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Anavi_Ivy's Art Archive [In search of Mandachord, Volt Prime fanart, +doodles]


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  • 1 month later...

Just dropping more stuff here; had urge to draw something traditionally, so I picked my Volt~
Might color it digitally, might color it traditionally - I haven't really decided yet.





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The line art looks good so far.  I like the pose and the composition.  I suggest scan it and then color it traditionally.  If you messed up (not that saying you'll mess up), you'll at least have a digital copy to do whatever you want, like coloring it digitally.  Good luck! :)

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  • 1 month later...
On 12.3.2017. at 2:47 AM, xiaodenden said:

The line art looks good so far.  I like the pose and the composition.  I suggest scan it and then color it traditionally.  If you messed up (not that saying you'll mess up), you'll at least have a digital copy to do whatever you want, like coloring it digitally.  Good luck! :)

Thank you. That's what I had in my mind :)

I am back with more stuff. Shiny Oberon Feyarch this time.It turned out fine, I guess.Though, I think that area around hands could be more cleaner; I wanted those shiny threads to go between his fingers… It’s a bit messy. You get my point.

Finished piece: Light
Original time: around 4 hours
Process: soon™
Speedpaint: soon™
This picture on DeviantArt: http://anavi-ivy.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Light-674497396
Tumblr: https://anavi-ivy.tumblr.com/post/159503487938/light-a-king-to-guide-you-original-time



For the record: (I didn't take a lot of screenshots while drawing this...)




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12 hours ago, xiaodenden said:

That's amazing!  I love the mood of the picture and they way you did the shading.  So dramatic!  I think this is your best piece so far.  :D  Your drawing makes me want to buy that Oberon skin now, lol.

Thank you, I am glad you liked it!

I know... I don't own one either but I just couldn't help drawing it. The design is really amazing :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

FInished piece: The Lotus
Original time: around 5 hours
This picture on DeviantArt: soon™
Tumblr: https://anavi-ivy.tumblr.com/post/160275061023/the-lotus-namesakes-in-blossom-original-time


I don’t remember what was the last time I painted something traditionally… In order not to go on myself too hard, I decided to paint something less complex… and I don’t really know how to comment on this one. It’s fine, I guess? Well, at least, I tried.

I figured out that I have no idea how to draw lotus, I mean lotus flowers. Also, that Lotus helmet… It gave me nightmares. While I was painting it, a though was running through my head endlessly on repeat - “I am not drawing that helmet ever again. Ever again. Ever again…”

On a side note, I decided I want to redraw this some time in the future and also work on pieces similar to this. I think that combination of Warframe and flowers could work - I did saw couple of amazing pieces on this theme. So, why not? Have some ideas and suggestions, drop them here!

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Love the soft colors in your Lotus pic. Yay for traditional media! I agree Lotus's helmet is deceptively hard to draw, but you did well.  I like the more stylized look of your lotus flowers.

Yes, Warframe and flowers go well together though I haven't gotten as many done as I wanted at this point.  It's fun coming up different combinations/designs and what flower goes well with what frame.  My plan for my flower and frame series is to do Titania and then Oberon, but it'd be interesting to find combo that's less obvious. What I really want to draw is Volt.  Good luck to you. :)

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didn't catch the typo in this post until weeks later XD
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4.5.2017. at 2:34 AM, xiaodenden said:

Love the soft colors in your Lotus pic. Yay for traditional media! I agree Lotus's helmet is deceptively hard to draw, but you did well.  I like the more stylized look of your lotus flowers.

Yes, Warframe and flowers go well together though I have gotten as many done as I wanted at this point.  It's fun coming up different combinations/designs and what flower goes well with what frame.  My plan for my flower and frame series is to do Titania and then Oberon, but it'd be interesting to find combo that's less obvious. What I really want to draw is Volt.  Good luck to you. :)

Thank you! I would love to see how yours will turn out!
Also, I won't be a shy anon this time, I will say it once again: I adore your art! Oh, and thanks for little bunny! x3

Also, for anyone interested, speedpaint for Oberon - Light, is live now! 4+ hours packed into 22 minutes, showing the process from sketch to the very end!

What I am working on currently:

Just for record:




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5 hours ago, Anavi_Ivy said:

Thank you! I would love to see how yours will turn out!
Also, I won't be a shy anon this time, I will say it once again: I adore your art! Oh, and thanks for little bunny! x3

Also, for anyone interested, speedpaint for Oberon - Light, is live now! 4+ hours packed into 22 minutes, showing the process from sketch to the very end!
What I am working on currently:

Watching your speedpaint video now.  I really enjoy seeing your process so far.  Very nice use of the symmetry ruler.  I don't think I have the patience to do the lineart digitally.  Are you still using a mouse to cg or do you have a tablet now?  I think I'd go insane (not to mention my hand will die) if I have to draw digitally with a mouse.  What's your favorite set of brushes?  I noticed in the speedpaint and screenshot of other paintings that you seem to have a preference for a certain brush which gives a very nice texture to your drawings.  

