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Void Fissures are Horriblely Boring and a Bad Minigame to get Prime Parts


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I get  that the Dev's think they are solving the problem with this latest patch, but it is just as boring as before with even less of a point.  

So I am supposed to be immersed through this?  Where is the point? Where is the story behind it?  The grind for prime parts/ ducats is awfully boring and that is all some of have to do except MR grind away.  

How about bring back the old void for a few reasons:

  1. It was fun, and makes a whole lot more sense than this fissure thing.
  2. The void had its own tile set and that played more into the lore than fissures. (Doesn't even make sense)
  3. There is no endless in this system. (Some of us have nothing to do other than farm MR on frames/weapons that aren't fun.)
  4. Prime parts are supposed to be a legendary equipment equivalent for more legitimate games. (Not easily acquired, and it is the closest thing you've designed to an end game)
  5. There is truly no end game what so ever. (Sorties are a joke of an end game)

No complaints without solutions:

  1. Add more rooms to the old void tiles to add to the random map generator.
  2. Leave fissures as a second option to dilute void prime pools. (Reduces the vaulted items removal from the game)
  3. Add the select a reward for each phase of prime selection in the void 1.0.
  4. reverse relics back to keys and make relics for fissures spawn from derelicts (reducing to no more than 4 relics at any given time) and make vaulted items exclusively fall from fissures. (Makes more sense since the items are breaking out of void 1.0 vaults)
  5. People complained about the RNG and this new system does not do anything for it, and the grind for relics is awful 1/14 to get the one I want.  (Just extremely poorly thought out)
  6. PTS( public test servers) in a stand alone client to test bugs/ design prototypes.
  7. Don't make commitments to things you are unable to meet.  It has been apparent from this update you guys are overworked or just plain out of ideas.  Take a breather and try again.

Please don't make me quit.  I really like this game before the update and I have given it a chance, and not impressed with the delays/ bugs / 13 updates/ horrible design/ plummeting fun levels/ easy exploits.  We are make bad choices from time to time, and simply admitting them is not enough.  


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14 minutes ago, hey_guess_what said:

I get  that the Dev's think they are solving the problem with this latest patch, but it is just as boring as before with even less of a point.  

So I am supposed to be immersed through this?  Where is the point? Where is the story behind it?  The grind for prime parts/ ducats is awfully boring and that is all some of have to do except MR grind away.  

How about bring back the old void for a few reasons:

  1. It was fun, and makes a whole lot more sense than this fissure thing.
  2. The void had its own tile set and that played more into the lore than fissures. (Doesn't even make sense)
  3. There is no endless in this system. (Some of us have nothing to do other than farm MR on frames/weapons that aren't fun.)
  4. Prime parts are supposed to be a legendary equipment equivalent for more legitimate games. (Not easily acquired, and it is the closest thing you've designed to an end game)
  5. There is truly no end game what so ever. (Sorties are a joke of an end game)


Please don't make me quit.  I really like this game before the update and I have given it a chance, and not impressed with the delays/ bugs / 13 updates/ horrible design/ plummeting fun levels/ easy exploits.  We are make bad choices from time to time, and simply admitting them is not enough.  


1. Fun is perspective. I personally didn't do void often cause I hated the idea of only doing one area.

2. Fissures still make sense in a way, Old void was accessed by using the keys to essentially tear space by force. Essentially a fissure. 

3. Endless is still there, only real difference is that people aren't flooded with prime rewards. Endless shouldn't be the only way to enjoy the game.

4.  Still takes a good amount of effort to get what you want. 

5. No argument. End game is a fluid subject there.

What is with the quit threat? So you don't like the direction, devs aren't going to drop it all for you. They will improve upon the current system as they have already shown.

I am really getting tired of hashtags like that.

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There is a simple truth here: if it isn't fun to play people will lose interest. The relic system was a bad idea from the word go. No amount of changes and fixes are going to make it fun. It is just a bad concept. Period.

