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I Don't Have Fun Micromanaging Experience.


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edit: I'm not asking for advice on how to level my weapons. Please stop. Everything anyone's said falls under one of my five stated options, and your way of doing it is no different.


I currently have two primary weapons and a melee to level up. As you know, the only practical ways to gain experience are through shared experience from other players and getting killing blows with the weapon. Here are my options as I see them:


1) go into one of the defense types and leech shared experience (contributing nothing to the team and taking the power of progress completely out of my hands),

2) join online missions and use my incredibly weak no-potato level 3 bow (contributing nothing to the team and rarely getting killing blows since the weapon is so weak),

3) run missions, using my primary/melee, of a level lower than I can complete comfortably with my secondary (which feels boring and grindy),

4) ignore my primary and melee until they're high enough level to be somewhat useful, and run appropriate missions using my secondary (making nearly zero progress on primary/melee in solo missions and very slow progress in team missions), or

5) get one weapon/frame/sentinel of each type to 30 and never change (so I never get to try out something new).



None of these options appeals to me. Most of the reason it upsets me is that if I want to continue trying new weapons, I don't get to use the weapon that I've already gone through the work to make powerful, so the progress I've made so far and thus any progress I make in the future feels wasted. It comes down to the choice of deliberately gimping myself versus the game getting stagnant. I offer no solutions, only feedback.

Edited by Tysheth
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That is true.

But on the bright side if a player kills something with his handgun, you get handgun exp.


My clan and I have set up "Teams"

I bring paris for primary Exp.

Someone brings Lex.

Someone brings some melee weapon.

Someone brings a Frame that is Press4ToWin and kills with it.


EDIT: Forgot the fourth player.


We all use these the entire game and we are all guaranteed each others experience while enjoying our current weapons.

Edited by Hayden11121
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6) Equip a low level frame and secondary along with your primary/melee, and run some level appropriate content? :)

see option 3


edit: the reason this feels boring and grindy is I don't get to use the weapon that I've already gone through the work to make powerful, so the progress I've made so far and thus any progress I make in the future feels wasted

Edited by Tysheth
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see option 3


edit: the reason this feels boring and grindy is I don't get to use the weapon that I've already gone through the work to make powerful, so the progress I've made so far and thus any progress I make in the future feels wasted


3!=6 bc you get more mastery XP on #6. And you get a challenge instead of a mindless slaughter.


I feel your pain, but that is how this game works. You will face this dillema again and again, try exploring your arsenal a bit more, you might enjoy it?


(said the guy who leveled a lex up to 22 without shooting it once ;)

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3!=6 bc you get more mastery XP on #6. And you get a challenge instead of a mindless slaughter.


I feel your pain, but that is how this game works. You will face this dillema again and again, try exploring your arsenal a bit more, you might enjoy it?


(said the guy who leveled a lex up to 22 without shooting it once ;)

There's no gameplay difference between your suggestion and what I said. I'm still making myself weaker in order to try something new. "That is how the game works" is not a useful response to my post, as this is the feedback forum. The devs asked for feedback, and I'm giving it.

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As someone who has leveled every weapon and frame to 30 (except the reaper prime because that blade just won't drop for me), I have gone through my share of weapons I don't like. I have benefited from shared xp, but I have never "leeched" and leveled a weapon solely through other peoples' efforts.

My process is:

1.) When unranked, run Tolstoj, using that weapon exclusively. I always keep one powerful level 30 equipped if things get hairy. On Tolstoj, they seldom do. Assuming a halfway decent run that's not ruined by rushers/trolls, you can get 3-6 levels on that first shot.

2.) Put whatever mods in you can and start running Killiken or Vesper on Venus (corpus defense). Don't hug the wall, actually do your best to kill stuff.

3.) Repeat 3 until about level 10-12 and switch to Io on Jupiter or Valefor on Europa (which will be slightly harder). Do the same, killing as much as you can, contributing as much as you can. This keeps it interesting.

4.) Around level 20, move on to Xini or Kiste. Again, contribute. When stuff gets too hard to contribute with the weapon you're leveling, switch to your good weapon and benefit from shared xp.

If you can find a group willing to go to wave 15 or higher on those maps, it feels like it goes faster.

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I'm still making myself weaker in order to try something new. "That is how the game works" is not a useful response to my post, as this is the feedback forum. The devs asked for feedback, and I'm giving it.


Gotta walk before you can run. Getting new AND powerful right-off-the-bat weapons seems unreal. Lots of other posters above giving good advice, start from Mercury and work up and such.


I'm sorry man but "That is how the game works". :/

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There's no gameplay difference between your suggestion and what I said. I'm still making myself weaker in order to try something new. "That is how the game works" is not a useful response to my post, as this is the feedback forum. The devs asked for feedback, and I'm giving it.




7) Forma some of your other gear and then do 6.

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When ranking a new weapon or a formaed weapon, i always carry a Rank 30 one to support it.

If my friends are online i go with them to some defense mission such as Kiste, do some shooting with the weapon im ranking up just to say i used it and then change to my stronger one to do the main damage. I end up getting allot of XP to my ranking weapon at the end of the stage wich allows me add at least two "Must Have" mods to it.

When my friends arent around, i tend to go Solo first on Tolstoj with that weapon im ranking and use only/mostly on that stage. I clear out the whole map before killing the boss then everything spawns back again and i kill over to get double the XP. When i leave the mission i normaly get between Rank 4 to 7 on my weapon. I then equip the required mods and head to Everest - Earth to do the same but with stronger foes.

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The way I've been doing it is having one higher leveled weapon and using that, while letting the XP others get leaked to my low leveled weapon(s). By the time my weapon of choice is level 30, my other weapon should be decent enough to use, and the cycle starts again.

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