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Prime Part reward selection


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Why do we not have a counter that shows the items we already have in our possession? If i look at my inventory, i can easily see duplicates, and items that i own, why does this  not show during reward selection?!  During the 15 seconds we have to choose an item, it can be very difficult to remember what you have..  Going into a mission, i can attempt to tell myself "If x item comes up, i need it", but when the time comes, i have 4 choices total, and a mere 15 seconds to decide, AND remember what i own.. I cannot tell you how many times Ive chosen an item that i already have, and missed out on something i needed badly.. I dont know whats rare, common, uncommon, etc.. Short of creating a darn list, and trying to sift through it, i dont know what else to do.. Once again this morning (which prompted this thread) i had 1 of the 4 items shown on screen.. Multiples of it in fact.. Wanna guess which one i ended up with, while i was fumbling through my little list of what i do, and do not have?!


Can we PLEASE, get a system that sows if we have an item or not? It doesnt even have to show how many, or its rarity. I would like it if it did, but just knowing , would alleviate SO much of my frustration!  Please?    Thank you for reading..   


What do you players think?

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21 minutes ago, TrueHawkEye said:

Totally agree with you now imagine trying to farm ducats and have no clue what the 4 parts are worth. Now you have 15 seconds to compare them all to the picture you took for the relics and choose the right one.

Even when you go to the trouble of making a tool, to give you the shortest list possible to compare to, those 15 seconds still aren't long enough:



Typical DE UI design.  Looks nice, but it's completely lacking when it comes to functionality.  Makes me want to go back to WoW where at least I can fix things myself.  This is exactly the kind of thing that could be fixed by addons.

Edited by polarity
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I hadnt even considered the ducat prices.. Thats another good point.. For the life of me, i dont understand why this system is not in place.. I get so mad when i choose Nova systems for the 8th time, for example, thinking i needed systems vs chassis..  

I go in with an idea of what i can use from MY OWN relic, and what i cant.. Obviously if what i can use does not show up, i then have 15 seconds to remember what i need from the other 3 players relics, and 9 times out of 10, i choose wrong, and its so frustrating.. Especially now that my relics are starting to dwindle, and ill have to try to farm THAT 1/29 relic again, to hope i get that 1/8 chance on the relic,.. Or heaven forbid, need the bottom item, and then have to use traces on top of all of that.. Its a real pain, and this small idea could really help.. Alot.. 

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2 hours ago, polarity said:

Even when you go to the trouble of making a tool, to give you the shortest list possible to compare to, those 15 seconds still aren't long enough:



Typical DE UI design.  Looks nice, but it's completely lacking when it comes to functionality.  Makes me want to go back to WoW where at least I can fix things myself.  This is exactly the kind of thing that could be fixed by addons.

wow that a nice layout, just remember when nekros prime and his weapons comes out were getting new relics, then that list is going to get longer. The vaulted items will still drop if you have the relics but my biggest question will they have the same ducat value or will it change ever time there are new part the come out? (like if you horde parts that are worth 100 ducats and then next update bumps them to say 45 you lost 55 potential ducats.

Edited by TrueHawkEye
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9 minutes ago, TrueHawkEye said:

wow that a nice layout, just remember when nekros prime and his weapons comes out were getting new relics, then that list is going to get longer. The vaulted items will still drop if you have the relics but my biggest question will they have the same ducat value or will it change ever time there are new part the come out? (like if you horde parts that are worth 100 ducats and then next update bumps them to say 45 you lost 55 potential ducats.

The ducat value remain the same.. The player market however can/will fluctuate accordingly.. I personally dont do trading (except in the recent case when i ran out of  Boar P relics, and only needed the stock to complete).. If they adjusted Ducat value over time, for vaulted items, it  would be nice, but seeing the QoL changes they DONT do, i cant imagine this ever happening.. Plus, it would end up further ruining the player market!


Back on topic.. As for the ducat value chart linked, i have just made one similar, for the prime parts i need.. I had one with all parts, relics they come from, etc, btu decided to cut it down to ONLY what i need.. Its STILL not enough time to flip through it, to see what i need.. Sometimes, after repetition, i can end up remembering the part, but only after multiple runs, and often multiple mistakes choosing my reward.. I just sold 8 Nova P bp's this morning for example..The same way i confuses Systems, and Chassis, i tend to confuse Nova, and Trinity Prime Bp's... Stocks/receivers, hilt/blade, etc.  I do it constantly, and its driving me nuts.. Especially when 3/4 of the choices i NEED, and end up picking the ONE i already had......