You can keep on polishing that turd DE, but it will still be a turd.

Edited by Chesty_Puller
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15 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

2. Fissures still make sense in a way, Old void was accessed by using the keys to essentially tear space by force. Essentially a fissure. 

3. Endless is still there, only real difference is that people aren't flooded with prime rewards. Endless shouldn't be the only way to enjoy the game.

5. No argument. End game is a fluid subject there.

I am really getting tired of hashtags like that.

2. No, you're wrong. Old void key let us into the stupid void so we could farm it, like how in sabotage there's a torsion device that opens a portal into the void. Fissures make no sense because they're just rips in the void that exist for no reason.

3. It's there, but completely pointless because you only get the same thing as doing a capture fissure mission.

5. Endgame is a fluid subject, but generally it's something you can do forever to get rewards that vary or rewards that matter. In sorties you have a .4% chance at legendary cores and after you do them for awhile you'll just 25 core packs forever. The old endgame was really great for being able to suffer with people and talk to them to try to alleviate the pain of doing T3 Survival for 2 hours, now it's just cold and alien because you can just run it on public for things.

The hashtag should exist because now warframe's endgame is much worse now. It was still a grind to grind thing with you have to get void keys, but endless keys could be used to get so much more than what we have now. Sure you might not have gotten your saryn prime chassis, but you've now gotten tons of ducat fodder and formas. I don't want to deliberately spend my relic so I can get a chance to get a forma, but because of this endgame now I have to.

On another note, the relic system gets way worse because now we're gonna get relic bloat with more relics for the new primes that will come out, so even more grind. We'll all grind every time they add in another prime so we have a chance to get it. 

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8 minutes ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

2. No, you're wrong. Old void key let us into the stupid void so we could farm it, like how in sabotage there's a torsion device that opens a portal into the void. Fissures make no sense because they're just rips in the void that exist for no reason.


That in and of itself is also wrong. Void interaction in normal space is a thing in this game as was already shown by a previous event.

Edited by Omega-Shadowblade
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3 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

That in and of itself is also wrong. Void interaction in normal space is a thing in this game as was already shown by a previous event.

If it's a normal thing why do the corpus/grineer need torsion devices to access it?
Why do the tenno need to find fissures to then use space eggs on to turn them into parts when you can just fly there, break in and steal some prime parts like what used to happen when void keys were a thing.

The void now just doesn't make sense and is pretty much pointless to have except for argon, because there's no real benefit to playing there except for argon.

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Just now, The_Somber_Cat said:

If it's a normal thing why do the corpus/grineer need torsion devices to access it?
Why do the tenno need to find fissures to then use space eggs on to turn them into parts when you can just fly there, break in and steal some prime parts like what used to happen when void keys were a thing.

The void now just doesn't make sense and is pretty much pointless to have except for argon, because there's no real benefit to playing there except for argon.

And that is part of the thing. Fissures are not access points for travel. They are pure energy spikes. The energy reacts with the relic and causes a result. As for the rest. Who knows considering how many towers have already been looted. Maybe it just ran out. At least we know that prime parts are in the relic rather than just a mysterious reward. Normal rewards at least come from the lotus or dropped from enemies.

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What the hell are you even going on about?

Void will always be apart of the game and the lore. If anything, the new relic system is an expansion to both of those things.

Stop asking to bring back the old boring &#! system thinking people are somehow going to be satisfied with how that works.

No end game? Yeah try Raids and Sorties (no they aren't a joke, if you treat everything like a joke then you're obviously not going to have fun).

You're complaining about RNG yet you ask to dilute the drop table? Are you kidding me? The grind for relics is nothing in comparison to grinding for keys then setting in endless missions for 20+ minutes waiting to see what ****ty item you get.

Also private test servers are a terrible idea. In comparison to using the whole server with 10,000+ users as a means to bug-test, it is a much less efficient way to find the problems, let alone fix them.

