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With Regards To How Long Alert Missions With Catalysts/reactor Stay On...


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why should potatoe alerts last longer then other alerts?

the 12h alerts are special ones after a livestream so you exactly know when they come...so imo 12h are enough

For some people it means that they would have to missed out because the live stream start at 2AM. Depends on how long the live stream last, most of the +8 time zone people (mainly the Aussie and SEA) are still in school or working.

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These are special alerts for our Livestream days. Steve had mentioned in our latest Livestream how the system as a whole may change, but I do not see the increase in time from these special alerts coming in the near future. But thanks for the detailed feedback!


This means only those who are close with DE timezone is benefit from the alert missions because the live stream start at 2AM for Aussie and us SEAsian. 12 hours means we are still working in the office when the 12 hours end.

Edited by chanw4
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hmmm.... i personally think the 12hrs thing is enough, seeing as it was planned ahead of time and annouced to everyone. you may disagree if you want, but ive seen people lie saying theyre sick to skip a day of work or school, just to do something stupid like go to a relative's birthday (or if your boss/teacher is a cold-hearted *@##$) to attend wedding/funerals. im also no recommending that people should skip 1 day of school/work and risk getting fired/failing but hey. life is not always fair, i myself have missed out on vauban alert parts, but you just move on with it, the DEs in the livestream themselves, already said that they will try to re-work the alerts and rngs. all you can do is hope it's soon.


PS: the above statement about the skipping day of work/school is what ive seen hardcore gamers do, or they even bring their gaming laptop with them. there are so many alternatives/solutions to this problem. excluding the skipping work/school at least try perhaps bring your laptop or w/e for now, until they fix the alerts/rng.

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hmmm.... i personally think the 12hrs thing is enough, seeing as it was planned ahead of time and annouced to everyone. you may disagree if you want, but ive seen people lie saying theyre sick to skip a day of work or school, just to do something stupid like go to a relative's birthday (or if your boss/teacher is a cold-hearted $#*(@) to attend wedding/funerals. im also no recommending that people should skip 1 day of school/work and risk getting fired/failing but hey. life is not always fair, i myself have missed out on vauban alert parts, but you just move on with it, the DEs in the livestream themselves, already said that they will try to re-work the alerts and rngs. all you can do is hope it's soon.


PS: the above statement about the skipping day of work/school is what ive seen hardcore gamers do, or they even bring their gaming laptop with them. there are so many alternatives/solutions to this problem. excluding the skipping work/school at least try perhaps bring your laptop or w/e for now, until they fix the alerts/rng.

Except this has nothing to do with skipping a day at school or a day at work. It is about an event in the game. I really can't see the harm in extending of the special alert missions, since they happen only once every blue moon.


Most of us do not even have a gaming laptop. Hell, even if we do have them, I doubt bringing it to school/work to play the game would be allowed.

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Except this has nothing to do with skipping a day at school or a day at work. It is about an event in the game. I really can't see the harm in extending of the special alert missions, since they happen only once every blue moon.


Most of us do not even have a gaming laptop. Hell, even if we do have them, I doubt bringing it to school/work to play the game would be allowed.


true, but you dont really have to get a gaming laptop.... it can be a work laptop with just enough to handle it. put the game on its lowest settings and play. if youre worried about being allowed or not, just play it during your break. or in the bathroom. like someone said in this thread, its takes 5 minutes to run through the alert mission. or in this specific case, 10 minutes for those 2 alerts.

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Sorry if I'm being rude, but I don't see what you're getting at.


Yes, the alerts are special for the Livestream days, I know. However, what I don't get is that some people have an advantage over others with the special alerts just because they live in better timezones (even more so when the reward is something much needed, like Potatoes). The fact that they are special alerts makes it even more agonizing for players with dismal timezones/work/school to miss them.


If the time is increased to 24 hours, perhaps everyone gets a chance at these special alert missions.


This is definitely a fair point and summary that will be brought to the table.



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true, but you dont really have to get a gaming laptop.... it can be a work laptop with just enough to handle it. put the game on its lowest settings and play. if youre worried about being allowed or not, just play it during your break. or in the bathroom. like someone said in this thread, its takes 5 minutes to run through the alert mission. or in this specific case, 10 minutes for those 2 alerts.

Why go through all the trouble, when you can just extend the time of the special alert missions? Gaming should be fun, not a hassle.


This is definitely a fair point and summary that will be brought to the table.

I thank you for your cooperation with the Warframe community.

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So to sum it up. DE are bias? To people from the same time zone as them? 

I wouldn't say so. I don't really think there is a reason for them to be biased to people from the same time zone as them, as Warframe is played by people from all around the world. Probably poor planning or a mistake with the special alert missions, but nothing that couldn't be fixed.

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Why go through all the trouble, when you can just extend the time of the special alert missions? Gaming should be fun, not a hassle.



i dont really think its a hassle, some people bring their laptops everywhere. but well. to each their own. and as you say, gaming should be fun, so it shouldnt really matter if you missed an alert right? im not trying to start an arguement though.



