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Why Dark Sectors Should Be A Top Priority After The War Within


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Just now, Fionntan said:


I look forward to the new direction for DS.

I hope it goes in the direction of the Mist War from Guild Wars 2 - a constant war for resource gathering that gives all players in the Solar System the benefits of victory regardless of affiliation.

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Just now, (PS4)CrackFoxLegend said:

Best to add a time stamp for where he says this in a devstream. I've watched all current devstreams and I'm pretty sure he never said that.

He said it won't be direct PvE like Conclave, because that would just step on what Conclave already does. It's supposed to involve scouting for resources in uncharted space or something. He didn't say much on the topic because it was not nailed down yet. I am sorry but I do not have a time stamp for when he said, but Steve did discuss his ideas.

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14 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

Have you watched any of the latest devstreams? The game is getting better than ever - Specters of the Rail was simply rushed. DE even admitted it - and that says a lot about their integrity that they admit their mistakes as compared to other game developers.

Know what's better than them admitting that they rushed it? Them not having to because they didn't. #WhatShouldHaveHappened

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Just now, (PS4)CrackFoxLegend said:

Know what's better than them admitting that they rushed it? Them not having to because they didn't. #WhatShouldHaveHappened

True, but shoulda-woulda-coulda is a witch. Hindsight is 20/20, but won't help anything now. Now is time for bug reports and playtesting.

And Dark Sector discussion! :D

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2 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

He said it won't be direct PvE like Conclave, because that would just step on what Conclave already does. It's supposed to involve scouting for resources in uncharted space or something. He didn't say much on the topic because it was not nailed down yet. I am sorry but I do not have a time stamp for when he said, but Steve did discuss his ideas.

I do remember that. Hopefully it will have something to do with clans battling it out somehow though. Otherwise there isn't much point to having a clan when you already have a friends list. Literally no point other than an emblem actually, they could simply put the dojo gear in the market and let you use personal emblems.

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Just now, (PS4)CrackFoxLegend said:

I do remember that. Hopefully it will have something to do with clans battling it out somehow though. Otherwise there isn't much point to having a clan when you already have a friends list. Literally no point other than an emblem actually, they could simply put the dojo gear in the market and let you use personal emblems.

I bet the biggest issue with Dark Sectors is server hosting. For large-scale battle Warframe is going to need dedicated servers to handle clan-on-clan action (huehuehue).

Thing about that is what Steve said about servers - the biggest F2P game killer is dedicated server costs. However, with their recent idea of crowdsourcing their servers...

I for one would gladly put my computer up as a server for them. It's the least I could do to help DE out.

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1 minute ago, Sitchrea said:

I bet the biggest issue with Dark Sectors is server hosting. For large-scale battle Warframe is going to need dedicated servers to handle clan-on-clan action (huehuehue).

Thing about that is what Steve said about servers - the biggest F2P game killer is dedicated server costs. However, with their recent idea of crowdsourcing their servers...

I for one would gladly put my computer up as a server for them. It's the least I could do to help DE out.

I would gladly put mine up too. Thing about this whole "no PvP grrr grrr grrr" thing is that my clan was created for two reasons only. The first reason was for DSC's and the second was so anyone that's respectful could have a clan where they don't get messed with for using frames or weapons of their choosing and anyway they want, don't get called a noob, don't get spammed 24/7 with invites, and can get help when they really need it from the active leadership. I'm sure there were many many others that were created for that first reason alone. Players want this and you know what? Players that don't probably didn't have anything to do with it when they were around or are just salty they couldn't take a rail. I can't imagine any other reason except they are just grumpy gus's that get annoyed whenever someone does Draco, gets on the leaderboard for anything, wants to duel, etc.

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No one wants DS to return as much as I do. I've built my entire alliance around their return for quite a while now. But I can not stress this next point enough. Having clans/alliances control relays/Baro is a BAD idea. One of the major complaints from the old system was having a group of players have a negative impact onto their gaming experience without even opting into participation of the system. and who can blame them, if you didn't care about clans/alliances and DS you had everything to lose from taxes and absolutely nothing to gain.


That Is not to say I am  against Taxes or having clans/alliance have a real life impact on the game, but it has to be designed in a way that is accessible to all clans/alliances who want to opt in while not having a negative effect on those who do not.

What I invasion is for DS to have it's own special place on the star chart that would be inaccessible unless you build a rail. and after you build a rail you use it to explore new regions in this system. When you find something you then build a second rail to connect to it as a highway. This is now opened up  on the starmap and anyone in the game that has a rail built can link to your highway and access this point.  Then other clans/alliances can try to find your 2nd rail and  contest it or try to explore and find one of their own.