Don't make commitments to things you can't even meet? Who are you to say they haven't met them? Try working under a schedule.

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3 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

And that is part of the thing. Fissures are not access points for travel. They are pure energy spikes. The energy reacts with the relic and causes a result. As for the rest. Who knows considering how many towers have already been looted. Maybe it just ran out. At least we know that prime parts are in the relic rather than just a mysterious reward. Normal rewards at least come from the lotus or dropped from enemies.

How are the energy spikes appearing on planets when the void is on the boarder of the solar system in it's own area? It's time energy or something because a relic is a time/dimensional oddity that when it comes into contact with the void energy it makes it so it stops being an oddity and becomes a piece of prime. That's the logic of it but how does it make any sense? How does this oddity exist? How did we know about it? How do we acquire it? How come it's not just a prime piece? How did the orokin do this? None of this is explainable. 

The mysterious reward thing was just "low create a distraction in the void area, while you're doing that I'll have billy and michael loot their lootbase that they can't guard while you get that" and while that's basic it makes sense, to me atleast. Normal rewards also come from people digging in the ground or from off screen looting, not just lotus and dead people.


3 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Stop asking to bring back the old boring &#! system thinking people are somehow going to be satisfied with how that works.

No end game? Yeah try Raids and Sorties (no they aren't a joke, if you treat everything like a joke then you're obviously not going to have fun).

You're complaining about RNG yet you ask to dilute the drop table? Are you kidding me? The grind for relics is nothing in comparison to grinding for keys then setting in endless missions for 20+ minutes waiting to see what ****ty item you get.

Did your cat step on your keyboard or something? 

Raids and sorties are a joke because it's not hard and it's something you can only do once per day and that's terrible. The rewards for sorties are usually terrible because it's 25 cores, lens you don't need because there's only 2 good focus groups, a frame that isn't really special at all that you can easily buy for 30p, and some weapon I got from an event 2 years ago. Raids are RNG ultimate because there's very few good arcanes, but don't worry you'll be getting them because they clog the system. To make it worse, they're both usually really easy unless you play with people who aren't working together.

Grinding for relics is worse because you can't go on recruiting to play with people who use their keys, and you only get one reward per relic versus the many you could get from old void. It's also much worse because whenever a new frame comes out, you'll have to get new relics to grind it, so you get RELIC BLOAT. Diluted drop tables is just a problem not limited to fissures or void, it's just an overall terrible thing no one likes. Spending 20+ minutes with friends talking is great, but now it's just go into mission with some pubs you don't know, do capture mission, do fissure, pick out reward, done. It's so alone, I feel like I'm inside of a box in a flood of boxes that people can mildly control by scooting around, but there's not speaking or anything just people scooting around until something happens when I do relic missions. 

Also stop cursing but then covering it up with %@#@#! or whatever, that's horribly embarrassing and makes you look like a child who doesn't want to upset his mother.

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3 minutes ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

How are the energy spikes appearing on planets when the void is on the boarder of the solar system in it's own area? It's time energy or something because a relic is a time/dimensional oddity that when it comes into contact with the void energy it makes it so it stops being an oddity and becomes a piece of prime. That's the logic of it but how does it make any sense? How does this oddity exist? How did we know about it? How do we acquire it? How come it's not just a prime piece? How did the orokin do this? None of this is explainable. 

The mysterious reward thing was just "low create a distraction in the void area, while you're doing that I'll have billy and michael loot their lootbase that they can't guard while you get that" and while that's basic it makes sense, to me atleast. Normal rewards also come from people digging in the ground or from off screen looting, not just lotus and dead people.


Did your cat step on your keyboard or something? 

