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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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Sweetheart, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I ain't no stranger to writing the hot and heavy.

I've written a lot of it, and I'll keep writing it. But that's writing I intend to get paid for. I don't do the hard stuff for free. (not anymore at least) Count yourself lucky that I bother to color code the actual dialog so you can actually figure out which of the dozen freaking characters is actually talking.

Besides, you've gotta draw the line somewhere, and as much as we'd all liked to see Ember backed up against a steamy shower stall with her hot assets pressed against the glass, its not my call to decide where PG13 starts and ends on this forum. That's ED's call, and I'd much prefer to not make it an issue.

Now, if some Community Moderator came in here and said, "Nah its cool, do the jack-hammering face-down-&#!-up porno stuff!"




Also I'm logging on to put some levels in the bank on my forma'd frame, someone invite me to your guild if you got labs.


I think he's trying to say that this isn't a porn thread; this is a thread where he writes funny stuff that he thinks the frames would do off-duty. Personally I like it that way. Now go write more funny stuff.

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He's saying use a spoiler so we don't have to scroll through the entire story just so see what the poster was trying to say, not because it's actually a spoiler.


Thank you.

Edited by CenSilver
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Nova, I still love you~♥! You're the best Warframe ever!

Thank you Doozy for considering my idea for a character. ^^ That's what I was hoping for. Don't lose hope, Nova! There will be a guy that will love you for who you are and enjoy spending their life with you!

(At least, I hope for that for myself.)


Have we seen Vauban yet? Yui thinks he's like an Uncle. I think instead, he's a big brother type who is slightly annoying but always has your back. And he likes studying electronics. He is the engineer Warframe, after all. Maybe he's a guy who speaks less, acts more often because actions speak louder than words. He loves to mess with his "adopted" brothers and sisters, aka his close friends. So yeah, a prankster, but a warm-hearted one at that.

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"Spoiler" BBCode.

If you must repost his entire Text, please learn to use it.

May I have the code for that please?

I'm lost on how to use it and I wasn't even the person who reposted the dialogue.

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Nova, I still love you~♥! You're the best Warframe ever!

Thank you Doozy for considering my idea for a character. ^^ That's what I was hoping for. Don't lose hope, Nova! There will be a guy that will love you for who you are and enjoy spending their life with you!

(At least, I hope for that for myself.)


Have we seen Vauban yet? Yui thinks he's like an Uncle. I think instead, he's a big brother type who is slightly annoying but always has your back. And he likes studying electronics. He is the engineer Warframe, after all. Maybe he's a guy who speaks less, acts more often because actions speak louder than words. He loves to mess with his "adopted" brothers and sisters, aka his close friends. So yeah, a prankster, but a warm-hearted one at that.


Off the Island.

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Indeed, just stating my opinion, he will be the one to impart final judgement.


I should ask Doozy to vote you off the island. If he votes me off the island for this, then  The Stalker will be summoned to attack him.

Edited by McVolker
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I should ask Doozy to vote you off the island. If he votes me off the island for this, then  The Stalker will be summoned to attack him.

PLEASE, send the Stalker after me. I've Forma'd my Ember twice to economize her mod slots, formad her a third time to get the mod polarity slot to - to cram that energy siphon in, and my focus is max level. The worst that the Stalker can do to me is show up and drop blueprints. Killed him just last night while xini farming and got a despair blueprint.

Come and get me, you big crybaby loot pinata, I'll floss your teeth with hek buckshot. I love it when that guy shows up, its like christmas. Gimme a Dread.

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You know Ember and Nova and Loki And Frost

Excalibur and Volt and the rest of the lot

But do you know the easiest to fight?

Stalker, the red faced stranger

Had lots of shiny gear

But when all the Tenno saw him

They'd jump him out of fear

All of the other tenno

Laughed and called him names

They wouldn't let poor stalker

Stay in any of their games

Then on update number 9

DE came and said

"Stalker would you like to win?

Just jump them during vampire then"

Can't think of anyway to finish this, but you all get the point.

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PLEASE, send the Stalker after me. I've Forma'd my Ember twice to economize her mod slots, formad her a third time to get the mod polarity slot to - to cram that energy siphon in, and my focus is max level. The worst that the Stalker can do to me is show up and drop blueprints. Killed him just last night while xini farming and got a despair blueprint.

