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Infested Mobile Defense - Why Don't We Have It Yet?


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One word-Bastille.

Stops any and all Infested from reaching the target, can easily last a minute with the right stuff. Get some energy siphons or even just flow, and the whole mission can be soloed like this:

1-Get to defense.

2-Use Bastille.

3-Repeat 1 and 2 for any other targets.

4-Get to extraction.

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One word-Bastille.

Stops any and all Infested from reaching the target, can easily last a minute with the right stuff. Get some energy siphons or even just flow, and the whole mission can be soloed like this:

1-Get to defense.

2-Use Bastille.

3-Repeat 1 and 2 for any other targets.

4-Get to extraction.


And so what?

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One word-Bastille.

Stops any and all Infested from reaching the target, can easily last a minute with the right stuff. Get some energy siphons or even just flow, and the whole mission can be soloed like this:

1-Get to defense.

2-Use Bastille.

3-Repeat 1 and 2 for any other targets.

4-Get to extraction.

And you think other factions Mobile Defense can't be soloed?

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I second this.

I sorta get why they go after the cryopod because the possibility of a new host, but why computers?

well they go beep boop and buzz. and the infested cant have none of that >:|

this just looks like random meets random. random alert with random map with random faction.

if they havent already its probably for a reason. and my best guess is it would be so easy to run id just be a joke to add.

just my opinion.

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well they go beep boop and buzz. and the infested cant have none of that >:|

this just looks like random meets random. random alert with random map with random faction.

if they havent already its probably for a reason. and my best guess is it would be so easy to run id just be a joke to add.

just my opinion.


It is already in the game. Forma alert mission was Infested mobile defense. And yes, it was easy because it is Jupiter.

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It is already in the game. Forma alert mission was Infested mobile defense. And yes, it was easy because it is Jupiter.

right, the variables are in the game. alerts are a thing. the map is a thing. and infested are a thing.

the alert system threw them all together randomly like it does with everything and boom, you get a mission combination that doesnt exist in the game.

so either the devs simply didnt fit in in cause they forgot, or they ran out of room. or more than likely they saw a TIMED mission mixed in with infested that cant range and thought "hey, this would be super easy to do, no risk for much gain. lets not add it in to the regular missions".

those are just my thoughts. i reserve the right to be wrong about them or simply not care.


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The fact is that that mission was really fun to play, so intensive. (high modded vortex with vauban works well to, for sure :3)


The creator of this topic just want to see more often this kind of challenge/fun...


I agreeded!! Don't really care why infested have to take care of grinneer computer, just want to kill 'em all.


Give us more 500 ennemies slaughter mission for the fun!

Edited by ZeGreymane
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Bro they just added that mission type, give them some time at least.


You mean the alert?  That was random...it wasn't added intentionally.  Go watch livestream 8.


Way to offend someone with your unfounded and completely wrong opinions. gg "bro"

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