Raids and sorties are a joke because it's not hard and it's something you can only do once per day and that's terrible. The rewards for sorties are usually terrible because it's 25 cores, lens you don't need because there's only 2 good focus groups, a frame that isn't really special at all that you can easily buy for 30p, and some weapon I got from an event 2 years ago. Raids are RNG ultimate because there's very few good arcanes, but don't worry you'll be getting them because they clog the system. To make it worse, they're both usually really easy unless you play with people who aren't working together.

Grinding for relics is worse because you can't go on recruiting to play with people who use their keys, and you only get one reward per relic versus the many you could get from old void. It's also much worse because whenever a new frame comes out, you'll have to get new relics to grind it, so you get RELIC BLOAT. Diluted drop tables is just a problem not limited to fissures or void, it's just an overall terrible thing no one likes. Spending 20+ minutes with friends talking is great, but now it's just go into mission with some pubs you don't know, do capture mission, do fissure, pick out reward, done. It's so alone, I feel like I'm inside of a box in a flood of boxes that people can mildly control by scooting around, but there's not speaking or anything just people scooting around until something happens when I do relic missions. 

Also stop cursing but then covering it up with %@#@#! or whatever, that's horribly embarrassing and makes you look like a child who doesn't want to upset his mother.

I was going to chime in but it seems you already said all I was going to.

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12 minutes ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

How are the energy spikes appearing on planets when the void is on the boarder of the solar system in it's own area? It's time energy or something because a relic is a time/dimensional oddity that when it comes into contact with the void energy it makes it so it stops being an oddity and becomes a piece of prime. That's the logic of it but how does it make any sense? How does this oddity exist? How did we know about it? How do we acquire it? How come it's not just a prime piece? How did the orokin do this? None of this is explainable. 

The mysterious reward thing was just "low create a distraction in the void area, while you're doing that I'll have billy and michael loot their lootbase that they can't guard while you get that" and while that's basic it makes sense, to me atleast. Normal rewards also come from people digging in the ground or from off screen looting, not just lotus and dead people.

Do you actually know the void spatially exists there, or is it just a representation? If so, amazing how all the derelicts ended up in that one section of space. How do we explain how the warframes work, being able to take the powers of their host (which are already indescribable) and focus them into abilities while maintaining a mental connection through as of yet unexplained technological means. Guess what? It is a video game. Not everything is always explained in a video game so regardless of our arguing the point is moot.

Only time we ever make a distraction is survival really. 

Edited by Omega-Shadowblade
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17 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Stop asking to bring back the old boring &#! system thinking people are somehow going to be satisfied with how that works.

Also if you read what I wrote I stated bring back the void and keep the fissures.  It will help dilute the reward table dilution and provide a way to add and remove vaulted items without having to go strictly to one mode or the other.

18 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Also private test servers are a terrible idea. In comparison to using the whole server with 10,000+ users as a means to bug-test, it is a much less efficient way to find the problems, let alone fix them.

I don't think you understand. I'm here to enjoy a game, and I am not getting paid as a beta tester.  DE has investors and three years of developing this game.  If it is unreasonable to assume a level of professionalism from a company developing a game.  Then I am not sure what to tell you, but hey if you want to test their game for free by all means.  I won't.  

I'll play a game that doesn't need 13 hotfixes every major update to be playable, for the simple fact that they released content before testing it.  Many of the 0 day bugs could have been prevented if the testing and debugging was done beforehand, and the PR team and programmers would have had a much easier time addressing concerns and less time fixing bugs.

Again in a PTS it does not release the entire game but merely testing new aspects of the game. (ie quests, appearance customization, new frame powers/ reworks, tile sets, missions enter/exit)  As many major developers do to see how people use the items and see if they fit into the game balance, but they release full version servers to test the new equipment/ characters.  DE isn't a major developer, but if this game is designed well they could be.

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2 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Do you actually know the void spatially exists there, or is it just a representation? How do we explain how the warframes work, being able to take the powers of their host (which are already indescribable) and focus them into abilities while maintaining a mental connection through as of yet unexplained technological means. Guess what? It is a video game. Not everything is always explained in a video game so regardless of our arguing the point is moot.