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1 minute ago, -InV-Skitz0 said:

No one wants DS to return as much as I do. I've built my entire alliance around their return for quite a while now. But I can not stress this next point enough. Having clans/alliances control relays/Baro is a BAD idea. One of the major complaints from the old system was having a group of players have a negative impact onto their gaming experience without even opting into participation of the system. and who can blame them, if you didn't care about clans/alliances and DS you had everything to lose from taxes and absolutely nothing to gain.


That Is not to say I am  against Taxes or having clans/alliance have a real life impact on the game, but it has to be designed in a way that is accessible to all clans/alliances who want to opt in while not having a negative effect on those who do not.

What I invasion is for DS to have it's own special place on the star chart that would be inaccessible unless you build a rail. and after you build a rail you use it to explore new regions in this system. When you find something you then build a second rail to connect to it as a highway. This is now opened up  on the starmap and anyone in the game that has a rail built can link to your highway and access this point.  Then other clans/alliances can try to find your 2nd rail and  contest it or try to explore and find one of their own.



That's a pretty cool idea. I still think if handled properly Relay domination would be good.

What if taxes were a set amount on relays? And what if taxes were not added onto, but taken out of every transaction? I.E. 100,000 credit transactions would only yield, say, 10,000 or 20,000 for the controlling clan? That way taxes would not impact the everyday players but benefit the clan.

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5 hours ago, Sitchrea said:

Dark Sectors do not equal PvP. We have PvP in the game. This post is about Dark Sectors.

Dark Sectors are PvP though. And DE stopped that because it was annoying, when every 3-4 days some other clan would challenge you for a rail and that's all it devolved into, meanwhile no one can actually get in and use the Dark Sector node

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1 minute ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

Dark Sectors are PvP though. And DE stopped that because it was annoying, when every 3-4 days some other clan would challenge you for a rail and that's all it devolved into, meanwhile no one can actually get in and use the Dark Sector node

Steve said Dark Sectors will not be direct PvP ala Conclave, because Conclave already does that.

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2 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

Steve said Dark Sectors will not be direct PvP ala Conclave, because Conclave already does that.

Well I'm talking about what they used to be. And honestly, they should just take this whole Solar Rail crap out, find other ways for clans to interact. I have my own dojo of one, made just to have the labs I wanted to make weapons I use now. DS don't add much to the game really

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The point of the dark sectors was for clans to control them. If a clan controlled it and jacked up the taxes, you had three options. Don't play those missions (they are meant for clans to control them and people aren't effected if they don't play them,) you could create a clan/alliance and duke it out, or you could join a clan/alliance that agree with you and want to duke it out. These conflicts did have an impact on most players and that's one of the reasons they were so great. It brought some players together and drove some players apart. Who gives a rats &#! about hugs and kisses? It's a game called warframe peeps. If you don't like war and conflict then you should probably just gtfo or something. I think it should continue to have an impact on players outside of clans that decide to get involved in these dark sectors because it brings the community together in much better ways than anything they're putting out currently and that's a fact. People got mad at clans with outrageous taxes and so clans and alliances came together to oust them. Players had a reason to be proud of their colors so to speak. Now people just join clans to meet new people, get weapons, or get an emblem. Pointless garbage when you could have those weapons in the market, you can go to region chat, and DE could let us have personal emblems.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)CrackFoxLegend said:

The point of the dark sectors was for clans to control them. If a clan controlled it and jacked up the taxes, you had three options. Don't play those missions (they are meant for clans to control them and people aren't effected if they don't play them,) you could create a clan/alliance and duke it out, or you could join a clan/alliance that agree with you and want to duke it out. These conflicts did have an impact on most players and that's one of the reasons they were so great. It brought some players together and drove some players apart. Who gives a rats &#! about hugs and kisses? It's a game called warframe peeps. If you don't like war and conflict then you should probably just gtfo or something. I think it should continue to have an impact on players outside of clans that decide to get involved in these dark sectors because it brings the community together in much better ways than anything they're putting out currently and that's a fact. People got mad at clans with outrageous taxes and so clans and alliances came together to oust them. Players had a reason to be proud of their colors so to speak. Now people just join clans to meet new people, get weapons, or get an emblem. Pointless garbage when you could have those weapons in the market, you can go to region chat, and DE could let us have personal emblems.

