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13 minutes ago, DarkOvion said:

Kavat breeding is incredibly grindy, or very expensive.

Needing 10 Genetic Codes per Kavat, those codes being a random chance on a scan of a Kavat, and it taking 3-4+ hours time to RNG those 10 up OR 50plat. + the standard power core.

There's also minimum if any rarity / value to them - pretty much every variation (no really rare anything, 2 types, 4-6ish heads, 4-6ish tails) was found within 2-3 days, and the value of Kubrows started dropping, to the point my partner, the insane Breeder who's literally wrote the guide to Kubrow breeding and spearheaded the Kavat breeding movement and wrote the guide to that too, has decided it's not really worth it, as what people are willing to buy them for, doesn't even cover the time/cost of making them, so she's gone back to Kubrows. (Or would have if the whole system isn't glitched and broken.)

Kubrows on the other hand, take 3-10 runs on earth to get an Egg (or 10 plat), have 5 types, numerous patterns (including common and rare ones(, different sizes, rare colours, and lots of varierty overall.

Even dirt cheap ones at least cover the 20-30 plat it takes to make them.


Each time I've tried Lunaro it's been either glitchy, broken, or no one was really playing it.

I'd play more Conclave, but it's commonly much the same thing.

I'd do more Archwing - but it's the same sort of thing.

Lunaro isn't really broken but can be glitchy cuz of internet and server delay and stuff like that . Try to host it yourself , it will be smooth ( if your internet isn't garbage that is ) and you can have fun with it . I have been playing lunaro the past week everyday since it came to console and im loving it so much , i became a pro ( kinda lol )

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I've been playing less lately for a few reasons. The first is a new job that keeps me out of the house for long periods of time. The second is that my toaster of a computer seems less and less able to retain quality connection to other Tenno with successive updates (and I'm usually too lazy to try and fix this).

The third reason, and this is probably the biggest one, is that now that I have a wide arsenal of cool stuff (although I still have a long list of things I need to build), I don't have too many in-game friends whose loadouts really gel with mine in-mission. I love the team composition aspect of this game, but I have yet to find friends who are as enthusiastic about exploring it and wanna try out wacky squadcomps with me. I think I need to find the right clan.

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22 minutes ago, DxAdder said:

Login, Collect daily reward, do sortie and may do a few void runs and im out.


Lol same like me.Atm there isnt much to explore.A new Warframe will bring some more interest back.Anyway i always take longer breaks.Sometimes for months and then i come with full love back to the game and enjoy it badly for what it is.Take some distance and come back when you have interest again.

Edited by K0bra
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2 hours ago, DarkOvion said:

Kavat breeding is incredibly grindy, or very expensive.

Needing 10 Genetic Codes per Kavat, those codes being a random chance on a scan of a Kavat, and it taking 3-4+ hours time to RNG those 10 up OR 50plat. + the standard power core.

There's also minimum if any rarity / value to them - pretty much every variation (no really rare anything, 2 types, 4-6ish heads, 4-6ish tails) was found within 2-3 days, and the value of Kubrows started dropping, to the point my partner, the insane Breeder who's literally wrote the guide to Kubrow breeding and spearheaded the Kavat breeding movement and wrote the guide to that too, has decided it's not really worth it, as what people are willing to buy them for, doesn't even cover the time/cost of making them, so she's gone back to Kubrows. (Or would have if the whole system isn't glitched and broken.)

Kubrows on the other hand, take 3-10 runs on earth to get an Egg (or 10 plat), have 5 types, numerous patterns (including common and rare ones(, different sizes, rare colours, and lots of varierty overall.

Even dirt cheap ones at least cover the 20-30 plat it takes to make them.


Each time I've tried Lunaro it's been either glitchy, broken, or no one was really playing it.

I'd play more Conclave, but it's commonly much the same thing.

I'd do more Archwing - but it's the same sort of thing.

Fair point, I agree 10 is an excessive amount needed for each kavat as oppose to kubrows whice are much easier to obtain/breed; I feel they should chop down to half(5) for the incubator and one per cat. Although, I am sure this is a trite attempt to sell DNAs in their market for dem sweet $$$$ so I doubt anymore changes will occur w/o devaluing said market item. I mean, it can happen as they did to the Greater Lenses and well... end up shooting themselves on the foot devaluing them... but I wouldn't bet on it to re-occur anytime soon.

Meanwhile, the Kavats imprint being dirt cheap isn't surprising. Unlike, for example, Primes parts in which players have deal with RNG table filled other stuff and get a set to sell good profit the Kavats only need build (1) Incubators Core and either buy or farm (10)DNAs. Granted, DNA RNG is there but players won't have to swim into table to get said DNA & unlike primes (unless they get re-released in PA or VA) they can directly buy in market cutting grin altogether.

More than likely what you and your friend saw is the same song & dance when kubrows imprints first hit the trades: folks who desire profit from their new pet for easy :platinum: are getting low-balled to infinity by the buyers who are likely well... desperate to have on their hands the guaranteed imprints of both breeds w/o relying on RNG. In short, free market is having tug war of sells vs buyers and by sounds of it buyers are winning for now.


As for Lunaros I had fun personally, it is a better option then "cheese le cheese kill" in other 2 modes and "spam parkour"(capture flag). It does need it's polish but I can see myself playing it casually.

Once, newest Amesha is done I might poke on AW a bit whole leveling for kicks. Maybe try new mode while I am at it, but you are right to say is more same thing atm.

Edited by Fionntan
Clarity on buyers vs sellers
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Interesting poll actually, when posed like this.

1) Warframe has always been an on/off deal for me, really - but I usually play right off the bat all major updates and events. Basically I'm a binge-player XD
I have to say though, at the beginning I missed most of the big events because of this habit. Not really happy about that, but what can I do... at least I never missed prime stuff.

2)Yeeeeh yes and no: I never really "grind" (my relationship with Draco, for example, was that of a couple runs every week to test out new equipment), I just build the weapons that inspire me and potato/forma the ones I really like - even if I'm never gonna use them... just a "what if" kinda thing. Problem is, I like most stuff both from the Market and the Labs, leaving out just a handful of weaps, really. Soooo... yeah, I'm almost completely oblivious of the grind, so I never suffered from burn-out.

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