Only time we ever make a distraction is survival really. 

Yeah it exists there, or at least the rift in whatever with the orokin ships and a

, the spoilers can be elaborated on but that's spoilers and this isn't a spoilered thread. Warframes are also spoilers that I can't explain because spoilers. Yeah I guess in the end it's like this because vidya game, but I just don't like fissures and they just don't work on so many levels to me.

I'm not saying I hate warframe, I love the game and all, but the removal of void really is the removal of the endgame, and it might lead me to playing the game less once I get all the stupid kurias. 

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23 minutes ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

Did your cat step on your keyboard or something? 

Raids and sorties are a joke because it's not hard and it's something you can only do once per day and that's terrible. The rewards for sorties are usually terrible because it's 25 cores, lens you don't need because there's only 2 good focus groups, a frame that isn't really special at all that you can easily buy for 30p, and some weapon I got from an event 2 years ago. Raids are RNG ultimate because there's very few good arcanes, but don't worry you'll be getting them because they clog the system. To make it worse, they're both usually really easy unless you play with people who aren't working together.

Grinding for relics is worse because you can't go on recruiting to play with people who use their keys, and you only get one reward per relic versus the many you could get from old void. It's also much worse because whenever a new frame comes out, you'll have to get new relics to grind it, so you get RELIC BLOAT. Diluted drop tables is just a problem not limited to fissures or void, it's just an overall terrible thing no one likes. Spending 20+ minutes with friends talking is great, but now it's just go into mission with some pubs you don't know, do capture mission, do fissure, pick out reward, done. It's so alone, I feel like I'm inside of a box in a flood of boxes that people can mildly control by scooting around, but there's not speaking or anything just people scooting around until something happens when I do relic missions. 

Also stop cursing but then covering it up with %@#@#! or whatever, that's horribly embarrassing and makes you look like a child who doesn't want to upset his mother.

Well excuse me for triggering you so hard sir. If I was allowed to curse aloud, I would but this child-proof forum censoring that you ironically deem "childish" doesn't quite agree.

You're friends aren't going to be online all the time, and doing the same T3 Survival for 20 minutes gets old real quick. At least now, the game forces a mix up in gameplay to keep you from just quitting out of sheer boredom.

Relics still have defined drop locations like keys so its not like you don't have any control over what you want to get.

Not to mention you can still play with your friends with this new system, so I don't see what exactly you're missing so much from the old system.

9 minutes ago, hey_guess_what said:

I don't think you understand. I'm here to enjoy a game, and I am not getting paid as a beta tester.  DE has investors and three years of developing this game.  If it is unreasonable to assume a level of professionalism from a company developing a game.  Then I am not sure what to tell you, but hey if you want to test their game for free by all means.  I won't.  

I'll play a game that doesn't need 13 hotfixes every major update to be playable, for the simple fact that they released content before testing it.  Many of the 0 day bugs could have been prevented if the testing and debugging was done beforehand, and the PR team and programmers would have had a much easier time addressing concerns and less time fixing bugs.

Again in a PTS it does not release the entire game but merely testing new aspects of the game. (ie quests, appearance customization, new frame powers/ reworks, tile sets, missions enter/exit)  As many major developers do to see how people use the items and see if they fit into the game balance, but they release full version servers to test the new equipment/ characters.  DE isn't a major developer, but if this game is designed well they could be.

Nobody here is paying anybody to beta test, that's the whole idea of a beta test. We're helping the Devs build a better game by pointing out broken features which they simply cannot find with their limited manpower.

Bugs will always exist, there is no such thing as a "bug-free" game. The least DE can do is make the game playable enough for us to enjoy, but we need to help.

Even if a private test server only tests new aspects of a game, there's still too much for a small team to search through. With all the interactions with new content and old content, there's absolutely no way they can find and fix all the problems without spending an absurd amount of time.