^I actually agree. It was basic economics - don't like a company? Become a competitor. Don't like a Clan's tax rate? Join with their enemy and take it for yourself.^

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9 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

^I actually agree. It was basic economics - don't like a company? Become a competitor. Don't like a Clan's tax rate? Join with their enemy and take it for yourself.^

*sobs quietly* I miss it man, which is why it will probably not happen like that. All good things must come to an end which is why updates closer to the launch of a new game usually suck, so intelligent and fiendishly handsome players like ourselves will get fed up with the current gameplay and be happier with what comes next. "Nothing to see here people, move along." What are you covering up DE? Where is the lube before the S#&$ show that you usually give us? Oh, an awesome new quest! I already forgot about dark sectors.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)CrackFoxLegend said:

The point of the dark sectors was for clans to control them. If a clan controlled it and jacked up the taxes, you had three options. Don't play those missions (they are meant for clans to control them and people aren't effected if they don't play them,) you could create a clan/alliance and duke it out, or you could join a clan/alliance that agree with you and want to duke it out. These conflicts did have an impact on most players and that's one of the reasons they were so great. It brought some players together and drove some players apart. Who gives a rats &#! about hugs and kisses? It's a game called warframe peeps. If you don't like war and conflict then you should probably just gtfo or something. I think it should continue to have an impact on players outside of clans that decide to get involved in these dark sectors because it brings the community together in much better ways than anything they're putting out currently and that's a fact. People got mad at clans with outrageous taxes and so clans and alliances came together to oust them. Players had a reason to be proud of their colors so to speak. Now people just join clans to meet new people, get weapons, or get an emblem. Pointless garbage when you could have those weapons in the market, you can go to region chat, and DE could let us have personal emblems.

Yeah, see, when I look at a post like this, what I hear is "I really, really, really, really want to use PvP mechanics to screw over players who aren't interested in PvP. I want to mess with their game and force them to get involved in PvP just to make me back off and leave them alone."




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9 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Yeah, see, when I look at a post like this, what I hear is "I really, really, really, really want to use PvP mechanics to screw over players who aren't interested in PvP. I want to mess with their game and force them to get involved in PvP just to make me back off and leave them alone."




Dark Sectors don't affect the whole game. Only Dark Sectors.

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1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Yeah, see, when I look at a post like this, what I hear is "I really, really, really, really want to use PvP mechanics to screw over players who aren't interested in PvP. I want to mess with their game and force them to get involved in PvP just to make me back off and leave them alone."




Yeah, I suppose I wrote that wrong. What I meant was only players that chose to play dark sector missions. Though nowhere did I even start to give the idea that if my clan controlled a dark sector, would I jack the taxes up. I play these nodes too, I don't want high taxes. I'm not a PvP player generally but when a clan or alliance that controlled a dark sector raised taxes, it was fun for me (and let's be honest, most players) to support the clan or alliance that was trying to take them down.

by 'most' players i meant the majority, not almost all.

21 minutes ago, (XB1)Solargeo said:

it till does mess with some people who use them for easy resources 

When I farm plastids, I farm Mimas Saturn. The reason I do that is because the spawn rates of enemies is higher and the level is easier than any dark sector that drops plastids. I get more plastids there because of this. A lot of resources are the same way, most of the time you can't tell the difference or you get slightly more resources on a non dark sector node even though it has slightly increased drop rates. Also, players don't have to play these nodes and really there isn't much of a reason to unless you're resource farming because there's Eris which offers infested enemies in different tiles and there are infested invasions as well. The options for fighting infested (which a lot of players enjoy doing for whatever reason they may have) are huge when you take these into account. The resources as stated before, can also be had in sometimes more of a quantity and more easily elsewhere.

Edited by (PS4)CrackFoxLegend
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19 minutes ago, (XB1)Solargeo said:

it till does mess with some people who use them for easy resources 


Just now, (PS4)CrackFoxLegend said:

Yeah, I suppose I wrote that wrong. What I meant was only players that chose to play dark sector missions. Though nowhere did I even start to give the idea that if my clan controlled a dark sector, would I jack the taxes up. I play these nodes too, I don't want high taxes. I'm not a PvP player generally but when a clan or alliance that controlled a dark sector raised taxes, it was fun for me (and let's be honest, most players) to support the clan or alliance that was trying to take them down.

When I farm plastids, I farm Mimas Saturn. The reason I do that is because the spawn rates of enemies is higher and the level is easier than any dark sector that drops plastids. I get more plastids there because of this. A lot of resources are the same way, most of the time you can't tell the difference or you get slightly more resources on a non dark sector node even though it has slightly increased drop rates. Also, players don't have to play these nodes and really there isn't much of a reason to unless you're resource farming because there's Eris which offers infested enemies in different tiles and there are infested invasions as well. The options for fighting infested (which a lot of players enjoy doing for whatever reason they may have) are huge when you take these into account. The resources as stated before, can also be had in sometimes more of a quantity and more easily elsewhere.

Also note that "Dark Sectors" are not called "Dark Sectors" now in the recent update... They are just regular nodes.

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