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Please Do Something About Defence Missions


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So i get to a high wave...


We miss one guy....


Then he magically appears at the artifact and 2 shots it.




Why do the mobs scale but the thing we are trying to defend not get a little bonus?

Edited by n0lyfe
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If your team has the crowd control to make it far, and you stay close to the pod--hard to imagine, I know--this won't happen.


Unless a napalm glances at it funny from across the room, or a flameblade decides to teleport inside the artifact.

Edited by Worira
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Well people seem to not get the point. Enemy suddenly appears right at the pod. He's not making his way there. He appears there . Or worse he appears in doors and they raise and glitch him through wall to an unreachable zone. That's the end, you can't kill him and he won't die on his own and can't get out of there. if it's a 20 wave stand on alert and he does that midway, congrats. You just failed and skipped alert.

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we lost a defense mission earlier because the artifact vanished and something killed it. I really wish I got a screenshot of that but failed to in my bewildered floundering. I turned around because I noticed the thing was taking damage. And it just was not there. The artifact had @(*()$ vanished. the david copperfield of infested must have gotten past me and my impossible defense of vortexes and ogris shots and stolen it, then destroyed it in some glitched out corner of the map.


EDIT: I should mention I never actually threw vortexes near the artifact, nothing got that close.

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