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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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- ...Conan the Barbarian and Heavy Metal...-



Now I want to blast myself through the atmosphere with -58 Corvette while listening Riders of Doom! Vale Caelum, Vale Terra, Vale nivis, morimur~!

Edited by Jalaskoski
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uh oh, the mods are here. IT BEGINS.


Also for the love of god, why isn't Conan the Barbarian and Heavy Metal on netflix? I'm gonna flip a god damn table.



Yo, Doozy, I just took a walk on Yuikami's thread, and I believe it's needing some of that Rhino love. Just saying, there's some comedy potential there.



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Yo, Doozy, I just took a walk on Yuikami's thread, and I believe it's needing some of that Rhino love. Just saying, there's some comedy potential there.




Yui doesn't find these funny, it would be in poor taste to invade her thread.

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Very cool, and nice style.  This side of Loki makes the character feel more real to me, and in this case, I feel like that could be an 'official' Loki if DE were to give the frames personalities.  


Also, Loki is the Deadpool of Warframe now.  4th wall breaking and everything.

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   It had taken months of careful planning, but he had finally found them, and they could not escape. Even now, they were ignorant of his presence, unaware of his purpose and of his agenda.

    He had waited patiently on the roof of the building opposite, had waited patiently for so long, another hour or so wouldn’t mean anything to him now. Their features were unmistakable, even without the frames, he knew who they were- Mag and Excalibur, two of the hunted ones. Two of the sinners, the quarry, the judged. They had always escaped sentence, always defeated him, humiliated him, stolen his blessed weapons. Them and all their ilk.

    But tonight would be his. Tonight he would taste justice, the sweet vengeance that was his due would be his for the taking, in only just a few moments, the tenno would be destroyed.

    He had tracked them to the restaurant. He could have killed them in the car, or in the apartment, but that was below him. It was unclean, risky. He would not allow himself to destroy them without honor, they would know as they died, bleeding out on the cold asphalt, that the Stalker had chosen them. It would have been so easy to wreck a car, to bomb an apartment, to involve innocents, but that was dirty. That was crude.

    When they died, they needed to die knowing that it was him that did it, that he was the reaper and he had extended his pale hand, and had chosen them out of the pack for the culling.

    The moment approached. He saw his targets leaving the building, walking around the corner to the valet stand to retrieve their vehicle.

    Now was his moment to strike. The moment he had waited years for. Without their frames, among the civilian populace, they were finally vulnerable. He watched him kiss her as they waited in the cool night air for the attendant to bring the car around, he held her so close. He would kill her first, so that she would die in his arms, and then he would know the depth of bereavement of the Stalker. The range was not an issue. The wind was dead, the air was moist and clear, the light of a hundred twinkling stars bore witness to his deed, and he pulled the string of his bow to his ear, aiming for Mag’s heart.

    And then the string went slack, and he nearly dropped the arrow. He looked behind him and saw the tenno. The one with the hammerhead prow. It was standing their in full war panoply, its guns on its hips, its weapons on its back, a pair of scissors in its hands, gesturing innocently at his cut bowstring.

    “You!” The Stalker hissed. Without even a breath or a heartbeat, he kicked the tenno in the face, but his foot flew right through the warframe’s jugular and tickled empty air.

    A hologram! The Stalker realized.

    “Naughty! Naughty!” He heard a disembodied voice on the wind, and looked up at the billboard on top of the roof to see the silhouette of the hammerhead warframe making a scolding gesture at him.

    Quicker than lightning, the Stalker reached for the blades at his hip, and with a flicking motion of his wrist, sent three objects scything through the air at the tenno, which bounced right off of his rubbery synthetic skin. Too late the Stalker realized that what he had thrown were nerf foam darts.

    “Looking for these?” The tenno tapped him on the shoulder, holding up a bandolier of Despair throwing daggers. “You should be more careful you know, you’ll put your eye out, kid!”