Having the players help with the bug reporting greatly speeds up the process allowing the Devs to go straight to the problem instead of trying to find it themselves.

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1 minute ago, Tricky5hift said:

Well excuse me for triggering you so hard sir. If I was allowed to curse aloud, I would but this child-proof forum censoring that you ironically deem "childish" doesn't quite agree.

You're friends aren't going to be online all the time, and doing the same T3 Survival for 20 minutes gets old real quick. At least now, the game forces a mix up in gameplay to keep you from just quitting out of sheer boredom.

Relics still have defined drop locations like keys so its not like you don't have any control over what you want to get.

Not to mention you can still play with your friends with this new system, so I don't see what exactly you're missing so much from the old system.

I was trying to think of something clever to say but I realized if I try to be clever you'll just meme me more, so I'll be blunt and start off by saying I hate you.

Suffering because of grinding is a great way to meet friends, that's how I met most of my warframe friends. Even if they aren't online, I could just talk to other people, and more often than not, we were able to get along well. It's not a mix up if it's just normal mission+some corrupted enemies spawn and you kill them easily for a couple minutes.

It's the same control I got with void keys, just now it's worse because I can't expend my resource and get more reward for more effort, instead I could just run away from the fissure and leech off the reward of the pubs I'd be running it with.

I can play with my friends, but they all hate it too, so now they're dropping like flies from warframe to Overwatch or league of legends. The reason I hate this new system is it's more grindy because you have to get a new relic every time and there's no sharing, the lack of sharing makes fissures feel like dropping in and out of a normal capture alert. The new system also has horrible relic bloat that will require even more grind. It also makes the void useless because there's no reason to play the void, it's only there to be another tileset that most players will play once and maybe again because of a quest/alert/invasion/sortie/fissure.  

10 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Bugs will always exist, there is no such thing as a "bug-free" game. The least DE can do is make the game playable enough for us to enjoy, but we need to help.

But it's been 13 fixes for spectors of the rail. 13. It's like they didn't even try it themselves except for a short capture mission. To make it worse there's tons of other bugs that still exist and plague this game. 

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11 minutes ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

I was trying to think of something clever to say but I realized if I try to be clever you'll just meme me more, so I'll be blunt and start off by saying I hate you.

Suffering because of grinding is a great way to meet friends, that's how I met most of my warframe friends. Even if they aren't online, I could just talk to other people, and more often than not, we were able to get along well. It's not a mix up if it's just normal mission+some corrupted enemies spawn and you kill them easily for a couple minutes.

It's the same control I got with void keys, just now it's worse because I can't expend my resource and get more reward for more effort, instead I could just run away from the fissure and leech off the reward of the pubs I'd be running it with.

I can play with my friends, but they all hate it too, so now they're dropping like flies from warframe to Overwatch or league of legends. The reason I hate this new system is it's more grindy because you have to get a new relic every time and there's no sharing, the lack of sharing makes fissures feel like dropping in and out of a normal capture alert. The new system also has horrible relic bloat that will require even more grind. It also makes the void useless because there's no reason to play the void, it's only there to be another tileset that most players will play once and maybe again because of a quest/alert/invasion/sortie/fissure.  

But it's been 13 fixes for spectors of the rail. 13. It's like they didn't even try it themselves except for a short capture mission. To make it worse there's tons of other bugs that still exist and plague this game. 

Saying you hate me definitely makes you sound like the mature one. Reminds me of back when I was a kid and how I'd tell my parents I hated them every time they didn't give me what I wanted.

Yeah I've met plenty of people while farming old void, I've also met new people farming new void.

And I don't know about your friends, but my friends seem to enjoy the changes. And whenever we're on together we have a good time doing them. But that isn't even the point. We can go on for days saying what we and our friends like or don't like. The point is, change happens and if you like or don't like it thats up to you. Void will probably continue getting changes so don't get too comfortable.