Your Nidus pic looks lovely so far.  Is he lounging/sleeping in his infested garden or hanging out with Helminth?  :D  I find that he's one of the more challenging frames to draw because of all those nooks and weird little details on his trunk.  Good luck to you and I can't wait to see the finished version.  

Yay, the case of the mysterious anon is solved.  I would have drawn Volt if I have known it was you.  Feel free to drop a line or two.  I'm always happy to chat with fellow Warframe artists.  :3

I following you in tumblr already but I noticed you have an dA account as well so watching you now.

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On 29.5.2017. at 4:06 AM, xiaodenden said:

Watching your speedpaint video now.  I really enjoy seeing your process so far.  Very nice use of the symmetry ruler.  I don't think I have the patience to do the lineart digitally.  Are you still using a mouse to cg or do you have a tablet now?  I think I'd go insane (not to mention my hand will die) if I have to draw digitally with a mouse.  What's your favorite set of brushes?  I noticed in the speedpaint and screenshot of other paintings that you seem to have a preference for a certain brush which gives a very nice texture to your drawings.  

Your Nidus pic looks lovely so far.  Is he lounging/sleeping in his infested garden or hanging out with Helminth?  :D  I find that he's one of the more challenging frames to draw because of all those nooks and weird little details on his trunk.  Good luck to you and I can't wait to see the finished version.  

Yay, the case of the mysterious anon is solved.  I would have drawn Volt if I have known it was you.  Feel free to drop a line or two.  I'm always happy to chat with fellow Warframe artists.  :3

I following you in tumblr already but I noticed you have an dA account as well so watching you now.

When I was younger I used to draw sketch on paper, take a photo on it and make lineart in InkScape (Bezier line tool for the win). I was just sooo into drawings with lineart and cell shading that I wanted to make my own in that style. Then I figured I just can't do that, well at least, not with a mouse. After one year I got back to digital and tried to sketch digitally. I was always laughing off those stories about people waking up and just making miracles happen. Funny enough, that occurred to me -
I remember I just woke up, began drawing Ivara, throwing colors over horrible sketch I had and I saw that it looks...actually good. Not to mention that I hated that sketch really bad, I was almost at the point of giving up.

And no. I am still drawing with mouse. It was hard in the beginning because lines were very shaky, I was not feeling the flow of lines, but once you get used to it, it goes easier. Trick is to find a brush that somehow fits your hand or just makes illusion of... control?

As for favorite set of brushes.. I prefer textured brushes. While I am blown away with people using solid brushes (their art seems to be more realistic!), I figured out that it's just not for me. I also had chance to read this one tutorial about digital coloring and I remember it said to use textured brushes as it can make drawing more interesting. And that's just the thing I've been sticking to ever since.

For sketching, I use "sketch_chrome" which comes with Krita, though I lower opacity as it's rather textured brush... I tried multiple brushes for sketching and this one seems to work out just fine and makes sketching with mouse bearable. My sketches are rarely clear and they are just there so I can put color over it and mark important things such as shadows and lighting. Later in process I delete them or hide them. Sketches for Oberon and Nidus drawings are way more clear because of all the details.



The brush I use mainly for coloring is called "bristles_wet". I prefer it over others because it is "soft" and can also blend colors, therefore making shading easier. The messy coloring is dream style I want to achieve (obviously that isn't happening, but I can't say I dislike the way things are turning out now!).



Sometimes, couple of details are added with "ink_gpen_10". This is just classic non-textured brush. "Bristles_wet" can't always make defined strokes, so this does the job.



Nidus might seem a bit funny the way he is drawn right now, but the idea for drawing is a bit darker. I hope I will be able to represent it that way. Colors will turn pretty dark later!
He surely is hard to draw, probably the most complex warframe I tried to draw.

Yay! I will keep that in mind! I usually avoid those kinds of things because I feel awkward about just dropping by and you know.. x3

Thank you! owo

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Thanks for the detailed explanation of your process.  It's very educational!  I'm glad you found a method and art program that work well for you though I think you will benefit greatly from using a tablet.  It doesn't have to be expensive, and I think having a tablet (especially its pressure sensitivity) will make digital painting so much easier for you and give you so much more control.