    The Stalker loosened his scythe from his back and cleaved the tenno in half, but again, it was merely a holographic doppleganger.

    “And the wiki says you’re supposed to be able to ignore those!” He heard the hammerhead warframe mocking him.

    “Come out and fight me under the light of the stars, with honor, you jackal!” The Stalker hissed.

    “Sure, why not? It’s a full moon tonight!” The tenno replied, back on his perch on the billboard, bending over and exposing his buttocks at the Stalker. “Get it? Full moon?”

    With a growl of furious rage, the Stalker threw his scythe up at the foe, but again, the weapon slid harmlessly through the hologram, and embedded itself in the thick board of the advertisement.

    “You’re gonna have to do better than that, cochise. I’ve got a fully leveled energy syphon and streamline installed, we might be here for a while.”

    The Stalker hissed in fury, leapt up onto the billboard to free his weapon, and barely dodged the glinting steel moving past him as he saw it out of the corner of its eye. The Kestrel sheared through the supports of the billboard, and the Stalker leapt away just in time as the giant advertisement tumbled into a heap on the roof.

    “You can’t hide from me forever!” The Stalker growled, snatching up his scythe and brandishing it wickedly.

    “You don’t understand, sweetheart. You can’t hide from me.”

    The Stalker saw the crackling fire of the snipetron vandal’s shot, but he did not hear its silenced barrel. He felt the jacketed bullet tear through his shoulder and punch through his body, spinning off into the night air through his ragged exit wound. The atmosphere was suddenly thicker, the night suddenly warmer. Blood pooled in his warframe’s exoskin, squeaking through his bodysuit. His nerveless fingers dropped his scythe.

    “I’ll get you!” The Stalker hissed, reaching for a smoke bomb to escape with his good hand, “I’ll get all of you!” He swore, throwing it on the ground to envelop his form in a pall of chemical smoke.

    “Just remember one thing next time, crybaby.” The hammerhead tenno said,


    The hammerhead tenno hopped down from his perch, shouldered his rifle, and rummaged through the wreckage to find the Stalker’s scythe and his bow where they had dropped. “Completed my collection.” He smiled.

    He stood on the ledge of the roof and looked over across the street, Mag and Cal were getting into their car, and then drove off.

    “Friends watch their friend’s backs.” He whispered, remembering something from a long time ago.


    “Hey Logan, you’re dead you piece of S#&$!” The bully cried, slamming the skinny boy into the locker, his head bouncing violently off of the latching mechanism and his glasses falling on the ground.

    “I didn’t rat on you, John! I swear!” The skinny boy cried, but it didn’t stop the bully from punching him in the stomach, his fist felt like a cinder block.

    “YO JOHNNY, LEAVE THAT PIPSQUEAK ALONE.” A voice boomed down the hall. It was Ronnie “Rhinoceros” Vincenzo, the captain of the varsity football team and one of the biggest guys on campus.

    “This ain’t your business, Rhino.” The bully spat.


    The bully took one last cheap shot at Logan, then released him and walked away.

    Ronnie “Rhinoceros” Vincenzo and his best friend and teammate on the football team, running back Calvin “slash’n’dash” Burton picked Logan up and put him back on his feet.


    “No, I’m fine.” Logan gasped, “Why did you do that for me?”


    “Don’t you remember Logan? You were lab partners with us in Bio last semester.” Calvin added.




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Gotta say, looking forwards to Vauban and some more Nova. having played some (minor) part in her creation (as in frame not character) it's nice to see someone breath some life into her that had been screaming in the back of my mind.


Will say this though, Vauban just gets a bad rep. any time i see him and nova in the same xini run, i instantly know no matter who i'm on, we're reaching wave 50+. he locks them down, she primes them, and then boom fireworks. sure he can be a little bit of a troll sometimes with bounce pad, but i have to think he means well... most of the time anyway. He's possibly the only one aside from Nova who could get loki back. Loki steps out of his apartment door, gets bolted up into the sky by a bounce pad, and then collides with a nova portal.


that's actually how me and a friend trolled a loki the other day. we portal-bounced  him off so many ledges>.> not only that he's possibly one of the best frames to use when trying to get all of nova's parts.


and doozy if you want help with that mod, let me know, i'll be happy to run with you to help ya get it. many times as it takes, i'll help ya out if i can.

