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Host migration kicks me


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While I don't know if this is the exact same bug as I had, if it is try this:
Turn off the game and open the launcher, from there go to the setting on the top right and turn off direct x 10 & 11.
So far this has cured my host migration problem and a few others as well. (If the bug is the same)

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So here is how I fixed it.

1. Completely disable firewall.

2. Reset ARP cache using the command "arp -d". Here is a random article tells you how to do this: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/quick-tips-flush-the-arp-cache-in-windows-7/

3. Set Warframe.exe's priority to Highest. You can do this in process manager -> detail -> right click warframe.exe -> Set priority -> highest

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This happens to me too... a freaking lot! 90% of the time when I try to join a squad for a mission (play a mission with my matchmaking set to public in general) it starts host migration right off the bat as soon as the mission starts! I am forced to play solo because of this, but hell even in solo mode the game crashes sometimes. This game was fine for a while, but lately, it has become broken as hell. It has come to a point where I rage quit 90% of the time I play this and I play EVERY SINGLE @(*()$ DAY!

This game is like a guilty pleasure for me, despite being so broken and crashing a lot, I still love. DE, fix this crap, don't make me regret at the time I have invested into this game.

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