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Reinforced Glass


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I have the Dread which is able to break reinforced glass. If you break the glass and enter the lift (there's a part where the lift is visible to reinforced glass) and close the lift door immediately, your armor regeneration will be glitched (If I remembered correctly, it capped my armor at the point when I broke the glass)

E.g. I have 286 armor, I break the glass and close the lift door immediately, the reinforced glass gets sealed and my armor regeneration would stop regenerating at 286 when I have 400 max.

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just to tag on the thread. What weapons are known to be able to break them?


So far I only knew:

- melee weapon: all, including throwing type

- sidearms: throwing

- main : sniper rifles




I didn't ever quite get the functional purpose of those breaking, but it is a nice touch :)

To reset door bugs...

Edited by smithf
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I didn't ever quite get the functional purpose of those breaking, but it is a nice touch :)


If you can manage to be in another section of the ship from the part that locks down (I rarely manage this), then you can wait and not hack the panel. During the time the window is broken, the section depressurizes and loses all oxygen. This causes a damage over time suffocation effect to most enemies, and can kill them for you.


It's possible to lock stalker into depressurized sections of the ship, though he will take ages to die from it. It can also be handy, if you know what you're doing, against big balls of grineer or corpus (humanoid) troops. I'm unsure if infested need oxygen or are damaged by this.


That said, most of the time all you do is accidentally hit a window with a kunai or heavy melee swing and damage yourself as you frantically run for the panel.

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If you can manage to be in another section of the ship from the part that locks down (I rarely manage this), then you can wait and not hack the panel. During the time the window is broken, the section depressurizes and loses all oxygen. This causes a damage over time suffocation effect to most enemies, and can kill them for you.


It's possible to lock stalker into depressurized sections of the ship, though he will take ages to die from it. It can also be handy, if you know what you're doing, against big balls of grineer or corpus (humanoid) troops. I'm unsure if infested need oxygen or are damaged by this.


That said, most of the time all you do is accidentally hit a window with a kunai or heavy melee swing and damage yourself as you frantically run for the panel.


I guess you could clear a section ahead with it, but it's pretty challenging to pull off. Still, it adds more depth to the world as it feels more like a spaceship rather than a building, which is I suppose the intended purpose of them

Edited by ISlayUpray
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I have trapped team mates in it with hordes of disruptors in there.


When stealthed you can also pop the window and laugh at the enemies inside dying.


"Keep moving, no detection from ships sensors" < Guess reinforced glass breaking is perfectly normal.

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just to tag on the thread. What weapons are known to be able to break them?


So far I only knew:

- melee weapon: all, including throwing type

- sidearms: throwing

- main : sniper rifles



I'm able to brake them with my Latron Prime

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Wait you have regenerative armor? HAAAAX. xD


I meant shield haha. I always mess both of them up. My bad. It's fun to mess around with my own teammates before they activate the lift.

Edited by GeminiHM
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