boost all your elemental mods.

If you want to hack things to tiny pieces quickly, Berserker will give you a ton of attack speed. It's bonus stacks three times up to +75% total if you get three crits, and that won't be hard with Blood Rush + True Steel.

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2 minutes ago, VKhaun said:

If you're going Blood Rush + True Steel your highest damage mod per swing is definitely going to be Organ Shatter. It won't take much before every hit is at least a yellow number. Crit damage bonuses apply to "base damage" like Pressure Point, so it will also boost all your elemental mods.

If you want to hack things to tiny pieces quickly, Berserker will give you a ton of attack speed. It's bonus stacks three times up to +75% total if you get three crits, and that won't be hard with Blood Rush + True Steel.

So is Weeping wounds not worth it? Is 32% status chance enough?

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6 minutes ago, DaYoutubeViper said:

So is Weeping wounds not worth it? Is 32% status chance enough?

I would not put it in a general kill-all-the-things build. AFAIK you can only get one proc per swing and Nikana Prime throwing crits around will kill most things fairly quickly so spamming procs doesn't do a ton for you. It's more for special bulids centered on procs for specific targets / missions I would think.

Last time I used it was solo survival to an hour and a half, where high level enemies were so armored I was basically only killing them with slash procs. Even then I considered taking it and something else off to use two 60/60's for viral instead.

Edited by VKhaun
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weeping wounds is only good with caster frames like oberon nova saryn etc so if your not using a caster frame weeping wounds is not worth it as it works with ability cast to get the status to work with the combo meter. and even then it's not an impressive mod to work with..

when it does activates the status ticks only procs once or twice for that 9 seconds which makes this mod totally worthless.. the ticks are just too slow to get the benefits of the mod + you have to use caster type frames and spam their abilities= waste of  a slot. it needs at least 15-20 secs of duration to even be considered useful.

Edited by ranks21
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