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It had taken months of careful planning, but he had finally found them, and they could not escape. Even now, they were ignorant of his presence, unaware of his purpose and of his agenda. He had waited patiently on the roof of the building opposite, had waited patiently for so long, another hour or so wouldn’t mean anything to him now. Their features were unmistakable, even without the frames, he knew who they were- Mag and Excalibur, two of the hunted ones. Two of the sinners, the quarry, the judged. They had always escaped sentence, always defeated him, humiliated him, stolen his blessed weapons. Them and all their ilk. But tonight would be his. Tonight he would taste justice, the sweet vengeance that was his due would be his for the taking, in only just a few moments, the tenno would be destroyed. He had tracked them to the restaurant. He could have killed them in the car, or in the apartment, but that was below him. It was unclean, risky. He would not allow himself to destroy them without honor, they would know as they died, bleeding out on the cold asphalt, that the Stalker had chosen them. It would have been so easy to wreck a car, to bomb an apartment, to involve innocents, but that was dirty. That was crude. When they died, they needed to die knowing that it was him that did it, that he was the reaper and he had extended his pale hand, and had chosen them out of the pack for the culling. The moment approached. He saw his targets leaving the building, walking around the corner to the valet stand to retrieve their vehicle. Now was his moment to strike. The moment he had waited years for. Without their frames, among the civilian populace, they were finally vulnerable. He watched him kiss her as they waited in the cool night air for the attendant to bring the car around, he held her so close. He would kill her first, so that she would die in his arms, and then he would know the depth of bereavement of the Stalker. The range was not an issue. The wind was dead, the air was moist and clear, the light of a hundred twinkling stars bore witness to his deed, and he pulled the string of his bow to his ear, aiming for Mag’s heart. And then the string went slack, and he nearly dropped the arrow. He looked behind him and saw the tenno. The one with the hammerhead prow. It was standing their in full war panoply, its guns on its hips, its weapons on its back, a pair of scissors in its hands, gesturing innocently at his cut bowstring. “You!” The Stalker hissed. Without even a breath or a heartbeat, he kicked the tenno in the face, but his foot flew right through the warframe’s jugular and tickled empty air. A hologram! The Stalker realized. “Naughty! Naughty!” He heard a disembodied voice on the wind, and looked up at the billboard on top of the roof to see the silhouette of the hammerhead warframe making a scolding gesture at him. Quicker than lightning, the Stalker reached for the blades at his hip, and with a flicking motion of his wrist, sent three objects scything through the air at the tenno, which bounced right off of his rubbery synthetic skin. Too late the Stalker realized that what he had thrown were nerf foam darts. “Looking for these?” The tenno tapped him on the shoulder, holding up a bandolier of Despair throwing daggers. “You should be more careful you know, you’ll put your eye out, kid!” The Stalker loosened his scythe from his back and cleaved the tenno in half, but again, it was merely a holographic doppleganger. “And the wiki says you’re supposed to be able to ignore those!” He heard the hammerhead warframe mocking him. “Come out and fight me under the light of the stars, with honor, you jackal!” The Stalker hissed. “Sure, why not? It’s a full moon tonight!” The tenno replied, back on his perch on the billboard, bending over and exposing his buttocks at the Stalker. “Get it? Full moon?” With a growl of furious rage, the Stalker threw his scythe up at the foe, but again, the weapon slid harmlessly through the hologram, and embedded itself in the thick board of the advertisement. “You’re gonna have to do better than that, cochise. I’ve got a fully leveled energy syphon and streamline installed, we might be here for a while.” The Stalker hissed in fury, leapt up onto the billboard to free his weapon, and barely dodged the glinting steel moving past him as he saw it out of the corner of its eye. The Kestrel sheared through the supports of the billboard, and the Stalker leapt away just in time as the giant advertisement tumbled into a heap on the roof. “You can’t hide from me forever!” The Stalker growled, snatching up his scythe and brandishing it wickedly. “You don’t understand, sweetheart. You can’t hide from me.” The Stalker saw the crackling fire of the snipetron vandal’s shot, but he did not hear its silenced barrel. He felt the jacketed bullet tear through his shoulder and punch through his body, spinning off into the night air through his ragged exit wound. The atmosphere was suddenly thicker, the night suddenly warmer. Blood pooled in his warframe’s exoskin, squeaking through his bodysuit. His nerveless fingers dropped his scythe. “I’ll get you!” The Stalker hissed, reaching for a smoke bomb to escape with his good hand, “I’ll get all of you!” He swore, throwing it on the ground to envelop his form in a pall of chemical smoke. “Just remember one thing next time, crybaby.” The hammerhead tenno said, “LOKI. DOESN’T. SLEEP.” The hammerhead tenno hopped down from his perch, shouldered his rifle, and rummaged through the wreckage to find the Stalker’s scythe and his bow where they had dropped. “Completed my collection.” He smiled. He stood on the ledge of the roof and looked over across the street, Mag and Cal were getting into their car, and then drove off. “Friends watch their friend’s backs.” He whispered, remembering something from a long time ago.