You expend your resource by gaining more void traces and building up to better chances at your target item. At the same time, other people do the exact same thing so you're not leeching off anybody.

And there is definitely sharing when it comes to relics. Even if you don't use the same ones, there's always a chance somebody else's relic will have better stuff than the one you have. So I don't see what's so bad about not being able to share. At least everyone gets a chance at contributing to the final unknown goal.

Edited by Tricky5hift
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1 minute ago, Tricky5hift said:

Saying you hate me definitely makes you sound like the mature one. Reminds me of back when I was a kid and how I'd tell my parents I hated them every time they didn't give me what I wanted.

Yeah I've met plenty of people while farming old void, I've also met new people farming new void.

And I don't know about your friends, but my friends seem to enjoy the changes. And whenever we're on together we have a good time doing them. But that isn't even the point. We can go on for days saying what we and our friends like or don't like. The point is, change happens and if you like or don't like it thats up to you. Void will probably continue getting changes so don't get too comfortable.

You expend your resource by gaining more void traces and building up to better chances at your target item. At the same time, other people do the exact same thing so you're not leeching off anybody.

And there is definitely sharing when it comes to relics. Even if you don't use the same ones, there's always a chance somebody else's relic will have better stuff than the one you have. So I don't see what's so bad about not being able to share. At least everyone gets a chance at contributing to the final unknown goal.

You're only saying that to "get my goat", it's nothing like your parents because I only hate you because you're being obnoxious with using "trigger" and all that other horse hockey.

Different people offer different experiences, my friends were people who were near completion of the game with all the void gear who liked to farm the void for loot to sell for plat. 

The resource I referred to was relics, not traces. People can choose not to make their relics have a good chance at the low down stuff so they can just leech off of your effort, and they can leech by afking at extract while you fight the fissure corrupted people.

Not being able to share is bad because the chance of getting something "better" isn't high when you only need 1 piece of something, it's bad because you can't do key shares and get 4x the reward you'd get by doing a relic share, it's bad because it's hard to get a team together of people who have that specific relic with the right amount of traces on it. Everyone can now get a chance, but you get less reward. 

The end trade off is, if people are coordinated they can have a better chance to get the high end stuff to if the people are coordinated you get 4x the reward. I like the latter much more because it's also easier to do. 

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2 minutes ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

You're only saying that to "get my goat", it's nothing like your parents because I only hate you because you're being obnoxious with using "trigger" and all that other horse hockey.

Different people offer different experiences, my friends were people who were near completion of the game with all the void gear who liked to farm the void for loot to sell for plat. 

The resource I referred to was relics, not traces. People can choose not to make their relics have a good chance at the low down stuff so they can just leech off of your effort, and they can leech by afking at extract while you fight the fissure corrupted people.

Not being able to share is bad because the chance of getting something "better" isn't high when you only need 1 piece of something, it's bad because you can't do key shares and get 4x the reward you'd get by doing a relic share, it's bad because it's hard to get a team together of people who have that specific relic with the right amount of traces on it. Everyone can now get a chance, but you get less reward. 

The end trade off is, if people are coordinated they can have a better chance to get the high end stuff to if the people are coordinated you get 4x the reward. I like the latter much more because it's also easier to do. 

Well buddy you can keep your goat, because I ain't the one who was trying to start a character debate around me using "curse words" that got censored by the forum.

I don't see how leeching is even still an issue, they AFK for too long the either die or get disconnected, same as always.

And getting less reward isn't really even an issue when you're compromising quantity of rewards with quality. I wouldn't complain about getting an Ash P System over 4 Orthos P blades. The only issue I can agree with this system is the possibility of just getting pure trash, regardless of how many people bought traces or how enhanced they are. Sharing relics would just be another way to try and cheat RNG at the risk of being screwed over by other people. Might as well have everyone make their own sacrifices at trying to get what they want.

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6 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

I don't see how leeching is even still an issue, they AFK for too long the either die or get disconnected, same as always.

