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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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Why hasn't DE hired you yet? This should be like, official canon or something. Or like a comic. Just like tf2 has comics.

As much as I like this. No.

Just no.

He can do as much fan-fiction/whatever-you'd-call-this as he wishes, because it's awesome. But it seems abit too silly for a decently serious universe like Origin.

Edited by Haldark
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Stop watching TV. Just stop. There's nothing good on it. Even Mythbusters? D:


Read more books, but don't just read crappy genre fiction hacks like that warhammer 40k black library garbage, read the original stuff. Read the stuff that the hack writers were reading- Edgar Rice Burroughs, HP Lovecraft, and Robert E Howard. Those were the fathers of modern genre fiction. Oh god, Black Library. Multilazors on everything! *facepalm* Though seriously agree with reading every day. Basically, look for the real classics to get your mind in the big words. Stuff like Harry Potter, Inheritence series, and more modern stuff? Use it as you would a popcorn flick. Silly crazy stuff that breaks worlds or parody work? Guilty pleasures.

Also, ignore the fact that Howard and Lovecraft were huge racists. Everyone was racist in 1930, so was your great grandpa. Just kind of ignore the fact that Lovecraft had a black cat named ****** Man. He was still the best American horror writer to ever live. Stephen King said so. Hell, sometimes racist is part of the setting sometimes. Look at several common sci-fi or fantasy settings, someone has a beef/nasty thing to say about any fantasy race, even if a specific member is a ok kinda guy. Hell, play Elder Scrolls as a Kayjit or Argonian, you tend to get more grumbles then if you were 'human'.

Never ever ever read Jon Norman's Gor. Don't do it. Ever. Even better idea: If you ever see one of these books, buy it, get some lighter fluid, take it to the parking lot and ritualistically BURN IT. You're doing humanity a favor. Trust me, you thought Twilight was terrible and narrow minded? Tip of the iceberg.

Also Ender's Game sucks, read Forever War instead. Its the same story without a bullS#&$ political agenda and there's sex and violence in it. I didn't mind Ender's Game, but with that said, you piped my interest on Forever War >_> Then again, I was a derp-&#! teen when I read Ender's Game.


Apologies for the quotes, but I felt like adding my two pennies and making comments on some things. While I'm not sure if saying at the end giving up was the best sorta thing for motivation, I will say it's solid advice if you really want to knuckle down and do things.


A few minor things I found useful too:


- Take notes of plot ideas. Even if you never use them

- Set up a playlist of music fitting the tempo you're going for. Play it when writing.

- Get a good idea of characters, and simply exercise them in random situations. What would your BFS user do in your average blacksmith ship looking for repairs? Do a ton of exercises like that.

- Don't mind too many minor word issues if mid-writing. Word processors have spellcheck now for reasons.You can always go over it again after it's down on paper/computer file.


All I can really think of to add for now.


praise be to Great Slaanesh! Children of the Emperor, Death to his foes!

Legio III for life.


The daemonettes approve -b


But...whatever we have now is old-school for them...right?


Hey, if we can has music from the 1700s count as 'Classical' still, why can't the Tenno have 20th Century Classic Rock?


If there's one thing I've learned from sci-fi, it's that if anything doesn't change, it's that it's always either rock or country used for the soundtrack. As of recent, dubstep but that's an entirely different kettle of fish for taste.


@4thWallBreaking, Tropes, etc. - Hey, breaking the forth wall isn't a BAD thing. The fact that this piece is relaxed enough to let it happen naturally and not break is, if anything, a testament to your writing skills. Cides, just because something fits into a trope at first blush doesn't mean it's broken the entire thing. Tropes are in their own way building blocks to work with. Long as you avoid the bad ones with that good ol' character development, it works out in the end, so give Doozy here some slack. He may not have a plan, but he has the puppet strings :P




...Man, I look away from Fan Zone for a few days and so much happens :S

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Well for starters, right now Loki doesn’t know where you live. That can change.


Get back on the other side of the 4th wall where you belong!


So... Does that make Loki Doozy's dragon... Wait, can the creator have a dragon?

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Ah come on Doozy, give Ash a main part. I actually feeling sorry for him, beacause he's Ember's boyfriend (lucky man), but he still doesn't have a character. Boyfriends of Ember have to have proper characters.


P.S. Rhino if you support me on this I'll give you 100 fistbumps. Come on, you said it yourself Ash is a good guy on the general forum thingy.

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Stop talking about tropes like they're part of everyday conversation dammit.


They are not part of coversation even amongst content creators, so stop doing that. They don't make you seem smarter, they make you look like a tool.


We already have enough problems with people misguidedly believing that they can just use them like legos to build settings and characters. On their own they're perfectly fine, so leave them be.

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Ember, Saryn, Rhino, and PDG.




FISTBUMP!! You mah bro, Rhino! 


Truly, he is an inspired character, compared to the others. I applaud your willingness to flip the script, Ser Doozy



Let's take an example from Game of Thrones, because that's popular, and even if you didn't read it, you probably still watch the show. Which I will spoiler like crazy because I did read it, and you should too.


Sansa- Character or plot device?