This is definitely a fair point and summary that will be brought to the table.


well, at least we finally got confirmation that itll be brought up for consideration and discussion.

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i dont really think its a hassle, some people bring their laptops everywhere. but well. to each their own. and as you say, gaming should be fun, so it shouldnt really matter if you missed an alert right? im not trying to start an arguement though.




well, at least we finally got confirmation that itll be brought up for consideration and discussion.

While I don't necessarily agree with you, I do respect your opinion. As you have said, to each his own. Thanks for the conversation.

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Here's what I saw from the last live-stream:


If the active viewer count got up to 10,000 viewers, THEN AND ONLY THEN would there be a special alert, which meant that those live viewers went around mustering people to get on and get that 10,000 viewer count.  This last alert was a REWARD for this, as is basically every other live-stream alert: it's a reward for watching the live-stream (which, put in that light, I would say it should actually be shortened to about 3-4 hours or something along those lines). 


Of course, the argument could still be made "blah blah blah I'm across the world live stream happens at 2:00 am so unfair blah blah blah."  Which, quite honestly is a fair argument, but there is at least a weeks notice ahead of time, and they are 12 hours so you could do them if you just woke up a bit earlier than normal.  And, quite honestly, if you can't do it because you have a life, a job, and can't afford to squeeze in 10 minutes out of your day in some sort of free time, but are complaining over a something like 1 dollar cost item from DE and you're not willing to support them with one dollar to get your stupid potato, I don't see why you deserve the one that they're giving out as a reward for watching their live stream. 

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Because everyone is able to buy Platinum? Because buying 20 plat at a time is possible? Because being busy means you're not eligible to ask for an extension to 12h alert timers? Because making it 24hrs will have a huge and negative impact on gameplay and balance? Because only those who have watched the livestream deserve the alert rewards?







<------ This forum badge makes my post and opinions invalid

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Here's what I saw from the last live-stream:


If the active viewer count got up to 10,000 viewers, THEN AND ONLY THEN would there be a special alert, which meant that those live viewers went around mustering people to get on and get that 10,000 viewer count.  This last alert was a REWARD for this, as is basically every other live-stream alert: it's a reward for watching the live-stream (which, put in that light, I would say it should actually be shortened to about 3-4 hours or something along those lines). 


Of course, the argument could still be made "blah blah blah I'm across the world live stream happens at 2:00 am so unfair blah blah blah."  Which, quite honestly is a fair argument, but there is at least a weeks notice ahead of time, and they are 12 hours so you could do them if you just woke up a bit earlier than normal.  And, quite honestly, if you can't do it because you have a life, a job, and can't afford to squeeze in 10 minutes out of your day in some sort of free time, but are complaining over a something like 1 dollar cost item from DE and you're not willing to support them with one dollar to get your stupid potato, I don't see why you deserve the one that they're giving out as a reward for watching their live stream. 

The problem with making a time-oriented event is that there will always be people missing out on it. Hell, if it's for a valuable ingame item like the potatoes, I think that any Warframe player would go online and watch the stream if they could. Shortening the time is actually a bad idea and may piss a lot of people off, since only a small percentage of people would be able to get it.


As I have said time and time again, I don't really see the harm in extending the time of the special alert missions. Most of us can't really squeeze any extra time between our schedules because, again, school and work.

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10k viewers, 50k+ estimated players, we'll round that down to 25k active players for the time span, which leave 15k leeches who are getting a reward that wasn't intended for them, regardless of why. 


If I'm going about this wrong (the idea that the alerts are a reward for watching the live stream), could a community manager/dev correct me?

Edited by lstalri
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10k viewers, 50k+ estimated players, we'll round that down to 25k active players for the time span, which leave 15k leeches who are getting a reward that wasn't intended for them, regardless of why. 


If I'm going about this wrong (the idea that the alerts are a reward for watching the live stream), could a community manager/dev correct me?

I thought there was over a million players?
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I agree with this. I see no harm in extending the benefit to everyone who logs in once a day rather than just the people lucky enough to live in the right timezones/not have anything else to do with their day other than play Warframe.


It doesn't hurt anyone, and helps a good portion of the player base. It seems to me like an easy way to make (potential) customers happy.

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10k viewers, 50k+ estimated players, we'll round that down to 25k active players for the time span, which leave 15k leeches who are getting a reward that wasn't intended for them, regardless of why. 


If I'm going about this wrong (the idea that the alerts are a reward for watching the live stream), could a community manager/dev correct me?

The problem is not that the players don't want to watch the livestream and get the reward. It is that they can't.


It is your opinion that only people who watch the livestream should get the reward, while it is my own opinion that everyone should get the reward regardless if they watch the livestream, due to the fact that people live in different time zones, have obligations and what-not.

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