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The Credit Nerf ....


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25 minutes ago, -HitZ- said:

Fissures don't award credits, sorties too(as i hear), raids award 1/3 of credits and DS nerfed by half. Does this confirm it?

Don´t award? You still getting credits and mission credits. Yes, it is less than Void before, but that doesn´t mean that you can´t earn credits. You just can´t do it anymore the really easy way (while also farming for prime parts). You can do Invasion which also awards credits. Alerts give you also some credits. And you´re getting randomly some "unboosted credits" at the mission end screen ( to be honest, I´ve no Idea what that is)

Perhaps more play, less (Prime)grind? Just play the game, the rest comes mostly alone.

And while I agree that there is a lot of grind in the game, sometimes players create their own grind. And that ist not DE´s fault. I mean, i was at 20 Billion credits, and then I said: more. Then 30 Billion: Moar! Or Fusion Cores, even Prime parts.

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3 minutes ago, Neothel said:

Don´t award? You still getting credits and mission credits. Yes, it is less than Void before, but that doesn´t mean that you can´t earn credits. You just can´t do it anymore the really easy way (while also farming for prime parts). You can do Invasion which also awards credits. Alerts give you also some credits. And you´re getting randomly some "unboosted credits" at the mission end screen ( to be honest, I´ve no Idea what that is)

Perhaps more play, less (Prime)grind? Just play the game, the rest comes mostly alone.

And while I agree that there is a lot of grind in the game, sometimes players create their own grind. And that ist not DE´s fault. I mean, i was at 20 Billion credits, and then I said: more. Then 30 Billion: Moar! Or Fusion Cores, even Prime parts.

Oh you were at 30 billion credits? K.

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1 hour ago, -BM-Leonhart said:


Told you on the first point, compare your initial credits pool with the credits pool after, the HUD is bugged. Won't show the boosted amounts.

EDIT: Did some more tests, and it seems to be a bug related to Sechura. I did one run with a single teammate, got the proper amount, then I did a run with 3 other teammates, got ~15k. So yeah, there does seem to be a bug related, but not an intentional credits nerf.

I did Sechura again and have provided a screenshot. maybe it will be helpful for clarification:



Edited by radastir
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1 hour ago, CrudShuzKong said:

sorties now give 0 credits.

When was the last time you saw that for yourself? Because it wasn't in the last few days.


48 minutes ago, Shadow8600 said:

I've been told multiple times this is a visual bug. Have they confirmed credits were nerfed?


47 minutes ago, -HitZ- said:

Fissures don't award credits, sorties too(as i hear), raids award 1/3 of credits and DS nerfed by half. Does this confirm it?

Boosters do boost properly, it's just a HUD bug, Sorties give 200k per all 3 (boosted) and still got 40k on a short Hieracon run, so most likely the DS weren't nerfed either.

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The jupiter is still good for credit farm if they not nerfed it. Dark sectors all are nerfed for the same reason Draco nerfed because of affinity-credit farming. They added now a daily bonus credit boost but that is just one thing but you overall get far less. I played a lot of Kadesh and medium level map runs when had credit boosters "not bought any" and in 2-3 hour farmed 500-800k credits with some breaks aswell (5-20 min). There wasn't big deals but now with the same booster pack you can get the half of this and still you need to fuse mods and keep feeded the pets so this credit cut not touch the game so well. 

Positive side is the common fusion cores now more commonly dropped with the other tier cores in one mission so if you want get those then you can go dark sector missions-excavation missions because now those give much more cores. I didn't tested the oxium yet but for me the best place to farm is the venus because no need to bring too hard weapons and easily can farm lot longer.


Also that new dual dagger stance and seismic palm drop more often which is so bad because that is devaluate the already devaluated mod. I can't sell it at least 10-15 plat those because now everyone can get them so easily. "for me 11 was the record in one mission".


The number of alerts improved but some alert misleading and the mission you went in is often differ what you choosed I suppose this was the mark with the new starchart but sometimes annoying.


Overall not really drastic the changes and you can live without boosters but if you given booster then go and hunt. Otherwise not really worth your time.

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Did sechura again - HUD showed me 14.100 + 2400 = 16500 credits (with booster), i earned actually about 33.000 (twice the amount). Still a nerf, it has been rewarded about 50.000 credits with booster before Specters of the Rail.