The answer is plot device. Up until around Storm of Swords, Sansa is nobody. Not just because we all hate Sansa because she's a naive brat and nobody likes her, but because her job is not to be a character. Sansa's job in GoT is to be the window that allows us to see other important characters who don't get their own chapters, like Varys, Littlefinger, Geoffrey, and Margaery. Sansa is the window through which we see Kings Landing, because the only other character that has chapters in Kings Landing is Tyrion. Sansa isn't a character, she's a mouthpiece. Her entire purpose is to be a mirror for more important characters to be reflected upon.



But now the cat's out of the bag and you all know too much.


So I'm going to have to tie up a few loose ends...

Oh no you didn't...
It is an unwritten rule to NEVER..EVER..discuss Sansa (or anything related to A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels) with the general populace. Why? Because they won't get it.
(Discussing the HBO sham is fine. One must placate the masses with their thirst to be down with current trends in pop-culture.)
She's a mix of character and plot device. Also, she is there to debunk certain implied myths/themes, for example, that the direwolves should never be separated from the Stark children. 
There are plans for Sansa..plans within plans. The Bear and the Maiden Fair ala Beauty and the "Beast".
HOWEVER..that is neither here nor there.
Overall, I get where you've been going with the thread man. 
Keep it up, so long as the expectations of the followers does not become so overwhelming as to render your literary endeavours tedious and boring. :P
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Stop talking about tropes like they're part of everyday conversation dammit.


They are not part of coversation even amongst content creators, so stop doing that. They don't make you seem smarter, they make you look like a tool.


We already have enough problems with people misguidedly believing that they can just use them like legos to build settings and characters. On their own they're perfectly fine, so leave them be.


Jesus men, I though we were all frindlies here talking for fun, no need to be so agressive.

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FISTBUMP!! You mah bro, Rhino! 


Truly, he is an inspired character, compared to the others. I applaud your willingness to flip the script, Ser Doozy



Oh no you didn't...
It is an unwritten rule to NEVER..EVER..discuss Sansa (or anything related to A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels) with the general populace. Why? Because they won't get it.
(Discussing the HBO sham is fine. One must placate the masses with their thirst to be down with current trends in pop-culture.)
She's a mix of character and plot device. Also, she is there to debunk certain implied myths/themes, for example, that the direwolves should never be separated from the Stark children. 
There are plans for Sansa..plans within plans. The Bear and the Maiden Fair ala Beauty and the "Beast".
HOWEVER..that is neither here nor there.


blah blah blah, you're splitting hairs.



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Jesus men, I though we were all frindlies here talking for fun, no need to be so agressive.


If I did sound agressive, I apologize, I have just bumped my head againt many internet folk who read tvtropes and all of a sudden they become these conoseurs of storytelling, pacing and character and it drives me up a wall whenever I see it.


So, once again. Didn't mean to take it out you you specifically, but I see that language and I just... Arggggg

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Jesus men, I though we were all frindlies here talking for fun, no need to be so agressive.



I am sure all of us can maintain decorum and civility in this here hallowed virtual space of literary delight.


Props to ya for being civil as well.

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blah blah blah, you're splitting hairs.




I can understand why you would feel that way about the Sansa chapters.


Personally, I don't empathize with any of the characters in the series.


Just find Martin's style (and drudgery at times), engaging, in the overall arc(s) of the series. Chaos, death, destruction, the rider on the white horse etc etc.

Edited by Ronin666
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If I did sound agressive, I apologize, I have just bumped my head againt many internet folk who read tvtropes and all of a sudden they become these conoseurs of storytelling, pacing and character and it drives me up a wall whenever I see it.


So, once again. Didn't mean to take it out you you specifically, but I see that language and I just... Arggggg


It's cool man. Although, I do confess to losing myself amid the sea of procrastination that is tvtropes. But hey, cast the first stone and all that, right?

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I can understand why you would feel that way about the Sansa chapters.


Personally, I don't empathize with any of the characters in the series.


Just find Martin's style (and drudgery at times), engaging, in the overall arc(s) of the series. Chaos, death, destruction, the rider on the white horse etc etc.



You are so off the island that you've flown all the way around the world and landed on the opposite coast.

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You are so off the island that you've flown all the way around the world and landed on the opposite coast.


No, I do not empathize with Tyrion. 


Hotpie however..the lords and swords will flock to his banner and rallying cry of "HOTPIE!!".


More chaos pl0x.


(In the future, Hotpie will invent Twinkies, and I do not mean the Asian  kind)


Huzzah!! for being off the island..(is this some kind of trick?)

Edited by Ronin666
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Finally got around reading all of it, Doozy. Very entertaining. Personally, with picking Rhino as my protagonist for The Dust Settled, I had a major laugh at the way you portrayed him. I also like that you avoided Ember x Frost, and went with Ember x Ash for the pun. 'Cal x Mag is a suiting pairing, given how bland they are in essence - but they work superbly with PDG as background.


Oh, and Loki needs more screentime. ;)

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blah blah blah, you're splitting hairs.



Sansa chapters are still a million times better than Bran ones though. 


Mind you, Littlefinger is one of my favourite characters (Links to Iago) so I never really found hers all that bad.

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