And getting less reward isn't really even an issue when you're compromising quantity of rewards with quality. I wouldn't complain about getting an Ash P System over 4 Orthos P blades. The only issue I can agree with this system is the possibility of just getting pure trash, regardless of how many people bought traces or how enhanced they are. Sharing relics would just be another way to try and cheat RNG at the risk of being screwed over by other people. Might as well have everyone make their own sacrifices at trying to get what they want.

It's pretty easy to afk and press a button once every 20 or so seconds, or just be a limbo by extraction so nothing can touch him.

You get like a tiny bit of a better chance to get them in exchange of quantity. Quantity can be sold for plat and can be used to buy whatever thing you needed, or turned to ducats and turned into a primed mod that then is sold for a lot of plat. Sharing keys was another way at this, but it provided that quantity benefit for not much effort, now you have to provide lots of effort for quality and even then you can get screwed by other people. You could've made sacrifices as a singular person pretty easily, now it's go farm relic for awhile because RNG drops, then do fissures for Traces which takes a while because RNG drop mechanic of how many drop, then you run the mission and get/don't get the thing, which you have to repeat. With keys it's farm key, do thing, repeat if you didn't get it.

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23 hours ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

Why do the tenno need to find fissures to then use space eggs on to turn them into parts when you can just fly there, break in and steal some prime parts like what used to happen when void keys were a thing.


Because the corpus and grineer looted the orokin towers and all we have to recover orokin technology is ancient cabbages buried in the ground. :^)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 27.7.2016 at 11:00 PM, hey_guess_what said:

I get  that the Dev's think they are solving the problem with this latest patch, but it is just as boring as before with even less of a point.  

So I am supposed to be immersed through this?  Where is the point? Where is the story behind it?  The grind for prime parts/ ducats is awfully boring and that is all some of have to do except MR grind away.  

How about bring back the old void for a few reasons:

  1. It was fun, and makes a whole lot more sense than this fissure thing.
  2. The void had its own tile set and that played more into the lore than fissures. (Doesn't even make sense)
  3. There is no endless in this system. (Some of us have nothing to do other than farm MR on frames/weapons that aren't fun.)
  4. Prime parts are supposed to be a legendary equipment equivalent for more legitimate games. (Not easily acquired, and it is the closest thing you've designed to an end game)
  5. There is truly no end game what so ever. (Sorties are a joke of an end game)

No complaints without solutions:

  1. Add more rooms to the old void tiles to add to the random map generator.
  2. Leave fissures as a second option to dilute void prime pools. (Reduces the vaulted items removal from the game)
  3. Add the select a reward for each phase of prime selection in the void 1.0.
  4. reverse relics back to keys and make relics for fissures spawn from derelicts (reducing to no more than 4 relics at any given time) and make vaulted items exclusively fall from fissures. (Makes more sense since the items are breaking out of void 1.0 vaults)
  5. People complained about the RNG and this new system does not do anything for it, and the grind for relics is awful 1/14 to get the one I want.  (Just extremely poorly thought out)
  6. PTS( public test servers) in a stand alone client to test bugs/ design prototypes.
  7. Don't make commitments to things you are unable to meet.  It has been apparent from this update you guys are overworked or just plain out of ideas.  Take a breather and try again.

Please don't make me quit.  I really like this game before the update and I have given it a chance, and not impressed with the delays/ bugs / 13 updates/ horrible design/ plummeting fun levels/ easy exploits.  We are make bad choices from time to time, and simply admitting them is not enough.  


Warframe has destroyed itself with this update. I loved to mod my warframes to survive better for endless Missions to grind Parts now there is no reason for perfection. U Farm a little Parts and for what??? I fully aggree with u. DE lost enough Players because of drastical changes like the veterans of this game. the ideas are really great. If de goes to ignore this then he will löst another member!! I will be back if they fix that mess of a void!!!

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