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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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Moar! And, i think you just have multiple personality disorder to make all these characters, or you just had one big imagination.

Girls behaving badly is my favorite writing topic.

I'm also pretty handy with freshwater tropical aquariums, and drawing portraits of strippers in gentlemen's clubs.

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wow, now tropical specifically? or can you also temperate?

tropical is best. Its room temperature so you don't need to heat the tank, it supports the widest variety of community fish that actually get along with each other, and the hardiest of them. Cheap too. A good tropical freshwater only really needs a cleaning crew of corys and a janitor, but I prefer amuro shrimp to plecos, and after that you just get a breeding pair of fancy guppies and let them populate the tank to the limit, then you just cull the unwanted fry. Everyone thinks freshwater tanks are boring compared to saltwater and yea, compared to a reef tank that's true, but a freshwater tropical can be surprisingly colorful and vibrant for how little effort it actually requires.

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SARYN: Ugh. More 50 Shades references. I hate that book. Its not even sexy.

EMBER: Isn’t that the one about the naive virgin with stockholm syndrome that meets the rich weird guy that’s into tied up butt sex or something?

SARYN: Please don’t belittle alternative lifestyles like that. BDSM takes a lot of thought, effort, and care. You can’t just draw up a contract to stuff rubber sex toys up someone’s &#!. Its... Wait, why am I talking about this with you?

EMBER: Why ARE you talking about this with me? I don’t want to know this crap either.

SARYN: Just don’t read 50 Shades, okay? Read Anita Blake instead. Its much kinkier and Laurell K Hamilton writes better foreplay.

EMBER: Isn’t that just the book about the chick who has a kinky man-harem of vampire lovers, and most of the story is really just her hopping from one monster’s bed to another or something? How is that different from Trueblood?

SARYN: The difference is that Sookie Stackhouse is an annoying airhead and Anita Blake shoots people in the face.

EMBER: I like her already!

Don't stop there,keep it going D:

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