“Hey Logan, you’re dead you piece of S#&$!” The bully cried, slamming the skinny boy into the locker, his head bouncing violently off of the latching mechanism and his glasses falling on the ground. “I didn’t rat on you, John! I swear!” The skinny boy cried, but it didn’t stop the bully from punching him in the stomach, his fist felt like a cinder block.YO JOHNNY, LEAVE THAT PIPSQUEAK ALONE.” A voice boomed down the hall. It was Ronnie “Rhinoceros” Vincenzo, the captain of the varsity football team and one of the biggest guys on campus. “This ain’t your business, Rhino.” The bully spat.YO, MY LOCKER HALL, MY BUSINESS. YOU GOT A PROBLEM, JOHNNY?” Ronnie threatened. “BECAUSE ME AND MY BOY CALVIN HERE CAN SORT IT OUT.” The bully took one last cheap shot at Logan, then released him and walked away. Ronnie “Rhinoceros” Vincenzo and his best friend and teammate on the football team, running back Calvin “slash’n’dash” Burton picked Logan up and put him back on his feet.YO SKINNY, THAT GOOMBA BOTHERIN YOU?” Ronnie asked. “No, I’m fine.” Logan gasped, “Why did you do that for me?”HEY CAL WILL YOU GET A LOAD OF THIS GUY? COME ON! WHAT ARE FRIENDS FOR?” Ronnie laughed.Don’t you remember Logan? You were lab partners with us in Bio last semester.” Calvin added.YEA BUDDY, YOU SAVED OUR BACON. IF WE DIDN’T PASS THAT CLASS, WE’D BE ON ACADEMIC PROBATION, AND COACH WOULDN’T LET US PLAY FOOTBALL. YOU’RE ALRIGHT IN MY BOOK, KID. FRIENDS WATCH THEIR FRIEND’S BACKS. IF THAT CHUMP EVER BOTHERS YOU AGAIN, DON’T HESITATE TO TELL HIM THAT HE’LL BE DEALIN WITH THE RHINO.” Ronnie slapped him fraternally on the back.

I'm... i'm... i don't know what to say... somehow my love to Rhino and Loki comeback because of this... *sob sob*They really aren't a #$&(% bag, Rhino and Loki... they're HEROES (the anti-heroes ones, maybe, but still count, right?)EDIT: gotta say, you're really a great writer, doozy, you can do a completely different style of story o_O are you a professional?

Edited by agung.up
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