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Idea: Arch Fissures, new AXI game mode


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I love archwings and i love the new fissure system. lets put them together into one epic new mode! This is an in depth of the Arch fissure's gameplay and aesthetics.

Arch fissures willl be large fissures in space that will be spiraling out of control. aesthetically debris from ships large ships,both corpus and grineer, will be scattered around as they have been destroyed by it- similar to the first archwing mission but with a humoungous (destroyer sized) golden tear at the center of this sperical "map"

Upon coming into the mission, your relic will be immediatly sucked in and be sent hurtling into the fisure in a beam of light. following this, the golden tear will fluxuate with violent energy (similar to the visual effects of normal fissure but on a massive scale). unlike ground fissure missions- this tear is the central focus of the assignment. Lotus will warn at the start: "Tenno, Be careful! This is an arch fissure, A fissure that has failed to be sealed and has been growing exponentially. if you dontt stop it now the void energy will rupture the nearby planet and will spread to disrupt the balance of the solar system. our fate is in your hands, do not fail me."

The fissure will spawn ghosts of the corpus and grineer fleets that have attempted to seal it (or orokin ship models- that'd be awesome). just like in ground fissures the goal is to kill enemies and pick up remnants. The system of needing to stop- pick up a drop and carrying it to the fissure would be clunky and frustrating in an archwing, Instead, killing eximus enemies would make a large sphere, more or less 80 meters in circumfrence, that would feed "remnant energy" into archwings as they fly by. the "fly by" radius would be large like 200m the remnants and the archwings would take the energy at a rate of 25 remnant energy per second. archwings can only carry 100 at a time and the fissure would need 4000 overall energy. the tenno would have 5 minutes and the enemies would not have to be eximus for remnant energy but traces would only come from exil. Remnant spheres will cluster together to make larger ones- especially from clustered enemies

The Remnant energy is put into the fissure by flying close. the energy will stream into it (using a golden version of the shield osprey visual effect from the player to the Arch fissure). this will occur automatically and a t the same rate as the tenno aquired the energy

Rather than "Sealing Void fissure" in the center of the screen with a percentage. Arch fissures will have 2 hud elements on the left hand of the screen. "Arch Fissure: 0/4000" and "Remnant energy stored 0/100"

A new feature will be the fissure itself being a large stage hazard, The fissure in the center of the stage will have the same visual ligning effects as well as it swelling and shrinking. the Arch fissure makes 3 hazards, all deadly. the first time each happens in a mission- lotus will warn

1. void lightning: This shall behave similarly to the energy beam in the first archwing mission- a discharge of energy that demolishes any life it touches. however this is in the form of lightning- and it will arc and curve and aim for the closest tenno. Before this happens, the fissure will grow white and if its the first time of the mission Lotus warns something like "Tenno! watch out for sharp discharges" "here comes one now!!!"

2. Void Pulse: The fisure glows with reddish tones as it swells and contracts in shape and sizefor about 3 seconds . after this sequence, a Red Ring will extend from the center of the Arch fissure. This can be from any angle. This should travel out as if in a solar flare explosion- but still dodgeble for gameplya- perhaps 2000 meters per second. as the ring gets farther it become less visible.

*if 1 or 2 hit certain destructable debris it will expolde for 700 damage in a radius double the size of said object (usually glowing rocks seen in grinner archwing missions) no loot will be dropped 

3. Void Vacuum: the Arch Fissure flashes black and purple in the center for 5 seconds- plenty of warning- and all tenno on the map will be sucked in, similarly to a massive version of the itzal's 3. tenno must face away from the fissure and boost to survive. if anyone touches the fissure in this stage, they will instantly die and need to use a revive. ally make thethe suck in timw 

The Arch Fissure's hazard behavior would be RNG as most things in warframe, however- the time the fissure is open and the amount energy that is left to fill- so it would gradually make the game mode harder the longer you take. For example at the very beginning of the mission- hazards 1 is all that can happen and have a 1% chance per second. If the fissure has 1000 energy then hazard 2 will unlock. at 2000 energy the Arch Fissure can use hazard 3. At 3000 may use any combo of the three hazards" simultaneously before then the RNG should prioritize as follows: If RNG ticks hazard 1 and 2 at the same time before 3000 remnant is in the fissure. Then call hazard 1. basically prioritize the lower number.

If the Tenno can not seal the fissure in time, A mini cutscene will play and the Arch fissure will distort and make a huge blindng explosion. Lotus will say something like "your failure has doomed us all" and ordis will say "O-operator?" through static as the mission failed screeen initiates.

If the Tenno can seal the Arch Fissure than Lotus can will congratulate them "great work tenno- you have manage to keep the balance"

Overall, the Archfissure's gameplay will go- kill enemies, fly near the golden spheres and dodge all the Void hazards. Win. get primes.

 Regardless if the mission level- the Arch Fissure hazards should always do insane damage- this will give further incentive to use amesha and its healing and support powers.

Thank you for your time reading this and please leave a comment on any questions, comments or suugestions to my idea :D

Edited by Cxdfc
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