Edited by Rizilliant
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There have been quite a view posts on this now and I think to summarize the things that have been suggested, the follow three additions to the relic reward selection screen would greatly improve the player experience:

  1. Reward Rarity
    • This can be conveyed either a colored background on the prize's card (my preference) or by text
    • I think it is important to have this information in addition to ducat value as ducat values are not necessarily equivalent to the reward's rarity (eg: Braton P is currently a uncommon drop from a Meso V1 relic and a common drop from a Axi N1 relic; it is valued at 25 ducats [not the expected 15 or 45])
    • This displays a unique piece of information: the rarity of the drop based on the table
  2. Prime Part Ducat Value
    • Farming for ducats can be incredible frustrating when you don't know the value of the parts you are picking from.  This is especially true if you are running missions in PUG's and the people in your squad have random relics equip.  It feels as if the player is being punished for not having the entire era's drop tables memorized just so they can get the most ducat value off of a mission
  3. The number you currently have in your inventory
    • This is very useful information for anyone trying to either acquire new primes or complete additional sets to be sold through trading
    • This needs to be done carefully because it needs to be clear that you already have x(number) of a certain part and not that you are about to be rewarded x(number) of a certain part

Including this information will be both helpful to new players and veteran players.  The additional clarity will allow new players to learn the system more quickly as well as give more veteran player the information they need to make more optimal decisions.

Thank you as always DE, for your hard work.

Edited by Saturn_VII
typographical errors
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21 hours ago, polarity said:

Even when you go to the trouble of making a tool, to give you the shortest list possible to compare to, those 15 seconds still aren't long enough:



Typical DE UI design.  Looks nice, but it's completely lacking when it comes to functionality.  Makes me want to go back to WoW where at least I can fix things myself.  This is exactly the kind of thing that could be fixed by addons.

That is the thing that NEEDS to be put in the game. Plus I was looking for this thread. There needs a to be a counter next to prime parts telling us how many of each we have already and a Ducats cost.

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My horrible paint skills to the rescue! So you can see from the attached image that I have added the borders from the mod system to clearly indicate a reward's value, as well as the "duplicate" counter in the top left so we can also see if we have this part or not! 

Please implement! Many players will be happy! Rejoice for all! 



(Please note, I have copy pasta'd this post from another thread because I feel it is relevant to both posts which in themselves are almost the same, and hopefully I can please DE's eyes twice ;) )

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20 hours ago, Saturn_VII said:

Prime Part Ducat Value

Farming for ducats can be incredible frustrating when you don't know the value of the parts you are picking from.  This is especially true if you are running missions in PUG's and the people in your squad have random relics equip.  It feels as if the player is being punished for not having the entire era's drop tables memorized just so they can get the most ducat value off of a mission

As per this guy's fantastic suggestion, I forgot about the non-alignment of ducat value and drop rarity. If I could be bothered opening Paint again I would happily go in and modify my picture to include the ducat value in the top right, kind of like how the mods have the mod capacity value in the top right ;)

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3 hours ago, polarity said:

I think a popup when you mouseover one of the choices, that shows not just how many you have of that part, but also how many you have of the other components for the completed item, would be far more useful.

I'm going to assume you want this particular bit of info for farming for entire sets for trade? If there's some other reason could you please elaborate I'm not sure why, during that 14 second window, drops that aren't listed would be important to see?

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16 hours ago, Jubis said:

My horrible paint skills to the rescue! So you can see from the attached image that I have added the borders from the mod system to clearly indicate a reward's value, as well as the "duplicate" counter in the top left so we can also see if we have this part or not! 

Please implement! Many players will be happy! Rejoice for all! 



(Please note, I have copy pasta'd this post from another thread because I feel it is relevant to both posts which in themselves are almost the same, and hopefully I can please DE's eyes twice ;) )

A very simple idea using the already existing UI assets. It's not liek we are asking for miracles.

Very good job finding this, sir. (+ cost in Ducats of course).

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