Edited by radastir
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1 minute ago, radastir said:

Did sechura again - HUD showed me 14.100 + 2400 = 16500 credits (with booster), i earned actually about 33.000 (twice the amount). Still a nerf, it has been rewarded about 50.000 credits with booster before Specters of the Rail.

It varies a lot, maybe bc of bugs. I often see something like " 28k + 12k un-boosted credits". Kinda weird. Anyway, for example Hieracon DS works properly as far as I can tell, so I don't think it's an intended nerf.

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1 hour ago, DeMeritus said:

On a number of the popular TeamSpeak servers where devs that have influence over such things hang out, the regulars and others within earshot of the devs bragged endlessly about having more credits than they knew what to do with, bragged about how easy credits were to get, how useless and abundant credits were, and so on.  After hearing such talk consistently for a long, long period of time, it's reasonable to guess that the devs decided that something had to be done about credit rewards.


OH NOES a few vet players who already have everything and minimal constant credit outflow, who were around in the old days where void gave double and accrued an unspendable bank, have a ton of credits. 

Better nerf credits. 


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2 minutes ago, -cS-MajinBlue said:

Isnt it obvious there trying to make the high roller credit bundle viable :crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh:


About this I have only one thing to say:


My pockets are full, but closed.



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2 minutes ago, CrudShuzKong said:

sooo also a juicy nerf. great. I'm so happy i got myself the humble bundle during e3 and farmed up to 10 million credits before this update...

I don't think it was much more than that. I think before I got something like 230k compared to the 200k now. Certainly nothing worth making a fuss over. Things change from time to time, but I don't feel like caring about something this small.

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19 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

I don't think it was much more than that. I think before I got something like 230k compared to the 200k now. Certainly nothing worth making a fuss over. Things change from time to time, but I don't feel like caring about something this small.

I was sure that the 250k i got before the update was without booster, but it never did wathc my login rewards...

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2 hours ago, EyeLaikCheez said:

Oh you were at 30 billion credits? K.

Whoops, I meant million.

2 hours ago, Ciaus said:

OH NOES a few vet players who already have everything and minimal constant credit outflow, who were around in the old days where void gave double and accrued an unspendable bank, have a ton of credits. 

Better nerf credits. 


Mmh, I think you have no clue how hard it was in the beginning to farm credits (or rare resources). No raids, no Sorties, no Invasion, etc.

As it is like now, its still easier to farm credits than it was for those who are playing since the beginning. We need to built Injectors and Fieldrons and so on. We had really credit / ress "problems" in that time. Sure we now have more or less enough of everything, but we had that problem too. And it was even worse in that Time.

If people are speedrunning T4 Caps just for credits or stay only 5 Minutes in a Dark Sector Survival then there is something wrong with the "playing" mentality. It´s like a said, a lot of that "mindlessly" grinding comes from ourselves. Because we want that NOW. I´m doing that from time to time myself and I think myself is that really necessary? Like the Oxium or Cryotic requirements now.

Maybe we should really come back more to playing, instead of grind the hell out of it.

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13 minutes ago, Neothel said:

Whoops, I meant million.

Mmh, I think you have no clue how hard it was in the beginning to farm credits (or rare resources). No raids, no Sorties, no Invasion, etc.

As it is like now, its still easier to farm credits than it was for those who are playing since the beginning. We need to built Injectors and Fieldrons and so on. We had really credit / ress "problems" in that time. Sure we now have more or less enough of everything, but we had that problem too. And it was even worse in that Time.

If people are speedrunning T4 Caps just for credits or stay only 5 Minutes in a Dark Sector Survival then there is something wrong with the "playing" mentality. It´s like a said, a lot of that "mindlessly" grinding comes from ourselves. Because we want that NOW. I´m doing that from time to time myself and I think myself is that really necessary? Like the Oxium or Cryotic requirements now.

Maybe we should really come back more to playing, instead of grind the hell out of it.

If we enjoy "grinding" and we don't like "playing" then why is DE doing this? People are complaining about the new update a lot, seems to me everyone wants to "grind"

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38 minutes ago, EyeLaikCheez said:

If we enjoy "grinding" and we don't like "playing" then why is DE doing this? People are complaining about the new update a lot, seems to me everyone wants to "grind"

Seems so. I think people finally realized they had no idea what they wanted. They said they want less junk, they DE gave them less junk and more "on-point" stuff. Now, they realize they want their useless junk back.

There is not even a point to that junk anymore, even Baro's prices will drop accordingly...

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