By the way congrats on your Volt drawing being chosen for last weeks' prime time fan art favorite!  That particular Volt fan art is one of my favorites but I'm surprised it showed up recently because that drawing a few months old already. Glad more of your art works are getting noticed.  :D

On 6/1/2017 at 0:22 AM, Anavi_Ivy said:

Yay! I will keep that in mind! I usually avoid those kinds of things because I feel awkward about just dropping by and you know.. x3

I'm still an introvert, but these days I end up approaching other people first, haha.  Maybe I will drop you a line in chat over in tumblr later. ;) I'll be awkward for the two of us. XD

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5.6.2017. at 4:31 AM, xiaodenden said:

Thanks for the detailed explanation of your process.  It's very educational!  I'm glad you found a method and art program that work well for you though I think you will benefit greatly from using a tablet.  It doesn't have to be expensive, and I think having a tablet (especially its pressure sensitivity) will make digital painting so much easier for you and give you so much more control.

By the way congrats on your Volt drawing being chosen for last weeks' prime time fan art favorite!  That particular Volt fan art is one of my favorites but I'm surprised it showed up recently because that drawing a few months old already. Glad more of your art works are getting noticed.  :D

I'm still an introvert, but these days I end up approaching other people first, haha.  Maybe I will drop you a line in chat over in tumblr later. ;) I'll be awkward for the two of us. XD

AAaaah I know! Nearly had an heart attack. I was screaming some incoherent things for three minutes straight before chilling. Glad you like that one!
Oh my god, someone being awkward for me.Yay! xD

Finished piece: Rain
Original time: N/A (I was working on this for quite long, and therefore, I am not really sure how long it took. The very first lines are from 3rd June, and everything was done on 26th June)
Process: N/A
Speedpaint: N/A
This picture on DeviantArt: http://anavi-ivy.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Rain-688677187
This picture on Tumblr: https://anavi-ivy.tumblr.com/post/162252796733/rain-ever-saw-that-moment-when-sun-breaks


My part of art trade with @frostyembers, which is like few weeks late. It was a real challenge because of all the details and color scheme, but it was fun. Anyway, their Frost Borealis chilling in the rain (no pun intended)…
Link to their part of trade which I just love: http://frostyembers.tumblr.com/post/161533066419/art-trade-with-anavi-ivy-their-volt-prime-doing

@albusaquila, the person who never fails to bring a smile to my face, actually added caption to this picture and I think I died...


“Hey Bob! Why aren’t you moving?”
- “I hope you can see that guy sitting on top of me with a gigantic sword chilling in the rain. Now shut up before he knows we’re alive.”
“But Bob.”
- “What?”
“I forgot to take the laundry inside before we go to work!” “….. If anything happens to my limited edition Vay Hek Underwear, I’ll kill you.”


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  • 4 weeks later...

FInished piece: Trickster
Original time: 17 hours and 40+ minutes (just... how?...)
Process: N/A
Speedpaint: Will drop soon™, maybe in two or three days
This picture on DeviantArt: http://anavi-ivy.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Trickster-694925691
This picture on Tumblr: https://anavi-ivy.tumblr.com/post/163450002103/trickster-sometimes-the-only-person-you-can


Pretty late piece for @k4ve-art whose name was drawn on 100+ followers Art raffle back on 10th July. It was supposed to be something more simple, with one character, but no. Once I saw this picture in my head I had to draw it that way. I pretty much got carried away. Loki Incubus helmet caused some struggles and it took me ages to get it right, but I managed… somehow. Regardless, I had fun painting this, the Loki I had to draw was also really pretty… It turned out well in the end. Hope you like it!

As mentioned earlier, I am really bitter regarding the fact that I am unable to paint these faster and that people who have me to draw something wait for ages. I hope I will change that in future once I get myself a tablet...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished piece: Cleaning day
Original time: First lines made on 15th August, finally finished on 24th August (not best way of calculating the time as I had some breaks in between but everything for archiving!)
Process: N/A
Speedpaint: N/A
This picture on DeviantArt: https://anavi-ivy.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Cleaning-day-700683374
This picture on Tumblr: https://anavi-ivy.tumblr.com/post/164567122078/cleaning-day-he-is-doing-his-best-i-assure


I wanted to draw something fast and less serious. In the end, it included leaving comfort zone and adapting my drawing style into something more cartoonish… While it was fun, I am not really sure whether I want to do this again. It’s just so weird seeing this coloring style without any background…

Back on topic - Sometimes, I feel like Mesa would be that one cold-blooded character, going “die, die, die” while using Peacemaker and annihilating everything in her sight. But I also have this one headcanon in which she would, on contrary to popular belief, name her ferocious lotus Kubrow “Waffles” or something like that. And that her Kubrow would make mess around and look at her with puppy eyes just making her unable to be mad with it.

Now I can go back to that huge project of mine~


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  • 3 months later...

Hello there, I am not dead, just really busy with school and therefore short with time. And even when I have some free time, I am not motivated to do anything except playing video games.

Anyway, here's the latest piece I am working on! A new speedpaint is being recorded as I am painting this, covering the whole painting process from the very beginning to the very end as usual, so stay tuned!


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  • 1 month later...

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