Come and get me, you big crybaby loot pinata, I'll floss your teeth with hek buckshot. I love it when that guy shows up, its like christmas. Gimme a Dread.


"It's like Christmas morning!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cm2iFmASBc I'm in the exact same position; have Hate and Despair, no Dread.

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NOVA: So, uh... forgive me for showing up late, but why does everyone here want to see us naked?

EMBER: Because I’m ~hot~

SARYN: You never get tired of that, do you?

EMBER: When it stops being true, I’ll stop saying it, babe.

NOVA: Okay, but seriously.

EMBER: I don’t have a problem with guys checking me out. They’d better check me out. Do you have any idea how many squats I have to do in the gym every week to keep these curves polished? A girl should be proud of her work.

NOVA: Well its nice that you’re fine with it, but what about those of us who value our privacy?

EMBER: Oh god, its like Mag all over. She even has the same color text. I swear, sometimes I wonder why I help her out at all, what’s wrong with a girl wanting to have fun?

SARYN: Its a fetish, dear.

NOVA: Excuse me?

EMBER: What?

SARYN: We’re powerful women. We do parkour and martial arts and espionage. Lots of men like a woman of authority.

EMBER: Nice. I like that answer. Hear that, Fan Art forum? I’m powerful. Respect the hotness.

SARYN: Don’t encourage them, dear. You don’t know what you’re getting into.

NOVA: What? Why?

EMBER: Oh, and you do? Also what she said. Why?

SARYN: I’ve said too much already. Nevermind.

EMBER: Oh no Snow White, you’re not getting out of this one. Spill the beans.

SARYN: It’s kind of a private thing. In my past.

EMBER: You’re a stripper.


EMBER: You did porn?

SARYN: Absolutely not. Well, kind of. Close.

NOVA: Are you serious?

EMBER: Now you have to tell us!

SARYN: I certainly do not. Just because you’re fine with everyone else airing out your dirty laundry, doesn’t mean the rest of us are.

NOVA: Well dear, she has a point. If you don’t tell them, they’re going to assume a lot worse.

SARYN: Ok fine. I was a fetish queen.

EMBER: Well we knew that already just looking at you.

SARYN: No, I was a professional fetish queen. I did shows and conventions and went to all the alternate lifestyle clubs. I did bondage parties and stuff.

EMBER: You did fetish porn?

SARYN: its not porn, its lifestyle. I had a pseudonym, wore a lot of rubber and latex and stuff, black makeup and wigs. Modeled handcuffs and ropes. Never did any weird stuff on video or anything like that. What the hell did you think it was?

EMBER: Well...

SARYN: Nevermind. Don’t answer that question. I paid my way through college as an artist’s model. It was tasteful stuff. I was dating this photographer, and we were into some naughty stuff in the bedroom, and one day he said, “You know, you could probably make a lot of money modeling lifestyle stuff.” I had bills to pay, so I went with it. It was fun.

EMBER: Did anyone ever tie you up and do weird stuff to you?

SARYN: Of course not honey, there’s no money in that. I got paid to do it to them.

NOVA: I feel like there’s a whole world of this that I never knew about.

EMBER: And still don’t want to know about.

SARYN: Your loss dear, Ivy Hemlocke made more money getting paid to spank naughty boys than Saryn ever did to kill people with space diseases.

EMBER: Really?

SARYN: What, did you think those black rubber thigh high heels were standard issue on my frame? No, that was a personal touch.

EMBER: So do you do any of that stuff with Frost?

SARYN: Of course not. He’s a gentleman. I’d have to teach him how to be bad first.

NOVA: Oh my.

SARYN: But I probably wouldn’t.

EMBER: What? Why?

SARYN: He couldn’t afford me.

......I was reading this while drinking some water;Mistakes were made(spit take all over my room mate who was walking past).


Also what about Frost Prime?

Edited by PseudoExis
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PLEASE, send the Stalker after me. I've Forma'd my Ember twice to economize her mod slots, formad her a third time to get the mod polarity slot to - to cram that energy siphon in, and my focus is max level. The worst that the Stalker can do to me is show up and drop blueprints. Killed him just last night while xini farming and got a despair blueprint.

Come and get me, you big crybaby loot pinata, I'll floss your teeth with hek buckshot. I love it when that guy shows up, its like christmas. Gimme a Dread.


As soon as stalker shows up I WoF and he just drops blueprints for me too. XD As ember I'm too hot to handle.


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