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Limbo 1 idea


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Part of the big benefit of Banish is that you can explicitly control who is in the rift and who isn't. That is what allows Limbo to create separation between him and his enemies. If he wants one and one enemy only in the rift with him, Banish allows him to do that. If he wants a lot of enemies in the rift, that is where Cataclysm comes in.

If Banish becomes more like Cataclysm in the sense that you lose that explicit control it gives you to decide who you want in the rift with you, then Limbo loses a lot of control and power as a whole.

That's the balance that Banish and Cataclysm provide and how those two abilities compliment each other. One gives you explicit control to decide who you specifically want in the rift with you while Cataclysm provides you more of that open free for all style with enemies coming and going.

I don't think this idea would work out in Limbo's favor if you lose the control that Banish provides currently.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)damagerate1 said:

Be real, banishing one enemy at a time is one of the reasons why so many people think limbo needs a rework. How is banishing one enemy at a time useful in any of the game modes. Cataclysm might banish more then one enemy but the way it does makes it a waste

Banish is great against energy leech eximus. Those guys are almost as deadly as nullifiers, especially with infested. Life Srike and Banish work impressively together. I agree that Banish should be able to banish multiple enemies at once, but the ability to banish just one is crucial.

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)damagerate1 said:

Be real, banishing one enemy at a time is one of the reasons why so many people think limbo needs a rework. How is banishing one enemy at a time useful in any of the game modes. Cataclysm might banish more then one enemy but the way it does makes it a waste

Just because Banishing one enemy at a time is not an effective strategy all one its own, it is still a critical necessity that Limbo needs to be capable of.

Also, just because I criticized this idea doesn't mean I think Banish is perfect. I think if the casting time for Banishing a single target were almost instantaneous, that would go a long way toward rectifying some of the negatives of the ability. Doing so would allow you to Banish numerous enemies very quickly.

Cataclysm is absolutely not a waste and provides a way to bring many enemies into the rift in a much more controlled manor than would having a single unit running around willy nilly randomly bringing in units to the rift by touching them.

Limbo needs to be in control of who is in the rift and who isn't at all times. Any ability change that takes away some of that control and brings about an element of randomness to who is in the rift would be a huge detriment to Limbo.

What happens when that unit you banish randomly takes a few turns you didn't expect and suddenly there are 6 units in the rift with you that you can't easily banish back to the material plane. Now both the rift plane and material plane are dangerous places for Limbo to be and he has no other way to defend himself. This is why Limbo needs to be in control of who is in the rift with him. The rift is his primary defense.

Banish needs to be capable of banishing single target only. Like I said though, a much quicker cast time would be appreciated to allow for many casts in quick succession.

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What's the duration of the confusion? Is it similar to Radiation proc or Terrify? Do you have to manually unbanish targets that catch the "Banish disease" (and do you realize how tedious and dangerous that is to Limbo, who for all intents and purposes uses the Rift to avoid damage in the first place)?

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On July 20, 2016 at 11:31 AM, PsiWarp said:

What's the duration of the confusion? Is it similar to Radiation proc or Terrify? Do you have to manually unbanish targets that catch the "Banish disease" (and do you realize how tedious and dangerous that is to Limbo, who for all intents and purposes uses the Rift to avoid damage in the first place)?

Similar to terrify... And to turn it off just re-cast the ability... In a way I feel like they should get rid of cataclysm. I feel like this would be better, or change his augment mod to this. 

Edited by (PS4)damagerate1
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